The Collector


233 0 8

Emily Shallow's deceased parents had left her a letter. It told her about a place her father had worked at an... Еще



22 0 0

That night she couldn't sleep again, even the unicorn – that had a hint of gasoline and smoke scent to it – had not helped. The information they gave her swam around in her head. The thought of them being able to kill her without a second thought made her shutter. Was that perhaps what Spy meant when he warned her? Sitting up she needed fresh air. She hadn't been outside all day. Putting her jacket and boots on she walked through the hall, where everyone else slept soundful, making it to the front door. It was not locked, they were mercenaries after all, what would they be afraid of? Walking out she was hit with fresh cool wind, breathing it in she smiled. The garage was closed so she walked to the right, heading for the cliff side. 

Reaching the cliff side, the camper van stood in the same place as when she first saw it. Standing far enough not to disturb anyone inside. Behind her was, like everything else in this rocky desert, nothing but desert. But the chill night air was refreshing, and she could hear coyotes in the distance. Looking up she hadn't seen such a clear sky since she was a little girl. Her parents had taken her camping one year, she loved every bit of it. She remembers vividly how her father had warned her not to slip on the wet rocks when crossing the creek but ended up doing it himself. Smiling at her memories she had not heard the person behind her. 

Stepping in beside her they spoke, "What are you doin' up so layete, sheila?" Jumping at the sudden voice and stepping to the side she glared at the sharpshooter beside her. Looking at her from the side of his eye, she wore the same pjs as that morning. "I could ask you the same." Looking him up and down he also wore the same clothes, only two things were missing: his vest, gloves and glasses. Relaxing slightly, she looked in the distance, breathing slowly. "Kah-nt sleep?" Side eyeing him skeptically she answered. "Something like that." She wanted to ask him his name but was too scared he might act like that morning and just storm off or worst, he would lose his temper with her whiles they were alone. She wanted him to warm up to her, she just had to play it safe. Ask the simple questions first?

"Why don't you trust me?" Yes! That was a simple question, well done! "Oi never said Oi didn't." He answered curtly. "Well, your actions towards me say otherwise." Scoffing lightly, he fully turned his body to her, making her tens up. "Did that spook tell you somethin'?" The only people who knew he didn't trust her was Engineer, Soldier and Spy. And Spy was the most likely one of the bunch to have done it, and her eyes gave him his answer. "Of course, he did." Looking away into the distance he felt infuriated. Yes, he did not trust her, but he at least didn't want her to know.

Spy always wanted to look like the "good" person in a situation, always thinking of himself. That's one of the reasons Sniper preferred being alone. "Is it true though? Do you think I'm some sort of enemy?" Her soft but stern voice broke him out of his thoughts. Looking at her again she had an almost hurt expression. Sighing he wanted to say something but knew he wouldn't sound friendly because he was slightly fuming. This made her slightly angry, but instead of making more conflict – and knowing he can kill her – she wanted to leave.

"Fine cowboy, have it your way." She said it a little too aggressively and for some odd reason that made him snap. He needed answers and waiting for her to warm up wasn't working. About to leave he grabbed her left wrist, intentionally, and pulled her closer. Making her gasp and tens up, pulling herself closer to her arm and creating a fist. Terrified. "Oi ain't no cowboy, sheila!" He sneered at her. She flinched and retorted. "And I'm not your enemy!" That took him off guard slightly making him frown. Thinking that's probably what she wants him to believe but he also felt maybe he was wrong. 

Looking into his fiery filled icy eyes her hazel-green ones were filled with fear and were traced with tears. His breath smelled of coffee and cigarettes, and to him she had a scent of something sweet. Thinking quickly, he glanced at her arm she followed, swallowing thickly. "What happened to your arm?" With a shaky breath she answered. "I burnt it before coming here." With a breathy chuckle he raised her arm knowing that she was lying. "Yea, r-eye. When you stop lyin' maybe Oi'll start trustin' you." "I haven't lied until now" Frowning once more he looked between her teary filled eyes, he only saw truth to her statement and fear radiating off of her. "Let me go. Please..." Taking a shaky breath she watched him intently. Letting her go she held her arm to her chest and retreated to her room. Leaving a puzzled look on the Aussie cowboy's face. 

Scolding himself he was unsure what to feel. He wanted to believe something was off about that girl- no woman, but he didn't know what. Maybe it was his own paranoia getting to him. He also felt she wasn't telling the full story but the next time – if he ever gets a next time – he'll wait for her to tell him.


That morning was the same. She woke up around five and wanted coffee. Thinking back to her encounter with Sniper, she didn't want him to be there. Opening the kitchen door, she instinctively grabbed her arm. He stood there noticing her action feeling slight guilt flow through him. Next to him was a premade coffee, almost in the exact same spot as the first time. It was his way of apologizing for what he done but it didn't mean anything more.

Walking closer she took the cup and smelled it for any trace of poison and then tasted it. It was made exactly the way she liked. He was paying attentionSmiling slightly, she leaned on the counter and they both stood in congenial silence. However, it didn't last long. Only two mornings after that had she arrived in the kitchen with premade coffee, but after that it was back to normal. He was polite but cold, she would see him in the morning and maybe at night. He was also, usually, the first in the kitchen. It was once where she beat him first with only a few minutes. 

She was also more relaxed in the base. She slept better but still placed the chair by the door. She had also found out some of the other's names, either by them telling her themselves or them hinting to it. She was very surprised to have received them but was very grateful so early in their "relationship". It was that easy. Engineer's name was Dell, Heavy; Misha short for Mikhail, Soldier; Jane Doe and Medic; Ludwig. She has not however found out about Pyro, Spy or Sniper's names. Nobody even knew what Pyro's and Spy's names were, they had never given their names to anyone. Even so she wanted to ask for Sniper's name in person, she felt that maybe he would warm up to her or he would say no and keep it quiet like they were supposed to. 

On the fourth day she had visited Engineer, or Dell, in his workshop. She wanted to know more about her father through the work he did. Opening the door and walking in cautiously she saw that he was busy with a blueprint on his table. Looking over his shoulder she saw that it was a machine with three legs and a small dish on its head. "What's that?" She asked softly but gave Engineer a heart-attack. Spinning around with a monkey wrench in hand. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you!" She spoke with haste, sighing he relaxed, dropping his hand. "Don't scare a man like that, darlin'." Smiling at him apologetically he sat back, grabbing a stool for her to sit on. "What can Ah do for ya?" "I was wondering what your job was. I mean, I know what engineers do but in your line of work I think it's a lot different." Smiling at her he leaned back in his chair. He knew she would eventually ask about her father's work but he didn't want to scare her again. He knew she had been crying the first night there, he could hear it in her voice.

"Well, your father made weapons of sort. Turrets that shoot automatically when it senses the presence of another person. Usually the BLU team." He stopped and waited to see her response. She sat with her hand under her chin and a blank expression on her face. "That is colourful and, um, impressive. Can I see one. Not in action though! I just want to see it stand." Chuckling at her own correction he took one of the turrets out from under his table. Assembled it and with a buzz and a ring sound it stood and scouted the room. Looking at it with amazement she felt a bit intimidated by the tripod. "Thank you, Engineer, for clarifying what my father did." "Please, call me Engie or Dell." Smiling at him she hugged him from her seated position, making him smile. Both standing up she left so he could continue with his work.

On the sixth morning everyone was awake around five o'clock. It was strange hearing everyone up and about, it was not just her and Sniper anymore. She still didn't know his name but at the moment she didn't worry about it. Getting dressed in a light gray tank, three quarter dark gray cargo pants and her boots and scarf. Heading to the main area Scout, Heavy, Pyro and Sniper were there talking amongst one another. Sniper and Scout stood by the dining table where Heavy sat and Pyro sat on the couch. Scout saw her first and greeted her, "Mornin', sweet cheeks." "Morning everyone." Everyone turned to her and Pyro hummed and waved from the couch, making her smile. "Morneng lettle gerl." Heavy greeted before taking a sip of his coffee. "You're all up early today?" She said standing near Scout and Sniper, Pyro had gotten up and stood beside her. "We're gettin' our assignments today." Engineer came in answering her. "Yea, Miss Pauling's coming today. She's the one who gives us our targets and jobs." Scout said before anyone else could. "When is she coming?" She turned to Engineer who opened the shutter in the kitchen. "Not quite sure, but Ah thank when she gets here ya should make yourself scarce." Frowning at him he continued. "She doesn't really know about ya and we ain't to sure how she might react." "That's fine. Just give me a heads up." Nodding at her he prepared breakfast for everyone.

Sniper didn't know how to feel about everyone waking up early. He enjoyed? spending the early mornings with Emma. Well, honestly it was calming in a way, different from what he was used to before spending the entire day up in the watchtower. "Hey why don't ya show off your skills to Miss Pauling, maybe then she'll let ya stay." Scout broke him from his thoughts but was intrigued by what Scout said. Emma on the other hand widened her eyes at him with shock. "That was supposed to stay between us!" She whispered/ yelled at him through clenched teeth. "What skills?" Sniper asked making her tense up slightly. Scout threw his arm over her shoulders and pulled her in, smiling proudly. "She knows how to fight!" Trying to push him away she corrected him. "Not really fight in the sense of beating each other up, but I know basic hand-to-hand combat to protect myself." Elbowing him in the stomach causing him to buckle over slightly Sniper looked her up and down. If she really knew how to fight, then why didn't she defend herself the day they met? So, he challenged "Oi don't believe you." Looking at him with shock, Emma felt slightly offended. "Oh, really?"

Everyone was looking at them now, even Heavy was interested. Smirking at her he challenged further. "Yea. Scout will believe anythin' you say." "Hey!" Scout retorted. Taking off her scarf she gave it to Pyro and removed her shoes, standing in her socks. She walked backwards to the middle of the room with her arms slightly open. "Why don't you find out, cowboy?" Taking off his hat, glasses and quiver with his vest he joined her in the middle, smirking at her confidence or stupidity. He wasn't going to go easy on her. The rest of the RED team were also there standing in the hallways, watching intently. Emma slightly regretted the choice she had made. She obviously knew he was a much better fighter than she was, but she also enjoyed the challenge. Her father would be proud? 

Circling one another slowly, they raised their hands like boxers would. Both waiting for the other to strike first. Looking into his light blue eyes she saw similar fiery and determination as the day they met. Her heart quickened but she would not let it stop her or scare her.  With a quick hand Sniper punched first making Emma hit it away just as quickly. Throwing three more punches, all aiming in different regions of her body, she only got hit once in the stomach. Grunting and finding her footing once more she frowned. "Foul!" Scout protested from his side of the room.

Smirking slyly, she threw a fake punch to his right cheek, blocking it but did not expect the slap on his left cheek. Chuckling at her, with his hands still up, he looked at Scout, "Is that a foul?" "Nah, ya don't count!" He grinned smugly. Laughing slightly, he looked back at her punching in almost random areas once more she blocked them all. Her arms ached from the blows. Trying to punch him again he grabbed her arm, pulling her in for a headbutt but she quickly dodged under his arm. Untwisting her wrist she saw an opening, turning slightly she punched him through the face, harder than she wanted to.

Backing away slightly he touched his now bloody split lip. With a sinister smile and a newfound energy flowing through him he spoke. "Now we're gettin' somewhere!" Kicking her in the stomach she flew back slightly landing on her back with a thud. Audible gasps were heard but Sniper walked closer about to grab her, but she quickly rolled out the way and stood up. He threw a few more punches and she blocked and threw her own.

Getting tired she wanted it to end. She knew he wanted to hurt her, but she wasn't going to give him that luxury. Lunging towards her in an attempt to grab her she saw her chance to end this. Stepping on his forward bent knee she sat on his shoulders, wrapping her leg around his neck. Throwing her body back they both fall to the concrete floor. Holding her ankle, she made sure her leg was secure around his neck, but he wasn't giving up either. Grabbing for the soft skin of her thigh he tried forcing her to let him go. Hooking her foot under the other legs knee she held his right arm to her chest. Only leaving his left weaker arm to do anything but he had nothing he could do. He tried again but she kept hitting it away. He was out of options and he didn't like the idea of losing to a "civilian". Losing her grip on her legs and his arm she only hoped and yelled in her head that he would give up. Tap out. Tap out! TAP OUT! 

Tightening her leg around his neck he realized he had to come to terms with the fact of losing to her. Finally tapping her thigh repeatedly, she unhooked her leg and rolled backwards, standing to her feet in one quick motion. Sniper sat up coughing slightly and clearing his throat from being constricted of oxygen for a few seconds.

Everyone instantaneously cheered and rushed to the middle of the room. Scout grabbed her around the waist, hoisting her up and spinning her around, making her giggle softly. Setting her back down Pyro threw her scarf around her head, humming in delight. Everyone else just congratulated her, warming up to the newcomer.  Looking over to Sniper she walked over to him, holding her hand out for him to take. "I didn't break anything, did I?" Looking up at her he smirked with a new respect for her. Ceasing her hand, she hoisted him up. "Just my pride." Smiling at him he still held her soft hand until Scout placed his hands on both their shoulders. "Why didn't ya just do that when he tackled ya?" "Um, I was caught off guard." Laughing lightly, she tried defending herself but received a smirk from Sniper.

"That was impressive." Everyone turned to the door where a woman stood in purple and with a briefcase in hand. "Miss Pauling!" Almost everyone said in unison. Engineer walked to Miss Pauling greeting her properly and trying to explain the situation of Emma, but she was not bothered and walked to Emma holding her hand out. With a shocked expression Emma took her hand and shook it. "Pauling but you may call me like everyone else or just Pauling." "Hi? Emily Shallow, but most people just call me Emma." "After I'm done giving everyone their assignments, I would like to talk to you." Glancing at Emma's left arm and right shoulder confused about the bandages. "Yea, sure, we can talk." Nodding at her she went back to Engineer and Emma slipped away to her room.

It was not long before Scout came knocking on her door saying Miss Pauling was done and wanted to talk. Arriving at the main area nobody was there besides Pauling, sitting by the dining table. "Please take a seat." Sitting on the opposite side of her she folded her arms on the table. "So, I've been told a few things about you." Scrunching her face in slight anticipation for what she might say next. "I know you know about your father and the work they do here-" "If you want me to leave it's fine I can..." Cutting her off Pauling smiled at her. "I don't want you to leave I would like to know if you know how to use a gun?" Frowning at her she answered. "Yes, I have used guns before, but it has been a while." "That's fine I'll get one of the guys to help you." Pausing Emma frowned, slightly catching on with what Pauling was saying. "You're offering me a job?" "Of course, after today I can see you have potential." Leaning forward Emma did the same, "It's also about time we get another girl in the team." Smiling at Pauling she silently cheered in her head and was ecstatic to say the least. 

And after that came a series of questions. Do you have any loved ones? 'No.' Any allergies? 'None that I know of.' Are you scared of needles (because Medic likes doing weird stuff)? 'No? Should I be?' The list went on and Emma answered them as best she could, but all she could think was, what was she getting herself into?

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