Destroying Love

By kpiza944

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Love sucks Love hurts Love destroys Love is not all heart and flowers, there is no man to sweep me off my fee... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to my World
Chapter 2: The Simple Words Hurt the Most
Chapter 3: Bailey's, Ice Cream, and Maisy
Chapter 4: Secret Desires
A/N: Important (Please Read)
Chapter 5: I will always need him
Chapter 6: Broken
Chapter 7: My Worst nightmare
Chapter 8: Sometimes Words Aren't Enough
Chapter 9: Confusion
Chapter 10: We can't fix what is already broken
Chapter 11: Strangers
Chapter 12: Strangers II
Chapter 13: Too good at goodbyes
Chapter 14: I won't let go
Chapter 15: I won't let go (Part II)
Chapter 16: Letting Go
Authors note!
Authors Note!
Chapter 18:

Chapter 17:Band Meeting

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By kpiza944

It's been two weeks since the incident with Aiden on the bus. Two long weeks of trying to avoid him every chance I can get, which believe me it is hard since I am the manager of the band and I need to speak to him a lot, but I keep it short and simple so I don't have to interact with him as much or worst see him with Serena.

"She's the one for me." Aiden whispers. 

I can still hear the words on repeat in my head over and over again, my heart once again shatters just thinking about it. I shake my head and continue working on my computer,  I have been working on there schedule for the past three hours trying to get all the interviews, concerts, and promos together for the next couple of months, so I have no time to think about Aiden and mine problems.

"Izzy get yourself together, he does not want you he wants her. I'm just the best friend." I mutter to myself.

"If I'm even that or want to be that anymore." I think to myself. 

"Who doesn't want who?" I hear someone say.

"Holy Mother of Gods." I scream and turn around and come face to Luke. 

"Goodness gracious Luke you almost gave me a freaking heart attack. How long have you been there?" I say.

"Not long. I just woke up from a nap, we have a band meeting in a couple of minutes." He says.

"Band meeting?" whispering to myself confused. 

"Yea, remember the one you set up a weeks ago, for the tour and stuff." he says looking at me confused since I always remember meetings, and have things written in my calendar.

"Must have forgotten." I mumble.

Luke opens his mouth to say something but before he can say anything the door to the bus opens and the rest of the band comes in including the two people I was not looking foward to seeing. Aiden walks in last with Serena and he scoops around the room looking for someone and then his eyes land on me, we keep eye contact until finally I decided to break it and look at my computer. 

"What's up Izzy?" Christian says sitting next to me, while Luke and Ryder slide in through the other side and leave freaking Aiden and Serena sitting right of across from me. Dammit I do not need this today, should I just cancel this meeting.

"Working." I mumble. Please God give me strength.

"You have the schedule set, I know your on top of that I'm just surprised we have not gotten it yet." Aiden says in a disintersted.

"Yea well I have a lot of things on my mind latley." I mutter still looking at my computer.

"We can't have our manager distracted by other things, we have too much riding on them, so maybe you should be more on top of things." Aiden says, I can hear the smirk when he says that, and my eyes snap up at him but what through me over the edge was the snort that I was greeted with by Serena." 

"What in the fuck."  I say. 

"Woah Aiden." Ryder says and the same time Luke and Christian says "What the fuck Aiden." 

Aiden shrugs and says "Come on guys you have all been thinking it, I just said it. Our little Izzy has been distracted these last two weeks and we can't have her be distracted. Serena manager has been having meetings daily and setting up interviews and everything. Izzy quite frankly you need to get on top of your shit." he says.

I'm staring at him with my mouth wide open not believing the words that are coming out his mouth, but before I can open my mouth the person who should not speak or even be here at the moment decide to open there mouth. 

"I mean sometimes managing a band as big as yours is stressful Aiden, maybe Izzy is burn out." Serena says with a little smirk on her lips.

"I'm sorry but who invited you to out band meeting." Luke says. Thank god for Luke right now.

Serena looks towards Aiden with her eyes mad big as if to say, say something.

"I did." is all he says.

"Come on man, just because you are the lead singer that does not mean invite your groupie to the damn meeting." Ryder says. 

"What?" Serena screetches.

"What the hell Ryder, she's not a goddamn groupie." Aiden yells. 

"Could have fooled me." I mumble under breath.

"You have something to say Izzy." Aiden glares at me.

I look at him and narrow my eyes, I want to tell him to get the fuck out with his girl, that I'm done with his antics, and that I don't know who he is anymore, but I don't say any of that, but I will not stand by and let him and his girlfriend belittle me and the work I put into this damn band.

"Actually yes I do, I will not hold a band meeting with her here." I say while pointing at Serena. 

"Thats too bad, because she's not going anywhere." he says.

"Ok. I look toward Ryder, Christian and Luke, I guess we are not having a meeting. I will forward the calendar to all you guys and if you have any questions about it let me know." I smile and grab my things to bring back to the room, because I am def not staying here. 

"What the fuck Izzy. You can't just do that." Aiden yells.

"I just did, your right I have not been all there these last two weeks, but best be sure that is going to change, starting with I am not going to have a meeting while your groupie is sitting right there or you thinking its ok to disrespect me. I have dealt with a lot shit from you Aiden, but I am done. I believe I told you that already." with that I continue to walk to the back of the bus towards the bedroom. 

Before I close my door I can hear the rest of the bad give it to Aiden and I smile for the first time in weeks. Little asshole deserves that, but how long can I keep going like this, maybe it's time for me to look for something else, maybe T.R.U.C.E and I have run it's course. 

I go to lay in bed when I hear the door slam on the bus, and I know Aiden has left because I hear a knock on my door.

"Izzy." Luke says.

"I'm ok, Luke." I respond softly.

"Izzy, I know something is going on between you can Aiden, we can all feel it. I just wanted to let you know that I know Aiden is your best friend but me, Christian, and Ryder are here for you."  he says before I hear his footsteps walk away. 

I close my eyes and a tear slips out, I don't know how long I lay there in the dark staring at the ceiling but my eyes begin to close, and before they close completly, but before they close my phone goes off, and it's the last person I expected to text me. 

"Izzy. We can't keep going on like this if not for our sakes for the band, I miss my best friend, we need to talk." it says. 

Fucking Aiden, if you think we can be best friends again right now you have another thing coming, but he's right we have to get common ground for the bad even if that could possibly mean leaving T.R.U.C.E. and with that thought I close my eyes and forget everything for a little while.  

*Authors Note! 

I have finally updated! It's not much but we are getting there! I know there are grammar problems, I will go back and fix them little by little.  I also plan to revise My Mate Loves my Twin, the story is not going to change but I am going to make it more complete! I hope you guys enjoy this :D

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