Deep end

By Wintershadowassassin

126K 11.4K 2.8K

Jimin is an upcoming solo singer with a passion for the sea. When his Grandfather goes missing when a storm h... More



1.6K 177 45
By Wintershadowassassin

"Normal" - Jimin's language
"Mer" - merman's language
"Sign language" - both understand

Author POV


in was terrified, all of his surrounding world had changed from the blue of the ocean, to the dark of a cover. They had left him in the cage of water and glass to transport him. Jin in that time had taken the use of the darkness, of which his eyes had adapted too, much like the dark depths of the ocean floor.

His hands had been busy, unwinding the fishing wire and net from his tail. If he could heal by the time he got where they were taking him, it would be a lot harder to get his blood. His scales were hard to penetrate and there were little gaps between them, making it difficult to injure him. 

He sighed in relief, as he removed the last bit of wiring, his tail now free of the tight bindings of rope and wire. Now all he needed to do was escape, he lent back against the glass wall. He remembers what Jimin told him about glass, it was fragile if stuck right. But then again Jin's tail could smash through the hull of a pirate ship, so it shouldn't be hard to break it.

This wasn't Jin's first time being captured, there used to be a large market for selling mermaid scales, the pirates used to deliberately hunt mermaid and men. They had a special tool, that still makes Jin shuddered to this day, it was able to strip scales from a mermaid's tail. Almost as efficient as a mermaid's claw was able to descale a fish. 

He knew how to pick locks, he was one of the mermen who used to go onto land to free the other's, his position as a healer made him invaluable on those sorts of missions. He felt the last of his wounds heal up the longer he was in the sea water tank. 

He gently reached up, testing the heaviness of the top to the cage. It gave easily, they must have assumed Jin was unable to survive out of water, therefore not felt a need to overly fortify the cage. Plus it seemed like the cage was just a quick creation than one to contain such a dangerous predator like himself. 

With little effort, he pushed the cage roof off, he stood up, tail curling underneath him like a snakes would. He placed the lid of the cage down on a storage box next to his cage. Then lifting himself, his tail fell away to human legs as he stood wobbly on the moving surface. 

He rounded the cage to where they had pushed him inside the moving contraption. There was no lock to pick, so he tested the doors by pushing them. He noticed the strange material began to dent and buckle under his strength. 

With a little more effort the door buckled and Jin grabbed it before it swung open and clattered with the side of the moving machine. Jin climbed out so that he was on the other side of the door, he swung the door shut, pushing it back into place, the metal heaved under his strength, but it was pushed hard enough till it closed as tightly as the lock had done.

The road was quiet due to it being night time, so Jin was able to drop off the back of the moving machine and when it had traveled a fair distance away he crawled across the road, deliberately making himself smaller, so he wouldn't be seen easily. 

The road was a bridge, Jin could smell the scent of water, it was fresh but he couldn't care less in that moment. He rushed to the side of the bridge, gazing over the barrier he saw a river running. With one look back along the road, he could barely see the machine they had him in anymore. He grabbed the barrier and threw himself over the side, his body was free falling for a moment before sweet relief engulfed him.

The water was cool against his skin, it was water, yet it didn't feel as right as salt water. Peaking his head above the surface, he took an inhale, he was currently treading water, human legs kicking to keep him afloat. If he had been in salt water, the reaction would have been instant, his legs would have become his coral tail. 

He couldn't smell the scent of the sea and that was distressing. All he knew was that he should go in the opposite direction as his captors. So he began to swim, he didn't want to run risk of being seen in his mer form on the human land. So he shifted enough that his gills were out, but the rest of him remained human. 

Now all he needed to do was find home.


Jimin was terrified.

He had just lost someone who had become important to him. Who was important to others too. He couldn't return to their hopeful eyes without Jin, his heart wouldn't be able to take it either. But he didn't know the first place too look. The world was a big place and he was looking for one person amongst it all.

He couldn't outright ask someone have you seen someone taking away a merman. They would think he was a lunatic or high on something. Plus his idol status meant that he was recognised almost everywhere he went, so he would have to work as low key as he could. 

He stood outside of the dock, reaching up he clutched at his pink hair, his body shook with no yet shed tears. He just didn't know what to do, he was one person verse the entire world.

He just wanted Jin back, but he was so small, insignificant to the large world he lived in. But despite the way his body shook, he pulled out his phone. The first thing he looked up was marine research labs in the area, perhaps they had gotten Jin first.

It wasn't much to go on but he was willing to look.

All to find his mate.


So how was that?

Jin isn't helpless, this isn't a human rescue helpless merman. He does have a brain.




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