Rico's Fantasy Booking: Year 2

By RicoTheLegend

1.9K 137 770

A Continued edition of my prior fantasy booking story, This time including Submitted Superstars from anyone w... More

Wrestler Submissions!!!
(Side Promo) Triple J & Sam-O-Mac
Fantasy Booking Plans
Road to Hell In A Cell
Pay Per View Results - October to December
Women's Royal Rumble - Part 1
Women's Royal Rumble - Part 2
Royal Rumble PPV
Men's Royal Rumble - Part 1
Men's Royal Rumble - Part 2
Raw after the Rumble...
Building to B.R.: Chaos is King...
Bragging Rights!
Cruise Ship Chaos!
NEWS! Two Wrestlers appearace changes!
The Road to No Way Out!
PPV: No Way Out!
Road to Wrestlemania
Wrestlemania 39: A Brutal Opening Contest
Wrestlemania 39: Night 1
Wrestlemania 39: Night 2!
Building Towards Backlash
Wrestlemania: Backlash
Clash of the Century: Rhodes vs Gedling
The Next Night On Raw...
Extreme Rules PPV Predictions!
😎 Money Talks 😎
The Predator vs The King
Money In The Bank: Pre-Show
What Went Down: MITB
Approaching Summerslam...
A Rivalry Renewed!
Queen of the Ring Tournament
Biggest Party of the Summer!
Summerslam: Part 2
HUGE Thanks to Give!

The Raw After Wrestlemania

45 4 27
By RicoTheLegend

Twas the Raw After Mania! And we'll kick it off... with the Viper!

Orton makes his way to the ring, Not too happy. The titantron showed 2 nights ago, where Riddle was choked out at Mania after being Brutality beaten down by reDRagon.

Orton wiped his forehead and spoke. "Alright, Alright, Cut the music." He sighed. "My partner, Riddle, and I... well, we lost. Due to the severity of Riddle's Injuries, he may not be back for another month or two." The crowd booed. "I'm not happy about it either, guys! Trust me! Those punks think they can just Waltz on into Wrestlemania Backlash for whatever title match they have? They're damn wrong. There was a time when I was hurt, I couldn't wrestle, and Riddle took it upon HIMSELF to avenge me. So... Bro... I think its time I finally return the favor. I want either member of ReDRagon. I don't care which one. They'll both count the lights for the most dangerous letters in all of sports entertainment... R...K...O!"

The lights went out.

"Wrestling has more than One... Royal Family!"

The new United States Champion, Cody Rhodes! He walks to the ring after handing his weight belt to a kid in the crowd. "Randy. Long time since we had a moment like this, huh? In fact, it was this very ring where we had matches to determine the fate of my job, where we dominated as Legacy, where we made HISTORY as great Wrestlers... but Randy, I know how you feel. Kyle and Bobby took your partner from you. I was gonna come out and issue a US open challenge, but that can wait. I just want you to know, if you're hellbent on revenge... you aren't going alone. I got your back, Randy. Just like Ol' times." Cody extends a hand, which Orton shakes.

Two voices laughing are heard. The tron shows a video feed from the front seat of a Truck. It was Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish. "You two are pathetic. Really! You think we give a shit about what happened to Mister Stoner? Hell no! We're still the champs, and in fact, we have Bigger goals in mind than Focusing on you! So when we come to Raw later tonight, We'll make sure Mister Orton is removed from the Grounds first! Adios!" Bobby laughed after delivering the message. ReDRagon was coming to Raw.

90 second ad break:

When it came back, Cody Rhodes had a US open challenge match against Shelton Benjamin, which Cody won via Pinfall following a Cody Cutter.

After another short commercial, GM Luke Rhodes was standing in the ring. "Unlike Tony Khan, I have an actually important announcement, and I didn't snort 3 Pillows of cocaine before I make said Announcement... that being said... I'm stepping down as General Manager." NO! chants began. But Luke continues, "because I'm cleared to Wrestle again, Y'all." The NO! Chant turned into rabid YES! YES! YES! Chants!

"Burns beating me was a way to get me time to heal my knee up after partially tearing it in my US Title match with Jonas. So We'll be appointing 2 new GMs, 2 commissioners, and a COO to oversee them. Ladies and gentlemen, Please welcome, the New General Manager and Commissioner of Monday Night Raw..."

The "YOU SUCK!" Chants were in full effect for the New GM, Kurt Angle!

But who was the commissioner?


Austin grabs a Mic. "Lemme tell ya somethin'."
"Stone Cold."
"Runnin' Raw."
"If ya like the sounda that, gimme a HELL YEAH!"

Luke grinned and continued. "And for smackdown, I've handpicked this pair... Taking over is actually a former General Manager..."

"And for the commissioner... I think you'll agree... I made the BEST choice possible." Luke Does an NWO style point to the ramp.


Raw cuts to a commercial, where the New GMs and Commissioners are advertised for WWE live event appearances.

When the show cuts back to the Live feed, it's time for a new segment...

Time for the Raw Women's Champion, Crystal Zamora. She confidently struts her way down the ramp, title around her waist...

She gets in the ring, where reporter Kayla Braxton was waiting for her. "Crystal, earlier you made some rather... unnecessary comments about the history of the Women's Division earlier today... let's take a look."

Crystal laughs. "Really, Kayla? Are you this Airheaded? You really think I don't remember what I said? Is screwing that Ethan Bourne kid really making you this Out of it at work? C'mon, Kayla. Just get outta the ring and go sleep it off, I can do this myself. I don't need your questions anyways." She tore the mic from Braxton's grip and shooed her from the ring. "First of all, This' L.A. My hometown!" Audience cheers. "...Then how come half of you still rooted for Britt Baker last night?" The audience went silent. "You don't wanna cheer your hometown girl, then fine. I'll give you a reason not to cheer, because Hell, I've bottled this up for too long. Your favorite WWE Diva growing up? Nikki or Brie Bella? Alicia Fox? Layla? Eva Marie? ALL GARBAGE!! The Diva's division isn't a Dark time. It's a Flaming sack of Shit on WWE's Porch! You'd think WWE cared more about Women's wrestling, but if you didn't have huge tits or a Mondo Ass, you weren't gonna make it in the Diva's Era! Y'know what? I don't think any of the divas could hold a Candle to what I can do. To MY abilities. To MY LEGACY! I Dare any of those so-called "Divas Era Legends" to come and prove me wrong." She raised the Raw women's title, when-

Complete with red Carpet, Paparazi and all! Melina is back! She sheds her robe, then does her signature splits on the Apron before popping up and staring down Crystal. Melina said a few words the Mic didn't pick up. The crowd saw a hooded figure emerge from under the ring! The figure had a weapon, a Kendo Stick to be exact, and Suddenly slid in the ring and cracked Melina in the back with it! Crystal smugly smiled and sat back as her Masked accomplice beat the living hell out of Melina! The figure was a Tall person, looking to be about 6'3"... she lifted the Former Diva's champ to her feet, Back covered in Kendo Stick induced welts, and delivered a Thunderous Bicycle Kick that rendered Melina Immobile. Crystal applauded, ushering her to take the hood off.

The figure pulls it back, revealing...



Caeley grabbed Melina by the throat, Then Powered her up for a Massive Chokeslam, Lifting her at least 8 feet in the air and spiking her right on her spine!

"Here it is! The S.T.H. CHOKESLAM! THE STRAIGHT TO HELL FROM CAELEY!!" Drake still was Marking out.

Crystal knelt next to poor Melina. "As I said... all those Divas? They've got Nothing on Crystal Zamora. She's the first. Get in line, Divas. You're all On notice." She says with a grin as the Medical staff rush to help Melina.

Next match: Former United States champion Jonas Rollins defeats Angel Garza with a Bulldog Choke submission hold.

Raw tag champs Seth & Mox watched this match from the ramp.

Atomico Jr. Made his grand debut in WWE!

The 5'7, 400 pound Luchador defeated Kalisto with his Patented Tequila Bomb followed by a Springboard 630 Senton for the victory.


Bobby Lashley returned to Raw and defeated Jake Hager with a Spear. However, during his victory...

THE RETURN OF Y2J!!! Jericho walked down to the ring, Mic in hand. "Great win, Bobby. Listen, I know I'm just coming back and all, But I have a proposal for ya, Big man. I'm looking to re-ignite an old flame... One known as the inner circle. You interested?" Jericho extends a hand. Lashley grins, shaking his head. He walks right past Jericho, who looks rather irritated. It was made clear that Bobby Lashley wants nothing to do with the New Inner Circle.


Toni Storm defeats Cassie Lee with a little help from Rhea Ripley. The tag champs beat down the Babyfaces after the match.


ReDRagon showed up, but told the crowd that LA wasn't worth their time, as they were SMACKDOWN tag champs. They told the crowd they'd address Randy there, and left.


NXT superstar Deonna Purrazzo defeats a local talent in a Squash match.


The camera cuts to Backstage. It shows Rowan preparing for his Match tonight, A Six person Mixed tag match. He opens the door to the locker room, only to find Liv and Rico locked deep in a make-out session. Rowan rolls his eyes and shuts the door, not wanting to intrude on their privacy. Kevin Patrick approaches him. "Rowan, with your 6 person tag match tonight, one night after Hangman and you had a hell of a match... what's your body feelin' like?" Rowan sighs. "Sore, Kevin. But that's the life, right?" Patrick asks another question, "Are You worried about your tag partners, Liv Morgan and Rico Rhodes?" Rowan scoffs. "Course not. I've known em for the longest time-" He was cut off. "Not what I meant. You think they'll turn tail when you're in danger because you'll be facing Rhodes at Backlash?" Rowan's expression turned to one of anger. "Fuck off with that shit, mate. Get outta here!" He shoves Patrick away and sits on a bench. The locket room door popped opened, and The two came out. "Kevin?" Rowan nods. "Thought so. Dude's not very good at staying on anyone's good side." Rico snickered. "Aye, we gotta get going man. Our Match is Next!" Rico declares.


"The Following Contest is A mixed tag six person TAAAG MATCH! Introducing first, from Elmwood Park, New Jersey... LIIIIIV MOOOOORGAAAAN!"

"Introducing next... From Milwaukee, Wisconsin... weighing in at 247 pounds... RICOOOOOOOO RHOOOOOOODES!!"

Rhodes was all smiles as he stood on the stage. Liv gave him a quick hug before going back to standing to the left of him.

"Aaaand their Tag team Partner... from Adelaide, South Australia... HE IS THE WWE CHAMPION... ROOOWAAAAAAAN GEEEEEEEDLIIIIIING!!!"

The trio made their way to the ring, Not knowing who they would be facing in tonight's main event.

The Raw Women's Champion grinned as she stood on the stage. "SURPRISE! I'm pulling double duty, boys! I gotta few friends who wanna throw down with ya!"

Former US Champion & Former UFC champion Shawn Rosario strolled out, then pointed to his buddy who had tagged along...

"NO WAY! ANOTHER DEBUT?!" Drake went back to Marking out.

Upon reaching the ring, He unmasked himself...

"JR, That's the Aerial Assassin Himself, Aaron Zamora!! Crystal's Own Brother! What a night so far, JR!'

The Trio got to the ring. The ref rang the bell, and all six competitors stood face to face. Rowan strikes Rosario, and the Brawl is underway! It takes a solid minute before order is restored, and Morgan vs Crystal is occurring in the ring.

Crystal was going to work over Morgan's previously injured shoulder before Liv manages to land a superkick, tagging in Rowan. Shawn enters to counter, and he lands several stiff shin kicks to try and chop down the giant Australian. Rowan didn't take to kindly to this, Picking up Rosario and Absolutely Yeeting the 175 pound Rosario across the ring! Rowan tags in Rico, Who lays chop after chop into Rosario! Shawn kicks Rico square in the jaw and tags in Aaron. The high flyer springs off the top rope and delivers a Thrust kick as he came down, Then began overwhelming Rico with a barrage of Forearms and kicks. Rick backs up, Attempting an Enziguri, but Aaron caught the leg and turned it into a Powerbomb!

The Hot tags came fast and furious throughout the match. Eventually, the tag team Sirens went off, and everyone rushed the ring!

Rosario Knees Rico in the Face and causes him to roll out of the ring, but Rowan booted Shawn in the face, Lights Out, Sir! But Aaron came flying in with a Hidden Blade Forearm strike to the face, Sending Rowan rolling out of the ring! The impact caused Aaron to also roll to ringside! Liv and Crystal were left! Morgan dropkicks Zamora, then hits a Bulldog. Liv is feeling it! Zamora in the corner, but Liv hits a Running knee, Sending Crystal to the ropes, In position for Oblivion, But Caeley out of nowhere grabs the belt of Zamora, Preventing her from being hit with Oblivion! Crystal caught Liv, ducked under, and Spiked her right on her back with a Dark Angel Bomb! One! Two! Three!

"Here are your winners... the Team of Cry-" Aaron swiped the mic. "Nah, nah, nah. The winners of this match are... The RAW Women's champ, Crystal Zamora and..." he grins at Shawn. "The ANARCHY!" The Other Side by Alter Bridge plays as the Heels stand tall to end the show.

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