Amore mio 2

By AnnaMoon138

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Arranged marriage turned out to be all they could ever dream of and more: love, wildly burning passion that k... More



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By AnnaMoon138

Emilio's P.O.V.

The entire weekend on our awesome yacht! 

The moment papà parked, my siblings and I eagerly dashed out of the car, unable to contain our excitement about a family weekend. 

"Vieni qui, reginetta."- I said with a smile, giving Ari my hand to help her get on board. (Come here, little queen.) 

She held her cute, white sundress and clutched my hand before carefully boarding. 

"Grazie mille, Emi."- chirped Ariana, making me chuckle when she attached to me like a koala, grinning in satisfaction when I gladly let her stay that way. 

"Sempre, Ari."- I replied genuinely, both of us laughing when Luc came to us with Angie on his back, Max is on Dom's shoulders, Sofi is on Teo's back and Adri is holding tiny Francesca and Eliot. 

"This is going to be so fun."- said Sofi happily, squishing Mateo tightly as he smiled. 

"Will we eat gelato, mamma, papà?"- I asked contentedly, dying to have some - something my brothers immediately got interested in.

"Without a doubt, tesoro."- replied mammà, gently fixing my messy, light blonde hair, making me grin brightly. 

We eagerly dashed to the main terrace, our joy rising the second we took in the details. 

The most beautiful pink and blue balloons with sparkles and confetti inside, a gigantic, delicious, colourful cake with lots of sweets and a pool covered with pink-blue rose petals in the background and white petals on top, which formed a longed-for, exciting sentence - "Piccolo Russo".

Lucas's P.O.V.

Oh, to say that we tacked mamma and papà and squeezed them tightly is to say nothing. 

We have been counting on a sibling, all of us want 1 or 2, better yet 3, and we have been dreaming of getting one for so, so, so long. 

"Is it triplets?"- asked in pure delight Max, making mamma and papà laugh. 

"No, piccolo. We are awaiting twins."- said mamma lovingly, having no idea how incredible this is. 

Twins are super cool! That's a double of love, cuddles, care, playtime and cuteness right on a spot. It is the nicest to have many siblings and I pity those, who do not know the joy of having a big family - they are missing out on so, so, so much fun, love and adventures.

"I want a sister!"- I put bid, wanting one more tiny princess to protect and spoil - the idea that all my brothers supported. 

"Cannot argue with that, buddy."- said papà with a smile, kissing mamma's cheek. 

"This calls for a huge party!"- chirped Sofia merrily, squishing mamma gently as we grinned, already in a party mode. 


Fuck, I was over the moon knowing that my wife is pregnant, but this - the happiness our bambini demonstrate because of the beautiful news - is just everything, more than I could ever ask for. 

"I truly do not know who is happier."- I said with a bright smile, hugging my sweet wife as we watched our kids debate about who is more excited among them and who it will be - girl and boy, 2 boys or 2 girls. 

This is so fucking wholesome. 

"Mhm, an entire weekend on our yacht."- murmured Cami, turning around in my arms, and I smirked, kissing her full, pouty, honeyed lips lushly, taking my time.

And she wanted more. 

Camila pulled me closer, her slender fingers tangling in my hair as I sighed, drowning in the feverish feeling of her satiny, sleek skin against mine. Her flimsy, sexy as fuck, red bikini is torture for me, my hands itch to rip it off her mouth-watering body, and she is only testing me, knowing goddamn well that I cannot take her now because I promised our girls to play with them and go diving with our sons. 

"Te mantendré jodidamente ocupada por la noche, mi dulce princesa."- I spoke in the kiss, smirking at how quickly a mere sentence in Spanish turned her on, her gorgeous eyes sparkling with desire. (I will keep you so fucking busy at night, my sweet princess.) 

"Tu español es muy sexy."- Cami moaned in my mouth, clutching my forearms gently. (Your Spanish is so sexy.) 

"Mhm, te gusta mucho más cuando te estoy follando hasta el olvido, ¿verdad, mi ángel?"- I whispered to her, my smirk darkening once her nails dug in my skin - the silent answer to what I already know. (Mhm, you like it way better when I am fucking you into oblivion, don't you, my angel?) 

"Si te burlas de mí, mi hermosa reina, prepárate para el castigo. ¿Está claro, mi amor?"- I warned her, kissing down her delicate neck. (If you tease me, my beautiful queen, brace yourself for punishment. Is that clear, my love?) 

"Mhm."- hummed Cami innocently, laying a teasing kiss on my chest, only adding fuel to the fire because that purity is exactly what I fucking love to corrupt. 

"Papà, let's go diving!"- chirped Maximiliano, dashing to us merrily, holding my hand cutely. 

"Lead the way, piccolo tesoro."- I replied lovingly, chuckling when he lead me to his brothers, all of them ready to dive. 

The water is crystal clear and very warm, way warmer than we expected, so with peace of mind I let them stay in it longer, knowing how much they love swimming. We had the best time together, laughing and playing, testing out water pistols. 

"I got you, papà!"- said Luc cheerfully as I smiled, treasuring their smiles and joy so damn much. 

"You sure did, amico."- I replied warmly, chuckling when Emi climbed on my back. 

"Time to tackle Adri and twins."- chirped my son, aiming his water pistol at his elder brothers, who took up the challenge with the greatest pleasure. 


I smiled as my elegant ladies sunbathed by my side, 5 of us chatting mellowly and drinking lemonade while Lorenzo, Federico, Luisa, Eloisa, Eliot and Francesca are napping in the shade after a fun swimming and playing session. 

"When will we have a SPA day again, mamma?"- wondered Sofi cutely, hugging me lovingly as I rubbed her back, kissing her forehead. 

"How about Friday? After school all of you are free and I don't have any meetings and photoshoots. We can go to SPA and the salon afterwards, some shopping would be nice too. What do you think?"- I offered, my heart fluttering when they immediately agreed, squeezing me tenderly, but tight enough for me to know how much they love this little ritual of ours. 

"Mamma, we beat Adri, Dom and Teo in the water polo!"- stated in delight Lucas, running to me with the cutest smile that Emi and Max mirrored. 

"Little champions."- I said warmly, hugging my babies as they smiled in joy, squishing me. 

Boys eagerly settled next to me and I melted when my eldest sons eagerly hugged me, all of them telling me about the game in detail. 

"I want to play water polo with you too."- said Angie with a pout, hugging her dad sweetly. 

"Me too."- murmured Ari, both of them hugged by Leo. 

"I'd love to play water polo with you, i miei piccoli raggi di sole."- said my husband adoringly, kissing their cheeks, erasing the sad pouts in a split second. (My little sunshines.)

"Hai un posto anche per me, papà?"- wondered Tini adorably with a smile, making us smile. (Got a place for me too, dad?) 

"Sempre, mia piccola farfalla."- said Leonardo lovingly, worshipping our kids - something I adore him for so, so dearly. (Always, my little butterfly.) 

Girls went to play water polo with their daddy and I relaxed with our sons, playing Monopoly with them. 

"How?"- murmured Domenico, watching my establishments, and I giggled. 

"I played the game with your papà enough to pick up on his tricks."- I shared amusedly, having learned from the best businessman in the world, and they smiled adorably. 

We played the game relaxedly and Maxie won, being the cutest little champion. 

"We all won because each of us played well."- said Max with a content smile, hugging me gently as I kissed his forehead. 

"That we definitely did."- replied Mateo warmly in agreement while hugging Enzo, chuckling when his little brother played with his curly, damp, inky black hair. 

In a few minutes, my gorgeous princesses came to us and Leo kissed me fondly, kissing down my neck tenderly while sitting down behind me. His cool skin contrasted my warm one, sending shivers down my spine.

Bambini dashed to the pool together, giving us a moment of privacy. 

"Mhm, don't tease me."- I whispered, biting my bottom lip as he gently rubbed my inner thighs, the sight of his large, masculine, veined hands being enough of a turn on. 

"I am not doing anything, mio amato tesoro."- murmured Leo devilishly, knowing that he is doing everything with those tiny motions. 

"And say that I am a tease."- I said softly, smiling once he kissed my lips passionately, wrapping his muscular, powerful, tattooed arms around my waist. 

We laid down and tanned together, enjoying the idyllic atmosphere and laughter of our children.

Sofia's P.O.V. 

I giggled when Adri caught me in the pool and tickled me, making me laugh wholeheartedly. 

"You won, you won."- I giggled, splashing water on him as he tickled me in spite of my attempts to escape. 

"Say that I am your favourite brother."- joked Adri as I grinned, giggling and squirming in his embrace. 

"You are my favourite brother."- I said through my laughter and he stopped, squishing me tightly. 

"That's a betrayal."- said Domie and Teo, faking heartbreak, and I giggled, hugging my 3 big brothers and smooching their cheeks. 

"I love all of you the same. You are the best big brothers ever."- I said genuinely, treasuring my siblings immensely. 

"Aww, we love you too, piccola cara."- replied my cute brothers, the 4 of us gasping and laughing when Tini, Luc, Emi, Max, Angie and Ari pushed us underwater playfully. 

"Oh, okay, this is a war."- said Adri with a husky chuckle, pushing his wet, soft, curly hair off his face, and I giggled, attacking my beautiful elder sister with tickles, both of us falling into the warm water. 

We goofed together, playing and laughing until mamma said that it is lunchtime.

"Pizza!"- all of us bubbled out at the same time, having a soft spot for it, and our parents smiled, making this weekend only better.


I smiled as Cami nuzzled into me, looking like the cutest teddy bear after eating her craving, which might have killed an Italian in me - pizza with Nutella, strawberries, raspberries and Twix. 

But as long as she is happy, that's all that matters. 

"How about a trip: us, Luna's family, Avery's family, Sam's family and Nicolas's family? Could be somewhere warm and tropical since all of us love the ocean."- suggested Cami as our kids grinned in approval, especially Adriano, Domenico, Mateo and Martina. 

"I don't see why not."- I replied, smiling as Cami kissed me affectionately, beaming with delight. 

Martina's P.O.V.

And I loved the idea, it is an incredible chance for all of us to become closer and get to know one another better.

But after a few hours the idea soaked up in my mind and I was no longer at peace. 

"Is everything okay, piccola?"- asked mamma warmly, sitting down next to me, hugging me tenderly the moment I shook my head. 

"I still haven't met Nic's parents."- I murmured quietly as she stroke my back, listening to me attentively. 

"He said I can take as much time to think about it as I need, but then things began happening and now the trip is in next week and I am scared."- I murmured in one breath, sighing as she cupped my face gently, wiping away my tears. 

"What if they don't like me? What if I am not what they expect me to be? What if they want someone different for Nic?"- questions began messing my nerves up, my anxiety rising with each doubt. 

"Tini, mio tesoro, you are the most amazing lady in the world. You are so well-mannered, elegant, beautiful, sweet, intelligent and industrious. You achieved so much at such a young age and you have so many remarkable plans for your future. Anyone would be lucky to know you, especially to have you as part of their family. You are Nic's everything, he adores you for you. I am more than sure that his family will love you and accept you with the greatest pleasure."- soothed mamma profoundly, kissing my forehead delicately. 

"You have nothing to doubt about yourself or your relationship with Nicolas. His parents will love you for you and will bless your relations with Nic. Just be yourself and do things you'd usually do, you have a golden and pure heart that won't leave anyone indifferent."- spoke mamma lovingly, pecking my cheeks as I smiled, hugging her tightly. 

"Don't think too much about it, mia piccola bellezza. I am pretty sure that Nic already told them the sweetest things about you and they know enough to be sure that you are the most precious lady out there."- said mamma tenderly, making me smile contentedly, tears stopping and my heart brimming with warm feelings. 

"Grazie mille, mamma."- I said softly and she smiled at me so, so, so beautifully, gently wiping away traces of my tears. 

"Always, my tiny honey."- replied mamma as I giggled at the cute nickname. 

"Tini, Tini, Tini."- chanted Sofi cutely, dashing to us. 

"What's up, Sof?"- I responded happily, squishing my baby sister. 

"Will you do face masks with me, Ari and Angie, per favore?"- asked Sofia with a smile, hugging me tightly-tightly. 

"Oh, I will never turn down face masks."- I answered as we laughed, heading to our sisters. 


Tini went with Sofi and I was quickly stolen by my sexy, muscular, handsome husband, who occupied me very enthusiastically and lushly. 

"Where are boys, amore?"- I wondered softly, smiling as his perfect, bottomless, hazel eyes trailed up and down my body, watching me enter the pool. 

"Playing "What am I?" and eating gelato in a lounge. I put twins to sleep and quadruplets are with boys."- answered Leo, wrapping me in his arms, kissing my cleavage intimately. 

"Mhm, so that means you are all mine?"- I wondered with a smile, running my fingers through his velvety hair as he smirked tantalisingly, kissing my chest again, this time much more erotically and possessively. 

"Sì, bambina."- rasped out Leo, pushing my bra just a bit aside, enough to expose more of my chest for himself. 

"Does that mean you will eat snickers with me, handsome?"- I asked happily, giggling when Leo chuckled, absolutely having not expected that question. 

"Absoluetly, amore mio."- he responded lovingly in amusement and I grinned, kissing his cheek and hugging him tightly. 

Just like that, he binged with me, making me exceedingly happy because I don't want to be the only one, who constantly eats. 

"Don't give me that look."- I murmured, blushing as he smirked, kissing my neck sensually, thinking about things that I noticed about myself. 

When I eat more, which is purely during pregnancy, all the weight goes to my breasts and bum. I noted it during my pregnancy with Max - that's the first time my chest and bum actually got bigger and I felt it when buying clothes, especially bras and jeans. 

I cannot say I mind it, the weight goes away fast enough. Plus, I know that it is normal, not harmful and even healthy.

But of course, Leo is loving it. He cannot get enough and always feeds me whatever I want, which 90% of the time is something sugary. He is definitely an ass type of man, he doesn't have any fetishes with my chest, but he certainly doesn't complain. 

"I want to say that it is cute and wholesome, but cazzo, your body is far from being cute."- he said devilishly, kissing my shoulder lushly.


Oh fuck, my heart lost it. 

"I am cute, especially when my baby bump grows."- murmured Camila, pouting as her soft green eyes watering and brimming with tears.

"You are the cutest, mia piccola cara. You are so, so, so cute and precious. I love you and your beautiful baby bump."- I said genuinely while cupping her comely face, kissing away her tears one by one. 

"Shh, mia bellezza. You are the most adorable princess to me, I love that so much about you."- I soothed her lovingly as she nodded, wrapping her lean, dainty arms around my neck. 

"I want to be cute today."- murmured Cami with the sweetest pout, my smile knowing no bounds.

In the morning when we woke up I said "Good morning, mia bellezza" and kissed her gently and she cried, having expected me to call her my beloved treasure - I thought that this is the highest form of adorableness. 

Fanculo, this beats the morning moment.

"You are the cutest today and tomorrow and all days after it. You are my cute, precious, irreplaceable, stunning, sensual, elegant, sweet, cuddly, pure sweetness."- I said adoringly, kissing her forehead delicately, my soul fluttering when she smiled dazzlingly, pecking me winsomely in return. 

I hugged my treasure tightly, the two of us mingling in the pool for a while before getting out of it and tanning for a while, absolutely lazy and mellow. 

In 20 or so minutes bambini came to us and hopped in the pool, swimming actively for a very long until the clock struck 8 PM and every single one of them got sleepy. 

Ariana's P.O.V.

My eyes slowly closed as I brushed my teeth with my twin sister, who is just as drowsy. We leaned on the marble sink area, glad to have electric toothbrushes because oof, we are tired. 

Once we finished with bathroom rituals, mamma came to us and looked after us, soothing us and cuddling us. 

"Sleep, my little sweetie."- whispered mamma tenderly, kissing our cheeks by turns before dimming the light until it was off. 

"Ti vogliamo bene, mamma."- we murmured sleepily, smiling softly as she hugged us once more, giving us pecks on our foreheads, just like we love the most. (We love you, mummy.) 

"Vi amo molto, mie piccole stelle."- whispered mamma affectionately, so gentle and beautiful to us. 

Angie and I nuzzled into our pillows, sleeping face to face on our individual beds - a thing that we have had ever since being little babies. 

Domenico's P.O.V.

"It's been a while since I have been so sleepy so early."- I chuckled, getting under covers with utmost pleasure, and Teo nodded, chuckling with me. 

"But today was so freaking cool and fun: the playtime with piccoli, pleasant conversations with mamma and papà, sun, pool, delicious food. That's a really good break from all the studying and uni life."- responded my twin brother, having my full agreement. 

"I cannot wait for the huge trip. It will be so damn crowned."- I said as we laughed, loving the big, fun, loud trips. 

Av has a big family, Sam has a vast family, Lu has a large family - that's going to be a wedding-like trip and that's the fun in it. 

"What bothers me is that Tini has a boyfriend, whom we are yet to see."- said Adri, the three of us protective over our siblings, especially sisters. 

"She has such cute hearty eyes when talking about him, but I still want to test him. He isn't going to be welcomed in the Russo family so easily."- I said, certain in my intentions, and my brothers nodded, not into the idea of Tini dating, in spite of papà approving of him. 

"I pity lad at some point."- laughed Mateo, making us chuckle. 

"Facts right there, fratello."- replied Adri and me at the same time, truly feeling a bit bad for him. 

First, papà, who is billion times harder to please in that way and who still is watchful near Nic, and now us - 3 eldest brothers at once. 

But! If he does pass well, it will earn him trust and relations that he won't get anywhere else because we stand up for one another, nobody gets left behind ever and we take care of each other in ways his friends, I doubt, will. 

The three of us enjoyed our sleepover, conversing and laughing until sleep slowly took over us, being so needed and fine. 

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