The little lost one

By Jazzy2340

100K 1.9K 200

Once Henrik Mikaelson is now Henry James. Being reincarnated and getting his memories later on, will henry lo... More

My past and now my present
Welcome to Mystic Falls; Vampires?
A brand-new friend
She's a harlot
I hate scientist
What a day!
Story info!!!
Little brother?
Henry's backstory
The truth is coming out
A trip to the past
Alaric knows witches?
Mark those who shall not enter
It's just medicine
Love in the air
New meds
Is it really him?
The locator spell!!


4K 82 5
By Jazzy2340

~Elijah's P.O.V~

I can't believe that my baby brother, the one that was believed to have died over a thousand years ago, he's basically the reason vampires exist. My little one has returned to me; and he can make our family whole again. Niklaus will do anything for him, I know he blames himself for the death of our little brother. For a while I did too, he knew better than to take him out there. Even with those puppy eyes Henrik puts on display that no one can resist. Our father was really ever nice to him and Rebekah, seeing as Henrik was the youngest and Rebekah was the only girl. And by nice, I mean not as strict, but he liked Henrik the most and it showed. He would take him on hunting trips, let him sit on his lap, carry him around, and baby him sometimes. He would even stop punishing Niklaus around him or stopped when Henrik told him to. Seeing him again, I felt my dead cold heartwarming again. That prank he played on me broke my heart, seeing that he didn't know who I was. I was glad that it was only a prank, he and Kol tend to do that a lot back in the day. Only Henrik had the guts to prank our father, and he wouldn't even get angry. I would need to contact Niklaus, he would definitely come for Henrik. Henrik would bring in harmed animals and nurse that back to health, it made our mother mad, but our father just went along with it. It seems like he's a powerful witch and werewolf...I wonder if that freaks him out, seeing as he was mauled to death by one. He obviously got it passed down from whatever family he was born into now. And the doppelganger, who the hell does she thinks she is putting her hands on my baby brother? Not even Katherina would put her hands on a child. Henrik looks way to small, and when I picked him up, he felt so light. I'll make sure he eats more when I revive from these two young vampires. They caught me off guard and I was trying to get Henrik to safety (stop making excuses Elijah lol). 

~Henry's P.O.V~

I wake up when I feel the car slow down, I open my eyes and rub them to wake myself up more. When I look at Trevor and Rose faces, I just laugh, their staring at my house (it's a mansion -_-) with their jaws on the floor. As soon as I get out the car Vincenzo and Enzo come running towards me. Vincenzo checking over me while Enzo asking if I was okay and where have I've been. After I fill them in, I make sure Trevor and Rose get in safely, I ask them if they wanted a room together or separate, they both blushed and was suddenly a sputtering mess and I have no idea why (innocent baby ;) lol). Vincenzo made the decision instead since their word bank was suddenly empty, I asked one of the maids to set up a room for them that was to their liking. After all that I decided to text Damon to see what happened after I left. 

: Damon what happened?

: Good news we rescued Elena and your kidnapper is dead.

I paused at that, there's no way that bubba's really dead...right? I mean he is an original vampire it shouldn't be that easy to kill him. I closed my eyes and focus on bubba's life force. I can feel him, it's faint but I can tell he's alright. I sigh in relief and go back to texting Damon.

: When you come back, I need to have a serious conversation with you, I'll also bring some people along. Ill explain everything then. 

: Alright... is everything alright though?

: Yes, everything is fine, promise. 

Rose and Trevor have been lead up to their room already, Enzo is reading new books, and Vincenzo is watching over me in my room since he said and I quote "I'm never letting you out of my site until you turn 25" I started to feel a little dizzy from not eating for a day and a half, I go and lay down in my bed when Vincenzo comes and sit next to me rubbing my back.

"Young master are you alright?"

"I haven't eaten for a day and a half, so I'm getting dizzy spells I'll be fine though" his eyes widen, and he immediately left the room and came back two minutes later

"The cooks are preparing food young master, were going to have to track your progress to see if you relapsed, unfortunately your medication would have to wait since you can only take them in the mornings. After you eat you are to go straight to sleep young master." he said in a stern voice, I knew better to argue with him, he would shove the food down my throat and lock me in my room if he had to. I agree and send a quick text to Damon letting him know we would have to reschedule for tomorrow, he agrees. The maid comes in and gives the tray to Vincenzo bows and leaves. He places the tray down on my lap and removes the dome covering the food, the maids made me some rich seasoned chicken with a bowl of different fruits on the left and vegetables on the right. 

served on this

the food with a bowl of different fruits on the left and vegetables on the right. I started off with some fruits since there my favorite, one look from Vincenzo and I can tell he wanted me to move on to the chicken. I took 5 small bites and moved back on to the fruits, I started to get full, so I took 2 more small bites and pushed the tray away from me feeling like I was going to puke. 

"Is that really all you can eat young master? It's barely a quarter of your food. Can you try and eat more?" he said in a worried tone

"No, I'm sorry, I feel sick already, I just want to sleep" I said a bit drowsy; he nodded in understanding and took the tray out of the room and gave it to the maid who was waiting outside. he tucked me in and got up to turn off the lights when I got an idea

"Hey Vincenzo, when my brother comes let him in okay" 

"Will do young master" 

"He's allowed in here, even if I'm asleep let him in" he nods and turns off the light and leaves the room closing the door behind him. I lay my head on my fluffy pillow and immediately fall sleep entering a peaceful dream.

Word count:1199

I was going to update twice today but I went to the pool with my family when I was starting this chapter and stayed their late, then made tacos with my mom, and played games with her and my sister. 

I'll probably update tomorrow if I'm not busy. And yes, Henry relapsed, I mean after not eating for a day and a half with his problems you would to (ice-cream doesn't count).


CREDITS to owners

The ONLY character I own is Henry James

TVD does NOT belong to me

Til next time....

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