Our Lost Princess

By nerdywriter88

109K 3.7K 460

This story will show you how in one minute destiny can be so kind and how next moment destiny can be so cruel... More

Author note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 9

2.4K 80 3
By nerdywriter88

Celia Parkar Pov

Now I'm more than confirm that she is Ev. Either it's uncle George or Liam, everyone felt that she is familiar. How can it be possible that everyone felt same about Grace? Everyone thinks she is familiar. It's not a small thing. She is definitely our Ev. But still I need some proof, just for more confirmation.

I looked at her and she was looking at me with frown.

Damn! She is exact replica of Liam's Parents.

"You said you wanted to see me. Can you please tell me the reason?" She asked sweetly to which I nodded.

"Um.. Actually, my father in law's birthday is near and I want you to come" I chipped looking directly in her eyes.

"What? Why?" She looked at me, shocked.

"Uhm..actually" I tried to come with a suitable reason but couldn't get one.

Grace, or I can say Evelyn was still looking at me with curious eyes.

"Um.. I want to invite you as my guest" I chirped unsure.

"Huh?" She was confused.

"Actually.. Yeah your co worker from the diner told me that you're a great singer. So I want you to sing for us" I chirped hoping she will buy this shitty reason.

"But how can I? I'm not that much of a good singer. I think you should hire someone professional" She replied to which I shook my head.

"Trust me no one, I repeat no one is going to be slay like you. Please come.. I will pay you One million, but please come" I was now desperate. I can't loose this chance.

Liam and his family has given me everything and no way in hell I will not try to reunite them with their dearest.

"One million? To me? ME?" Grace eyes were now wide in shock.

I chuckled.

"Yes, I"ll pay you 1 million. Please" I chirped softly.

"But, what if I messed up? I'm very clumsy. What if I hurt someone in my clumsiness? Or break something expensive? What if nobody likes my performance?" She chirped slowly.

She's looking scared.

"Trust me, Grace. Nothing could go wrong now. Everything will be good. All you have to do is come. Please" I pressed her hand, giving her my most pouty look.

"Okay" She chirped and I squealed.

"Shh" She shushed me and I bite my tongue.

"Thank you so much, Grace. Thank you" I hugged her.

"Your welcome" She chirped slowly.

"When is the party?" She asked me softly.

"Next week. I"ll send my driver to pick you up and also I"ll talk with your boss from the diner. Okay?" I chirped causing her to nod.

"Hey, first give me your number" She nodded and told me her number.

Later she gave me her address and I was shocked to know that she was living in such place. That place was famous for all types of crime. I can't believe she was living in such a nasty place.

After that, we talked for few more minutes, knowing each other. She told me that she is orphan. Only if she knows.

Later, it was time for her class so she had to leave. Before leaving I gave her a tight hug and made my way towards uncle George's cabin.

Now that Grace studies here, I think uncle George can help me for collecting proofs.

In his cabin.

"Celia, what a pleasant surprise!" Uncle George hugged me to which I hugged him back.

"Sit" He pointed towards a chair and I did what he said.

He too settled himself in his chair, facing me.

"Uncle, Me and Liam has planned a surprise for Dad's birthday in our mansion. So I'm here to invite you" I smiled at him, forwarding a card towards him.

"I'll definitely come sweety" He smiled at me.

"Thanks uncle" I chirped.

I was confused how to start the topic of Grace. Uncle George was really dishearten when Ev was kidnapped. Ev is really a sensitive topic for Parkar's. That's the reason I'm little confuse.

"You want to say something?" Uncle asked eyeing me, breaking my chain of thoughts.

"Yeah, but i don't know from where should I start" I sighed. He raised his brow in confusion.

Taking a deep breath, I looked at him.

"It's about Ev" I said directly looking at him. He frowned.

"Ev? What about her?" He asked trying to remain cool but I can see sadness in his eyes.

"Ev is alive. She's not dead" I said causing him to look at me in shock.

"What?" He asked shockingly.

"How can you say that? We all have seen Victoria throwing her from the mountain" He exclaimed still in shock.

"That wasn't Ev. Her entire body was covered. How can we believe that she was our Ev?" I asked him and he looked little confuse this time.

"How do you know that she is alive? And have you seen her?" He asked me with little hope. I nodded.

"Not only me, but you also have seen her" He looked at me in disbelief.

I quickly took out Liam's and his parents pictures along with Ev's picture when she was small and forward them towards him.

He looked at me in confusion. Next I showed him a picture of Grace from her Instagram account.

Still frowning at me, he tried to concentrate at those pics.

Suddenly his head snapped towards me and again back to the pictures.

"Grace is Evelyn" I chirped and he looked at me sharply.

"Look at her. She is exact replica of them *pointing towards Liam's parents* and not to mention her green eyes and brown hairs. Also she is seventeen. Exact age of Ev" I chirped.

"That doesn't proof that she is our Ev" He said still eyeing the pictures.

"That's why you said that she was familiar, when you met her for the first time" His head instantly snapped at me.

"Liam too felt the same. That she is familiar" I chirped and he looked at me confused.

"Liam?" He asked me to which I narrate everything to him.

After hearing me out he couldn't hide his emotions. A tear slipped from his eyes. His eyes had a look of pain, anger, disbelief, shock and happiness.

"But what if she's not our Ev. Everyone will be heart broken" He said looking little unsure this time.

"Although I'm hundreds percent sure that she is our Ev but for the conformation, we can always have DNA test" I said and he nodded.

"But how?" Uncle asked me looking little hopeful.

"You can always ask for a blood test for all the students in the name of survey or something?" I said to which he looked happy.

"But uncle, we can't tell anyone about this, as of now" He nodded.

"Also I have invited her for dad's birthday party, as a singer" He nodded still looking at the picture.

He sighed.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"I don't understand, if Victoria never killed Ev, why did she sent us that video?" He looked deep in his thoughts.

That only Victoria can answer.


Hope you liked the chapter.

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Thank you (✿❛◡❛)

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