Table for Two? (TokyoRev vari...


50.9K 2.3K 825

L/n Y/n, hot headed and tough, she's been given the nickname "Demon" by the kids around her neighborhood. How... More

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3.3K 156 36

𝒻𝒾𝓇𝓈𝓉 𝓅ℴ𝓋 (ℬ𝒶𝒿𝒾)
'I hate this, I can't do it anymore.' I look down down at the math problems feeling defeated. 'To the person who invented math, I promise to one day set your car on fire.' The bell rings signaling the start of recess and I exhaled in relief.

"Hey Baji! Let's head out and play some soccer, I still need a rematch after the last time!" I looked over at the boy. "Like hell you'll ever beat me." I said grinning.

I was at the front of the school along with some other kids. "Over here! Pass the ball over here!" One kid shouted to another. However as they tried to pass the ball, I intercepted . 'Too easy.' I thought. Multiple boys blocked me ahead, forcing me to kick the ball to the goal behind them. I reeled my leg back, kicking as hard as I could causing it to fly pass them.

It headed towards the goal, but then suddenly curved. 'Crap!' It hit the back of a girls head making her stumble forward and fall hard. I cringed at the impact. She looked, bloody nose visable, back glaring at us the other boys laughing. I was about to go up to her to make sure she was okay, but an older woman beat me to it.


The woman, which I presumed was her mother, approached her making sure she was okay. She looked over her shoulder staring at us. I froze. 'is she going to tell.' I couldn't hear their conversation. 'I can't get in trouble with my mom, she's already mad enough that I failed my last test!.' The girl and her mother got up and left.

"HAHAHAHA!" Manjiro was floor laughing, holding onto his side with tears at the corners of his eyes. "SHUT UP." I glared at him as he wiped away a tear. I was visiting Manjiro today for our daily spar. "I can't believe you kicked a ball at the back of some girl's head!" I looked away arms crossed. "I told you, it was an accident!" He went back to laughing "I'm definitely telling Shinichiro-nii about this."

'Hmph, it doesn't matter, not like we'll be meeting each other again anytime soon.' Is what I thought to myself. But I guess the universe had other plans as I stood in front two people which my mom introduced as the Ayuzawas. I made eye contact with the frowning girl by the older woman and my eyes widen in recognition. I quickly look away.
'That's the girl I kicked the ball at! She looked mad, is it because she recognized who I was?!' I started to Panic.

I kept looking at her and back at my mom. 'If she tells my mom, it'll be worse than death itself!' "Are you-" 'is she about to ask if I was the one to kick that soccer ball at her? She can't! Not in front of my mom!' I grab her hand pulling her forward. "haha it nice to uh meet you my name is Baji Keisuke, your name is Ayuzawa right?." She frowns even more 'CRAP SHE LOOKS EVEN MORE PISSED.' "Um actually-"

"WHY DONT WE GO TO MY ROOM, I COULD SHOW YOU MY ROCK COLLECTION." 'What am I even saying? I don't even have a rock collection!' I quickly dragged her towards my room shutting door and leaning my head against it. After composing myself I got ready to apologize. I turned towards her, bowing. "IM SORRY!"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" "IM SORRY PLEASE DONT TELL MY MOM ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED AT SCHOOL!" She looked at me wide eyed "You- YOUR THE ONE WHO KICKED THAT BALL AT THE BACK OF MY HEAD" as expected she was angry, but promised that she wouldn't tell my mom. I pulled her into a hug, happy that I escaped a fate worse than death.

I pulled away a embarrassed. I looked down to see her hold bag with something round in. "What's that?" She told me they were rice balls and I just stared at her in disbelief. 'What kind of rice balls look like that?' She looked away defensively "The taste is fine, they're just weirdly shaped!" She offered me some and I accepted. 'It's wouldn't hurt to try one'.

I was gonna take a bit out of it but it suddenly dropped to the ground producing a loud THUD* and creating a small dent on my floor. I looked at her, horrified. 'Was she trying to kill me as revenge for what happened?!?' She denied my accusations. " THEN EXPLAIN HOW THAT MADE A DENT ON MY FLOOR!" I pointed to the rice ball.


That's the dumbest thing I've every hear. I looked at like like she was crazy. "THAT'S STUPID."
"YOU'RE STUPID." 'Did she just-' WHAT'D YOU SAY?!?" We kept going back and forth till she took one of the rice balls and shoved it in my mouth. 'Is this how I die?!?'

Chewing on it, I realized it wasn't that bad. I took more bites of the rice balls enjoying it. 'Why's it crunchy though?' I asked if she could maybe make more, which she gladly agreed to. We hung for a bit till she had to go. I walked her to the door and waved goodbye. After she left I started to get ready to visit Manjiro.

"AHHHH." I ran towards Manjiro with a war cry fist in the air ready to strike. I tried swinging at him but he quickly grabbed my arm and threw me over this shoulder making land hard on the ground. "Ouch." That was the fifth time he had beaten me. "That's 0-5, you owe me a pack of Doroyakis!."I stayed laying at the ground staring at him while he was grinning at me.

I get up to sit, leaning on the back of my hands. "Remember that one girl I told you about?" He took a spot beside me on the ground. "You mean the one you kicked a soccer ball at." I nodded. "She showed up at my place today." Manjiro looked surprised "she found out where you lived!?! Did she show up to take revenge upon you?!?"

"Wha- no! Well I actually thought that at first also, but no!" He looked at me for an explanation. "She's actually the new neighbor that just moved in below us."

I started telling him about the weird looking rice balls the girl made and how it made a dent on my floor. He looked horrified at how a rice ball could do that. "That was also my reaction at first but it turns out it actually wasn't that bad." I said laughing
"I'd have to try one myself to actually believe that." He said "she's actually going to make more for me tomorrow! I could bring some right after school."
"Maybe we could play baseball with it seeing how it was able to leave a dent on your floor." We started laughing at his comment

I woke up completely in pain after getting my butt kicked by Manjiro multiple times. I turned over wincing when my pillow put slight pressure on my cheek. After our spar, Manjiro wanted me to help him practice his kicks. However he aimed a little to high, accidentally kicking me in the face rather than the wooden slab I held in my hands.

I got up and went to the bathroom to change my bandages. I saw slight bruising on my face cringing. 'Jesus he kicks like a horse.' I brushed my teeth then went back to my room to get dressed. It took my a while to get ready since I didn't want to put pressure on the bruises. I went to the kitchen scarfing down the breakfast my mom made while she bagged me about table manners.

I hugged my mom goodbye and started heading to school. I was running a little late since it took my quite a while to get ready so I started sprinting. I opened the classroom door and spotted Ayuzawa
Y/N and called out to her excited to see she was in my class. We talked for a bit and she inquired me about the situation with her name. 'I guess I'll be calling her L/N from now on then. Unless she lets me call her by her first name.'

She helped me with some math problems I was struggling on which I was grateful for. 'So this is how you do it! I think I understand now.' During lunch she handed me a bag of her rice balls went I dug into right away. 'These are so good!' I put the rest away since I sadly promised Manjiro I'd bring him some.

We went outside to eat our lunches. L/N showed me her lunch which was suppose to be curry. I was concerned at how purple looking it was. She offered me to try some. 'Although her rice balls didn't kill me, this surely looks like it would.' I thought ready to refuse her offer. However before I could, she shoved some in my mouth.

'Goodbye world, it was nice living'. But just like the rice balls, the curry was really good. 'Despite the looks, it tastes amazing.' She scoops some curry into her mouth and I just stare at the spoon. 'Did she just- wasn't that-.' She catches my staring and turns to me. "What?" I shook my head, bringing my mind back.

We decided to switch lunches and I was glad she enjoyed the Peyoung yakisoba I brought. 'Her cookings so good! I could eat this everyday for the rest of my life.' I happily ate the curry.

After we finished, she asked me about someone named Inui Seishu and if they attend this school. I don't recall anyone named that attending this school so I shook my head no. She looked down with a crestfallen expression. I started to panic but then I remembered something. "Oh! Wait here I'll be back."

I ran off leaving her there, to head back into the school. I just remembered that in the teachers lounge there was a snack vending machine where I'd usually go to whoever I'm craving something. 'Maybe some snacks will cheer her up!' I thought. The teachers lounge was however restricted, but that never really actually stopped me before. I was still paying to it wasn't technically a crime.

I saw some teachers walking by and quickly hid into one of the classrooms waiting for them to pass by. Once they were gone I slipped I to the teacher lounged towards the vending machine. I dug for some change in my pockets and started inserting them in. I didn't know what she liked so I got a variety.

I started heading back to her but stood still in my tracks when I saw her being surrounded by a group of boys. 'What the hell.' One of them grabbed her by the hair and threw her down. I was furious yell "HEY-" but before I could do anything, L/N got up and punched the boy who threw her right in the face. I just stood there mouth ajar and eyes wide not believing the scene before me.

L/N continued her assault on the boy till he got up running along with the other boys. They all ran pass me yelling "DEMON!", one of them bumping my shoulders making me drop the snacks. I was still to shocked to care though, my eyes were stuck staring at the girl in front of me.
A/N - wooooo another chapter finished my dudes (≧◡≦) . I'm so excited and happy and grateful for the votes. 7 may seem minuscule, but that's quite a lot in my book! It shows how people are actually enjoying what I write lol. Thank you for also adding this to your reading list or even taking the time to lead this book! I love you guys!! ┻━┻ミ\(≧ロ≦\)

Posted- 5/28/22 (unedited)
Song- Something about you - Eyedress & Deny May

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