Royal Lethality

By CloudyXAutumn

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"I'll be taking back what's rightfully mine, Katsuki." "W-what...? How?! You're supposed to be!-" "Silence." ... More

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By CloudyXAutumn


"I suppose that's enough of the beasts domain"
Kurogiri sighed as he dragged Midoriya out.
He, Izuku, stared surprised.
He knew for a fact it hadn't been an hour and there wasn't any good reason to be merciful to him.

"We can't allow you to die, not yet.
And seeing how you are after only 7 minutes, it's obvious you wouldn't survive the hour."
Kurogiri mocked as he warp gated him to his dungeon room.

Izuku let out a pained wheeze as he felt his broken ribs poke his lungs.
His head throbbed in pain as did his shoulder, stomach, and every cell in his body.

Water dripped off his hair and clothes as the cement floor beneath him became wet.

"Can't die "yet" huh...
Then why throw me in there!? I hardly survived, I survived with luck...!'s strange that I don't have quirk cancellers on.
There's no way they know I can't use my quirk. while it was exposed at school, word doesn't spread that fast.
It takes at least a couple weeks.

Unless there's someone that immediately told...
That's not good...

...they didn't see me use a quirk while in the beasts domain...

So that's why they threw me in there, confirmation...

And I gave them all the confirmation they needed.
Now I'm really in danger, I need to escape.

...what do I do...
It's only going to get worst past this, it's not like they brought me here to play games.
Just by having me captive here, they've already gained a trump card against the empire.


They make Kacchan the new crown prince and cast me aside.

... No....
They can't do that.... right...?

They wouldn't right...?
Mother wouldn't allow it...

...unless I'm declared as dead...

No... They won't do that...

Father doesn't like me but... He wouldn't throw me away like this...
No... He wouldn't... Right...?

And Kacchan... He wouldn't just let me die...
We might not be on best terms but I'm still his only brother...
He wouldn't...


I'm not sure anymore...

In politics, family doesn't matter...
Especially when it comes to powerful positions such as mine.

But mother wouldn't abandon me...!
She cares about me, she wouldn't let father and Kacchan cast me aside..."
seeds of fear sprouted in Izuku, causing cracks to form in the image he had of his already problematic family.

All the pain was too much to bare, his mind could only go to negative possibilities.

Izuku slowly shut his eyes, he needed a break from all that was suddenly happening to him and this was the only solution he could come up with.

The pain made it difficult to fall asleep but he eventually did.


"Getting through the beast filled border will be difficult.
And not all of you will make it out alive. So do any disloyal soldiers want to leave cowardly now before we go to rescue the crown prince?"
Endeavor hissed as he glared at them all.

He was in armor on top of a horse as were all the other soldiers and some members of the valor sect.

The emperor, all might, was also there. Even though endeavor told him it wasn't anything he had to personally involve himself in unless he failed, all might refused to just sit back and watch.

Katsuki himself wanted to come along but wasn't allowed to.

That didn't exactly stop him.

"Well then.
I hope you're all ready.
It'll take 5 days to get through the forest, and then a bigger challenge will occur when we go to rescue the crown prince.

He's likely being held captive within the walls of the king's palace. We also don't know what condition he will be in, for all we know he could be...


However even if that's the case, we will bring him back no matter what.

Endeavor concluded.

Everyone nodded their heads.

And so, with a battle cry, they all charged inside.

Amongst them was a "cloaked" figure.
Due to the fact hundreds of soldiers were gathered, he wasn't noticeable.
It was Katsuki.

He wasnt close with Izuku, but a strange force overcame him that told him he had to go try to save his brother.
He couldn't understand it but he wasn't going to ignore it.

Immediately after charging in, they were attacked by beasts that lived within.
However, they all had weapons so defeating them was quite easy.

And so, their rescue journey began...


"Asleep already?
I can't believe you're asleep, it's only been a day.
I would've imagined the pain would've kept you up"
Tomura sneered as he kicked his side, he knew it was the side where his ribs were broken so he made sure to kick hard.

Izuku screamed as he was forcefully woken up by the pain.
His face latched off the cement below him, he felt it peel off.
Especially with how water dried between his face and the ground.

He was dry, some places may have been damp but hardly.
He smelled awful, the pond water was scummy and full of bacteria.
He was lucky not to have swallowed any.

"What do you want...!"
Izuku snapped as he held his side, holding back some stinging tears.

"To kill you, but I can't do that yet.
So instead of killing you I came here to personally torture you.
I hope you like poison."
Tomura replied as he snapped for kurogiri to reveal the bucket of special items he has brought specifically to hurt Izuku.

"What do you get out of this...?!"

Now let's begin"

Izuku clenched his jaw, he suddenly found his hands forced through warp gates to chains.
He was chained to the wall again.

Izuku began to cold sweat as tomura approached holding a syringe.
It was chalk full of poison, poison Izuku had never even heard of.

Being of the Empiral family, Izuku had to build up a tolerance for most poisons as assassination through food was always a possibility.

However, whatever posion Tomura had in the syringe wasn't anything izuku could recognize.
Like it was a new one entirely.

"Your eyes tell me you're questioning the poison.
Well, since you're from the Empiral family my best guess is that you have a tolerance for most poisons.

You only have a tolerance for poison you eat.
Not the kind injected into your system.

If you drank this, nothing would happen because of the type of poison it is.
It doesn't work if Injested.
If I injected this into your bloodstream...

Expect agonizing pain."(slight tw tw tw 🛑⚠️)

He grinned as he explained.
He poked izuku with the needle, gruesomely teasing him with pricking before Injecting the whole thing into his neck.

The effects kicked in almost immediately as Izuku began to thrash around in agony.

His heart palpitated as a side effect, as he felt both his ears begin to ring.
His vision became intensely hazy as his head throbbed.
He felt his mouth run dry, so dry that he could feel his tongue crack.

He could hardly focus his eyes as they rolled uncontrollably in his skull.
He felt ripples of pain surge through his system in waves, it was pain he had never expierenced before.

He let out groans of pain, hardly audible as he had no control of his own vocal cords.

All his muscles had locked on, tense. He could feel them start to burn as if he were in an intense work out.

The pain went on for 30 minutes total but the effects of the poison still lingered within his system.

Tomura wasn't done there.
It was only the start, the appetizer really.


"How many more are there...!"
An exhausted solider groaned as he slashed another beast.

"You aren't complaining are you?!"
Endeavor screamed as he delt with his own herd of monsters.

"No sir!"
They all yelled back as they all fought hard.

They fought the beasts for hours on end, it was physically exhausting.
They didn't stop to rest until nightfall, they had sought out a safe resting spot and set up traps all around for any lingering beasts to fall victim to.
They also set up wardens that would regularly switch out to protect the area.
Ontop of it all, they put out repellants.

"You all fought well.
But this is just the start, we have 4 more days of travel.
What you saw today were just  small fries, the scarier beasts are deeper within the forest.

You may come across things like chimeras, anacondas, or worse."
Endeavor sighed as he dug into his share of food.

Do not eat anything that grows here.

Everything is poison. Some poisons that we've never even heard of.
So if you happen to eat it, it's likely we won't have any treatment for it and you'll die.

Poison was the only way the plants figured out a way to survive against the herbivore beasts.
But even they've learned to get used to it.

Infact, some of the plants may be beasts themselves.

Food was brought for a reason, we have more than enough and you also should've brought your own.

So if something looks appetizing like a colorful berry from a bush, don't eat it.

For all you know, it could be lethal poison so the plant can use you as fertilizer.

I'd also recommend making sure no colorful insect lands on you.
Some of them have poisonous exoskeletons."
The doctor brought along explained.

They all sat around a large fire, it was nice for staying warm during the cool night.

Endeavor furrowed his eye brows as he glanced at a specific hooded figure.
He pointed, pausing all conversation and forcing everyone to stare at who he pointed at.

Katsuki froze up.

"Pull down your cloak. I don't recognize you"
Endeavor instructed.

Katsuki glanced at his father and the rest of the soldiers who were ready to kill him at moments notice.
He sighed, annoyed.

He pulled his cloak down, revealing his golden blond hair that glowed in the light and crimson red eyes that glared back at all who stared.

"The second prince?!"
The soldiers yelled in unison as Endeavor stared utterly annoyed.
All might himself was just in shock.

"I thought I strictly forbade you from coming along"
Endeavor hissed as he punched the bridge of his nose.

"You're just the royal Duke. I don't have to listen to you"
Katsuki spat back as he finished off a sandwich of his.

Endeavor fell silent as he had no way of responding without it being pure disrespect.

"Katsuki, I also told you to stay back. This is dangerous, we're going to rescue Izuku from the enemy kingdom. What if they try to take you too...?!"
All might repremanded.

"Too late now.
I'm already too deep into the forest to go back alone and you need all these soldiers with you"
Katsuki sighed as he drank some water.

All might groaned, he was right.
It was far too late.

However, you're entirely responsible for yourself.
If anything happens you're losing half your fortune for 2 years"


"Don't speak to me that way"

Katsuki fell silent as he internally screamed, now he really couldn't risk anything.


(Tw 🛑⚠️)

Izuku cried as he vomited blood from his system, his eyes were bloodshot red and practically bleeding themselves.
He had cuts and lacerations all over his arms, legs, and chest.
They bled heavily, rigged skin could be observed per cut.

He had a black eye as well as bruises all over his back.

The poison in his system also caused pain that wasn't even on the same degree as the physical ones on his body.
He had no control of his limbs and all his pain was heightened by three fold.

Some of the other posions also made him have delusions and illusions.
Hallucinations were intense as he saw things that weren't even there.

It was a living hell...

And Izuku was alive and had to endure it all...

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