Yara Of The Dusk

By Astrana3

358 9 9

In the kingdom of Kouka stand two sisters both appearances out of the norm but still shine with beauty. What... More

Before We Start
1~The Princesses Yara And Yona
2~The First Sign Of Betrayal
4~Where Will We Go
5~Faraway Sky
6~From Back When We Remember
Why I've Been Gone

3~Broken Bonds

32 1 0
By Astrana3


Don't come for me.

3~Broken Bonds



"Muttering or speaking under their breath"

* Explaining/elaborating

'Future/ Narration' 


A rainy night at the palace of the Kingdom of Kouka. Where King Il lays there dead in his bedroom. Yona and Yara kneeling beside their dead father. Soo-Won looking down at the girls, the warmth that was once found in his eyes can no longer be seen. Yara glaring hatefully at him and Yona calling out "S-Soo-Won... Quickly, call a doctor!"

The amount of desperation in her voice hurt Yara physically to listen to. While Soo-Won holds no mercy nor sorrow says "King Il will not wake again."

Yonas' world came crashing down "Huh?"

"I killed him." was his cold response.

Yara broke "Shut up! You disgusting vermin!" She screamed out while tears slowly crawled down her cheeks.

Yona still couldn't believe this was happening "Ah! What are you talking about? Y-You aren't someone who could do this." She said still stuck in denial.

Soo-Won only ignored the girls "You don't know how I have lived for this day."


In the palace courtyard. Hak stands on guard silently. Hak's face held an extremely contemplative face 'It's too quiet...' he thought. Then something out of the way catches his eye.

Soldier 1 "Then, no one has noticed yet?" One of the soldiers in a small group said quietly.

Soldier 2 "No, sir. The honored guests and civil officials are all drunk from the party and fast asleep."

Soldier 1 "I see."

Soldier 3 "Only General Hak's movements are cause for concern."

Hak sneaks up behind them hearing their entire conversation and makes his presence known. "Who is cause for concern?" He gives the group a scary grin. "Why don't you tell me in detail?"

The guards then tried to attack Hak.

In King Il's bedroom however Soo-Won is talking to the Princesses.

Yona could only ask "Wh-Why? My father cared for you since you were a child."

"You're right. I loved King Il, too." Soo-Won said.

Yara's anger grew "You lying son of a bitch."

"Shut your mouth!" Soo-Won yelled in rage. He continued "Even though people whispered that he was a coward who feared conflict, I used to believe that was what made him kind. However, I was wrong. That wasn't the case. Do you remember my father, Yoo-Hong?"

Both Yona and Yara's first thought was 'Uncle?'

Soo-Won paused, "Ever since my father was young, he was courageous and intelligent. He grew into a man who always led our armies to victory. Everyone wanted him to become the next king, and no one doubted he would. However, ten years ago, the former King Junam chose not my father, but Uncle Il, as King of Kouka. No one understood his choice. The eldest son was the rightful successor to the throne, so why did he choose the weak Il? But my father kept smiling."

Yara was growing impatient "Good for you. Are you aveng–"

He turned to fully face them with a heated glare "SILENCE!" He pressed on "I was proud of my father and had great respect for him. Someday, I hoped to stand alongside him. But after succeeding the throne, for unknown reasons, King Il killed Yoo-Hong, his own brother."

Yona couldn't believe her ears "No... My uncle died in an accident..."

"That's the official story." Soo-Won said mournfully "But King Il stabbed my father to death with a sword. Do you understand? King Il, who was thought to hate weapons and avoid conflict... killed my father with a sword."

Yona didn't want it to be true "No... It's not true..."

Soo-Won snapped back "It's the truth. I have avenged my father, and to honor his final wish, I will become King of Kouka."

As Yona was having a crisis Yara couldn't help but laugh, drawing Soo-Won's attention "Do you find my fathers death funny?" he asked with a cold fury reaching his eyes.

"No, what I find hilarious is your stupidity." She said looking at him with complete disgust "I have to ask were you there? Do you realize the weight of what you are accusing and what you've done?"

Soo-Won stayed quiet. "What would you possibly know?" was his reply once he got over what he heard.

Yara's lips curled into a vicious snarl "At least I saw who killed my father."

"Be quiet." was his intelligent retort "I wasn't expecting the both of you to be awake in the middle of the night. I had heard that you two hardly ever visited the king's quarters. Why did you come, Princess Yona? Princess Yara?"

"I wanted to tell him..." tears overflowing her cheek she hesitated. "Huh?" Soo-Won hummed in question. She looked at him with sorrow on her face "I wanted to tell my father that I could never forget you..." Soo-Won's eyes widened and he took a sharp breath in. A man and two soldiers suddenly walk in. They stride over to stand by Soo-Won. The man who isn't a soldier spoke with a slow and low voice "Lord Soo-Won."

Soo-Won looks at him "Kye-Sook."

Kye-Sook bows slightly "Everything is ready. You have achieved your long-cherished desire." He stands straight once more and proceeds to look at the Princesses kneeling on the floor. He looked back towards Soo-Won and asked "Did Princess Yona and Princess Yara see you? This will make things quick. Kill them, Lord Soo-Won. Silence the princesses."

Yona whispers "Soo-Won." but Yara jumps to action pushing a candle holder onto tapestry. It burst in flames. Kye-Sook immediately barks out orders "Put it out! We don't want anyone to suspect anything!"

The soldiers answer with a quick "Yes!" and rush to the fabric. In the chaos Yara rips a sword off one of the soldiers belts, grabs Yonas hand, and escapes.

Soo-Won speaks to one soldier "Seize them." The soldier bolts out of the room and goes after them.

'We have to get out of here!' Yara thinks throwing the sword at the soldier's legs stabbing him. Yonas lost in thought 'Who... Who was that person? The one who killed my father and who is trying to kill me is not Soo-Won! He isn't my beloved Soo-Won!'

"YONA!" Yara yells at her successfully snapping Yona out of her thoughts. She looks at her older sister. Yara's tone softens a bit "Don't think. Just follow me. Your one goal is to survive." As the girls get chased they run into another group of soldiers. One had a whip and used it to catch Yonas legs causing her to fall onto the ground into a puddle. "Ah!"

"Yona!" Yara gets distracted by Yona getting caught that someone got a chain wrapped around her ankle and is pushed down by a soldier's foot. He places a blade by her neck.

The rain poured down adding to Yona's tears and mixing with the sweat, blood, and grim on both girls. Not far off stand's Soo-Won, a couple soldiers, and Kye-Sook. The soldier with a sword to Yara's neck said "Prepare yourself, Princesses. All this is for the Kingdom of Kouka."

'I've loved no one but Soo-Won since we were children...' Yona thought solemnly ' I didn't ask for much. As long as I could see Soo-Won's smile, I was happy.'

Yara's thoughts were different however 'Soo-Won... I will never forgive you. Hak please... Save us.'

The soldier lifted his sword ready to kill Yara. Both Yona and Yara called out to different people as the sword started to go down "Soo-Won!/Hak!"

Before the sword reaches Yara, Hak comes out of nowhere blocking the sword and sending the soldiers around the Princesses flying. With venom in his voice and steel in his glare he asks Soo-Won "Hahh! I knew Lord Soo-Won was here tonight, so I was trying to stay out of your way. The guards who were supposed to be on watch are all gathered here. There are people I don't recognize, too. What's going on here? Huh, Lord Soo-Won?"

Yona stutters "H-Hak?" While Yara says his name in relief "Hak..."

"Huh?" Hak turns to the girls and kneels down to them in their distraught state "I'm sorry for leaving your side, Princess Yona. Princess Yara." He says trying to lighten the mood.

"Hak..."Yara grabs Haks' sleeve and looks at him with tears in her eyes "Hak, you're on our side, right?"

Haks eyes widen considerably before patting hers and Yonas head giving them a small smile "The king told me to protect you." he stands up and turns around preparing to fight "No matter what happens, I will obey his orders!"

Kye-Sook steps in holding his hand out gesturing to Soo-Won "Withdraw, servant. You are standing before King Soo-Won, the new master of Hiryuu Castle." he says almost smugly.

Hak had a dark look in his eyes as he stared at the people in front of him. "Who's the master of what, now? I have a bad feeling about this, but I must ask. Lord Soo-Won, where is King Il?" He says eerily calm.

Soo-Won stares back with no emotion present on his face "I just sent him to hell."

Hak slammed the butt of his glaive into the ground causing a dent to be created. His face as a tight smirk plastered on his face "Are you drunk? That's going too far, even for a joke."

"Ask the Princesses. They confirmed the king's death with their own eyes." Soo-Won advises.

"Krr! Aahhh!!" That's all it took for Hak to snap. He charges at Soo-Won and swings his weapon with great force. Soo-Won barely stops the attack with his sword. "Tell the truth!" Hak yells at him.

Soo-Won calmly responds "I'm not lying."

"Soo-Won! You're telling me that you killed your king?!" Hak yells back at him. He proceeds to break Soo-Won's guard then charges forward yelling "You killed our kind king?!"

Soo-Won evades by stepping back and his advisor Kye-Sook calls out to him "Lord Soo-Won!" Preparing to help his king but Soo-Won stops him "Stay back. If you get any closer, you'll lose your head. The man standing before you is Son Hak."

Kye-Sook looks at Hak in wonder "This man is..."

"Yes. He is the heart of Castle Hiryuu, and one of the five generals..." Soo-Won begins and Kye-Sook finishes "The Thunder Beast of Kouka."

Hak glares at the two menacingly and questions Soo-Won "Soo-Won, why? Are you trying to usurp the throne? No, you're not the type to fixate yourself on that kind of thing. Did you turn your sword on our kind king who detested weapons? Your pride allowed that?!"

That seemed to strike a nerve with Soo-Won as he yelled back "Kindness? This kingdom has no need for a weak king!" Soo-Won launches himself at Hak. Both men exchanging blow after blow but neither being able to actually hit the other.

Off to the side Kye-Sook informs the men around him "Son Hak... The grandson of Son Mundok, former head of the Wind Tribe, he rose to lead the tribe at a young age. A single blow from his blade is like lightning, earning him the nickname of the "Thunder Beast of Kouka." Hmm..." He hums looking at Yara and Yona.

Soo-Won jumps back but Hak charges him again. Strike after strike. Blow after blow. They fight until Hak finally lands a deep cut on Soo-Won's shoulder. As the girls watch, a soldier sneaks behind them and just as Hak is about to charge again Kye-Sook yells out "That's enough!"

At the same time a soldier yanks an Yara's hair causing her to let out a loud yelp "Aah!"

Hak stops and turns to see a soldier holding Yara up by her hair and pointing a sword at her neck.

1945 words


Third chapter done babes and bubs. Hope you enjoyed reading. I thought Hak was the hottest of hot here like ugh my heart can't take it. Anyway hopefully this was a better chapter then the last. Have a good day. That's all babes and bros.

Sayonara~ Astrana

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