Royal Lethality

By CloudyXAutumn

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"I'll be taking back what's rightfully mine, Katsuki." "W-what...? How?! You're supposed to be!-" "Silence." ... More

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By CloudyXAutumn


"He's dead"
The solider sneered.

The words hit all of them like a bullet, like they utterly couldn't believe what he said.

"Your lying!
Bring his body here now!"

"I can't.
It's ashes, disintegrated and blown into the wind.
A mere solider, like I, cannot collect all the ashes of his body."

Katsuki screamed in a fury.

"2 days ago.
You're all a bit too late"

Endeavor slashed all the soldiers throats as he turned back to his army in defeat.

"We need to find another group of soliders to confirm it..."

"But how will we ever know if the truth is being told?"

"Lie detector.
Step up"

A man with short flat hair stepped up, his name was naomasa Tsukauchi.

His quirk allowed him to tell truth from a lie.

They quickly found another group of soliders and questioned them as well.

"He's dead..."

"His body is ashes"

"There's nothing we can do..."

Endeavor turned to face Tsukauchi who could only stare at the ground gravely...


Telling the truth..."

Everyone collectively gasped as they fell into disbelief, all their hard work was for nothing...
And with their limited troops and lack of a plan, they couldn't immediately wage war...

They had to return emtpy handed and

Endeavor killed the soliders and signalled for a disappointing retreat.

They were too late...

Katsuki was the most upset of all, for a reason he couldn't even explain himself.
He didn't understand why he was feeling what he was feeling, but it didn't change the fact he was feeling it...

He was truly upset.

Izuku was...


Or at least they thought so.


Tomura screamed.
He had a grand plan.

He told the leader of each troop that Izuku's body was meant to be intact but told the members of the troop that izuku was actually ashes and all they were searching for was the missing sword.

He knew the Empiral army would come any day so he had to prepare.

"He's gone missing...
And on top of that, the Empiral soliders already came by.
2 troops were killed and it's obvious they retreated.
It's likely they're strategizing for war.
If a war erupts while we still haven't found him it can turn for the worst..."

"I know...

If we can't find his body it means he's still alive within the kingdom.
Set out for a search within the kingdom now."

"Okay your majesty"

"You little brat...
Just days ago you were in my clutches...
My trump card...



"Oh my, your wounds are horribly treated...!"
A commoner doctor gasped as she got to take a look at all his stitches.

"I couldn't treat them well myself, do you think you could help..?"
Izuku Innocently smiled.

"Of course...!
May I ask what happened...!?"

"I'm training to be a solider for the kingdom.
I think that explains enough"

"Don't die trying!
What's any good being a solider while dead...!"

"I know..."
Izuku winced as the bad stitches were taken out and the wounds were properly cleaned.
After proper sterilization requirements were met, she carefully stitched him up and gave him herbal cream to prevent any bacteria growth.

"Okay..! This is the best I can do. The stitches are held together by a thread that will melt on its own as it heals.
Apply the cream to your best ability to prevent any potential infection.

I hope you become an amazing solider but please don't kill yourself trying...!"
She sighed as she handed him a small little bag with the cream in it.

"Thank you miss, here"
He handed her 8 silver coins and stood up, after being on the run for 2 days straight he had regained his leg control and was able to move around to his full ability.

"This is too much...! You're going to be serving the kingdom, that pays for it on its own..."

"Please take it, I'd feel bad"

"...okay then"

She reluctantly took the money and waved izuku off.
He quickly slipped the cloak back on and made an escape.

"I'm lucky the kingdom is decently big.
While it's smaller than the empire, small villages like these still exist to hide out in."
Izuku smiled.

He was far away from the kingdom capital where the main commotion of searching had been taking place.
He was far off to commoner villages, enjoying the food and treatment that came with being an injured youngin.

"I should start reading that diary"
Izuku thought to himself as he walked off to a shabby little cabin.
It was at the end of the village and was originally used as a storage unit.
He decided to use it as a temporary safe house.
He knew once the soliders scouted the area that it wouldn't be safe to be in for a decent amount of time.

"I need to do some training with my quirk.
I have it but the only thing I know how to do is use my telekinesis."

"I mean. You could always use it on the people here. You're evil anyways"

"I could...
But I need stronger targets."

"The forest of beasts is all around the kingdom as a border.
Go there or something."

"Isn't it risky?
This sword can't be taken outside the kingdom just like the Empiral sword.
It kills anyone who isn't the owner that tries."

"The sword chooses it's owner based on how strong the quirk is.
That stupid sword already bonded with you, you can tell cause it flows whenever you hold it.
You read about it, idiot.

You have a stronger quirk than the dumb king here"

"And if I don't...?"

"Pfft, you die.

It won't happen. I already told you it's bonded to you."

I'll go to the forest with the beasts during the day and come back to a village at night."

"Sounds good.
Get a move on"

Izuku stood up, careful not to break anything in the shabby little storage house.

He heard a little meow and grew confused, he could've sworn he was alone.

He looked down and noticed a Siamese long haired cat paired with beautiful crystal blue eyes.
She had been wearing a tag.

He read it.

Dimension traveler"

He grew confused as to whatever it could mean, however he didn't care.

The cat was now his.
He had wanted one ever since he was a kid and it was the first time he had ever seen one that was unique to where he grew up.

It was typical to see street cats, but not of such beauty.

"If you stay here Ill become your owner.
I'll be back at nightfall.

I'll bring you food too"
Izuku said, serious as can be.

The cat only meowed in response.
Izuku took it as an agreement as he pulled up his cloak and quickly left.

He flew off with his telekinesis, it was the only power he really knew how to use of his quirk.

It didn't take too long to make it to the forest, he specifically made sure to be on the side of the forest opposite to where it could be crossed to go to the empire.
He knew it was risky to a certain degree.

Izuku pulled out a special sword, holding it fiercely as he looked down at the forest.
He took a deep breath in and stepped inside.

He didn't die.

A grin popped out, the sword had selected it's owner.

It was him.

The red gem glowed vividly, alerting the beasts of his presence.

It didn't take long for beasts to quickly show up.

The first beast he had to deal with was none other than a chimera.
He had an obvious bad expierence with them.

"Use toxic gas."


"Idiot! The way you use telekinesis, just focus on creating the dark mist!"


Izuku grapsed harder onto the sword as he activated his quirk.
A thick black fog quickly fell upon the area, it stretched for miles.

The chimera couldn't see him or anything around...

But Izuku could see everything.
He quickly charged at the chimera and cut off it's lion's head.

The snake portion tried to launch at him but he stopped the attack with a quick swipe of his sword.
To finish it off, he stabbed the chimera's heart and ended it all.

"I did it"
Izuku grinned.

"With my help idiot"

"Yeah yeah"
Izuku sighed as he pulled out the bloodied sword.
The smell of fresh blood only attracted more beasts.

They came fast, Izuku had a whole load to deal with.

And so his quirk training began.

With the help of His alter ego that came with the quirk, he learned how to control them all gradually.
Obviously, this didn't happen in a single day.

It took 2 weeks total.

The cat stayed with him and traveled with him as he avoided the royal guards.
He moved from village to village, only ever returning to a place to stay at night.
He used the day time to train as much as he could.

During the 2 weeks on the flip side, Katsuki and all might returned to the empire as well as the Duke.
Before they went to war, an extensive plan had to be made and some things needed reworking.

Because izuku was "dead" Katsuki had to take his place.
However, the proper crowing ceremony had a specific date that couldn't be rushed.

It was originally going to be Izuku's coronation, it was due to happen when early summer came in.

It was around over half a year away.

The war couldn't begin until Katsuki had been officially coronated.
It also helped that they had such a dead line to come up with a concise plan and prepare resources.

War was costy and lots of lives were likely going to be lost.

The deadline allowed for the empire to plan as much as possible to prevent too many deaths.

Because of the missing sword and diary, the small kingdom was more focused on the search for the treasured item and izuku's body than the war at bay.

However, AFO was expecting it.
He knew by kidnapping Izuku that it would likely happen...

Which was why he wasn't too worried...


Izuku panted as sweat rolled down his forehead.
He had just finished off 3 chimeras, 2 anaconda's, and an alligator.

They had all attacked him at once.
It wasn't humanly possible to deal with them all at once but with a sword and super powers it was possible.

"I finally have control of all my attributes.
How freeing"
He smiled to himself as he leaned back on a tree and sighed.

"Do you really think you're done?
You still have to take control of this kingdom.

And seeing how long you've been gone from the empire, it's likely the Empiral solidees came.
But, everyone here thinks you're dead.

So the empire probably also thinks you're dead.

And with how politics works, there'll probably be a war soon enough."

"I know.
And it'll probably be after the coronation.
They need to appoint someone to the position before anything happens.
If the emperor dies, the crown prince has to take the position immediately.
But before that can happen, the crown prince actually needs the official title of crown prince.

My coronation wasn't due until early spring next year.
They can't rush a coronation either, the legal documentations and banquet take a long time to prepare and process for.

I have about over half a year.

Half a year to take over a kingdom.

The other couple months left in preparation to take over the empire shortly after."

Do you even know what you're doing though??
How are you going to take over this kingdom??"

"Killing any ruler and heir to the throne will do just the trick for this kingdom.
Since they're the strongest people here, if I can kill them even the Duke of this kingdom will know they can't do anything.

This sword.

I'm the owner of it now because it picked me.

It'll be more than enough to convince the idiots the live here that I actually belong on the throne.


That is the truth anyways.

It's time I read that diary.
The plan goes into action now."

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