Rise of a King - One Piece X...

By yDave16

387K 10.1K 7.7K

This is the story of Y/N D. L/N. Come and be a witness of his adventures along with the Straw Hats, and see h... More

Reverse Mountain
Whisky Peak
Name Vote
Little Garden
Drum Island
Mr.2 and Arriving to Alabasta
Going through the desert
Desert Pirates, Fake Rebel Soldiers, Yuba, and going to Rain Base.
Alubarna/ The Final Battle /Ending It Once And For All
Banquet/ A princess's confession?!/Goodbye Alabasta
Jaya/ Dreams/ Not fighting back?/ Another monke
Cricket / Noland the Liar / South Bird
Y/N vs Bellamy / Bounties / Knock-Up Stream
Special/ Not cannon: (Nami's Birthday) July 3
The Sea of the Sky / Sky Knight / SKypiea
Waver / God in Skypiea? / Criminals
White Berets vs Pirates / Upper Yard / Old Jaya?
Treasure Hunt / Party in the Forest/ Ghosts?
Giant snake/ Skull crawlers/ God
God Eneru/ The Big One/ The Appearance Of A King
Final Battle / New Ability? / The Singing Of Vearth
Poneglyph/ Goodbye Skypiea/ A Navigator's feelings
Admiral Aokiji/ The Power of an Admiral/ Frog
Sea Train/Water Seven/Yagaras
Dock 1/ The Shipwrights / Merry can no longer go?
Straw Hats vs Franky Family/ Usopp Leaving/ Luffy vs Usopp
Iceberg shot?/ Luffy vs Franky/ Fight against Galley-La
Looking for answers/ Robin's Betrayal?/ Friend or Foe?
Harem Update
Traitors/CP9/Goodbye Robin
The truth/ Robin's a friend/ Too late?
Aqua Laguna / Rocket Man / To Enies Lobby
Overcoming Aqua Laguna/ Captain T-Bone/ Yokozuna
Sogeking!/Making Chaos in Enies Lobby/Let me die?
Not a Chapter (Might delete in a couple of hours or days)
Into the Tower of Law/ Search for a key/ Buster Call accidentally called
Reunion / Buster Call's arrival/ Spandam's Crushing
The final stand/ Results of a battle/ Into the sea/A sacrifice
Aftermath/Thank You, Merry/Back to Water 7
New Bounties/ New Ship/Apology
A cook's thoughts/ Ghost Ship/Skeleton
Brook the Skeleton
Zombies/ Gecko Moria?/Shadows
Rescue Nami/ Wedding Busted/ Oars
Y/N VS Oars / Monster vs Zombie /Women's reward (Lemon Warning!!)
Race against the Sun/ Bartholomew Kuma/ Nothing Happened?
OP Movie?
Strong World 1

New Nakama / Island on the sky?/ Monke

9.1K 206 214
By yDave16

"Talk" - "Thought" - *Action*/*Action* - Narration - "Y/N: You bastard...!": Threatening voice

The Straw Hats had successfully escaped the Navy, and left behind the Kingdom Of Alabasta with its new-found peace. However, most of the Straw Hats were sad and had their heads stuck out in the railing.

Straw Hats-Zoro: *Sad* "Hmmm..."

Zoro: "We did shake them off, right?!"

Straw Hats-Zoro: *Sad* "Hmmm..."

Zoro: "You know... What's with those indifferent replies...?"

Straw Hats: "I MISS HER!"

They cried out.

Zoro: "DON'T BE SO WHINY! If you wanted her to stay with us that badly, you should've taken her by force!"

Chopper: "Ahh! You're such a savage!"

Nami: "You're the worst!"

Sanji: "Moss head."

Y/N: "Insensible grass head!"

Luffy: "Three-Sword Style..."

Usopp: "Hey, wait, Luffy. "Three-Sword Style" isn't an insult."

Luffy: "Four-Sword Style."

Usopp: "The number isn't exactly the problem... Listen. You know natto, right? Even if you call natto rotten, it wouldn't--"

Usopp was interrupted when a door below them opened, and from it, a familiar voice talked.

???: "Looks like we finally made it off the island!"

Zoro: "Yeah."

Nico Robin walked out the door.

Robin: "Good job."

All the Straw Hats were shocked and hit their heads with the railing. Zoro got in a battle stance.

Zoro: "Here to avenge your organization?! I'll take you on!"

Nami: "Why are you here?!"

Usopp: *Pulls out megaphone* "Enemy attack...! I repeat...! Enemy attack...!"

They all surrounded Robin.

Chopper: "Who's she?"

Sanji: "Who cares?! She's that beautiful lady!"

Robin walked around and used her Devil Fruit Powers to swipe away Nami's weapon and Zoro's sword.

Robin: "Didn't I tell you before not to point such dangerous objects at me?"

Y/N: "Well, yeah, but that was like 2 weeks ago. And I don't know about you, but I don't even remember what I ate for breakfast."

Usopp: "We haven't had breakfast yet..."

Y/N: "Ah... :v"

Nami: "Back to the point! How long have you been on this ship?!"

Robin: "All this time... These're your clothes, right? I'm borrowing them."


Robin ignored Nami and looked at Y/N.

Robin: "Y/N D. L/N... You haven't forgotten what you did to me, have you?"

Sanji suddenly grabbed Y/N from his neck and started shaking him.

Sanji: "Y/N! What'd you do to that beautiful lady, you bastard?! I'm asking you what you did?!"

Usopp:*With megaphone* "Get off the ship immediately!"

Y/N: "Hey, what do you mean?! I don't remember doing anything to you!"

Robin: "Yes, you did. What you did to me was quite bold and unbearable. Take responsibility."

She relaxed on a lounge chair.


Nami: "Y/N..."

Y/N and Sanji froze. They turned towards Nami, and saw her walking towards them with a smile that was too nice. Nami had her hands behind her back.

Nami: "Y/N... what did you do to her...?"

Y/N: *Scared and sweating* "Nami, please... Let's not do anything that we might regret later! NICO ROBIN! PLEASE SPEAK CLEAR OR I'M GOING TO BE KILLED! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!"

Robin: "Let me... join the crew."

Straw Hats/Sanji: "WHAT?! / WHAT~?! MELLORINE!"

Robin: "On the temple.... You made me live when I wanted to die. That's your crime. There's no place for me to go or go back to. So let me stay on this ship."

Nami: "Oh, so that's what you did."

Nami said while smiling, and throwing away a knife that she had hidden behind her back. Y/N tried to ignore the fact that Nami might have killed him with a knife and looked back to Nico Robin.

Y/N: "Uh, I don't make that decision, that's done by Luffy. But, Luffy, can I speak with you for a moment?"

Y/N pulled to a corner and started whispering some stuff to him. Moments later, they went back.

Luffy: "Oh, I see... Then I guess we have no choice... Okay."

Straw Hats/Sanji: "LUFFY! / LUFFY~! MELLORINE!"

Luffy: *smiles* "Don't worry. She isn't a bad person."

Sanji was in the back dancing and saying "mellorine." Usopp was now interviewing Nico Robin on a table. On the back, Luffy, Y/N, and Chopper were entertained looking at Robin's power. Chopper noticed Robin staring at him and "hid" behind Y/N. Usopp slammed his fist on the table, making Robin look back at him.

Usopp: "Pay attention! Answer my questions honestly! I'll ask you one more time. What's your name?! Ah... I'm Usopp. *Bows* Nice to meet you. Yeah, nice to meet you."

Robin: "My name is Nico Robin."

Usopp:*Writes down* "Okay, then, Nico Robin. What's your occupation?"

Robin: "An archeologist."

Usopp: "An archeologist?!"

Robin: "I come from a long line of archeologists."

Usopp:*Writes down* "Hmm... I see... That kind of family, huh? And?"

Robin: "I became an archeologist, and then a wanted criminal. That was when I was eight. Since then, I've spent the past 20 years hiding from the world."

Usopp: "Since you were eight...? By yourself all this time?"

Robin: "But then, there was no way for a child to be able to survive alone on the sea. So, in the end, in order to protect myself and in order to achieve my goal, I've chosen to follow various rogues... So that's how it was."

Zoro, Nami, and Y/N were listening closely. But Y/N went back to being entertained with Robin's power.

Usopp: "So does that mean that Crocodile was just another rogue to you?"

Robin: "Yeah, I guess... in order to get closer to the Rio Poneglyph..."

Usopp: "Rio...?"

Robin: "Thanks to that, I've become good at doing things behind the scenes. I'm sure I'll be able to help you guys, too."

Usopp: "Oh...? You're full of confidence. What're you good at?"

Robin: "Assassination."

Usopp got scared and cried out.


Luffy and Chopper were too busy getting tickled by Robin's powers. But it didn't work on Y/N, since he wasn't ticklish.

Usopp: *Shark teeth* "ARE YOU GUYS LISTENING?!"

Y/N: "I am."

Nami slammed her foot, gaining the attention of everyone present.

Nami: "Seriously...! Being dealt with so easily... How pathetic! She was just the vice president of a crime syndicate until just recently. How are we gonna let such a woman join us?"

Usopp started clapping, agreeing with Nami.

Nami: "Even if you could deceive idiots, you can't deceive me! If you pull any weirds stunts, I'll kick you out!"

Robin: "Okay. I'll keep that in mind. I just remembered..."

Robin pulled out a bag full of jewelry.

Robin: "I brought some of Crocodile's jewelry with me..."

Nami: "Wow! I love you, sister!"

(Y/N)/Usopp/Zoro: "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey..."

Usopp started whispering to Y/N and Zoro.

Usopp: "Nami's been suckered."

Zoro: "That's an evil trick."

Y/N: "And after that acting so tough."

Usopp: "She's completely following that woman's lead."

Then, they saw some hearts floating in the air, when Sanji slide's down the railing with a drink and a cake.

Sanji: "Oh, love... Floating love... I'm driftwood that just lays its burn-to-a-crisp in that stream... I'm driftwood that has been struck by the thunderbolt that is your beauty and caught in a raging torrent... Snack for you."

Sanji placed the drink and cake on the table.

Robin: "Oh, thank you."

Zoro: "And his reaction is no surprise."

Y/N: "Yeah..."

Usopp: "We have to consider that he was a lost cause from the start..."

Zoro: "In any case... now that it's come to this, the three of us are the last holdouts."

Usopp: "Indeed, they're so simple-minded or should I say lax."

Y/N: "We won't get distracted or fall for her tricks, no matter what!"

Luffy called out to them.

Luffy: "Hey, Usopp, Y/N!"

(Y/N)/Usopp: *Serious face* Hm?!

They turned around to see Luffy making an impression of Chopper.


Luffy made Usopp and Chopper laugh, leaving Zoro and Y/N as the last ones aware of Robin.

Zoro: "Idiot! Loos like it just you and me, Y/N."


Both Zoro and Y/N walked up the stairs. Robin stood up from the table and walk up the stairs. Zoro saw her coming, and walked away, leaving Y/N behind.

Robin: "This ship is nice... Is it always lively like this?"

Y/N: "Yeah. It is."

Robin: *Smiles* "I see..."

Robin walked to the front and sat on the railing. Y/N walked up to her and pointed his finger at her.

Y/N: "Listen, lady. Don't think that just because you're beautiful, your powers are entertaining, and the fact that I saved you, I'm not skeptical of you. I still don't fully trust you. So you better not pull any funny business, understood?"

Robin: "Oh? So you think I'm beautiful?" Robin asked with a teasing tone.

Y/N: "NOT THE POINT, LADY! Just don't do anything that will get you kicked out, understand?!"

Robin just smiled at Y/N, before an arm popped out of Y/N's back, and began to gently pet him on the head. Y/N felt that his body had suddenly relaxed and gone limp, causing him to fall face-first into the floor. Robin crouched close to him, looking amused.

Y/N: "What the--?! WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!"

Robin: "Don't worry I won't do too much, Blue Haired-kun."

Robin stood up and walked back, leaving Y/N still with an arm petting him.


Robin ignored Y/N.

Y/N: "Man down! I repeat! Man down! Someone, help!"

Robin: "By the way, Navigator... Is it smooth sailing right now?"

Nami: "Wind, weather... Both no problem! It's going very smooth, Sis!"

Zoro: "You definitely got jewelry from her, didn't you?!"

Luffy: "Sanji! Isn't our snack ready?"

Sanji: "Just hold on a sec!"

Luffy: "I'm hungry!"

Usopp/Chopper: Me too! Me too! Me too!

Y/N: *Still getting petted* "SOMEONE HELP ME UNDO THIS DARK MAGIC!!! ZORO, HELP ME!!!"

Time Skip

It was a new day on the Going Merry. The day before, the Straw Hats had stopped on an island where they were able to relax for a while, Nami went to measure the island with Sanji as her assistant, Zoro and Y/N went to get some pineapples, Luffy and Usopp did some exploring, and Chopper was able to bond a bit with Robin.

Right now, Nami was keeping check of the ship's route, the childish trio were fishing, Sanji was on the kitchen, Robin was reading a book; And finally, Zoro and Y/N were training by doing one-handed handstand thumb push-ups, at the top of the Merry's mast. Y/N would be doing the thumb push-ups at the top of the mast, while Zoro would be doing his thumb push-ups on top of Y/N's shoes.

(Idk if the description is kind of confusing.)

Zoro/(Y/N): "1,867... 1,868... 1,869... / 1852... 1853... 1,854..."

Zoro: "Hey, Y/N. You're falling behind."

Y/N: Shut up! I'm basically training with my both my own and your weight!

Zoro: "Don't give me any excuse. If you're tired, we can switch."

Y/N: "You know what?! Let's do it! I wanna see you realize that it's not very easy when you're doing this while having someone else excercising on top of you!"

Zoro were about to switch places, but they noticed that pieces of something were falling. They decided to stop training and got down from the mast, to the deck.

Zoro: "Hm? Rain?"

Sanji: "It's... not rain..."

Usopp:" Hail?"

Y/N: "I don't think hail's supposed to be brown... OH, NO! IS IT POOP RAIN?!"

Sanji: It's not, idiot!

Everyone looked up.


Straw Hats: "WHAT?!"

The giant ship crashed against the water, barely missing the Going Merry. The crash caused some wood to fly around, and big waves to be created, the waves were shaking the Merry around. The crew were holding on to the ship


Nami: "What?! What is it?! WHAT IS IT?!"

Usopp and Chopper were getting tossed around the ship.

Usopp: "Dream! Yeah, this must be a dream!"

Chopper: "Dream?! Goo--"

Usopp's and Chopper's head clashed against each other.

Sanji: "Hey! More stuff's falling! Be careful! Luffy, Y/N, protect this ship! It can't take this any longer!"

Luffy: "Got it!"

Y/N: "Yeah! Don't you wo--! Usopp, what are you doing?"

Usopp what sitting in a meditating pose, with his eyes close.

Usopp: "Cast aside your worries. Calmy close your eyes... When you open your eyes a quiet morning lies before you..."

Usopp opened his eyes, but there was no quiet morning lying before him.

Usopp: "AAAHHH!!! BONES!"

Nami: "You idiot! Don't throw it this way!"

Moments later, things had finally calmed down. Nothing else was falling, and the sea was back to normal, that is, if you don't count the giant crashed boat in the sea and floating pieces. The crew were still wondering why had a ship fallen from the sky. Usopp and Chopper were hugging each other while trembling in fear.

Nami: "Ahh!"

Sanji: "What's wrong, Nami-san?"

Nami: "What're we gonna do?! Our Log Pose is broken! It's stuck pointing upwards."

Robin: "That's not it. It was updated by an island with stronger magnetism."

Nami: "What?!"

Robin: "If the Log Pose needle is pointing upwards, that means the log has been caught by the sky island."

Straw Hats-Robin: "Sky Island?!"

Y/N: "What's that?!"

Luffy: "A floating island?!"

Usopp: *Trembling* "D-Did that ship and those bones fall from there?"

Zoro: "But I can't see anything like an island in the sky."

Robin: "That's not it. To be precise, a sea is what's floating."

Nami: "A sea?!"

The childish quartet were excited and had some sparkles around their eyes.

Luffy: "YAAY! There's a sea with an island floating in the sky?! Alright! Let's head there right away!"

Usopp: " Hey, guys! Turn the rudder upwards!"

(Y/N)/Luffy/Usopp: "Upwards rudders full!"

Some arms popped out of the boys. The arms covered Usopp's and Luffy's mouth, shutting them up, while Y/N's arms petted him, making him go limp once more. Y/N tried talking, but he had fallen on his face, making his voice sound muffled by the floor.

Sanji: "In any case, you can't turn upwards, Captain."

Robin: "To be honest, I've never seen the sky island, nor do I know much about it."

Nami: "Yeah! It's impossible for an island or a sea to float in the air! So the Log Pose really must be broken."

Robin: "No, Navigator. Our concern right now should not be the Log Pose, it should be how we get to the sky. No matter what weird situation the ship gets caught up in, or how panicked we get, we must not doubt the Log Pose. This is an ironclad rule. What we should doubt is rather the common sense in our heads. There's definitely an island where it's pointing."

Robin was seen opening a coffin from the wrecked ship. She was rebuilding the skull of the corpse, in order to get some info from it. Meanwhile, Luffy, Usopp and Y/N went to explore the ship. While exploring, they were able to find a map, but the ship suddenly sunk and got swallowed by the water. Y/N quickly grabbed Luffy and Usopp, and took them back to the ship.

Luffy: We did it! We found something incredible! Look at this!

Straw Hats-Luffy and Y/N: "A MAP OF THE SKY ISLAND?!"

Nami grabbed the map from Luffy's hand and inspected it.

Nami: "Skypiea..."

Luffy: "See? See?"

Nami: "Does this mean that there's really an island in the sky?!"

Childish quartet: "YAHOO!!"

The childish quartet started jumping together.

Y/N: "Awesome! The sky island exists! It's a dream island!"

Luffy: "We can go to a dream island!"

Childish quartet: "A dream island!!"

Nami: "Don't get so carried away! This only means it might be possible. There're tons of fake maps out there."

The childish quartet's faces suddenly turn into those that showed that their hopes and dreams had just gotten shattered.

Nami quickly apologized and try to make them feel better.

Nami: "Er... Sorry! It exists! I'm sure it exists, but... Listen, Luffy! I'm telling you, we don't know how to get there!"

Nami said while punching the Going Merry's mast.

Usopp: *In the background* "Uhm, Nami, please treat the ship with care."

Luffy: "You're the navigator! Figure something out!"

Luffy and Nami started discussing, until Nami punched Luffy and knocked him out with a punch. She concluded that discussing wasn't getting them anywhere, and that they needed information, like Robin had previously said. Nami suggested pulling out whatever records remained in the ship that had fallen from the sky.

Y/N: "Yeah, but the ship has completely sunk."

Nami: "If it sank, then we'll salvage it!"

Usopp/Luffy: "ALRIGHT!"


Time Skip

After some time, Luffy, Zoro and Sanji were now wearing some barrels that were designed to be underwater. Usopp mentioned that there were no flaws.

Chopper: "Y/N, why aren't you going with them?"

Y/N: "Because Usopp only made 3 suits, and I wasn't able to grab one on time."

Chopper: " But, can't you just transform and go look for the ship?"

Y/N: "Hmm. I suppose I could, but it would take up a lot of energy, and I'd probably pass out."

The monster trio went underwater.

Chopper: "This is Chopper. Everyone, please respond."

Luffy: *Through speaker* "This is Luffy. There're tons of monsters down here, over."

Zoro: *Through speaker* "Is this a giant sea snake's nest?"

Sanji: *Through speaker* "This is Sanji. Whoa! They looked this way!"

Nami: *Nods* "Okay."

Usopp: "OKAY?!"

Y/N: "Eh?! Giant Snake?! I want to see!"

Y/N started running towards the water, but he was stopped when his body once again went limp, causing him to crash against the railing. He went limp due to yet another hand that popped out and started petting him for the third time. And once again, Y/N was stuck looking at the floor.


Usopp: "Whoa! Y/N! What happened?!"

Nami had looked at the scene and told herself to remember that trick.

Nami: "Anyways, Chopper, hold the break tight, okay?"

Chopper: "U-Uh, Okay..."

Suddenly, they heard some noice in the distance. Some voices kept on yelling "salvage". A big ship suddenly stop close to them.

???: "Is this the area where a ship sank?!"

Crew: "Aye, aye, sir! Boss!"

???: "By boss... they mean ME!"


Nami: *Sweat drops* "Oh boy... weirdoes at a time like this..."

Y/N: *Muffled* "What's that sound?! I can't see! NICO ROBIN, UNDO YOUR TRICK RIGHT NOW!"

The hand disappeared and Y/N was able to move again.

Y/N: "Phew. Finally. That's getting really annoying. Eh? Is that a monke?"

Masira: "Hey, you! What're you guys doing there?! This is my turf!"

Nami: "Your turf?"

Masira: "That's right! Every ship that sinks in this territory belongs to me. You haven't touched anything that's mine, have you, huh?!"

Robin: "Looks like... he's going to salvage the ship."

Y/N: "Indeed."

Nami: "Then what? Doesn't this work for us?"


Nami: "Excuse me! Can I ask you a question?!"

Masira: "YOU'RE ASKING ME A QUESTION?! That's fine. Ask me anything!"

Nami: "It looks like you're going to salvage the ship. Is that right?"

Masira: "Looks?" *Whistles and swipes face* "Hey... do you find me that "monkeyful"?"

Nami: "Monkeyful?"

Masira: "That means "handsome." Do you think I am?"

Y/N: *Popping veins* "SHE DOES NO--!"

Y/N's mouth was covered by two hands that popped from his shoulders.

Nami: "U-Uh... Y-Yeah...!"

Masira: "Oh, come on, stop it!"

Usopp: "So, are you gonna salvage it?"

Masira: "Of course! If there's a sunken ship in front of me, I'll salvage it! I'M THAT KIND OF A MAN! There's no ship that we can't salvage! Monkeykey!"

Nami: "Then, is it okay if we watch you do it?"

Masira: "Hm? Oh, I see, is salvaging work new to you?" *Chuckles* "Okay, go ahead and observe it!"

Time Skip

Masira's crew started salvaging the sunken ship. First, they sent a craddle to attach itself to the sunken ship's sides. Then, the monkey, that was the prow of Masira's ship, was sent underwater to retrieve the ship, by joining its hands/cymbals to some handles that the craddle had. Finally, through a tube, Masira started blowing some air that lead to the ship. This way the ship would rise back from the bottom. However, while the ship was rising, Masira's crew that were underwater with the ship, started screaming and asking for help, saying that they were getting attack by something. Masira jumped off his ship and dove under the water.

Moments later, everyone started feeling a rumbling and noticed a shadow underneath the ships.

Nami: "Hey, underneath the ship..."

Usopp: "Y-Yeah... Something's down there."

Y/N: "What is that?"

Out of the water, rose a giant turtle.


Y/N: "I'm no biologist, but I think that's a turtle."

Usopp was covering his eyes in fear.


Chopper: "A DREAM?! REALLY?!"

Nami, Usopp and Chopper swiped their foreheads in relief.

Chopper/Usopp/Nami: "Phew, it's just a dream..."

Robin: "Oh? Were they all...eaten along with the ship?"


Y/N: "Uh oh."

Robin: "There's no doubt about it; the air supply hoses are going into its mouth."

Usopp: "JUST STOOOP!!!"

Chopper started panicking and running around, Usopp started blaming Nami for their crewmates getting eaten, and Nami just responded with a simple "sorry" and a nod.

The hoses that were attached to the Going Merry, were getting pulled by the turtle.

Robin: "Unless we cut the hoses, we'll be dragged into the depths of the ocean with the ship."


Robin: "I can't. That thing is too big."


Y/N: "First of all, this thing is way bigger and tougher than crocodile was. Secondly, I'm going into that thing's mouth to retrieve our crew! I will not leave them behind!"

Usopp was about to say something but he noticed that Masira's crew were also determined to save their captain.

Usopp: "That's right! Our unity is tested at a time like this!"

Nami: "Y/N! Usopp!"

Usopp/(Y/N): "Yeah!"

Nami: *Punches the air* "Cut the hoses to ensure our safety!"

Y/N: *Faceplants* "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

Usopp: *Faceplants* "ARE YOU A DEVIL?!"

Chopper: "SHE'S A DEVIL!"

Suddenly, the sky turned dark.

Usopp: "Huh? What?! WHAT'S GOING ON?!"

Y/N: "Who turned off the sun?!"

Chopper: *Rubs eyes* "IT BECAME NIGHT?!"

Nami: "Can't be! It's not that late yet!"

Nami said while looking at a watch. Robin and Y/N noticed that Masira's crew started to panick.

Masira's Crew: "How ominous...! This sudden night is a sign that monsters will appear! THEY'LL SINK OUR SHIP! HURRY UP AND SAVE OUR BOSS!"

From the water, Luffy popped out and landed on the ship. Nami ran to him and started repeatedly slapping his face.

Nami: " Luffy! What happened?! Are you dead?!"

Zoro and Sanji emerged from the water with some bags, and climbed onto the ship.

Y/N: "Zoro! Sanji! I was about to go rescue you."

Zoro: "Rescue us? Doesn't matter. Set sail! Hurry up and get out of here!"

Sanji: "He's crazy..."

Usopp: *Crying* "I'm glad you were safe! Yeah, let's get away from that turtle anyway!"

Zoro: "Turtle? No, there was a monkey in the sea!"

Sanji: "He must be one of the sea animals."

Zoro: "He was getting along with Luffy for a while."

Sanji: "Since they're both monkeys."

Zoro: "But when he saw this stuff that we got from the ship, he suddenly started going on a rampage."

Sanji: "He went on a rampage like a gorilla!"

Usopp: "His name's Masira, he's a salvager. But it's amazing that you guys could escape from that turtle's mouth!"

Zoro/Sanji: "Turtle?/ What turtle?"

Y/N: "Oh, I see. The turtle's mouth's staying opened, and that's how you escaped!"

Zoro and Sanji turned around and saw the turtle.



Luffy finally woke up.

Luffy: "Hm? Why's it nighttime?"

Zoro: "Luffy! Give me a hand! We're gonna set sail!"

Masira jumped out of the water and landed on the Going Merry.



Luffy: "Yeah, there was a lot."

Masira's crew: *Frightened* "B-Boss...! Behind you!"

Masira: "Hm? What is it?"

Masira and everyone turned towards the direction that Masira's crew were pointing at, and everyone froze in fear. They were looking at multiple monsters that were as tall as the sky.


The Straw Hats didn't waste a second, pulled out the paddles, and started paddling away with all their might.

Time Skip

They were able to escape and take a breather.

Zoro: "No way..."

Usopp: "No way can someone be that big..."

Y/N: "I don't think I could ever be that big..."

Sanji: "Man, the Grand Line is just one mystery after another! Today, too."

Zoro: "We saw a huge galleon fall from the sky..."

Nami: "The needle of the Log Pose is now pointing to the sky..."

Usopp: "A weird monkey appeared and salvaged the ship..."

Chopper: "Then, we saw a huge turtle that ate the whole ship..."

Robin: "Then night came..."

Luffy: "And, at the end, we saw huge monsters who were dozens of times larger than the Giants!"

Masira: "Yeah, those guys scared even me..."

Y/N: "And we brought the monkey with us..."

Luffy/Zoro/Sanji: "GET THE HELL OFF!!!"

Chopper: "Yeah... I don't ever wanna see them again."

Usopp: "You know, Chopper... If I went all out, I would've been able to beat them."

Chopper: "REALLY?!"

Usopp: "I've beaten ten of them before."

Chopper: "TEN OF THEM?!"

Y/N walked up to Usopp and bonked him.

Y/N: "Don't fill the child's head with lies."

Nami was screaming at Zoro and Sanji, that all they found on the ship was just junk and a live octopus, and that it was neither treasure or information on how to get to the sky, which was what they needed. Luffy was walking around, while wearing an armor, but it was quickly destroyed by a punch from Nami.



Sanji: "I got pretty seashells for you, Nami-san~!"

Nami: "I don't need them, you big idiot!"

Sanji: "Nami-san's cute when she's mad, too~!"

Y/N: "There he goes. Simping again..."

Nami walked up the stairs.

Robin: "Having a tough time?"

Nami: "It's only gonna get worse! Really, they're all a bunch of idiots! Now we can't get to our destination!"

Robin: "Here..." Robin gives Nami and Eternal Pose.

Nami: "What?! An Eternal Pose... This..."

Robin: "I took it from those monkey people's ship earlier... just in case."

Nami: *Cries* "You're the only one on my side!"

Luffy: *In the background* "Hey, we've got an octopus! Let's make some takoyaki!"

Y/N:*In the background with Luffy* "Yeah! FOOD!"

Robin: *Sweatdrops* "It must be quite tough for you."

Nami sighed and inspected the Eternal Pose.

Nami: ""Jaya" It must be their headquarters."

Luffy: *Eating* "Jaya? Are we going there?"

Nami: *Angry/Shark teeths* "THAT'S YOUR DECISION, YOU IDIOT!!"

Luffy: "Alright! Jaya rudder full!
. . .

. . .

. . .

Nami, which direction would that be?"

Nami: "Starboard!"

Luffy: "Chopper, give me a hand!"

Chopper: *Eating* "Okay."


Y/N: *Eating* "WAIT A MINUTE!!! If we go to that Jaya place, won't the Log Pose be updated there again? In other words... WE WON'T BE ABLE TO GO TO THE SKY ISLAND!"

Chopper: "WHAT?!"


Nami: "What?! You're the one who decided to go to Jaya."

Luffy: "Oh, yeah... But I didn't think this'd happen!"

Nami: "It's your fault that you didn't think of it! The Log Pose has always worked like this, right?!"

Luffy: "Oh, yeah... Hey, listen up! Since I'm the captain, I'll decide where we're going! I wanna go to the sky island!"

Nami: "Okay, but how?"

Usopp: *Eating* "We're best off asking someone."

Luffy: "Yeah, let's ask in Jaya."

Nami: "Then we should go to Jaya."

Luffy: "Alright, then! Jaya rudder full!"

Y/N jumped towards Luffy and bonked him.


Robin: "It's not as if a log can be stored as soon as we get there. So why don't we go to Jaya and leave before the next log gets stored?"

Y/N: "Oh, that's a good idea."

Nami: "I guess we need some luck."

Childish quartet: "Okay, then, we'll do what you just said..."

Luffy: "Alright, guys! Let's go to Jaya, "Land of Meat"!"

Y/N: "Where did that even come from?!"

Nami: "Don't dream up stuff like that!"




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