Enemies- Draco malfoy

By MaddieMalfoy___

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A long family feud leads to y/n and Draco to become enemies, but secretly they both know they feel differentl... More

1. Intro
2. Backstory
3. New year, New friends and New findings
5. Dear old mummy
6. Dear old mummy (Draco's pov)
7.no one has to know
8. Quidditch and worrying
9. Quidditch and worrying
10. The party
11. Constantly tired. Pt1.
12- constantly tired pt. 2
13. Constantly tired pt 3.
14. A secret relationship between enemies
15. I don't need him, I want him..
16. Flirting and drinking
17. The girl I used to call my enemy
18. Tease
19. Drunken mistake
20. I hate everyone but you
21. I once called him my enemy
22. The end

4.New year, New friends, and New findings(dracos pov)

513 6 0
By MaddieMalfoy___


Chapter 4

Year- 5


Draco's pov-


My father, mother, and I had left for kings cross early this morning in hopes to run into that bloody D'ore family to stir some trouble with them as always, though I am a bit nervous, last I saw y/n, I thought it would be fun to leave a note on her bed, To which led her to find her way to my room and threatening me with her stupid wand. What did the note say you may ask? I remember it word for word.


"Y/n. It's come to my surprise that dear old daddy still hasn't come home, am I correct? He ran off one night four years ago without a letter or anything, That must mean you've got some form of attachment issues or even daddy issues? Maybe you should let me fill that void- or maybe you've already got someone filling that, someone like one of your brothers you're always with. Father always said you D'ore were disgrace's maybe it's 'cause you're filled with incest huh? Or maybe it's one of those guys who drool over those skirts you wear. Anywho. Hope this summer is amazing let's hope your dear father returns and you don't come back carrying your brother or someone else's baby princess.

Love- D.M"

Funny right? It sure made me laugh but not her, I was packing my bags when I'd say a hundred loud knocks came from my door at once making me swing it open expecting to see a professor or something.

D- what the hel- oh what a surprise y/n D'ore

Ah y/n D'ore, one of the prettiest girls at school, shameful that she is a D'ore, I looked her up and down as I saw her making me smirk a bit seeing how mad she looked before crossing my arms

Y- this. Isn't funny.

She shoved the note in my chest making me laugh a bit

D- I think it was hilarious darling

I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear trying to flirt to piss her off and I guess it worked cause it resorted in my hand getting slapped away harshly

Y- you don't touch me. EVER. Got it pig?

M- what's going on-

D- maybe you're right, but I think you brought this by to tell me what you wanted

I saw the dark light in her eyes flicker and I knew I was getting what I wanted but she pulled her wand out and pressed it to my throat making me take in a deep breath

Y- don't. Tempt me Malfoy cause you and I both know how easy it is for me to slit your throat with this.


Both her stupid brothers ran up liking her away from me making me stiff a laugh

D- that's right, take your incest-filled family away.

But as soon as I said that I saw those idiots let go of her and she turned around slapping me so hard I felt my face heat up instantly and I grabbed the side of my face to cool the sting

Y- keep my name out of your mouth. Keep my family's name out of your mouth. Got it?

I just rolled my eyes closing my door but I heard her yell one last thing before I zoned out


Merlin, she was hot but I could NEVER go for a D'ore. My father would kill me.

End of flashback-

I didn't tell father in fear he'd kill them, or worse me for not standing up for myself, but it didn't matter it happened and it was over with, we were walking down kings cross and I saw the dark-haired family saying their goodbyes making me tap my father's arm to look

L- What- oh goody.

He smirked and started walking towards them but the three idiots ran through the wall before we could get all four of them alone

N- Rebeca dear how are you

My mother used the fakest voice she could making me roll my eyes

Re- I'm doing fine. Seeing my children off to school speaking of Draco you should get going you may miss the train

She gave me a sweet smile, it was a real smile and it made me feel weird inside, like someone actually being nice to me...

L- you don't speak to my son you- you scum.

She just laughed and looked at me

Re- have a good year, hopefully, you don't turn out as insensitive and arrogant as your father here Draco.

I wanted to laugh but quickly looked at my father who looked as if he was going to explode making me quickly kiss my mother on the cheek before running to the wall and making my way up the train seeing the D'ore twins with zabini making me laugh and roll my eyes, pathetic I swear

I found my seat, pug face almost instantly attaching herself to my arm but honestly, I've given up trying to shake her off all the time she doesn't give up and it is bloody annoying, I had zoned out for a moment before hearing Pansy's squeaky annoying voice speak

P- so dracy how was your break? Did you miss me?

D- no I didn't miss you. You're annoying

She just kept that stupid smile on her face and nuzzled against me again making me roll my eyes and my two brainless goons laugh

V- looks like she isn't going to give up Draco

G- honestly why not just date her-

D- shut up. I will never date her, she's just an okay fuck that's all

Her face went red and she giggled but I turned my attention to the voice of Blaise

B- you should sit with us- well maybe not your sister

Goody, he's going to get them near me, I can annoy them both now. Maybe her brother won't be so annoying and will let me mess with her more

Y- why not me

B- because I sit wit-

D- ah D'ore 1 and 2 how was your summer, I see you're not pregnant so that's a good sign

I looked her up and down smirking a bit

Y- Malfoy, still a worm are we?

Blaise held back a laugh making me look at him but I heard Pansy's voice again making me mentally groan if it isn't Micheal who is gonna annoy me this year it'll be her.

P- how dare you talk to him like that. Don't you know who he is? He's-

Y- Draco Malfoy. Yes, I know, but do you know who I am Parkinson? I'm the one person you shouldn't fuck with cause with the snap of my fingers your family will be erased without a trace of existence.

She puffed grabbing My arm and kissing my cheek, but I ignored it, cause everything she just said was bloody hot, Merlin maybe I could just fuck her and leave? No feelings right? And father wouldn't have to know...no shut up Draco.

Y- see you go for the animals that explains a lot

I pushed Pansy off me cause of that comment before snapping back

D- get off- and shut up D'ore you're just mad you can't find a boyfriend

Y- oh but that's where you're wrong Malfoy

She walked closer making our faces centimeters apart before whispering

Y- I don't think I can name one person who isn't dying to be called my boyfriend

I could feel her hot breath on my neck and I was fighting every edge to grab her by that pretty throat of hers and slam her against the wall but instead, I held my head up high looking over her small frame, and laughed

D- that's where you're wrong, I can easily name five right now

Y- oh? Go on then

She crossed her arms looking at her stupid brother who rolled his eyes at her

D- Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, Zabini, and me

I smirked but then I heard theo speak

T- hey man speak for yourself

V- really dude

G- she's hot

B- she's scary... but I wouldn't be upset if I got to-


He slapped his arm, but I wanted to kill them all right now, how dare they. Bloody pigs.

Y- looks like you could only name one, better luck next time

She pushed past me and sat in the seat next to ours but soon I saw two people I hated seeing making my face twist in disgust

D- Potter. Weezlebee.

H- Malfoy

I had the most perfect idea, they couldn't possibly like y/n, she's a stuck up prude, I smirked looking at her then back at them

D- I'm trying to prove something to D'ore here, would either of you like to be her boyfriend?

H- I mean I wouldn't mind it but why- oh hey y/n...

I saw his face go red as did the weasels making me get angry and ball my fists in a way to calm down

R- she's scary man but I wouldn't mind...

B- that's what I said.

I snapped my head at him

D- shut up Zabini

Y- you shut up Malfoy. Just admit you're wrong.

D- I am NEVER wrong. Now get the fuck out of here this spot is for me and my friends only

H- bye y/n

R- bye

She nodded as the boys walked away, but didn't leave making me turn my head in surprise before speaking again

D- that means you and your brother too D'ore.

Y- no I think I'll stay, my brother wants to be with his friends so

She just shrugged and pulled a green lollipop from her bag making me stare a bit too hard than I'd like to admit, only if- no shut up Draco. I was interrupted by my unholy thoughts by the squeaky voice of Pansy making me wish she had no voice

P- slut.

D- shut up Pansy no one was speaking to you.

P- but-

D- shut up.

I grabbed her face looking into her eyes making her go red and nodding before looking out the window I heard a small scoff from y/n and I saw her grab a small notebook from her bag and she began drawing

D- she draws?

M- sometimes, only when she doesn't wanna talk, like now, but you didn't hear that from me she'd kill me.

D- weird

M- how-

D- she almost looks human

Blaise laughed as they all continued to talk but I focused on her face, how she stuck her tongue out a bit while she drew, or how her hair laid perfectly around her face, the way her top fit her body- Merlin she was a sight, but as we got closer to the school I noticed her brother got up and sat next to her peering over her arm

M- whatcha drawing

She closed her book a bit too fast making me smirk a bit

Y- nothing that concerns you. Now shoo fly, go get along with the enemy some more.

Thats all she thinks of me as, the enemy... Bloody brilliant

M- don't be like tha-

Y- go.away.mike.

After a moment or so she got up and went to change into her robes making me get up and grab the journal

B- man don't do that

D- why not? A little peek won't hurt anyone, would it?

Micheal was too busy talking with Theo to notice as Blaise reached for it missing

B- seriously give it back Draco

D- someone has a crush I see

I smirked but he quickly grabbed the book

B- I do not. Some people keep their stuff in their heads and she doesn't I know what it's like to have that invaded

D- whatever

P- big baby

I snickered at her comment as did Goyle but soon I saw y/n walk into the compartment and start franticly searching

Y- give it back.

Her brother looked over confused before replying

M- give what-


She was throwing everything out of her bag at this point but of course, Blaise had to ruin it and tapped her shoulder

B- Draco had taken it but I didn't let him-

Y- sure you didn't.

She snatched the book from him and quickly got off the train not giving anyone a second to speak making me a tab bit confused but deep down I knew I had to get that book, I had to see what was in it. she sat alone inside waiting but when we all sat down I noticed she had gotten up and was talking with potter making me speak loud enough for her to hear

D- so your sister speaks to potter and his friends now huh

M- I'm sure it didn't mean-

Y- I was clearing the air no thanks to you they thought I wanted to date one of them. Now like I said last year keep my name out of your filthy mouth.

She sat back down and Soon after that McGonagall brought the new first years in and the sorting began making me groan as each table cheered but I noticed y/n did the same making me cross my arms in annoying that we had so much in common


We all started to eat but I heard her name making me look up again and see professor Dumbledore waving her over she got up and walked cautiously before they started to speak

D- what's going on?

V- maybe she got caught doing something

M- we just got to school you idiot she hasn't had the time

Her brother looked worried as y/n walked past us petrified

M- what happened

Y- I- I got a new room.. but-

She swallowed thickly before sitting down

Y- I'm going to kill myself bloody hell

M-why? I thought you wanted your own room

Y- I do but... It's a long story it doesn't matter... 

She laid her head on her brother's arm picking at the food on her plate when I heard my name

Du- Draco Malfoy. come here for a moment, please

I was confused but got up, what have I done so far this year? Nothing I've just got here... So last year? had he found out about the note? Fuck was he going to call my father...

D- is something wrong?

Du- no not at all, sorry to tell you this but you wanted your own room yes?

D- always

Du- well now that the school is overcrowded you will have your own room, but... you will have to share a bathroom with the girl who gets their own bathroom

No no no no...

D- and that is?

Please don't say y/n please god...

Du- Y/n D'ore. Now I'm sure you'll be respectful and give her the time she needs in the bathroom, and I've spoken with your mother and her mother already they both said it was okay as long as you two locked the doors which I agree, at night the doors leading to your bathrooms will be locked. Is that clear Mr.Malfoy?

D- yes sir.

I felt my face twist in disgust as I walked back to the table sitting down

G- what did he need?

I looked at y/n who had a horrified face as well before I spoke

D- nothing important... just about my father


D- shut up Goyle. It's not as if you had half the brains to even comprehend what we spoke about anyway.

I saw y/n smirk before standing up

Y- would you like to escort me to my room Goyle? Sure wouldn't want to be alone in the dungeons after first year you know? 

Her brother groaned rolling his eyes standing up

M- I'm going to find Macy

P- you're still dating that hag?

M- piss off pug face.

Y/n giggled and Goyle fished his drink before standing up following her to her room making my blood boil. She knew exactly what game she was playing and she was in for the long run. And I knew I had to get the journal.

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