If you let me

By yagirlllay11

112K 3.8K 656


twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
Forty three
Forty four
Forty five
Forty six
forty seven


2.7K 99 23
By yagirlllay11

A/N: short chapter, sorry guys lol.

Los Angeles, California
7:00 p.m.
A week later

"Don't tell me you forgot i had work today and Tyrell's sister party afterwards." India said trying not to laugh

"I did." I sighed

"Don't worry, I'll get someone to pick her up."

"Okay." She hung up the phone

I called my driver James to see if he could but he was currently with his family all the way on the other side of town.

I called Jordyn since in knew she was off today.


"Hey baby, are you busy?"

"Not really just watching tv. Why what's up?"

"Can you do me a favor."


"Can you pick up Mia from school right now. Before you start, I knew she had to be picked up but my sister usually does it if I'm busy but she's at work. And if she can't do it then, Kendra gets her but they're out of town also my parents are too at the moment. They don't come back until this weekend."

"Okay." She simply

"You sure? I don't mean to get you up out of your bed baby."

"It's fine." She chuckled, "Just send me the address."

"Okay, thank you."

"Of course babe, anytime." She said before we hung up



"Step mommy looks so good on you. I'm here for it." Jade said

"Jade please shut up. She's seven, I doubt she knows me and her mom are together."


I was lying

"Okay I'm lying. She's so smart and sweet."

"So she was nice to you when y'all met the first time?"

"Damn near besties."

"Awww." She gushed, "Okay question."

"I'm listening." I responded as I stopped at a red light

"Do you see you and Morgan as long term."

I nodded "Yes."

"So you see yourself being that mother figure in Mia's life."

"I don't know. I don't want to step my boundaries when it come to that."

"You picking her up from school. Those boundaries are slowly breaking sis."

I playfully rolled my eyes as if she could see me

"Well then yeah, if I see me being with Morgan for a while then I'll stop up as that person. I've never had a child or dated someone with one but I know I'll be damn good one."

"Ouu okay big step mama energy. I love it!"

I shook my head at her foolishness. Soon I pulled up to the school.

"I'm going to call you back a little later. I just pulled up to the school."

"Okay love you girl bye."

"Love you too." I hung up the phone

I waited in the car and about five minutes late. I seen Mia come out with other students and teachers behind them.

A teacher and Mia came walking over to my car. I unlocked the doors so she could get in the back.

"How did you know it was me coming to get her?" I asked out of curiosity

"Oh well ms. Allen had recently added you on her emergency and carpool pick up list."

Morgan ass

"Oh okay, thank you. Have a nice day."

"You too. Bye Mia." They waved at each other before she closed the door and walked away to the other students

"Hey Mia." I said pulling off

"Hey Jordyn." She said

After a few minutes she spoke again

"Do I have to call you Ms. Jordyn. Mama said it's rude if I don't say it."

I chuckled "No Jordyn is just fine sweetie."

" okay." She said

"Are you hungry?" I asked

I watched she nodded in the rear view mirror

"Do you want to grab something or cook with me at my house?"

"I'm going to your house?!" She said with excitement in her voice

I chuckled and nodded "Yep. Your mama is currently stuck at work."

"Okay." She said, "I want to get something and go by you."


"Can we watch movies and eat?"

"Of course."

I pulled up to a restaurant I thought she would like also. I knew what I wanted but I read the menu to her from my phone to see what she wanted.

Soon she had made up her mind and I ordered our food. We both listened to music until our food came. I sat it in the front seat before pulling off to my house.


Mia held the drinks as I held the food to the front door.

I unlocked the door and let her walk in front of me first before following her in. I locked the door behind me and set the code.

I watched as Mia sat the drinks down, took her backpack off, took her shoes off and sat them side by side against the wall by the door.

She looked around with her hands out.

"Looking for the bathroom?"

She nodded. I led her down the hall where one of three of the bathroom were.

We both washed our hands before leaving out.

We bought the food to the living room, sat down and began eating.

"Do you have anything you want to watch?"

She shook her head

"Did you see the new spider man movie?"

She shook her head

"Okay we'll watch that."

After eating we continued to watch the movie until the end.

Mia looked up at me "Jordyn."

"Yes baby girl?" I responded before i sipped my tea

"Are you mommy's girlfriend?"

I choked and she patted my back. After a few seconds I smiled making her stop.

"Well um your mom and I are really close friends."

"Do you like her?" 

Damn she was smart for a seven year old

"I'm going to tell you a secret but you have to keep it between me and you, okay?"


"I like your mommy a lot." I gushed

She sat up on her knees "Well why not be her girlfriend?!"

I chuckled "We'll see. Why do you want me to be her girlfriend so bad?"

"Because you're fun."

"You're fun too."

"I know but mommy can't have me."

She scrunched her face up and shook her head making me laugh

I seen she shivered and I grabbed a blanket from the other end of the couch and laid out over her small body.

Five minutes later she was out and sleeping.

Baby girl must've had a long day at school.

I sat back by my spot on the couch and pulled my laptop out. My phone vibrated constantly letting me note someone was calling.

I looked at the screen seen it was Jade. I groaned before answering;

"Hey I was-

"You wasn't about to call me, lying ass."

I chuckled

"Your ass better be ready when I pull up."

"Well I still have Mia."

I heard her groan over the phone

"So now I have to go to this event by myself?"

"You'll be fine. I'm sorry boo."

"Yeah but you owe me next time."

"I know." I laughed

"I gotta go. I'll call you later."

"Okay be safe love you."

"I will love you too boo." We hung up the phone

Soon as I did the door bell rung. I checked my phone at the cameras and seen it was Morgan out front.

I got up from the couch and went to open the door. She stood there with sweats and a t shirt on.

"Hey." She said kissing my cheek and hugging me

"Hey babe." I hugged back before she came in and I locked the door behind her

Morgan yawned


"Very." She said as we walked into the living room

She spotted Mia and smiled

She walked over to wake her up but I stopped her.

"Why don't y'all just stay here tonight?" I asked

Morgan stopped and looked at me "Stay here?"

"Yeah I mean it's already ten thirty. I don't want you driving this late especially if your saying you're tired."


"I have two rooms upstairs. The one on the left is my sisters room but she's not here. The room on the left is a regular guest room. They have a light on the wall and lamp to turn on if you want. Or you could turn the TV on. You sure she's going to be okay up in the room by herself?"

"Mia would sleep anywhere." She chuckled shaking her head

I chuckled too

Morgan picked her up waking her up a little but Mia just laid her head on Morgan shoulder. They left out the living room and on upstairs.

About ten minutes later Morgan came downstairs.

She stood there watching me on my laptop.

"Come on." She said

"Give me five minutes."

She walked over by me, slowly closed my computer, and sat it down on the table.

I raised my eyebrow and opened my mouth to question her actions but she wrapped her arms around me as if she was hugging me.

I was about to hug back but squealed when she picked me up off of the couch.

My legs immediately going around her waist and her hands going to my ass.

My thumb caressed her cheek as I stared at her .

"What?" She asked a little concerned

I shook my head "Nothing it's just that..."

She walked backwards and sat on the couch so I was now straddling her lap.

She gently rubbed my arms to give me some comfort.

"Talk to me, tell me what's on your mind."

I waved it off "Nothing, it's nothing."

"Come on. I could tell it's heavy on your mind." She said before chuckling, "You look nervous."

"I am."

"Nervous for what?"

"For what I'm about to say."

"Just say it. It can't be that bad." She shrugged

I looked up from playing with her fingers and just held up. She squeezed mine tightly as we stared into each other's eyes.

I took a deep breath "I love you."

11:44 p.m.
West Hollywood

"I don't even know why I let you pull me to this party."

"It's not really a party like that. Plus did you have any other plans tonight besides sitting down on your ass watching basketball plays?"

I rolled my eyes at my best friend Tyrell as we made our way into his big sister party .

His sister was a singer and was celebrating her upcoming album.

Parties wasn't exactly my thing but I was nineteen needed to get out the house more from what Ty said.

"Look I'm going to get a drink bro."

"No you're about to go find ya little girlfriend. Go ahead."

He chuckled "Sorry Dia, look I'll be right back and drink with you."

"Mhm." I said as he walked off, "Just brought me here to third wheel."

I walked off to the drinks and made me a cup. I looked over and seen someone catch my eye for the second time.

"I didn't think I'll see you here." She asked taking a glance at me

I chuckled "Yeah well the artist is my best friend's sister."

She nodded "Or you could be stalking me."

"Eh, I'm here for the niggas not you."

She laughed "I didn't get your name last time."

I moved my drink to my other hand.

Seeing that she looked older I decided to lie a little. I mean I doubt I'll ever see her again. Sis might be the feds though.

"Ari." I brought my hand to hers

She nodded

"You aren't going to tell me your name?"

"Jade." She said

I nodded

"You look a little young to be here or drinking."

"I'm twenty two not that it's any of your business."

"Oh excuse me." She put her hands up

I laughed before downing my drink and throwing it in a nearby trash can.

"Yeah this isn't really my scene so I'm going to go head out. Nice seeing you again." I said about to walk away but she grabbed my wrist

"How about we go somewhere else together."

"Me and you?" I asked

She nodded "Yeah, I'm not quite feeling this too much either and home isn't exactly my plans to be right now."

I shrugged "Okay."

I followed next to her "I didn't drive my car here..."

"That's cool just hop in."

We made it out to her 2020 Porsche Cayenne.

Let find out sis a lawyer or some shit

"So you a lawyer or something?" I asked as she pulled off

"No, what makes you say that?"

"This nice ass car."

She laughed "Oh well no I'm a choreographer."

"Oh okay cool."

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"What do you do?"

"I'm a photographer & work at my mom movie studio downtown."

"So are you behind the camera?"

"Photographer wise, yes." I chuckled

She nodded as we kept the conversation going. This might be first conversation with a woman that I've been so open with.

I'm attracted to woman, I've just never went further down that road before. It was always dudes.


I threw another shot back as Jade did the same.

I won't lie, I was tipsy.

"You want to dance?" She asked

I raised my eyebrow but a smirk grew on my face "I can't promise I won't throw some ass." I said

"Good cause I can't either." She grabbed my hand sending chills down my back

She moved her body in front of mines and whined her waist against my front.

Her ass all up on me. Not knowing exactly what to do I just placed my hands on her waist.

She whined a little more before turning to look at me.

Her eyes filled with lust which I'm sure mines were too.

I pulled away from the contact "You want to get another dri-

She cut me off by bringing her lips to mine. We began slowly tonguing each other down.

tonguing in the club turned into us leaving

Us leaving turned into me at her condo

Me at her condo turned into us having sex.


So what do you Guy's think?

Thoughts on jordyn saying she loves Morgan?

Thoughts on Jade or India?

Comment and let me know.

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