Our Lost Princess

By nerdywriter88

109K 3.7K 460

This story will show you how in one minute destiny can be so kind and how next moment destiny can be so cruel... More

Author note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 10

2.5K 88 5
By nerdywriter88

Please vote and comment 🤷‍♀️

Grace Adams Pov

One week passed in blur. But in this one week, things have changed a little, and surprisingly in my favour. Like now I'm living in my high school dorm instead of my rented appartment.

One week back, when I was making my way outside the school, Mr parkar stopped and asked me to move into the dorm as I was a scholar. I was little shocked cause they never said that I'll get to live in school dorm that too for free, after almost a month of my joining. Although I was little suspicious about the happenings but ignored my thoughts.

To be honest, I'm kinda happy that now I don't have to live in that crappy place. That place was nothing but hell in earth, for me atleast. Almost every night I used to hear gunshots. Sometime people used to hit each other for the small matters. And not to forget, those creeps who used to eye me every now and then, when I used to pass by them. I was terrified living their but had no option. But now I have.

By the way, my dorm is quite big and beautiful with an attached bathroom. There is a single bed with the most softest mattress along with the soft pillows. A wardrobe along with a vanity table, a study table and a book shelf. Walls are of cream color with white curtains. Everything is really neat and clean, and not to forget expensive. That attached bathroom is equally beautiful with beautiful yet expensive tiles and other stuffs. And the best part is, that the whole dorm is for me only. I don't have to share my dorm with anyone. Isn't it great?

Coming back to present, I'm in diner serving orders to the customer. There are still ten minutes left for my shift to be over. Nowadays Anna gives me lift from school to diner. She was infact ready to drive me to my dorm after my shift but I refused. I really don't want to trouble her more. She has already helped me a lot.

After finishing my work in diner, I bid adieu to my co worker Gina and made my way to my dorm which is almost 2O to 25 minutes away from the diner.

When I was halfway their, I felt someone was watching me. Scared, I looked back but their was no one. Clutching my bag tightly with my fist, I start walking fastly and this time I heard footsteps behind me. When I turned around, there were two creepy guys in their twenties running behind me. Scared I start running as fast as I can, but my clumsy self decided to make things worse for me cause the next moment I trip.

As soon as I landed in floor, they were in front of me.

"Why were you running, babygirl?" One of them asked me with his evil smile causing me to shiver.

Another one came close to me and start touching my locks making me shiver in fear. I tried to back away but he caught me by my hairs. I winced in pain.

"Where do you think you are going, babygirl?" The one pulling my hairs asked me pulling me more closer towards him by my hairs. I can smell alcohol in his breath.

"Let me go, please" I cried trying to free myself  from his grip.

"Not so soon, babygirl" With this they both start pulling me towards a dark alley.

"Ugh.. Leave me" I was trying my best to free myself from their grip.

"Don't struggle, bitch. Or else I'll take you right here" One of that guy shouts at me, making me more stressed.

Oh God! Please save me from them.

They were already halfway to the dark alley when I finally freed myself from one's grip. I turned to other guy and kneed him between his leg causing him to groan in pain.

Take that, you moron.

I immediately start running towards the other side but was hearing their footsteps as well as their shouts.

"This time I'll not leave you, fucking whore" They start cursing causing me to run faster.

Run fast Grace.

I was now breathing heavily and my eyes were getting blurred with tears but I kept on running.

"Fucking whore" Again I heard their shouts.

"Just lemme get a grip on her. Than I'll show her the worst that she imagined ever" I shivered at this.

Looking toward front, I was determined to not to get on their hands.

Their footsteps were getting more clear. I turned around to find them almost close to me. I start running more fastly and look ahead to see a posh looking car really close to me. I stopped suddenly and the car too stopped at the meantime. I sighed heavily. Looking behind I find them still running towards me.

"What the hell?" Hearing a loud voice I looked at front.

An extremely good looking man in his twenties looking at me with little anger. But as soon as he looked at my tear filled eyes, his features softened. Maybe he is the owner of this car. Two more mens steps out of the car.

In the meantime, I heard footsteps more clear. Looking behind me, I find them in front of me. I gasp taking a step back from them.

They were about to say something but stopped looking behind me. Their eyes widened in fear and they stepped back from me.

I looked behind me to see the owner of the car and other two mens were glaring him. Well all of them are quite intimidating. Their personality speaks rich and powerful.

"Why are you troubling her?" One of the man asked those creepy boys angrily.

"Uh-we.. We were just.. Uh" They fumbled.

"You were just, What?" That handsome owner shouts at them.

Both of them looked at each other and ran away causing me to sigh.

Thank god.

"Are you okay?" I gasped hearing the voice.

"Ssh! Calm down! I just asked, are you okay?" That handsome man asked me and I nodded.

"Are you sure? You are breathing heavily. Do you want us to take you to the hospital?" The other one asked me and I denied through my head.

"I'm fine. Thanks for your help" I chirped after calming by rapid breathings.

"Who were they? And why were they running behind you?" Other one asked me.

"I don't know. I was going to my place after my shift when they suddenly start following me and later tried to-uh" I didn't wanted to complete my sentence so I stopped.

"Hmm" They nodded.

"Come we will drop you" That handsome man chirped but I denied.

"I'll be fine. Thank you" I don't want to go with them. Although they helped me few minutes back but still I don't want to take a chance.

"Don't worry kiddo. We'll not harm you. Trust me" Again that handsome man said and this time I don't know why I nodded.

I settled myself in their posh car and gave them the address.

"Why were you in street at this time. You should have stayed in your place, kiddo" That handsome man asked me.

"I work in diner. My shift ends at 10 pm, so yeah" I chipped.

He hummed.

"What's your name?" He asked me.

"Grace Adams" I chirped. "And yours?" I asked him softly.

"Aaron Parkar" He replied.

Again with this Parkar surname.

I looked towards other two mens. They smiled at me.

"Ryan Parkar" One of them said I nodded. "Alan Parkar" Other one replied.

When we were finally at my destination, car stopped. I step out of the car and looked at them, gratefully.

"Thank you so much for helping me" I chirped looking at them and they nodded.

"You are welcome, kiddo. Be careful from the next time. And yeah, ask your boss to change your shift. You should not work this late" Aaron replied making me stiff.

Only if you know, how insensitive and ruthless my boss is.

"I will. Thanks again" With this I waved at him and others and made my way inside the building.

What a chaotic day it was!


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Thank You! (◍•ᴗ•◍)

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