Misfits (#2)

By linaawritess

961K 18.4K 33.8K

{π˜‰π˜–π˜–π˜’ π˜›π˜žπ˜– π˜–π˜ π˜›π˜π˜Œ π˜“π˜–π˜π˜Œπ˜“π˜Œπ˜šπ˜š π˜›π˜™π˜π˜“π˜–π˜Žπ˜ } The perfect picture of elegance. It's all Viole... More

author's note + cast
all my love


13K 261 544
By linaawritess

I've decided I hate the reception area. It reminds me of a dentist's office with the hushed atmosphere and the unnerving feeling coursing through me as I sit in this chair.

I tilt my head back and try to stop the bouncing of my legs by counting the ceiling tiles. Same as before. 54.

I try again but can barely get to twenty without my mind trailing off. I've never been in trouble and my family knows Principal Banning well. A part of our family funds this school.

The Amory name is as untarnished as a name can get. We're the perfect pictures; it's what we've been raised to be our whole lives, me and my brothers. It's reputation or nothing so thinking about what would happen if I failed a class is enough to rock tremors through my body. Thinking about this, possession of weed, makes my body want to cave in on itself.

I don't want them to find out. They can't.

My hands start to tremble so I clench them into fists and tuck them under my thighs to hide them. I need to get a hold of myself before a panic attack becomes unavoidable so I shut my eyes and urge steady breaths.

It's pathetic, I'm well aware of it. Being terrified of trouble is humiliating but I can't help it. I've never been able to. Not when consequences always loom for me.

Steady, Violet.

The door clicks open and I sit up in my seat as Principal Banning holds open the door to his office. I meet his gaze just for a moment but the subtle disappointment feels like a punch to the gut. I lower my eyes and walk in without saying a word.

"Take a seat, Violet." He shuts the door behind him and walks around to the other side of the desk.

The silence is thick. I awkwardly pull the sleeves of my sweater over them and walk over to the chair, not looking to Everest sat in the one besides me, even as he watches me.

Banning sighs and I look up to him when he speaks, "State laws determine that drug possession of any kind for minors is illegal. Punishable."

I know. My mind has run through every possible thought in the past ten minutes. Police. Court and juvie and probation and I'm trying so hard to breathe but it's getting difficult.

Set us up for embarrassment. It's all you do, Violet. All you are.

I briefly shut my eyes to snap out of it. Of her voice.

I'd die so quick in juvie. I'd probably fall asleep somewhere and bam. Shanked and I'm a corpse. I frown at the thought. I really wanted to go to Paris fashion week once before I go.

Doesn't matter. I'm a dead girl.

"You are both on school grounds. We don't tolerate drug usage here and we never have. It's irresponsible, immature and quite frankly, Violet, disappointing." His tone is harsh and I keep my gaze lowered, "I assure your family won't be pleased."

My head snaps up, "They know?"

"I'll be calling them once we're done here. They need to be called in for a meeting because of criminal activity. You two will wait in the reception." He responds.

Everest speaks up from besides me, "She didn't do shit, Banning. I said that-"

"And I listened. Regardless, Violet was seen with marijuana and protocol states that family must be inform-"

"Fuck protocol." Everest's tone is harsher and I look over to him. He's slumped lazily in his seat with his black soccer shirt and shorts, legs laid out. But his expression seems to be anything but relaxed.

He sits up, "It's bullshit, you know it. I snuck it into her bag and she threw it back at me. You've seen me smoke pot in the back alley. She's a grade A student. You don't really have to guess here, do you?"

I swallow and look away from him. I try to be thankful but that's it. I'll be calling them once we're done here. Nothing else exists and nothing else matters because all my mind now revolves around is its urge to run away. Far from home and what's waiting.


My head lifts but I feel somewhat separated from my body.

"Did you hear what I asked?"

Does it matter? When all I feel is this impending doom, this crippling fear. In a matter of seconds, it's paralysed me.

"Is he telling the truth?" Banning asks.

"I'm sorry." Is all I say and pull the sleeves tighter over my hands.

"Hey," Everest says quietly and I can feel his eyes on mine, "It'll be alright, you know? I won't let you go down for this. It's bullshit."

I look up to Principal Banning and hate how weak my voice sounds, "Is it okay if I wait in the reception? It'll be Sage you call?"

Pathetic; it's what Everest will see at least. Cowering like a baby, even when he sticks up for me. Even when it's a thing teenagers get caught out for all the time. It's humiliating and I just need to breathe.

"Violet, we can talk about this. I'm sure what Everest is saying stands true and it's unlikely that police will take acti-"

"I understand." But it doesn't matter anymore, "I'd just like to wait outside please. There's not much for me to say."

Banning sighs and looks like he wants to say more but nods and gestures to the door. I manage a little smile towards him before pulling open the door and ordering my lungs to take in steady, sufficient amounts of oxygen.

I sit in the chair and tilt my head back again so I'm faced with the ceiling.

I think of ballet. Floating above the rest of the world. My only solace. Where there's no rules, no regulations. Where I discover what I really want to say.

I try to do anything but think about what's waiting for me when I get home.

I hear the door open and I lift my head to Everest as he walks over and quietly settles himself in front of the chairs opposite me. He sits on the ground, knees up and his blue eyes don't leave mine in this small area.

His lips turn up apologetically, "Hi."

I offer a small smile because I didn't thank him for what he did in there, "Hi."

I look back up to the ceiling and try not to get all nervous knowing that he's right in front of me, looking at me. And that we could both be in a world of trouble. Me and Everest Jones. At least it solidifies that he really is trouble because this is the outcome after one conversation.

"I'm sorry." He mutters, "I shouldn't have-"

"It's fine." I keep my gaze on the ceiling.

He's quiet for a moment more but I can practically feel his restlessness from here. I hear the shifting of his feet, the eventual clearing of his throat as I remain quiet. It's better if we don't talk.

Until he eventually blurts, "Can I ask you a question?"

I lift my gaze to him.

And then he winces, "Gimme a sec. I actually need to think of one first. I don't like quiet, it makes me antsy, you know?"

I understand. My youngest brother detests silence. He shifts under it like ants are crawling up his body but I've always found solace in silence.

"Are you ever nervous?" The question blurts out of me so I snap my eyes wide open and lift my head to look down at him, "I mean, like when you get in trouble?"

It's quiet around here, just the distant bustle of the receptionists or the occasional ringing phone.

He contemplates and then breaks the silence, "Do you want the truth?"

I narrow my eyes, "It's unsettling that you'd think I want a lie."

He smiles and shrugs, crossing his forearms over his knees, "Ya never know. You might want me to maintain my mighty reputation."

"Oh, of course. Because it's so thrilling." I say and then pause, flushing, "That was uncalled for. I'm sorry."

He mock gasps, "You're not absolutely captivated by me, Violet Fawn Amory?"

"I'm absolutely smitten after you swooped in and saved me, Everest Ronan Jones."

Ironic because he's partly the reason I'm here. He raises an eyebrow, "For quite literally saving you, you should be less sarcastic."

Now I mock gasp and say with boredom, "Sarcasm? The damsel in distress?" I look back up to the ceiling, "I'm practically betrothed to you now."

I gaze at the ceiling tiles, liking this conversation regardless of how obscure it is. It's making my mind run elsewhere and that's what I need right now.

"You want to put a ring on me?" He gasps, as if swooning.

Definitely an obscure conversation.

I entertain this conversation, our voices gently filling the room. I hear Everest get up and settle in the chair besides me; I don't turn to look at him when I ask, "What happened to being a jackass until your late twenties?"

"That's still the plan." He tilts his head back on the chair to face the ceiling too so we're both in the same position, "I'll just jackass behind your back. I am a man of many desires."

"Chivalrous." I deadpan.

"You're the one betrothed to me, sweetheart. I haven't even proposed yet." He turns to look at me, face angled towards mine but I swallow and don't turn.

"I'm joining your girl pack." I say, "Like the rest of the school."

"Girl pack." He digests and smiles, "Cos I'm saving your ass?" He quips.

"You got my ass into this situation, but sure. It's the opposite nightingale effect." I shut my eyes and try to relax before Sage walks through that door, "Where a person falls in love with their saviour."

"Oh, thank fuck." He crosses his forearms behind his head, "I was starting to think my endless love wasn't reciprocated. I appreciate it, future wife."

"No problem, future jackass husband." I respond.

I still haven't turned to look at him which is probably why I can upkeep this conversation. He should keep a blindfold over his eyes so I don't get nervous. Or just never smile. It's odd for me to be able to speak so easily with another person but I'm not gonna overthink or it's gonna stop.

He's silent for a while and I soak in the quiet. Until it's quiet for so long that it gets unnerving because I don't think Everest Jones knows the definition of silence.

I flit my eyes open and give in, turning my head to look at him. His head's tilted back on the seat like mine, facing the ceiling but his eyebrows are furrowed like he's confused. He's silent until he abruptly breaks it.

"What the fuck does a nightingale have to do with that?" He eventually blurts, throwing up his hands.

I hold back a laugh, not having expected that after he looked like he was trying to crack the world's greatest mystery. He turns to look at me and his own smile rises, eyes alight with something. He smiles a lot.

I quickly look back up and avoid that smile which might literally be deathly.

I swallow and explain, "Came from Florence Nightingale. They borrowed her name because of her compassion, how nice she was to patients. And stuff. Cos nightingale's effect is when the rescuer falls in love with patient. And opposite night-"

"Is when patient wants to fuck rescuer. You fall in love with me." He grins, "Sweet. Although, are you gonna turn like psycho? Could be kinda hot."

"I didn't know psycho's were a preference." I state and then light up, "Like Uma Thurman in Kill Bill. Nope, I take it back. She's so cool. I understand."

He looks confused and also a little pleasantly taken aback at my slight outburst. I shrink in my seat. I need to relax.

Until he says, "Who?"

My eyes snap wide open in outrage, "We need to divorce."

"That didn't fucking take long." A laugh breaks from his chest now and I can feel his eyes on me. He has a nice laugh. A gentle one.

"Rightfully so. Kill Bill's a cinematic masterpiece." I shake my head in disappointment, "Aren't you supposed to like gory stuff? You're a guy."

He shrugs and is quiet as he thinks it over, "I like Lilo and Stitch."

I narrow my eyes, slightly perturbed by his intentions. I'm not very trusting of him. Of what he puts up as a front and what he doesn't. Lilo...and stitch. The blue alien thingy.

I grimace and sit up, turning to face him as he does the same, sitting up to turn to me, "The pixar movie?"

"Woah, woah. Disney, Violet Fawn. Jesus fuck, we really do need to divorce." He shakes his head in disappointment now, as if I kicked his puppy.

"I hate Disney."

I always have. Boring movies with soppy plotlines that have nothing on sci-fi franchises, thrillers and the oldies.

His eyes slowly bulge out of his head as he turns to look at me. He stares at me like I just mauled his kicked puppy with a knife. I'm starting to think his favourite movie really is Lilo and Stitch.

And then he makes a dramatic show of pulling out a fake piece of paper and signing it at the bottom with a fake pen. Theatrically, he sets the fake divorce paper in my lap.

He tsks, "It was a good run. But I can't live with a soulless woman."

"Soulless?" I throw my fake pen at him. He catches it and points it at me accusingly.

"No. Soul." He reiterates, "Beautiful characters enduring beautiful journeys on paths to love and friendships. What is there to hate? What type of woman are you?"

"A woman that doesn't want to barf." I keep looking away from him so I don't get nervous but accuse him of my point, "Uma Thurman should be your type."

"I go for soulless-disney-hating women and werewolves, apparently." He looks back to me flatly. I bite back a smile. Girl pack's a pretty good name.

He keeps his blue eyes on mine for a moment, his smile so refreshing that I look away. I fidget with my fingers and try to believe the carpet's the most interesting thing here-

I can't stop eyes from flitting back to him. Everest raises one amused eyebrow, his elbow leaning on the back of the chair.

A receptionist walks by and points at the both of us, hissing, "Keep it down. How many times do I have to tell you, Everest?"

I shrink back, about to apologise but Everest looks looks up to her, "Hey, Dee. You're glowing. New haircut?"

She tries not to blush but with Everest's eyes on her, it doesn't work. So his charm works on thirty year old women too. How surprising.

His lips threaten a smirk and I realise he knows the effect he has on her, tilting his head, "Do excuse us, babe. It can get a little noisy trying to convert the heartless."

I roll my eyes. He grins when I do, both of us not looking at each other.

"Just-" She twirls a strand of her hair and clears her throat, "Keep it down." And then she scuttles away nervously.

A quiet envelops us when I sit back in my seat.

I almost want him to start speaking again, about anything. Even if it's as ridiculous as not knowing who Uma Thurman is. He has a nice voice and if I keep listening to it, instead of the silence, my mind won't roam to anything other than this moment.

I wish I could freeze time. My whole life, any good moment and I wish the timeline would just pause to keep me there. As simple as flicking through a Vogue magazine or obscure as speaking to Everest Jones.

Little things make me happy and I assume it's because I've never been able to feel happiness without anxiety. I fear the moment ending before it's over. So I grasp at it and lock them all in my memory bank to remind myself: good exists, Violet.

My life is comprised of bad and good. My mind is stuck on the same wheel. Trying not to pollute the good because those little moments, they're my lifeline. I know that.

Tny good moments are stupidly important to me when usually, they're so insignificant to somebody else. It's why I tend to close myself off and hole up in my own world.

I'm far too dependent and vulnerable. I've conditioned myself to acknowledge that since I was a little girl. I remember more than most, treasure things quicker and so I keep it all to myself. I do it all silently and from afar so people don't disappoint.

Alone. It's better for me.

"I'm sorry." Everest breaks the silence and I look up to see him torn, "I've been in trouble since freshman year. I didn't need to get you involved and I shouldn't have. It was stupid of me-"

He's rambling. I open my mouth, "Everest."

"Nothing's gonna happen to you, I swear it. I'm a dickwad but not enough of a dickwad to make a girl cry. Or so I thought." He drops his face in his hands, "Fuck, I've reached new dickwad status-"

I try to speak and try not to think about how oddly amusing this is, "Everest, its-"

He lifts his head, hair sticking up in five different directions, "You can spraypaint dickwad on my forehead. Or sock me in the stomach."

I furrow my eyebrows at that. He looks as if he genuinely wants me to, in order to relieve his guilt. When I fight back a laugh, he frowns.

"I'm not spraypainting or punching you." I say, "You didn't force me to take it."

He looks down to the floor but still looks as if he's in a turmoil. I don't know why it's so amusing. Maybe cos I hadn't expected it from someone like him.

"Who knew a troublemaker would get so worked up about getting other people into trouble?" I joke and he looks to me when I smile a little again.

He opens his mouth as if he was gonna say something but it shuts again. He looks distracted though his gaze is gentle, eyes on my lips. My smile slowly fades out of nervousness and when it does, he looks for a moment longer.

He clears his throat, not meeting my eyes as he taunts, "I prefer the term free spirit, Violet Fawn." And then he mumbles, "I am sorry."

"Me too." I say and for some reason want to soothe him. So I shrug and say, "Your mighty reputation's down the drain, rambler."

He grins now, still looking away from me. A small laugh breaks from his chest as he runs his hand through his thick hair. I can see his smile lines and those sharp cheekbones before I look away too. The two of us smiling like a couple of idiots in the receptionist's office.

I didn't think conversation would be so easy with Everest Jones, of all people. He does have a sweetheart smile, as they all say. An unrivalled charisma that is so easy to get caught up in.

That solidifies that I need to stay well away from him. Fleeing, as I'm so skilled at doing.

We're not looking at each other when his lips tip up a little and he says, "You're the sort of beautiful that's gonna get me into worlds of fucking trouble, Violet Fawn."

I freeze, those words and the way he said them sending a weird thrum through my body. I mutter, "What?"

"I kinda have trouble leaving people the fuck alone." He says, now looking at me. I'm pretty sure he's looking at my lips so I do the same, looking down to his.

But he starts to smile and it feels like I've been caught so I quickly look away, even when he leans a little closer, "You think you'd be up for it? For me?"

I shake my head no. I wouldn't. I look at Everest Jones again.

He's beautiful, up close. The type of attractive that's hard to look away from. Cut cheekbones that make his smile lines pop out more. Most of his hair's a dirty blonde but there are a few darker strands, as if sunkissed.

The door opens and we pull back, snapping out of it.

"Oh fuck." Everest mumbles and then grins as they walk over, "Hear me ou-"

"If they don't arrest you, I'm gonna fucking kick your ass myself." Luca Hernandez sets his gaze on him, quite literally seeming as if he's itching to throttle Everest out of the chair he's sitting in.

I shrink in my seat as well. If most people intimidate me, he terrifies me. I also try to do anything but look at Everest, my heart pumping a little faster.

Everest's renowned best friend. Brother, more like. Dark hair under even darker brown eyes, an inch or so taller than Everest with a glare hard enough to deter anybody.

Luca Hernandez, a fighter through and through. Thrown in Juvie for knocking people's lights out. I'd seen him during a fight once and vowed to never watch a boxing match if that's what it entailed. I almost passed out. A boxer since he was young, a face that makes girls flush and a glare that somehow lures them in more.

If I wanted to flee before, now I want to hightail it out of here.

Everest swallows, "Hey, Lu Lu. Nice seeing you her-"

"Stop talking."

Everest winces, frowning, "Dude, I told you it's cruel to ask me that. I'm a talker. A flowing tap. There's a lot in my brain, you know and...I'll shut up."

Luca runs his ringed fingers through his hair, already seeming exasperated with the situation. He sighs, "Rundown."

"Bag of weed. Under six ounces. Should be fine but I dunno after the recent run in." Everest answers and I balk at how this seems like routine.

"Intent to deliver?" Luca asks.

"Nope. Just possession- can I have a ci-" Everest outstretches a hand for the cigarette box but Luca promptly pulls out a cigarette and then throws the empty box at his head.

"Ever heard of a polite no, sweetie?" Everest frowns.

"Ever heard of a polite ass-kicking, fucktard?" Luca snaps back and places the cigarette between his lips, making no move to light it. He tilts his head towards me, "The fuck did you do with her?"

Everest's smile makes me flush again, "I opposite nightingaled her."

Luca's eyes flit to mine and even that brief glance made my stomach turn. He's deadly looking. Unreal, and sinful. He slowly looks back to Everest, "What?"

"Doesn't matter." I say just before Everest had opened his mouth to explain.

Luca properly turns his attention to mine and I try my very hardest not to cower. I do anyways because I'm practically slumping in this seat.

"Amory?" His eyebrows furrow.

I nod. He nods.

Dear lord.

"You know each other?" Everest asks, pointing between us.

"No." I quickly say and Luca doesn't say anything, his attention already shifted away from me.

"Lila didn't pick up." Luca says to Everest, "Why?"

Everest's demeanour changes slightly. He just shrugs, "Night shifts. She's probably sleeping."

Luca stares at him for a long moment. I don't know what's going on but there seems to be some sort of unspoken eyeball conversation going on. I figure Lila's his mom? Caretaker?

Everyone knows these two are orphans. They're literally labelled the hot orphans, which may I add, I've always believed to be highly unethical. Apparently Everest basks in it. Seems likely.

Everyone in Kilned is obsessed with them, brothers that have rattled mischief everywhere they found themselves. So everyone's always gossiping where their names are concerned. Some of the rumours I've heard could freaking be on the news.

Luca actually is Everest's blood brother and they got separated at birth. Or Everest was left outside a coffee shop for three days. Once I heard something about child trafficking and completely shut my ears off. Assuming is one thing until it's a little too much.

Nobody actually knows so it peaks curiosity. They're tight-knit friends and nobody penetrates their group.

Principal Banning opens his office door and steps out. He halts when he spots Everest and Luca, promptly tilting his head back to sigh.

Everest grins, "My dad's here."

Luca looks like he wants to walk out.

Banning looks like he's way too tired to deal with the both of them as he leans against the doorway, "Give me a break today, you two. Can we try that? I'm not looking for more paperwork or trouble than it's worth."

"What'd you take us for? Bonnie and Clyde?" Everest fakes being taken aback.

They were lovers. I don't think he knows that-

"They fucked, you idiot." Luca snaps, a little more harsher than I'd have said it if I mustered up the courage.

"Back on track." Banning snaps his fingers and catches their attention, "You're here for him?"

Luca smiles bitterly, "Shocker?"

"You can't keep doing this, both of you. Your parental figures or caretakers need to be present." Banning runs a tired hand across his forehead.

"No hate, dude but we must remind you." Everest chimes in and clasps his hands together, "They're dead ducks."

I choke on air. Their heads snap to me as I clear my throat and keep quiet, so they can continue that...conversation. I can see Everest's little smile besides me before he looks back up to Banning.

Sheesh, talk about embracing it.

"I- well, yes I am aware of...that." Banning clears his throat, "But you do have carers. Is Miss Martin unavailable?"

His demeanour does that subtle change again and I hone in on it when he nods. Just nods.

Banning sighs and then looks to me, "Violet, your brother's been made aware. Your driver is coming to pick you up."

I nod and that pit in my stomach deepens, "Thank you."

"Driver?" Everest pipes up and then murmurs to himself, "I've always wanted to fuck in a limo."

My eyes snap wide open. Luca sighs like he's thinking of throttling him again and Banning opens his mouth to speak but just sighs, shutting the door to his office behind him.

Everest throws up his hands, "What? Okay, that's a normal fantasy. At least it wasn't weird and creepy. I bet you've thought of fucking Ria somewhere fancy-"

"If I hear fucking Ria in your vocabulary again, I will take pleasure in putting out this cigarette on your eyeball." Luca says, his tone as harsh as it always is.

Everest's silent for just a second.

"You've so thought of canoodling Ria in a limo- hey, wait! I didn't say fucking Ria!"

Luca pauses his movements towards him and Everest smiles as wide as can be. This is my first time really seeing them communicate and to say they're not incredibly entertaining would be a lie. It's unavoidable when they're such a stark contrast. I don't think two people could be any more different.

Once Luca lays off, Everest completely spins to face me. I swallow and side-eye but don't turn towards him.

"Hi." He says.

I narrow my eyes.

"You know it's etiquette to look at someone when you speak, Violet Fawn." He quips and so I slightly tilt my body.

"Etiquette enough for you?" I ask.

He shrugs and admits, "I dunno. You tell me, Miss Limo."

"Bentley." I mutter and look towards the door. I should probably wait outside for Colton. He's made it clear he hates coming into the school.

"Bentley?" He looks like a kid on Christmas.

"Limo's are inconvenient." I slide up my tote bag on my arm and straighten out my skirt before standing up.

"I can't believe you just said that sentence." He looks up to me, "Did you hear that or do you choose not to hear your richness when speaking to the orphaned?"

I frown, not wanting to sound anything like Grayson, "Sorry. I didn't mean— that's just what my family always says. We've just always used Amory Bentleys."

"Relax." He smiles now, seeming amused with himself as he leans back against the chair. I blush at that stupid look in his eyes and try to think about anything but his blue eyes flitting down to my lips.

"I need to go." I clear my throat and stand awkwardly.

It's been a day full of much more socialising than I'm used to. After a certain amount of time, I itch to hide away from the world by my lonesome.

I offer Everest a smile and turn towards the doors, past Luca Hernandez who smokes freely like there's not a couple receptionists across the room. My hand meets the door-

"I do." Everest says and I look back over my shoulder, "I get nervous sometimes."

I can't help the little smile that spreads across my face, remembering the question he hadn't answered. Maybe I shouldn't have asked because I think maybe a part of me likes him a little more now. He doesn't leave my eye contact.

"Bye, jackass husband." I muse.

His slow smile takes up his whole face. He nods once, "Bye, future wife."

I push open the doors and let them shut behind me as my tennis shoes lazily pad against the hallway floors until I'm at the main doors. Pushing them out, I'm met with the lightly crisp January air and a cold breeze brushing against my legs.

I don't see anybody yet so I relish in this moment where there's no reminder of me having to face home. Of having to face her. I can let my mind roam to what I want and out of my control, it returns to Everest Jones' grin.

Not good at all. He's a renowned flirt. I'm vulnerable because I'll fall for that stuff easily. It's why you stay away from the pretty ones, Vy.

I know I'll have no problem fleeing. Staying away. It's a forte of mine that takes me no effort. But if he's truthful about not knowing how to people leave alone, I'm gonna have to up my game.

Dodging Everest Jones' advances might be my hardest escape yet.


it's starting yall. progress!!

hope you liked this one.

all my love <33

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