
By essential_snow28

29.1K 489 104

Isabelle Gilmore Hayden is a brilliantly talented woman, that's has overcome any family struggles to get wher... More

Personal ID
A Hard Days Night
zooming through season one
The Happy Couple
Lets toast to Life
Where are you Christmas?
The end of the world
A string of Chaos
Promises are a joke
A whisper to a Scream
The Numbness of Searing Pain
Stone Cold
Time After Time
We almost had it all...
A Change is Gonna Come
Heart of The matter
Crash into me
Hello Huntzberger
Dream a Little Dream Of Me
It must help that I'm so... hot
Wish you were here/Stairway to Heaven

Nancy Pants

749 18 2
By essential_snow28

"God, I am never ever leaving this place. Your fridge is stocked, the bed is heaven, and there is no drama." I say as I drink a smoothie that Natalie made me before I head to work. 

"Any we love having u here sweetie, but won't you have to actually move back into the place where you pay rent soon?" Natalie asks nicely. 

I sigh," I get I am probably in the way, but I really don't want to be talking to Meredith as she ponders whether she is gonna be with the vet or Derek. I find it sickening enough that Derek and Addy are no longer Married, I don't need to also deal with the fact that he is fighting to be with someone else."

Connor walks into the kitchen," Women suck."

Natalie looks at him.

Connor," Some women suck."

I look at him," Meredith really is not bad, and I love having her as a friend, that is what makes all of this 100 times worse."

Natalie," Take your time, but sooner or later you will have to face your problems, now I would hurry you are gonna be late for work."

I grab my bag saying goodbye as I walk out the door. 


At work, I avoid talking to people as I have for the past week, I wait at the nurses desk for us to all do rounds.

BAILEY: Let's go people. I've been in surgery since 2 AM. I'm in no mood. 

MEREDITH: George... 

George runs up to us, as we follor along 

CHRISTINA: No cutting... No cutting! 

ALEX: Yang you're late. 

CHRISTINA: Hey I got here before George. 

GEORGE: I'm here! I was here!

 BAILEY: Nice of you to join us Yang. 

CHRISTINA: Oh what are you smiling about? Arent you supposed to be on the Gynie Brigade 

ALEX: Yeah, whatever. 

CHRISTINA: (to Meredith's pained expression and hand on her stomach) Woman troubles? 

MEREDITH: Men troubles.

I keep walking passing by them, ignoring whatever she says. I am so sick of this high school drama. 

In rounds...

GEORGE: Shawn Sullivan. 62. Had minimally invasive bypass surgery two days ago to remove a blockage from his LAD. 

MR. SULLIVAN: I'm all better now, thank you George. So what do you think Miranda? Can I stop being a burden to you good people and go home? 

MRS. SULLIVAN: You need to stop interrupting the Doctors Shawn. You need to listen to what they say. 

MR. SULLIVAN: I need to get back to the dealership. They're going to can me if I'm gone to long. 

MRS. SULLIVAN: They can't can you sweetie, you're the best salesman they've got. 

BAILEY: What do you sell? 


MRS. SULLIVAN: My Shawnie could sell...anything. 

BAILEY: I believe he can. What he can't sell me on is going back to work before he gets his oxygen levels up. So put that oxygen back on Mr. Sullivan before I even think about letting you out of here. And if I do, I want your word: nothing fried, no alcohol and no cigarettes.

 MR. SULLIVAN: Oh you're tough Miranda.

 BAILEY: I need your word Mr. Sullivan or I'm not going to sign those discharge paper.

 MR. SULLIVAN: I give you my word.

 BAILEY: Alright then. Mrs. Sullivan you need to go to the front desk to fill out some paper work. Maybe you can take your husband home.

I go off with Alex to watch him suffer as we are both with Addison today

ADDISON: How we doing guys? 

ALEX: She's at 8cm. But the baby's still at minus 3 station. 

Husband: So what do we do? Pattern breathing? Squatting? 

ALEX: Dude... Squatting? 

ADDISON: Dr. Hayden-Gilore, how do we normally proceed in a situation like this? 

Isabelle: We monitor the baby's progress, If the descent stops entirely during active labour, then we would perform a c-section.

 WIFE: Not on me you don't. I'm sorry Doctors, but Jeff and I have a natural birth plan. And Dr. Montomery promised us... 

ADDISON: I promised we would do what we can. But if your labour intensifies and the baby doesn't descend... 

WIFE: Well then we wait until he does. Right? I'm not having a c-section.

 ALEX: A c-section is actually the safest way...

 WIFE: To what avoid a lawsuit. 

ADDISON: We don't have to decide right now. 

WIFE: I'm not going to miss out on an experience my body was made for just because it's more convenient for you.

We all nod our heads and exit her room. We congregate around the nurses station s so do many others, when all of a sudden all of the employees in the rooms heads turn. \

ADDISON: Oh my God. (Derek and I follow her view and also notice Mark) 

I frown, great more drama.

DEREK: Oh...my...God.

 MEREDITH: Oh my God... 

GEORGE: Is that... 

CHRISTINA: McSteamy. (Meredith throws up on the floor and Bailey runs to her) 

BAILEY: Grey? 

GEORGE: No Mr. Sullivan don't light that! (Mr. Sullivan has lit a cigarette, which causes an explosion as he is on Oxygen. Thus, the top half of his body is set on fire.) 

DEREK: Somebody get a fire extinguisher! 

BAILEY: Call a code red!

I call the code red, and follow in after with an extra hand of assistance.

I am walking with Alex and Addison

ADDISON: I want you checking the foetal monitor every thirty minutes. 

ALEX: What's the point? The baby's no where near where he needs to be and you know you're going to have to cut her open. So why not get it over with. 

I sliglty hit him in the side, if he wants to get off gynie than he should not be sassing. 

ADDISON: That's not what the patient wants and it's our job as doctors to balance the desires of the patient against the risk of complication, so if the patient wants a natural birth... 

ALEX: So if the patient wants a natural birth, it's not surgical. So why not just cut me loose and let me in on a surgery I might actually learn something in.

Well I guess he can dig his own grave.

 ADDISON: Like Sloan's burn case? 

ALEX: I'm going into plastics anyway 

ADDISON: Do you think that Mark Sloan has anything to teach you? He's just like you. He's only looking out for himself. 

Now its starting to go into awkward territory

ALEX: So what? The patient's looking out for herself. You're looking out for yourself...

 ADDISON: No I'm not actually. 

ALEX: Well maybe you should be. 

ADDISON: Go. Go find Sloan. Do whatever you want just get out of my face Karev. Go!

He walks off. I guess I am on fetal monitoring duty.

Later addi goes in to talk  to the patient, and sends me off to get some labs. She is in quite a mood today, I guess I got Mark to thank for that.

I am walking to get labs when i see Christina.

"Hey, hows Meredith?" I question

Christina raises an eyebrow," How about you ask her yourself?"

I cringe,"Its all just so uncomfortable for me."

Christina sighs,"Isabelle, I advise you to go home soon. Its okay to deal with all of this. Meredith is getting an apendectomy."

I sigh," Okay, I will stop in and see her. I promise."

Christina," She feels bad you know, that your upset."

I frown,"I did not intend to make her guilty, I just was upset about Addi and Derek. I will move back soon."

I get some lab results back after our talk and see some startiling information. I see Derek and Addi talking but I Interrupt,"Dr.Montgomery, she needs a c-section now it might be to late."

Addi looks at the scans and says to prepare and OR for a emergency crash c-section.

Alex got pulled into surgery with us, finally he got some sense knocked into him.

In surgery

 REBECCA (her son has just been born and handed to her): He's so beautiful. So beautiful. Thank you. 

ADDISON: You're welcome.

I smile, this is some of the best parts of my day. Seeing how we can save and help lives.

After the surgery I go and walk into Merediths room to find her asleep, I smile and walk out peacefully.

I go over to Natalie and Connors that night to pack up my stuff, and say goodbye to them before I go back to Mers house, where I am moving back in. 

I sit on my bed, look at my walls, a smile sneeks upon my face, I feel at home.


A week later Meredith is recovered, Izzie has a 8 million dollar check on our fridge, and I think Mer and Derek are together. I also have been avoiding Mark I don't want it to seem like I am choosing sides in the divorce. 

All the while, I am at home and at Derek trailer...

Derek walks out of the shower, and screams upon seeing a woman on his bed.

NANCY: Well hey there stranger. 

DEREK: Nancy you don't call first? 

(Meredith enters.) MEREDITH: Hey, I... 

DEREK: Meredith... Meredith, let me explain! (But of course she takes off.)

 NANCY: I take it that was the slutty intern you cheated on Addison with?

 DEREK: She's not slutty. What are you doing here? 

NANCY: You bailed on Thanksgiving, then Christmas, you're living in a trailor, and you're getting a divorce,and then there's the slutty intern.

 DEREK: I really don't like you.

 NANCY: You love me.

Derek looks at her angrily


I arrive at work and get my assignment, today i am with Derek so nuero here I come. 

I stroll down the hall to find him, when I see his back turned with another girl and he is talking to Izzy and Meredith. Today is Izzies first day back, and I am so proud of her. I wave at them, though I can tell that Meredith is nervous laughing, always an awkward sport.

"Good Morning, Dr.Shephard" I interrupt, he turns around along with the woman. My face lights up when i realize that its Nancy Shephard.

"Nancy!" i hug her, and she returns it.

"My, my, if it isn't little miss Isabelle. How you have grown" Nancy says with a smile her hands on my shoulders.

I smile," you act like I haven't seen you in years."

Nancy gives me a straight look with a small smile," two years ago you were still a medical student. Dont get upset if I am nostalgic little miss ballerina Isabelle is now a doctor. When you were 12, and in New York, I remember babysitting you, and just two years ago you were babysitting my children. Time goes by, huh Der."

Nancy hints at Dereks' new life choices, all the while my cheeks turn Rosy thinking of myself as a child, a topic not everyone here had great depth on. 

Derek turns toward Izzy and Meredith, who now look very perplexed.

DEREK: Meredith, this is my sister Nancy.

 MEREDITH: Sister? You're one of Derek's sisters?

 NANCY: Well I knew you didn't think I was the wife, seeing as how you already ran her off.

My eyes widen, Nancy has always been abrupt. I would always see nancy at the shepherd family Christmas which i would visit either after Christmas or before Christmas every year. I always saw the shepherd sister when visiting. Then when in Yale Nancy as she also lived in Connecticut.

  DEREK: Nancy is visiting from Connecticut. She's on her way home... now. Straight back home.

 MEREDITH: Well it was nice to meet you. 

NANCY: Okay... (Meredith and Izzie walk off as Derek grabs Nancy's arm scornfully.) 

I look back at Meredith and izzie with a sympathetic smile, before following after Nancy and Derek catching Izzie saying," McDreamy's sister is McBitchy..."

They move fast, but I keep up the pace.

DEREK: That was just mean. 

NANCY: Kathleen called and asked me to find out why the slutty interns' panties were hanging on the bulletin board. 

DEREK: Five sisters... five sisters and not one brother. And you wonder why I don't call more.

I smile, I really love when Derek includes me as one of his sisters. It's nice knowing that the divorce won't change that.

 NANCY: You can answer about the panties at any time. 

DEREK: Nance, it's good to see you. Really great to have you here. But I have a job you know? I have patients. 

NANCY: I have a mother with twins at 35 weeks...where is her OB? 

DEREK: Well her OB should be on a plane back to Connecticut where she belongs. 

NANCY: Okay, so we've covered the trailer, we still have to cover the slutty intern and the divorce. 

DEREK: You know what? You sound more and more like mom every day. 

I chuckle, and Nancy looks at me offended.

NANCY: Take it back.

Nancy eventually splits ways, and I spend the day with Derek doing as I help him clip an aneurysm in a patient.

After the surgery Derek asks if I would want to go to dinner with him and Nancy, he says it would make it easier if someone else would be there. I happily agreed, free dinner with rich doctors, score. 

NANCY (at dinner with Derek): So tell me about the slutty girl.( Derek gives her a look) Fine, the slutty intern. 

Isabelle: her names Meredith, she actually not to bad.

DEREK: It's the slutty part I had a problem with. 

NANCY: Kathleen said she's not even single. 

DEREK: She is single. She's wonderful, she's smart, she's a lot of things, but she's none of your business Nancy. 

NANCY: Wow...I've never seen you like this over a girl. Not even Addison. 

I frown slightly but stay silent.

DEREK: I've never been like this over a girl, especially Addison.

 NANCY: Oh don't be bitter. I mean shame on Addison and all that but he's Mark, Derek. What do you expect? He's Mark. And who hasn't gone there once or twice, right? 

I gag internally.

DEREK: What'd you say?

 NANCY: Oh come on, everyone sleeps with Mark, it's practically a right of passage. Oh I get it. I get that they made a mistake.

 DEREK: It wasn't a mistake. It was months. They were together for months, did you know that?

I look at Derek, surprise was written all over my face. This is not something that I knew of. 

 NANCY: No, I had no idea.

 DEREK: Then shut up about it and eat your lunch. 

I look down,  I really should not have agreed to come. 


upon getting home, I put on an episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S as I sit on the couch. why is there so much drama in my life, why cant I just fall in love, have a job, and be happy? Well, that's not how life works isn't it...

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