TEAM! max thunderman

By niallhoranslovebot

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โ€•โ Together, we're a stronger team, oh. Put your heart in it. You can go the distance. Me and you against the... More

CHAPTER ONE, adventures in supersitting
CHAPTER TWO, report card
CHAPTER THREE, prank war
CHAPTER FOUR, this looks like a job for
CHAPTER FIVE, you stole my thunder, man
CHAPTER SIX, crime after crime
CHAPTER EIGHT, thundersense
CHAPTER NINE, phoebe's a clone now
CHAPTER TEN, have an ice birthday
CHAPTER ELEVEN, nothing to lose sleep over
CHAPTER TWELVE, pretty little choirs
CHAPTER THIRTEEN, breaking dad
CHAPTER FOURTEEN, max's minions
CHAPTER FIFTEEN, sleepover and movie marathon
CHAPTER SIXTEEN, a trip to new orleans
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN, fighting the green ghoul
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN, winter thunderland
CHAPTER NINETEEN, late night visit

CHAPTER SEVEN, going wonkers

2K 65 44
By niallhoranslovebot

(special guest thomas doherty as elijah kendrick

(also picture above is the outfit, makeup & hair she has at the dance, the shoes she wears are grey flats)

The Achilles Comet is passing by Earth tonight which didn't mean anything good for Millie and the Thundermans. Because it messes with the Earth's magnetic field it causes their superpowers to go wonky. The bad thing is that the school dance is also tonight, and Millie was actually looking forward to the dance for once since she was asked to the dance by a cute senior boy. 

"Good morning, honey." Dave greets his daughter when she walked down the stairs. "Did I tell you about the Achilles Comet yet?"

"Yep." Millie nods. "Told me the first year I got my powers." She grimaces. "And you keep telling me every year."

Dave sheepishly smiles. "Just wanna make sure you're prepared for it happening." He points at her. "It's happening tonight, meaning no going out."

"What?!" Millie exclaims. She groans. "Dad, I'll be fine. My powers aren't going wonky now so why can't I go to the dance?"

"Wait, you got a date to the dance?" Dave asked, looking at her with surprise.

Millie raises her eyebrows at him, putting her hands on her hips. "No need to be so surprised."

"Sorry," Dave chuckles. "It's just you normally don't like going to the dance." An excited smile tugs on his lips. "Did Max ask you to be his date to the dance?"

"No," Millie shakes her head. She rolls her eyes. "Why do you people," When her dad raises his eyebrows at her, she adds, "And by people, I mean you and Phoebe, think that Max and I like each other that way? We're just best friends." She shrugs. "Besides, I really like this junior guy."

"Right." Dave nods slowly, not believing what she said. Millie picks up an apple from the bowl on the middle of the table as Dave goes to turn his attention back to his phone he held when he realized what she said and looked at her with wide eyes. "Wait, hold up, a junior asked you to the dance?" 

"Yes, dad, he's only two years older than me. It's not a big deal." Millie reassures him, waving a dismissive hand and acting like it wasn't a big deal the boy was two years older than her because in her opinion it wasn't a big deal. "His name is Elijah Kendrick and he's really nice." She smiles dreaming while she thinks of him. "And really really cute." She grins, pointing at her dad. "Plus he even has an accent which makes him even cuter."

Dave tilts his head to the side and looks at her weirdly. "Don't know how accents can make people cuter," He shakes his head, pointing back at her. "But I'm sorry, honey, you can't go to the dance tonight." The grin fell off Millie's face the more he spoke and her shoulders drop in defeat. "The Achilles Comet will make your powers go all haywire and we don't want you to accidentally expose your powers to everyone." Dave smiles, trying to cheer her up. "Good news is it only lasts for ten hours."

"Okay," Millie frowns, knowing that there was no point in trying to get him to agree with her going to the dance. "I understand." She turned to walk towards the stairs.

"But," Millie stops by the stairs, turning to face her dad with a hopeful expression after hearing him speak again. Dave smiles at her. "There is one way you can go to the dance." 


Turns out that way of going to the dance meant that she had to stay within three feet of the Thunderman twins. She didn't mind it at all, but she knew it would be difficult to spend time with Elijah without it being like she wasn't hiding a secret. 

Before the dance Millie went over to the Thunderman's house to get ready for the dance with Phoebe. And she was also getting ready at the Thunderman's house in case she needed Phoebe's or Barb's with getting ready. She loved her dad, but he knew nothing about girl stuff. Millie decided on wearing a black and white spaghetti strap dress that reached above her knees. There was a black belt fabric around the waist and black designs scattered across the dress. She went with simple makeup, matching her dress. For her hair she did a simple but cute hairstyle and decided to just curl it. She wore grey flats that sparkled instead of wearing heels. She was never fond of wearing heels and always tried to avoid wearing them. 

"I'm really glad that we're at the dance together." Millie said, smiling at Elijah. She and Elijah currently were walking away from the place where you get your photo taken since she and Elijah had just done that.

The gym was decorated for the dance with fairy lights, a disco ball, and even some other decorations. The DJ was playing music and people were either talking or dancing, some were getting their pictures taken and others were getting something to eat from the food table.

As the two teens stand a few feet away from the food table, Elijah smiles back at her and nods. "Yeah, me too." He glances at the Thunderman twins, who were three feet away conversing with Cole, Phoebe's date, at the food table.  "It would be better if the twins weren't always by us."

Millie glances over at them, feeling a bit guilty because it's her fault since she has powers (and the Achilles Comet fault because it messes up her powers) that she and the twins have to be within three feet of each other. It looked like Phoebe wasn't doing so good with her date as well with Max and Millie having to be close by and she looked annoyed as well. Millie didn't blame her. She was annoyed that she couldn't spend alone time with her date too. 

"I get it that you're friends with them," Elijah said, glancing back at Millie and sighs. "But do we have to hang out by them the whole night?"

Millie bites her lower lip nervously, not really for sure what to say. As if he could sense she needed help, Max walks over to the two teens. "Sup, guys!" He smiles, wrapping his arms around their shoulders, although it was a bit difficult for him to wrap his arm around Elijah since Elijah was taller than him. "How's it going over here?"

"Not so good now that you're here." Elijah muttered.

Max's jaw tightens, refraining himself from saying a rude comment to Elijah in front of Millie. He takes his arms away and steps away as he drags out the word he says. "Okay, good to know."

"Hi, Max." 

A familiar voice says and the three teens turn to see Sarah smiling at Max. "You look so handsome tonight. Want to dance?" 

"Uh, maybe later, Sarah." Max said, gesturing to the food table. "I just ate. And you know the rule. You got to wait twenty minutes."

Elijah rolls his eyes. "That's for swimming, not dancing, idiot." Max glared at him in response.

"Right." Sarah smiles and points at Max, going along with what he said. She puts a timer on her blue colored watch. She smiles at Max. "I'll see you in twenty."

"I'll be here." Max responded as Sarah walked away.

"Or maybe you could be literally anywhere else." Elijah suggested with annoyance lacing his voice. 

Millie sympathetically smiled at him. She felt bad because she had to stay close by the twins because of the comet. If she didn't stay within three feet of them then her powers would go out of control. Like for example, earlier when Millie and Elijah were conversing and standing more than three feet away from the twins the twinkle lights by them started flickering on and off until Millie had stepped closer to the twins so they were three feet from each other. Elijah had asked why she was moving closer to the twins and she lied saying that she was just dancing (badly) in that direction. Luckily, he believed her.

"Hey, Elijah," Millie reaches a hand out to him with a smile on her face. "Wanna go dance?"

Elijah's face lights up when she asked him that, his lips forming into a smile as he takes her hand. "Yeah, I would love to." 

"Great." Millie's smiled widened and the two walk out onto the dance floor and started dancing to the upbeat music playing. But Millie made sure that they were three feet from the twins.

Out of the corner of her eye, Millie noticed that Cole and Phoebe went over to where a photo set up was at. There was a backdrop of roses in front of the photographer off to the right side of the gym. Max and Millie followed Cole and Phoebe, but Max was the only one who leaned over to the couple, getting in the picture. Millie smiled with amusement and rolled her eyes. She knew that the twins had to be three feet of each other but at this point she thought Max was just enjoying annoying Phoebe.

She continued dancing with Elijah, turning to look at the photographer along with Elijah when a loud thud by his direction is heard. Her eyes widened when she saw the camera broken on the ground and she noticed Max wasn't with Phoebe and Cole anymore. She looked around the dance, searching for Max and noticed he was more than three feet away from her and Phoebe. 

"How did that happen?" Elijah asked.

"No idea." Millie lies. She awkwardly smiles at him when he raises his eyebrows at her as if he was suspicious of her hiding something. She holds onto both of his hands and turns him to fully face her, beginning to continue to dance to the music. "Let's go back to dancing!"

Meanwhile Phoebe had excused herself from Cole to go bring Max back over to her and Millie. "Did you see what happened with that camera?" Phoebe questions, furrowing her eyebrows upon seeing the sad look on her brother's face. "Max?" She waved her hand in front of his face after he didn't say anything. She looks in the direction he was looking at and nods in realization. "Oh."

Millie giggled as she was twirled around by Elijah, who smiled softly at her. Millie was twirled out and then Elijah dipped her when she was brought back to him. Elijah was smiling at her the whole time and even had a light shade of blush on his face when he had dipped her as if he was a bit shy to do so. Millie's face was now a light shade of red and a bright smile to form on her face. 

"I'm sorry, Max." Phoebe apologzies, glancing at her brother with a frown. "I know how much you like her."

Max looks at his sister so fast he thought he might've gotten whiplash. His eyes widen. "W-What?" He stutters, his heartbeat beating faster because he was freaking out for many reasons. "I don't like her." He then rambles on how he didn't have feelings for her. "W-Well, I mean, of course I like her, she's my best friend. But I don't like her romantically if that's what you're talking about."

"Oh, please." Phoebe scoffs. "You are so head over heels for her and you don't even know it."

"Not true." Max denied, crossing his arms.

Phoebe smirks. "People say first stage of liking someone is denial."

"Shut up, Pheebs." Max rolled his eyes, ignoring the feeling of his face heating up. As he looked back at Millie having fun dancing with a boy who's not him, he started to think about what Phoebe said. Maybe he is head over heels for her. She's honestly the only one who he enjoys hanging out with and is no doubt the only one who can easily make him smile.

A shocked expression appears on Max's face. "I can't believe it."

"It's about time you finally realized your feelings for her." Phoebe remarked.

"Well, that," Max shrugs. He looks at her with disbelief. "And I can't believe it that you're right for once."

Phoebe looks at him with offense. "Hey, I'm right about stuff sometimes!" 


While Millie and Elijah continued to dance, Cole and Phoebe were now dancing. Phoebe had made sure they were near Millie because of the comet. And Max was now dancing between Cole and Phoebe.

"Can you guys believe Millie likes that guy more than me?" Max questioned. With a look of disbelief on his face, he watched his best friend laugh at something funny Elijah had said as they danced. Max knew he had romantic feelings for his best friend after thinking he wanted to be the one to make her laugh. 

Cole raises his eyebrows at him. "You mean she didn't like the annoying dude with no sense of personal space?"

Max groans, throwing his arms up in frustration. "Great; now there's a third guy who likes her?" He went to walk away, but Sarah stopped him from walking farther away. 

"Hey there, footloose." Sarah smiled, hip bumping Max.

"Not now, screw loose." Max remarked, hip bumping her back much harder which caused her to be pushed to the side and trip a little. He smiled slightly upon noticing Millie dancing near him with Elijah. 

"Max, you're too far." Phoebe warned him. 

Seconds later, the wig on a male teacher walking by flew off and landed on Phoebe's hand and her eyes widened. The teacher stopped and felt his bald head, turning around with wide eyes. Phoebe walks over with Cole to hand him his wig back. She awkwardly smiles. "You might want to stay away from the air vents."

The teacher puts his wig back on and leaves as the three teens walk back onto the dance floor. Millie hadn't notice that Max was dancing by her and Elijah until she had accidentally bumped into him. "Oh, hi, Max." She smiled at him, earning a smile from Max.

"Hi, Mills." Max greeted.

Elijah rolls his eyes upon seeing him. "Of course you're here."

"What's your problem, man?" Max narrows his eyes at him as he dances. "I'm just dancing."

Elijah raises his eyebrows at his dance and chuckles. "You call that dancing?"

"Uh, as a matter of fact," Cole and Phoebe back up as Max does a dance move that requires him to have more space. "I do." 

Millie looks at him with an impressed expression. She knew that he could dance, but she was always impressed when he danced. And yes, Max knew that and was taking that to his advantage. 

"Oh, so you think you're a big shot." Elijah chuckled, stepping towards him and straightened his posture to look more intimidating (even though he already looked intimidating). Now he and Max were standing in front of each other in the open space that formed on the dance floor. He then does a dance move he had come up with.

(the dance move the boy in the white jacket is doing is the dance move he does)

When Elijah stands, he outstretches his arms and smirks at him. "Well, bring it on, freshmen." He challenged. 

Millie had to admit she was impressed by Elijah's moves. She knew that he was really good at dancing because he was on the dancing team. He was on the dancing team his freshmen and sophomore year and even won a few competitions. Plus, when he and Millie talked earlier they talked about each other to get to know each other better and he admitted he took dancing lessons when he was younger and had loved dancing ever since then. He also said he took some ballet classes in middle school but only because he was on the football team during middle school, and he was told being in ballet would help with football (and for him it did help)

"Oh, I'll bring it." Max remarks. "It'll be bringed-branged-brunged-" He stops himself in the middle of his sentence when he realized he was rambling. He shakes his head. "You know what I mean."

Millie bites her lower lip, worried that this dance fight would turn into an actual fight. "Guys, wait," She chimes in, stepping between the two as she looks at them with a nervous gaze. "Is this necessary?"

"I don't think it's necessary for him to be following you around all night." Elijah comments, glaring at Max. "Maybe somehow this will teach him to leave you alone."

"Want to get out of here and grab pizza?" Millie overheard Cole ask Phoebe and her eyes widened slightly because she was beginning to panic. She really hoped Phoebe wouldn't leave. Even if she was near Max, her powers still go all wonky. Well, not totally out of control like it does with her being nowhere near either the twins, but it's still not good.

Max and Millie share a glance, having a silent conversation. They both knew they needed to get Phoebe to stay there. "Hey, Phoebe, you got to stay here!" Max said, quickly going over to stop Phoebe from following Cole. He smirks. "I'm about to show this Elijah guy up." 

"It's more like you're going to get beat in this dance off by this Elijah guy." Elijah remarked, crossing his arms.

"Phoebe, you coming?" Cole asked Phoebe.

Phoebe looked upset and confused about this situation she found herself in. Millie would feel the same way if she was in her shoes. She knew Phoebe wanted to go hang out with Cole, but Phoebe couldn't leave without her and Max. 

Cole frowns. "I get the feeling you don't want to hang out with me."

"No, I do." Phoebe immediately reassured him.

"Then let's go." Cole said, pointing at the open doors of the gym.

"Look," Max moves away more than three feet from Phoebe and Millie, knowing that would convince Phoebe to stay. "More than three feet." He whispered to Phoebe.

Millie rolled her eyes. She didn't like how it seemed like Max was using the reason of him, her and Phoebe not being able to be more than three feet of each other as a way to get Phoebe to stay. She thought that wasn't fair. 

Phoebe sighs, knowing she couldn't go with Cole even though she really wanted to. She looks at Cole with a heavy heart and an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry, Cole. I can't."

Cole presses his lips together and nods, looking heartbroken. "That's what I thought."

As Cole left the gym, Phoebe steps forward with a desperate look on her face. She was desperate to try to get him back. "But, Cole!" Because of her being more than three feet from Max and Millie, the heart decoration above the door fell and broke in half. Phoebe frowns. "A broken heart?"

Millie grimaces. "That's ironic."

"Oh, come on, comet. Now you're just mocking me." Phoebe whined.

Millie glances at Elijah with a small smile, putting a hand on his arm. "Hey, I'm gonna go comfort Phoebe real quick." She stands on her tip toes, kissing his cheek which earned a smile from him. "Good luck with the dance off, I know you'll kill it on the dance floor."

"Thanks, Millie." Elijah said.

Millie then walks over to the other side of the dance floor where the twins were at. "Hey, Pheebs, how are you doing?"

"Awful." Phoebe frowns. "I can't believe it's over with Cole."

"I'm sorry." Millie apologizes. She sighs. "I just wish this stupid comet wasn't a thing so we all could enjoy tonight without having to worry about our powers."

"I agree." Phoebe nods. She turns to Max, who was stretching to get ready for the dance off. "It's all your fault! You knew this night was important to me."

"It's important to me too." Max defends himself. "I'm about to have a dance-off with a guy I've never met before over a girl who will probably want nothing to do with me after she finds out the reason why I'm doing this dance-off in the first place."

"Wait," Millie furrows her eyebrows, tilting her head to the side. She puts her hands on her hips, looking at Max with confusion. "What?"

Max's eyes widen, almost forgetting Millie was standing there until she said that. "Uh, it's nothing." He quickly lied and thankfully for him she didn't question him about it. At least for now.

"Yeah, it'll probably take you minutes to get over this." Phoebe sarcastically comments. She shrugs. "Well, about the dance part, probably not so much about the girl part."

"Hey, I've been following you around all night. It's your turn to follow me." Max told her.

"He does have a point." Millie nodded and Max pointed at her as if to say 'see? she's agrees with me'.

"Now, if you don't mind." He twirls around to face the dance floor with a smirk. "I have to dance."

Sarah rushes over to him and slides over to him. "I heard you're in a dance-off. Be careful."

Max fakes a smile and points at her before he walks onto the dance floor. Millie and Phoebe share a look and they follow Max onto the dance floor. Millie puts her hand on Max's arm, smiling at him as she whispers so only he can hear. "Good luck, Max." 

Max smiles at her. "Thanks, Mills."

Millie then walks over to the other side of the dance floor where Elijah was standing. "So, I've only seen this in movies." Max admits, standing in front of Elijah in the open space on the dance floor. "Who goes first? Eenie, meenie, miney, mo? Coin flip? Rock, paper, scissors?"

Elijah looks at him with amusement. "Stop talking."

Max stays quiet, raising his hands in defense. Elijah turns to the DJ, pointing at him turn up the music louder. Max and Phoebe backed up while other students moved out of the way to give the two boys room for the dance-off. Millie had backed up as well since she didn't want to be in the way, but she had made sure she stood three feet from the twins.

Elijah started the dance-off with a move he had been working on recently.

Standing back up, Elijah outstretched his arms challengingly and smirked as he backed up. 

Max rolls his eyes and steps forward to show his dance.

Some people started cheering for Max, the chanting of course being started by Sarah while Max backed up. Elijah stood in the middle of the dance floor, bending over slightly to let Max do across the back roll move and as he landed on the other side of the dance floor he ended the move with a twirl. 

Millie almost was too engrossed in the dance-off to not notice the disco ball hanging beginning to swing back and forth, but luckily, she did notice. Her eyes widened and her heartbreak quickened, realizing that Max was standing more than three feet from Phoebe. She locked eyes with Phoebe, causing the brunette to look at her with confusion when she saw Millie's panicked expression. Millie gestured with a nod of her head to the disco ball swinging and Phoebe glanced up at it with wide eyes. 

Meanwhile, the two boys were now standing in front of each other, puffing out their chest and staring at each other with a glare to try to be more intimidating than the other. "Back Max, back Max, Back Max!" Phoebe exclaimed, looking at her brother as she gestured for him to come back over to her. 

Listening to his sister, Max twirled around so he was on the side of the room his sister was on and moonwalked back over to his sister (which to be honest Millie found slightly impressive because she didn't know anyone who could moonwalk that well). Millie was relieved to see that the disco ball had stopped swinging when Max was closer to her and Phoebe.

"Watch how's it done, freshmen." Elijah remarked before he showed a dance move that impressed everyone. 

A worried look forms on Max's face after he watched Elijah's dance move, realizing that he might lose this dance-off. "Wow, he's really good." He turns to face his sister with a nervous gaze. "I don't think I can top that."

"Please." Phoebe rolls her eyes with a smile on her face. "You can take him. Just try something like this." She then backed up and did a dance she made up. 

Max stares at her with shock. "Okay," He shakes his head. "There's no way I'm doing that."

Phoebe puts her hands on her hips and shrugs. "I figured since Elijah knew ballet you might too, but I guess not. Uh, just take out the spin, street it up, and throw in your triple maximus."

A look of realization forms on Max's face. He grins. "Yeah, my triple maximus." He looks at her with confusion. "Wait, how'd you know about my secret move?"

"Dr. Colosso has been posting videos of you dancing for weeks." Phoebe replies, causing Max to look at her with surprise. Phoebe shrugs. "And plus Millie told me about it." Max nodded and shrugged. He wasn't surprised Millie told her about it, but he was surprise Dr. Colosso was posting videos of him dancing online.

"Just go dance and beat that senior who's not good enough for Millie." Phoebe told him.

Max points at her and smiles. "You think he's not good enough for her either?"

Phoebe rolls her eyes and chuckles. "Yes," She pushes him forward. "Just go dance. And take him down! One of us needs to win tonight."

Max nodded and walked over to the middle of the dance floor to do his dance.

Halfway through the dance Millie had noticed Elijah looked like he was impressed but tried to hide it as if he didn't want to admit that. Max continued his dance for a few more seconds before he stood up and backed up. Elijah took a step forward as if he was going to try to dance next but backed up with a shocked expression on his face when Max took a running start and finished his dance with his triple maximus. 

When Max was finished with his dance, the gym erupted into applause and cheers for him. Millie had to admit she was quite impressed with his dance. She even gasped at the end, not expecting him to do his triple maximus. Phoebe went over to high five her brother with a grin on her face. 

Max locks eyes with Millie, who was grinning at him and she gave him two thumbs up which made him smile widely. The music was turned back to its normal volume and everyone went back to what they were doing before the dance-off. 

Max and Millie were now staring at each other with smiles on their faces (probably staring at each other much longer than they should). To be honest, Millie almost forgot about Elijah until he walked over to her and said something to her. "Hey, this dance is kind of lame, you wanna go out for pizza or something?"

Millie glances at him and grimaces. She really wanted to go hang out with Elijah, but she couldn't tonight because of the comet. She looks at the twins, who were now talking, and then looks at the Scottish boy by her. "I'm sorry." She apologizes. "I'm really sorry. I would love to hang out with you tonight, but I can't."

Elijah's face falls, his shoulders dropping in defeat. He glances in the direction she was now looking at, nodding in realization upon seeing she was looking at Max. "Yeah, okay." He puts on a pained smile and shrugs. "Kind of figured you liked him more than me."

Millie's eyes widened and she looks back at him with shock. "N-No, that's-that's not what I meant. Elijah-"

"It's okay." Elijah chuckles lightly. He smiles softly at her and kisses her cheek. "I had fun with you while it lasted." He glances at Max. "If he screw things up with you," He looks back at Millie, pointing at her. "Give me a call and I can beat him up for you." 

Millie knew that she shouldn't bother to tell him that she doesn't like Max that way since it seemed like he had his mind set that she did. She didn't know why though because she thought it was clear she liked him. So she just settled on smiling softly at him and says, "Thank you, Elijah. That means a lot to me. I had a great time with you." 

"You're welcome." Elijah told her. He and Millie said their goodbyes before he left the gym. 

Millie walks over to the twins with a small smile. "Hey, Thunderman twins." 

"Hi, M." Phoebe smiles. She furrows her eyebrows. "Wait, I saw that Elijah leave." She looks at her with concern and bombards her with questions. "Are you okay? What happened? Do I need to beat him up? Better yet, does Max need to beat him up?"

"I will gladly do that." Max chimed in.

"I'm okay," Millie laughs, amused by the twins, but she thought it was sweet of Phoebe being concerned for her and her and Max offering to beat Elijah up for her. "Well, I'm a little upset, but I'm okay." 

"Good." Phoebe nods, wrapping her arm around Millie's shoulders to pull her in for a side hug. "We can be upset together." Millie giggles slightly, wrapping her arm around Phoebe's waist to hug her back. Phoebe shares a smile with Millie before she glances at her brother with a small smile when Max spoke.

"Hey, thanks for those moves back there."

"Yeah," Phoebe nods and smiles sadly. "Glad somebody's night wasn't a total disaster."

"Oh, right." Max realizes. He smiles. "Cole, my slider buddy." He looks at Phoebe with an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry, Pheebs. Is there anything I can do?"

"I doubt it." Phoebe sighs. "Cole hates me."

"I'm sure he doesn't hate you." Millie said, trying to cheer up Phoebe.

"Yeah," Max agrees with Millie. "He does not hate you. Trust me, he totally likes you."

Phoebe narrows her eyes at him. "How do you know?"

"Because I'm a guy." Max responds. "And because I was within three feet of you two all night."

"I was also three feet of you two all night and so I agree with Max that Cole totally likes you." Millie commented as she and Phoebe pulled away from each other.

The teacher who had lost his wig because of the trio's powers walked past them, fixing his wig. Phoebe and Millie shared an amused expression while Max cringed.

"Most of the night." Max corrected and shrugged.

"Well, if Cole still likes me, then he must've left thinking I don't like him." Phoebe realizes with a panicked look on her face. "I can't let him leave for two weeks thinking that. I have to fix this." 

Millie stays where she is, knowing that she would most likely have to go with Phoebe. So she just crossed her arms and watched with an amused expression as the twins walked away from each other. She'll let them realize what happened. Millie looked over and chuckled at seeing three boys being chased out of the gym by the disco ball that had fell. 

"Yeah, by the way," Millie speaks up, gaining the twins' attention to her. She points at them. "We're more than three feet of each other." 

Max walks over to her, rolling his eyes. "You didn't think to stop us from walking away?"

"Nah, I wanted to let you guys realize your mistake." Millie grinned. Max chuckled lightly and shook his head, knowing he couldn't stay annoyed at her for long.

Phoebe walks over to her brother and Millie. "We have to fix this." She grabbed Max's and Millie's arms and pulled them with her out of the gym.


After Max and Millie went with Phoebe to Cole's house so Phoebe can confess to Cole she likes him, Max offered to walk Millie back to her house when they got back to Max's and Phoebe's house. Even though the comet had passed and Millie and the twins didn't have to be three feet of each other, Max just wanted to walk her over because he wanted to spend more time with her.

"Thanks for walking me home, Max." Millie thanked him as she and Max walked into the porch of her house.

Max shrugs and smiles slightly, putting his hands in the pockets of his pants. "It's not a problem." He and Millie stand in front of each other when they get to the front door. "I'm sure about the whole dance-off thing." He apologizes. "Kind of got carried away. And I hope I didn't ruin your night with Elijah with having to be three feet of you all night."

"It's okay." Millie reassures him, her lips forming into a smile. She thought it was sweet of him to apologize even though he didn't have to. "And you didn't ruin my night. If anything," She points at herself. "I should be the one to feel bad for not dancing with you and Phoebe at least once tonight because of putting most of my attention on Elijah."

"You shouldn't apologize for anything." Max tells her. He grins when he thought of an idea and gets his phone out of his pocket. "But if you wanted to dance with me you should've just asked and I definitely would've said yes."

He pulls up his playlist and plays a slow romantic song before he sets his phone on the railing on the porch. Millie glances at him with raised eyebrows, not being able to stop the smile tugging on her lips. "What are you doing, Max?"

Perfect by Ed Sheeran played on Max's song as Max stands in front Millie with a cheeky smile on his face, out stretching his hand. "You said you wanted to dance with me so may I have this dance?"

"Of course you can." Millie answered, taking a hold of his hand, feeling butterflies swarm in her stomach at the sweet thing Max did. She and Max got into the position to slow dance. They smiled at each other while they slow danced to the song on the front porch of the Flanagan's house without a care in the world.

This night didn't start out how either of them pictured it to be, but it definitely ended up to be a perfect night.

A/N introduced a new character yay :) keep him in mind bc he might pop up sometime in the later seasons. lowkey wanted to use thomas as the fc bc one he's hot & he's very talented. plus i wanted to show gifs of his amazing dance moves, like wow he's so good. & also tbh i used gifs for the dances cause i was too lazy to describe them lol & i made the gifs so i apologize if they're bad !

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