I will save him! (Nomu Deku)

By Tenka0ni

3.3K 82 139

(discontinued) after All Might crushed his dream, Midoriya gave up. he stopped trying to get into U.A., and... More

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499 10 12
By Tenka0ni

A few days had passed since the day he met All Might. Nothing changed, Bakugou left him alone after the incident but habit brought him back. Midoriya grew to welcome the teasing, it was something to distract him. When things got too bad at school, Midoriya would sit on the roof. He found it relaxing to just sit and stare out at the city. Sometimes a student would find him, with the wind in his hair. They might join him and chat or they would leave, usually it was the latter.

Once Bakugou found him and just watched the greenette, silent. After a few minutes he would leave as soundlessly as he came, Midoriya never noticed. Today he had his ear buds in and was listening to music as he sketched in a new notebook. His mother suggested it and Midoriya had to admit, he enjoyed this new hobby. When he got home that day, Mom was still at work. Midoriya took the chance to clean his room of all his merchandise. He threw his notebooks in the trash and would have done the same with the merch if it didn't cost so much. So instead, he put it up for sale on ebay.

His room was bare, with only the necessities. His bed had white sheets and his walls were a pale grey. He never noticed just how much space the All Might merch occupied.

The wind grew stronger so Midoriya started to pack up his things. It was a saturday, he was honestly surprised that he was able to get here to begin with. He slowly started to stand up when a strong gust of wind blew him off balance. Panic started to set in when the weight of his bag fell over the edge, pulling him with it. He tried to scream but his throat was clogged with fear. This was it, this was the end.

He didn't even wince when tree branches grabbed at his clothes and hair. He closed his eyes as he hit the ground, the only sound he was able to make was a quiet groan before he lost consciousness.

@ @ @

Kurogiri sighed, finally away from the bar. Tomura was in a very bad mood today, he even tried to dust the man who practically raised him. Kurogiri wasn't sure what got on the bluenette's nerves but he learned the hard way to just give Tomura space. Already preparing himself for the mess he would find once he got home. Both men would take walks, however, while Tomura would get out to think and/or blow off steam. Kurogiri found walks relaxing and a good way to give his charge space.

Just as he was about to head home and check up on Tomura, he heard a small noise coming from the bushes. Curiosity got the better of the bartender and he peered around the foliage. There, laying in a bloody mess was a small, broken boy, fifthteen or so. He had green hair that hid the wound on the side of his head. Kurogiri felt a ping of pain in his chest for the boy. He was a villain who wasn't above killing, but he always felt bad when someone so young was hurt. Maybe it was because he had raised Tomura that he felt sympathy for the broken boy.

Knowing full well that he could get in trouble for what he was about to do, Kurogiri kneeled down to see if the kid was somehow still alive. If not, he could take the body for The Doctor. The man felt even worse when he felt a feeble pulse in the kid's neck. Without thinking, he scooped up the kid and opened a portal to The Doctor.

@ @ @

Kurogiri hadn't come back yet but Shigaraki didn't notice. He was so damn frustrated with himself, why couldn't he do anything right! For the past month, he had done nothing but plan different ways to introduce himself. With Sensei's permission he was finally able to make an impact on the heroes, let them know and fear Shigaraki Tomura, but doing was harder than saying. He had come up with countless ways for his introduction, ranging from destroying a town to going on a spree. The latter wasn't really how he worked though. Add insomnia to the mix and you have a very unbearable Shigaraki to deal with.

He honestly tried to keep his hands to himself, but he couldn't help it. When he was pissed he grew itchy, and when he was itchy he felt the urge, no, the need to destroy something. The bar was a mess but Shigaraki didn't feel like cleaning it up so he went to his room and started a game, ready to lose himself in the fictional world for a few hours.

It wasn't until he grew hungry that he realized the mist man was still gone. Grumbling to himself, but in a better mood, Shigaraki left his room and grabbed the broom. Once he had all the dust cleaned up and the furniture back in place he searched the cabinets for something to eat. Kurogiri made sure to teach him the basics when he was 12, when he was 17 he learned even more about how to take care of himself and even how to pay bills, of course he never had to do that yet. Now, three years later he would cook dinner when his kaigosha was out or not up to the task.

He decided to make ramen and started the water. He was finishing up, puting some pork pieces in the mix when he heard a whoosh from the lounge. Shigaraki turned off the stove before he went to greet his kaigosha.

"Kurogiri, you're just in time for dinner. I made ramen so we'll have to find my glove," he stopped when he saw a familiar figure with the bartender. "Sensei?"

@ @ @

Kurogiri ate quietly as Tomura and AFO talked. As he ate, his mind wandered back to the boy he found. When he found the doctor he didn't notice AFO was there. He spoke briskly, explaining what he had found and asked if The Doctor could help. The scientist was about to dismiss Kurogiri, saying he wasn't going to waste his supplies on some kid when AFO stepped in.

He gave a proposal, The Doctor would try to save the kid's life but in return the kid would get to be their latest experiment. The Doctor's mouth grew into a grin as his eyes grew eager to start his work. Kurogiri handed the boy over and turned towards his sensei.

"What kind of experiments is he running this time?"

"He's been practicing on his nomus, trying to get one as complex as you if not better. Never had a subject that was alive though, might make it esiar, or the process quicker. Usually they end up brain dead or take a long time to create, like you."

Kurogiri usually didn't care about nomus, but one that was alive? Sure, they could all breath and had a heartbeat, but one that could think and make decisions like himself? One that had to eat and sleep? For some reason this made Kurogiri care even more about the boy, he kinda hoped they could work together for Tomura. That seemed like something AFO would do, after all, he was tasked to protect Tomura so the boy could do something similar.

Tomura didn't take too kindly to his gift. After a mere month of working, The Doctor deemed the boy, Izuku, done. At least, ready for a test run of sorts. As predicted, AFO wanted to give the boy to Tomura but Tomura had other thoughts.

"What the hell am I going to do with a kid? He's as good as useless, just look at him!"

"Tomura-kun, I assure you he can be very useful to you," AFO sounded incredibly calm, as always.

"What can he even do? He doesn't look like a nomu."

"The best noumus are the ones that blend in. Trust me Tomura, he can do quite a bit. His body was able to hold two quirks, one was a mild regeneration and the other is something like telekinesis. His mother was able to pull small objects to her so that one made sense," AFO said slowly, like how you would talk to a child.

"Why does he need to blend in?" Kurogiri's charge looked confused as he peered at the sleeping boy.

"Think about it Tomura-kun, what could you do with a 15-year-old boy that would benefit your plans? What is our goal?"

"Our goal? To get vengeance on the hero society and kill All Might," Tomura still looked confused so AFO decided to help a little more.

"And where can one find an abundance of heroes that a kid could get into without much trouble?"

". . . wait. Those damn schools, he could be like a spy. Destroy them from the inside! Hell, I bet we could get him into UA! The best school would have a fake among them and even if he got caught, the school would get a bad rep!" Tomura was starting to get excited, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

The bluenette took another look at the boy in Kurogiri's arms with curiosity. Quickly, he walked around AFO and bent his knees so that he was eye level with the kid. Before Kurogiri or AFO could react, Tomura reached out and pat the kid's head. Kurogiri couldn't tell what the young man's expression was, but Tomura made sure to keep his index and pinky fingers off of the boy.

Only Tomura noticed the green eyes that watched him, but he didn't tell. He straightened back up and told Kurogiri to try and take the kid home. Nodding his head, the bartender opened a gate to the apartment complex that the boy supposedly lived at. His mother would be very pleased to see her son again. As he was exiting, the boy sifted in his arms to stare back at Tomura, this time everyone saw.

@ @ @

Midoriya awoke to crying as his mother hugged him. He was confused at first, wasn't he just at the school? Mom kept asking if he was okay and where he had been but that only confused him more. He always told her where he was at, and why would he be hurt? He tried to tell her he was okay and calm her down but the tears didn't stop. Eventually, Mom called the Bakugous and told them he was home.

Aunty was the first to come to his apartment. She hugged Mom before turning to him. He could have sworn she hugged the life out of him.

Uncle was at work but Kacchan was there. He stayed quiet while their mothers talked and hugged. Bakugou opened his mouth a few times but never talked. Finally, his mother stared him down before she addressed the two boys.

"Katsuki, go talk to Izuku-kun. We aren't leaving any time soon so you should make this visit worth it."

Midoriya was about to tell them that it was fine when Bakugou said, "Hey, where's your room?"

Midoriya was shocked at how polite the blond sounded and slowly led him to their room. Something was off, his room looked cleaner and his bed was made. He walked over to his computer and turned it on only to freeze. "Kacchan, what happened?"

"Do you really not remember anything from the past month? Come on Deku!" The next day, Midoriya and Bakugou were at the beach. Midoriya had to stay home to make sure he really was okay and Bakugou was skipping school. Midoriya was confused about the fact that he had been missing for a month and worse, had no idea what happened.

Bakugou's red eyes bore down on the small green haired boy, suspicious. Midoriya started to squirm uncomfortably, "I told you, the last thing I remember is sitting on the school roof with my sketch book. I don't know what happened after that."

The wind started to pick up, blowing sand into the boys' eyes as they talked. Bakugou cursed under his breath as he stood up. "Get up Deku, the sand is starting to piss me off," Midoriya didn't seem to stand fast enough because the blond boy grabbed his elbow and yanked. The momentum was too much for Midoriya and he ended up toppling forward onto Bakugou.

"I'm so sorry, Kacchan!" the greenette said quickly, jumping up.

"Whatever," Bakugou got off his back and stalked towards the street. Midoriya was about to follow him when someone called out the blond's name. Both boys turned to see Bakugou's friends waving, neither had noticed Midoriya.

"Hey Katsuki-kun, thought you'd be skipping!" the one with longer, grey hair shouted.

"Yeah, sup losers?" Bakugou said once they got closer. The kid with shorter, black hair gave a fist bump before turning to the first. He gave grey-hair a nudge and snickered.

"Soooo, what are you doing on the beach anyways?" dark-hair motioned to the sea, "never took you as one for the sights."

"Fuck off, I was practicing for the entrance exams. The beach has nothing that I can break.".

Midoriya took this distraction as a chance to sneak away. He hid behind a rock until the other two's backs were turned, then made a dash for the streets. When he was off of the beach, he turned around to face the boys. Midoriya didn't know what to do if he went home and honestly? He wanted to try to talk to the boys, maybe they changed. Kacchan was nicer to him, even if it was in his own angry way.

Taking a deep breath, Midoriya started walking back down the beach. He pretended to not notice the three on his right as he walked.

"Dude, is that Midoriya?" the grey-haired boy whispered. Bakugou turned around to see Midoriya walking to the water. The hell, Deku?

"Why don't we go say hi, I'm sure he would love that," the dark-haired boy said.

Midoriya turned to the boys when he heard rustling. Bakugou was in the front with the other two close behind. Bakugou had a strange look on his face as he stared at the greenette. Suddenly, the shorter haired boy threw something at him. Pain flared in his shoulder as he watched a rock thud in the ground. Bakugou stopped and turned to his 'friend', who was aiming another rock at Midoriya.

Reflexively, Midoriya raised his hands to deflect the projectile but nothing came. He moved his hands to see the rock floating in the air, halfway to it's target. All four boys stared at the stone with curiosity. Bakugou then spoke,

"Hey Deku, you do that?"

Midoriya snapped his gaze away to look at the blond boy, "What? I don't have a quirk, how could I-"

Unconsciously, he had dropped his hand while he was talking and the rock fell with it. Bakugou and the others stared at the quirkless boy in astonishment. Briskly, the angry blond came up to Midoriya and grabbed his wrist harshly.

"Do that again, Deku!" Bakugou let go of his area in favor of grabbing the rock. "If you don't do that again then I'll throw this at you."

Midoriya held out his hand and tried to make the stone float with no success. True to his work, Bakugou chucked the rock and hit him with a painful thud on Midoriya's left shoulder. He sighed in defeat and turned to the others.

"I'm going home since my parents are out for the day, see you later, Extras. C'mon Deku!" Bakugou grabbed the color of Midoriya's shirt and yanked him in the direction of the Bakugou household. The startled greenette straightened up and followed, not oblivious to the stares from the other two.

"Try to catch this one, Deku." True to his word, Bakugou brought Midoriya to his house and eminently started to throw pillows at him. Midoriya dodged the material and reached out for it. The pillow just landed on the floor without hesitation.

"This is pointless, Kacchan. Someone must have been pulling our leg, there is no way I developed a quirk so late," Midoriya sighed as his slight hope went out. Bakugou had other ideas though.

"No one else was on the beach, dumbass. Try to catch this one," he threw another of his many pillows.

Midoriya tried with no success. "Even if I did have a quirk, why are you helping? I thought you hated me!"

Bakugou's onslaught of pillows eased to a halt. He stood still and watched the smaller boy for a minute before ensuring. "Izuku, what do you think I did last month? Y- You went missing and I felt like it was my fault. . . What if you actually jumped off a building? Or, or did something similar. What if you ran away, all because I told you something nobody should ever say! I felt so guilty Izuku, no one else in class cared. Nobody even blinked twice at your disappearance! But then again, nobody else had to hear your mother cry over the phone. Nobody else had to see their own mother, who never shed a tear in her entire life, cry with Mom because you were gone. The other students stayed out for hours with their family to search for a quirkless loser like you. I was the only one who was affected by it, I was the only one who cared. Izuku, you went missing and all I wanted to do was bring you home and apologize! I'm sorry Izuku, I'm so, so sorry."

Midoriya didn't know what to do. Bakugou never apologized, not on his own accord. And cry? The Bakugous don't cry! Not even his father. Midoriya felt bad for making everyone worry but at the same time. . . Kacchan cares! He is still my friend. He cares. . .

"Kacchan, it's okay, I accept your apology. I miss our friendship, Kacchan. Can we. . "

"Damn it, Deku. Even when I'm trying to make amends you still annoy the hell out of me. You want to be a hero right? Go to U.A.?"

Midoriya nodded.

"I'll help. Even if you don't had a quirk, I'll carry you on my fucking back. I share my entrance score with you, anything to help. You deserve it more than anyone, but."


"But don't think I'll let you win or hold back, got it? I am still Bakugou fucking Katsuki and I don't go esay!"

Midoriya smiled at his friend's statement, "I don't expect and less, Kacchan."

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