Wings of Fire As Humans

By M0rb1d-

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Moon is starting a new year in private school, just like everyone else. This school only opened a month ago... More

[1] Blond Hair, Blue Eyes, And A Stupid Face
[2] A Monkey That's Obsessed To Its Banana
[3] Now We're Even
[4] Two Girls And A Handful Of Drama
[5] Economy Class
[6] Scared Little Mice
[7] Endless
[8] A Broken Family
[9] A Bowl Of Doritos And A Bet
[10] A Car Full Of Weirdos And An Ostrich
[11] Redemption Of The Girls
[12] Sapphire
[13] The Four Elements Of Life
[14] Category Best Friend
[15] Permanently Permanent
[16] The Taste Of Hand Sanitizer
[17] Viral Videos
[18] The Day Before The Dance
[19] Tears Of A Broken Heart And A Broken Soul
[20] Mission Get A Girlfriend
[21] Jealousy And A Dream
[22] White Hair
[23] Ice Cream Without The Ice Cream
[25] Terrifyingly Terrible Tuesday
[26] New Year, New Me

[24] Aint No Drama Like Mama

765 9 88
By M0rb1d-


I like Deathbringer, no big deal.

Apparently everyone already knew that so no one really cared. But today in gym during Capture The Flag, my phone vibrated. It wasn't one of those messages from Clay asking me to take him to eat after school, but it was another one of Tsu's video posted on the school website and every group chat imaginable. The video was titled, "Complicated Love Life?"

I stared at my screen and looked up at Deathbringer, who was busy dodging Ash.

Grandeur works in a company with Ash's parents and when Grandeur saw Ash for the first time, suddenly we're engaged. Mother even forced me to wear the damn engagement ring wherever I go, just to show all the guys who come along in my path. She keeps telling me getting married is the best thing ever and that by the time she was my age, she was already pregnant.

Anyway, I haven't been paying it much attention, thinking it wasn't a big deal and that maybe Grandeur was only mildly joking. But oh, was I wrong. Ash is taking it way more seriously than I have. I hate him, he loves me, what a great economy.

He kisses me and whispers the type of trouble he could get me in if I didn't play along. That damn bastard. Anyway, I've managed to survive through it and no one cares anymore that we're "dating", so life hasn't been the worst... only the absolute worst.

I've been doing a decent job at avoiding him so my past few days have been somewhat normal whatsoever. I looked back down at my phone screen, plugged in my earbuds, and watched the post. I kept glancing up from my phone to make it seem like I was paying attention, but I'm pretty sure everyone knew I wasn't.

I was barely halfway through the video when I got tackled down by a girl with red hair. I immediately thought with was Peril—'cause who wouldn't?—but it was really just Kestrel trying to take my phone away. She had ditched her coffee (which was now scattered across the floor along with the broken mug pieces) and jumped on me like some maniac. I tried to push her off me in a desperate attempt to save myself when I realized it's my phone she's after.

I looked around for my phone and that's when I realized that it had been thrown across the gym in the blow from Kestrel's immediate contact. I saw Tsunami run as fast as she could to the girl's locker room to get her phone and record such an "epic moment."

"My phone's not on me, psychopath!" I cried, jumping away when Kestrel finally stopped feeling every part of my body for it. "It's over there, thanks." I glared at her as she ran over to it, picked it up, and said,

"This is what happens when you use your phone during gym class." She dropped the phone and used the heel of her shoes to repeatedly smash the phone screen.

That's when the bell rang for lunch.


Lunch equals food. Food equals good mood. Good mood equals good day. Today that equation is broken. How can I eat seven cookies and still want to die? Grandeur's going to sue the school when she hears about this one. Worse, it's New Years in two days, which means there'll be a dance.

Of course. Just what I need right now.

But you'd think that just like the Halloween dance, no one would stop talking about the New Years one. But no, that's a different case. Since there's going to be the New Years dance and a good amount of the school was at the Halloween dance, everyone is so excited for what's going to happen this time. People keep predicting it's where my complicated "love life" with Deathbringer is going to take place. I just tell them to shut the fuck up and get a life.

But then again...

I started walking over to where Qibli was. He was sitting alone and staring at the clock as if he wanted lunch to seriously be over. The more I got closer was when I saw Deathbringer walk up and sit down next to him, hands clamped around Greatness', fingers in twined with hers. Jealousy? Maybe. Either way, I immediately did a 180 and sat at the far corner of the cafeteria.

"Attention, everyone, please," said a much too familiar voice. I looked up and raised my eyebrows in bafflement. "I just want to dedicate another one of my very famous speeches to my bestie."

I rolled my eyes as I stuck my finger in the hot sauce and tasted it. Spicy.

"But before I begin, why don't I introduce this VIP guest." Scarlet waved her right hand at the crowd. I noticed Tsunami happily recording from afar. "Peril. Remember her? The one who helped me expose Deathy-bear and Moony-pie? Well, here we are again, but this time it's her turn. Did you know-"

"At this point, no one ever cares about shit you say," I snapped in an irritated tone before throwing my hot sauce in her face, accidentally splashing her eye with it. Well that happened quickly. But everything else went in slow motion for literally no reason. People gasped and Tsunami looked like the happiest person on earth. I, personally, was trying my best not to laugh. Suddenly, I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and yank me backward.

"You need to go and apologize right now," Ash hissed in my ear. I slapped his hand away.

"No!" I cried. "You can't make me. She deserves it. 'Sides, it's giving Tsunami a great video idea, and apologizes will ruin that. Also, why do you care? We both know she was a bitch."

I pulled my gaze away from him when I spotted Scarlet on the ground having an over exaggerating seizures and she kept saying the words, "I'm gonna die! What did I do to deserve this?" I snorted and laughed.

"WHAT is going on here," roared the new principal, Shadow. "What's with all this chaos?" His eyes immediately popped out of his head at the sight of Scarlet on the ground crying. I bit my bottom lip trying not to laugh.

"S-sh-she did this," cried Scarlet, pointing her hand towards the crowd, unable to see. "S-she threw i-it at me!"

"Who's responsible for this," Shadow growled as nurses ran to Scarlet's aid. I was surprised no one ratted me out. I guess they've all learned how snitches don't get bitches. "Again, who is responsible for this?"

I could already hear the rumors before they even started. The rumors that will say,

"Did you hear Glory Bright hurt another student and didn't even take the blame?"

"Glory Bright is a scared little baby when it comes to getting in trouble."

"Imagine being Glory Bright, all strong and tough one minute and then as scared as a mouse the second any teachers get involved."

I politely raised my hand, but at that point it was obvious who it was since everyone just kept staring at me.

"Glory?" Shadow asked, sounding genuinely surprised. "My records show you have a magnificent reputation. What is this sudden outburst of violence?"

"If you knew me, you wouldn't really be surprised," I said with barely a shrug as I got up, threw my lunch me away and followed him out into the hallway. He brought me into his office and sat me down.

"Very disappointed," he said as he shook his head in a disapproving manner. "You are aware that I'll have to inform your parents, correct? And that you'll have-"

"Inform my parents?" I asked. "No way. Please, anything else. Literally anything else." I saw his face start considering and he smirked. So first, I have someone aiming for me, and now I have a psycho principal desperate to get me a brutal punishment. That smirk would make anyone call the police.

"Fine," he said calmly and leaned forward to whisper, "You can't go to the New Years dance."


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