Mechanical (CPD)

By KNeill006

41.3K 535 62

Jordan Hermandez used to be a ranger with Jay but left a few years before him due to her mother's illness. Th... More

The Meeting
First Day
Best Friend
Zoe's First Day
I've got you
Slept Together?
Watch your back
Warning signs
Help, Please!
Fun day


1.7K 19 0
By KNeill006

"How did you even get up here?" Asked Mia.

"Why are you picking on my sister?"

"You answer mine first."

Mia looked towards me and then looked at my crotch area.

"I know now. You pretended to be horny teenagers."

"Yes we did. Now answer mine."

"I don't know."

"You don't know?" I asked.

"C'mon there's gotta be a reason." Said Jordan.

Mia looked down but didn't say anything. She reached for her phone and started dialing 911. I took the phone out of her hands and accidentally pressed on a picture.

I showed Jordan and she just laughed.

"You're picking on my sister because you like her."

"No, no I don't. Give that back." She said reaching towards the phone in my hand.

"Okay, then. Explain this." I said as I showed her the picture of Zoe that was saved on her phone.

"I just wanted to know where she got the bikini from."

"Okay, how about this. You stop bullying my sister and I won't tell her that you like her. My sister is bi so if you want to date her, be kind and then ask her out." Jordan smiled.

"Or you can both get out of her dorm room." Said a voice behind us as we got pulled out of the room.

Both our backs slammed into the wall behind us. We looked up to see Voight staring at us both.

"Seriously, you two. Are you trying to get banned from this place?" Said Voight.

"I'll leave her alone. Now, get out of my dorm and this place!" Shouted Mia as she slammed the door.

"Is there any other way out of this building?" Asked Jordan.

"Yeah. The front door." Said Voight.

"Are you guys mental? You broke into the building and her dorm room." Shouted Hank.

"Technically they let us in." Said Jordan.

"Yeah by pretending to be a couple. This better not change into a relationship because I will kill you both." Warned Voight.

We started to walk towards the exit as some woman from the front desk stopped Jordan.

"Hey! You!" She said.

Jordan tried to ignore her but it was no use.

"Jordan Hernandez!"

"Oh, Helen. How lovely to see you. How you been?" Smiled Jordan.

"You are banned from this place. If I see you back here, I will get you a restraining order."

"As I see I'm always welcome and you love me Helen. I'll stay away unless..."

"...unless nothing. Get out of here." Said Helen.

"I didn't even do anything bad."

"You did last time."

"It's in the past." Smiled Jordan.

"You broke his nose!"

"And it's all fixed!" Laughed Jordan.

"Why did you do it in the first place?" I asked.

"Zoe called me saying some guy wouldn't leave her alone. I was just saving her."

"One day, you saving your sister is going to get you killed."

"At least she will be safe."

"You are trouble Jordan."

"My mom always told me I was. With the amount of fights I got in as a kid, I'm surprised I haven't broken my nose."

"That's Tim, our head of security. He will break it next time you come in here."

"Oi! Tim!" Shouted Jordan as Tim turned round.

"Hi, I'm Jordan. I'm a cop. I'd be happy to give you a few lessons on how to be a security guard because you're shit. I've snuck into this place about three times and you haven't noticed once." Smiled Jordan.

"Please leave miss."

"I am. I am. I was just saying bye to my good friend Helen.

"Bye, Helen."

"Get out Jordan!"

Jordan saluted to them and as they turned their backs to talk to each other, she gave them the finger.

"You really are a child." Huffed Voight.

"You love me really."

"No. I really don't." Sighed Hank.

"So, good night to you guys." I said.

"Not so fast. You both are going to the precinct so we can talk in my office. In private."

"Alright. Fine. I'll meet you there." I said.

"We'll meet you there." Jordan smiled.

"Nope. You're riding with me."

"That's why I said I and not we."

"Actually you said I'll." Said Jordan as Hank pulled her by her ear and towards his car.

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Get off. Ow. My ear."

"Walk then and shut up!" Shouted Voight.

"Lips are sealed." Nodded Jordan.

"When I hired you, I didn't think you would be a pain in my ass."

"Just protecting my sister."

"Didn't she tell you to leave it."

"So? This girl has been bullying her since High School all because she liked Zoe."

"Remember, I took you in and I can certainly take you out."

"Take me out? What on a date? Or like kill me?"

"At this point I'm thinking about killing you."

"No one is killing anyone." I said as I drove past the two.

They got in Hank's truck and then met me at the precinct. When we got there, Hank showed us both to his office as we passed everyone else.

"What are you guys doing here?" Asked Jordan.

"Hank wanted us to find you plus he was worried that all of us would march into those dorms." Laughed Antonio.

"You should be glad you didn't." I said.

"In my office. Now!" Shouted Voight.

"Yep. Sorry Sarge." Said Jordan.

We both walked in and sat across from Hank. He had his head in his hands as he took a deep breath before speaking.

"Jordan you are this close to getting a restraining order from that place." Said Hank as he pinched his fingers together.

"And Jay. Why? Just why? You are one of my best detectives."

"I'm sorry I let you down Sarge I just wanted to put this girl straight because bullies aren't nice and Zoe needs to be focusing on revising for exams not bullies."

"Jay go write up a case report with the others about today and a separate one about the events at the dorms incase Internal Affairs want to get involved."

"Yes sarge." I smiled.

As I was shutting the door, I heard Hank say something.

"Now. What am I going to do with you Jordan?"

"Killing me is an option." Laughed Jordan.

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