Questioning//BILLIE EILISH

By smoochmycooch49

231K 6.2K 20.8K

Billie smirks and squeezes my hand, leaning into my ear, 'Dont worry, I don't bite,' she pauses and my breath... More



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By smoochmycooch49

I decide to try again later, and bashfully pull Billie's shirt back on and lay down for a nap.

⚠️there's like 2 sentences with description of masturbation

I wake up a couple hours later to the sound of my parents opening the front door. I slowly roll over in bed and rub my eyes, trying to wake myself up.

"We're home!" My Dad shouts as my siblings begin to talk loudly to each other. I grumble, but assume they can't hear such a quiet noise through the wall.

"Mmmkayy," I slur out, trying my best to be loud.

I hear footsteps up the stairs, and my Mom knocks on my door.

"Come in," I rasp, sitting up.

She slowly opens the door, "I've never seen that shirt before."

I look down, remembering who's shirt I'm wearing, "It's Billie's. She let me borrow it."

She hums, "Taking a nap?"

"No, I'm wide awake," I say sarcastically.

She chuckles a bit, "Alright, well we brought home dinner if you're hungry."

"I'll be down in a minute."


I get out of bed and stand before the mirror. I smile to myself as I admire Billie's clothes. I sniff the fabric, smelling her house and her warm, safe bed. A bit of pink dusts my cheeks, and I change into my own clothes, planning to throw these in the wash on my way to get dinner.

The rest of the weekend is quiet. I find myself waiting for Monday to roll around so I can see Billie again. I want to hear all about her songwriting and just talk to her again.

I decide not to tell her about my masturbation, still feeling embarrassed about Saturday, when I completely embarrassed myself.

I put Billie's clothes in the backseat before opening the passenger door and hopping in.

"Hey, Dezzy!" Billie greets me.

"Billie!" I say happily, "How was your weekend?"

She smiles, tilting her head, "It was fun. I love working with Finn, even when we argue for hours," she giggles to herself.

I smile as well, leaning in for a kiss, but chickening out half-way. I blush and sit back in my seat, cursing myself for even trying.

"Don't be shy," Billie smiles.

I just continue to look at my lap.

"Baby," she says, dragging out the word.

I look up at her, "ye-ah?"

My voice cracks half-way through the word, and I blush even more.

Billie chuckles, "Come kiss me."

I cover my face, "Nooo, oh my gosh."

"No?" She smiles, "How come?"

I look up at her, unamused, "Because you're teasing me about it, that's why."

"Ohh," she chuckles through her words, "I'm sorry for teasing you, Princess."

My unamused expression contorts at the name, a stubborn smile and blush cracking through, "Billie!"

This time, she doesn't stop at a chuckle or a giggle, but laughs wholeheartedly, "You are so adorable."

"Ughhhh," I groan, "Let's just go to school."

Billie makes no move to drive off, "You have to kiss me first."

I groan once again, "I can't!"

"Why?" She smiles.

"Because you're teasing me about it."

"Here, I'll do half of it."

Billie leans over to my side of the car, and takes my face in her hands, pulling me gently so our faces almost touch, "Now, kiss me."

I whine, and Billie makes no move to let go. I close my eyes and place my lips on hers, allowing her to take over once I do so. The kiss is long and deep, and as she pulls away, Billie sticks her tongue out and licks my lips.

My eyes widen and she chuckles. I sit there with Billie's spit on my lips, and the culprit sitting across from me, giggling. After a few seconds, I pull them into my mouth and lick them, causing Billie to laugh once again.

I could never get sick of that laugh.

She continues to giggle to herself as she puts the car in drive and heads off to school. Once we're there, I realize how unfit my wardrobe is for the scorching heat outside.

"God, it's hot," I start, getting out of the car, "wasn't it cold a couple days ago?"

"It was," she agrees, "But summer is just around the corner."

Throughout the rest of the school day, the air becomes progressively hotter, and the a/c can't keep up. By lunch time, Billie and I are sitting across from each other in the dining hall, dipping our fingers in our water cups and flicking it at each other.

"Stop!" She squeals, "Stop, for god's sake!"

I stop, and she seems to contemplate what to say, but cuts herself off by flicking water at me.


We laugh and continue to spray each other until an unexpected guest comes by.

"Hey, Dez?" I hear a shaky voice behind me, "C-can I get your snap?"

I stop flicking and look at Billie. She stops as well, peering behind me at the person talking. I turn around as well.

Unsure what to say, I look at him, "Like, you want to be friends?"

His eyes widen, "Oh! Well, no, uhm."

He appears to be looking to Billie for help.

"He likes you, Dez. He wants your snap," she says.

I turn back and look at her, wide-eyed. I mouth, 'what do I do?' And she shrugs.

"Oh! That's very flattering, uhm..."


"Jonah, but I'm not available to date right now."

"Oh," he says, sadly, "Okay. Um, have a nice day."

I smile warmly, "Have a nice day."

I turn back around to face Billie, putting my hand over my mouth. She does the same.

A few minutes later, we resume flicking each other with water, just wishing we had worn shirts underneath our sweatshirts.

When school gets out, I ask Billie what she plans to do for the rest of the day.

"I plan to get the fuck out of this sweatshirt," she says, turning on the a/c in dragon.

A flash goes by in my brain, Billie naked, fondling her boobs. My face turns red, and I push the thought away as soon as I can.

"How about you?" She asks.

"I desperately want to go swimming, but our pool is cold as hell right now."

"Isn't hell like, really hot?"

"Whatever," I grumble.

Billie chuckles, "Let's go swimming in your cold as hell pool."

My eyes widen, "No! No, Billie. It's really cold."

"I'll be the judge of that. Let me just stop at my house to get a bathing suit."

For the duration of the short ride to Billie's house, I try to convince her that the pool is just too cold to go in, but she won't listen.

"We don't live in Antarctica, Dez, it can't be that cold."

I give up on reasoning with her, and we get out of Dragon, walking into her house.

"Hey, Mom!" Billie shouts into the house, "Just home to grab my bathing suit."

"You're going swimming? That sounds fun," I hear from the living room.

"Yes, very," she replies.

I remain silent as Billie takes my hand, dragging me to her bedroom.

"Which one should I wear?"

She holds up two bathing suits, one an all black one-piece, and the other one an all black one-piece.

"Wow, Billie," I say dryly, "They're so very different."

She giggles, "They are!" She gestures to the one in her left hand, "This one shows more boob."

Before I get the chance to reply, she takes the one in her right hand and shoves it in the drawer, throwing the left one over her shoulder, "Let's go."

I remain silent and allow her to take my hand and lead me out of the house. Once we get in the car, I continue with my argument, "I'm telling you-"

Billie cuts me off, "If you tell me one more time that it's too cold, I'm pushing you in first."

My eyes widen and I shut up, looking down at my lap.

"Good girl," she says, tilting her head and licking her lips.

She chuckles quietly to herself before putting the car in drive and backing out of the driveway.

I sit silently, replaying the words in my head, over and over. I look out the window beside me, and calm myself before we arrive at my house.

I unlock the door, and, like most days, no one should be home until late evening.

"Okay, Dezzy-girl. Go get your bathing suit on and I'll change after."

"Okay," I reply, turning towards my room.

She called me Dezzy-girl.

When I get to my room, I look in my underwear drawer for my bathing suits, and have a selection of bikini's to wear. Usually immodesty doesn't bother me with bathing suits, but I can't help but get nervous about Billie seeing me in one of these.

Also, I'd be much warmer in a one-piece.

I ultimately choose my favorite red one (because it makes me feel sexy) and change into it. I head downstairs to tell Billie it's her turn, and she absentmindedly bites her lip as she looks at me.

She reaches her hands toward me and asks, "May I?"

My breath hitches, and I nod my head, biting my lip.

She walks up to me and places her hands on my bare waist, caressing my skin with her soft fingers. Goosebumps rise where she touches me, and I watch her hands closely as they tentatively travel along my skin.

"Why'd you choose this one?" She asks removing her hands and smirking at me.

"This one shows more boob."

I crack a smile and she chuckles a bit, heading into my bedroom to change. She was definitely right about the boob thing, as there is a slit in the neckline, showing off her cleavage.

I try to do what Billie did, asking to admire her and running my hands along her waist, but I do so bashfully, and one teasing comment from Billie sends me tumbling into a storm of butterflies.

"Stop!" I protest, "I was trying to do the thing."

She chuckles, "You did a wonderful job, Sweetie."

"Oh stop with that," I say with red cheeks, turning around to find some towels. Billie catches my waist before I can make it to the cabinet, and she picks me up.

"Ahh AH!" I squeal, "Billie! Let me down!"

"Nope! We're going in together."

"But the towels!"

"We don't need towels, silly. It's 90 degrees outside."

I roll my eyes, "Please, just let me walk in at the stairs."

Billie puts me down outside, a few feet from the edge of the pool, "Well, since you asked so nicely."

She kisses me on the cheek, and runs into the pool, purposefully making a big splash and getting me all wet.

"Billie!" I gasp as she comes up for air.

"Oops, sorry," she laughs.

I walk over to the steps and peer down at the water. Tentatively, I dip my toe in.

"Oh my god," Billie exasperates, "Get in here."

I look at her fearfully.

"Come on, Baby," she walks over to me at the steps, "Be brave for me."

I desperately want to shut my legs, but try my best to keep them open, knowing how Billie gets when she sees she's turned me on.

She walks up a couple steps and takes my hands, "Come with me."

"Nooo, Billie."

She stops, looking unamused. She then gets completely out of the water, squeezing water out of her wet hair and smiling at me. A couple strands stick to her cheek, but she doesn't bother wiping them away. She stands beside me and places her hand on my lower back, coercing me into the water.

I follow her in, squealing when the water hits my crotch, and then again at my waist.

"Just dunk your head now."

My eyes widen.

She smiles, "Come on. Ready? 3, 2, 1."

She dunks her head, and I quickly follow before I lose my nerve, coming right back up and gasping for air, "Oh my god."

"Good girl!" She praises, running her hand through her hair.

My legs immediately shut, and I look at Billie with wide eyes. She laughs and steps closer to me, wrapping her arms around my waist, "Do you like when I say that?"

I nod, leaning into her, and hiding my face in her neck. I wrap my arms around her shoulders, "You're talking to me like I'm some kind of dog. Or like, animal."

She hums, "I can stop if you don't like it. I just had an inkling you might."

I squeeze her body, "Don't stop."


Let me know if you like or dislike the faster pace of this chapter. I'm not sure how to feel.

Also how are you guys?? I wanna talk to you

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