The element protectors one-sh...

By Cat-con

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one-shots with the element protectors the element protectors belongs to KC safirewolf go subscribe to them on... More

rule and requests
comforting times ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸงŠ
What if?
meeting the O'Halloran's ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿƒ
Small spaces = big problems
Ghost town
sharing past stories
Body swapping for a day
Love and fears to it
the Bois properly meet the protectors

what if? part two a heart to heart ๐Ÿ’€๐ŸŒŠ

331 6 28
By Cat-con

Read part one to understand the whole story

Ships: (more of comforting wise lmao-) brash and blawn

Platonic ones: Ash and Davis & Fell and Brook

3rd person pov

A couple of day went by, the bois tagged along with the elements to help them on there quest. Which was a good idea, fell and tom could smell danger coming from a mile away, ennards systems could detect traps and the others were pretty powerful themselves.

The other elements were pretty impressed at their teamwork. Ash, being their leader not only made decisions on their actions and plans but took ideas that others suggested to him and adding it onto small plans.

But other than their teamwork, there friendship and trust for one another was definitely strong. Blake, robin, and dawn got along nicely with the other's, misty was good pals with quite a few of them, phoenix-. She's working on it, she's at least giving them a chance.

Brook however, kept to himself. The bois gave him space, but some of them could tell there was more to it than that.

The gang had stopped to rest up for a bit, giving ash the opportunity to show his other worldly friends his new powers. Sollux was starstruck at his powers. The others were doing some other things, like conversating with each other, ennard being a doofus, tom sitting on a tree (like a cat) looking out for danger, ect ect.

Ash spoke with sollux, davis, and fell as they asked questions. "2o your liike, the new earth element" Sollux asked astonishedly. Ash chuckled and nodded "yep" he replyed

Fell whispered to davis "looks like the leader might become the strongest of us" davis chuckled "hey, you know I don't care about my strength fell" ash said grabbing his attention. Fell chuckled "its true thought" he told him "I know I know, but I'd rather not be the leader just because of my powers" ash responded.

Fell shrugged "eh, you do you" ash chuckled, turning his attention back to sollux as he asked more questions. Ash soon turned his attention to where brook was. He was sitting by himself looking pretty down.

Ash blinked, his face changed to a slightly concerned look. He walked over to him and knelt down to his level. Tilling his head to at least get a good look at him he asked "hey, you ok?" Brook perked up upon hearing his voice.

Brook sighed and replyed with "I'm fine" ash blinked and told him "I know there's something bothering you, what's up?" Brook sighed "it's nothing ash, you wouldn't understand" ash blinked at that "bro-" he was cut off by brook standing up and say "look it's nothing ash just leave me alone" he said before he turned on his heel and walked off.

The others upon hearing that looked over to see what the commotion was. Ash's eyes were a bit wide. He looked down with shame. He walked to a tree and sat down against it. Davis walked to him and knelt to him "what happened?"

Ash sighed "I don't know, he was looking down, it's probably my fault for leaving him out these past few days" ash replyed. Davis blinked, he looked over at fell making eye contact with him. The two nodded at each other before fell turned and headed after brook.

Davis sat down next to ash to talk to him.

Meanwhile with brook

Brook sat at an opened area of the forest, he had his knees up to his chest. His mind was wandering everywhere, all the thoughts and memories of seeing ash with these other guys made him feel a little lonely.

He was more used to ash nagging at him and hanging out with him. But now, he wasn't. Brook kinda missed that 'you see brook...' 'he doesn't care about you' brook's eyes widen feeling tears forming in his eyes 'he'll turn his back on you, just like all the other's...., just like your parents'

Brook shook his head "n-no, your wrong" he murmured. He than began to see that thing again kneeling inforont of him "face it brook, he's like all the other's who promised to be with you and turned their backs on you" brook shook he head "no you are wrong about him"

The thing sighed "open your eyes brook, he's just like your previous "friends" he'll eventually turn his back on you, like those who've done so before" brook felt his blood go cold "he'll turn on you... like those so called friends and your parents..., specifically your dad, heck what would he think of your little secret that you've buried from yourself for these past few years"

Brook covered his ears and shut his eyes "shut up shut up shut up" brook murmured. Brook began crying. What if he was right? Was ash like the other's? His thoughts were cut off upon hearing the bushes rustle.

Brook wiped his eyes before turning around. He was surprised to see fell there. He turned away from him "what do you want?" He asked a bitterly. Fell sighed and walked over towards him "look man I get your upset and that I interrupted you from letting out your emotions but yo-" brook cut him off

"I wasn't crying" he shouted at him. Fell didn't not like that. He had teleported next to him and snarled "1: don't you ever cut me off, 2: don't you dare give me that attitude" brook rolled his eyes "your not my dad, so don't boss me around" brook spat back at him

Fell tsk'd at him "at least I've learned to not let out my anger on others, and don't give me that bullshit of you not crying earlier, that one thing I can tell by heart" brook sighed and looked away "just leave me alone... please..."

Fell sighed and got comfortable next to him "I'm not leaving you alone man, besides, you look like you need someone to talk to. So, what's on your mind?" Fell asked him. Brook shook hiss head "you wouldn't understand"

Fell sighed "look you stubborn ass, just because we have different backgrounds doesn't mean I haven't had shit thrown at me. If anything I of all people might understand your situation" brook tsk'd at that "bullshit..." he murmured. Fell sighed "from one troubled guy to another, just talk, no ones here to judge you"

Brook growled "oh yeah? I believed that when I was 6 years old, no matter what I do people always judged me and turn their backs on me, no one has seem to care about me for the past 17 years, and even of they do show it, it turns out to be bullshit and they turn on me. I can't even find someone who sees me for who I am. I have admirers who see me for my looks and charm, even so they also don't seem to give two shits about me"

Fell stayed quiet, he may have shown to be unfazed but deep down he was in total shock "and what's worse, I can't get the coverage and support from the ones who decided to bring me into this world" ok, now brook was beginning to talk out of anger. Fell knows just how that would end, he would end up revealing more than intends to.

Fell held his hands up "ok brook-" brook cut him off "and yet you can accommodate to that!? My parents don't give two shits a flying fuck and a god damn care about me or my siblings, even being pushed away for who I was and what I turned out to be and I've hurt myself by denying that" he shouted

Fell was silent, brook noticed the silence, at first he thought he'd won, but upon it all he remembered all he said. He realized what he'd said and instantly covered his mouth. Fell blinked "holy shit brook" brook was still in shock "d-did I just say what I think I just said" he murmured.

Fell blinked a few time before his gaze softened. He sighed and replied "look brook, I know the two of us are very different, but in a way we're similar" brook looked away to hide his tears "no we're not.... you've got those who care about you, your friends, and who ever you probably care about and love the most"

Fell sighed "ok all of that may be true, how ever it wasn't always like that, I had to wait an search for the right ones. Heck, it took me 16 years to find the one who I love and care about the most" brook slightly looked at him "it also took me that same amount of time if not longer to find those who I can call family."

Brook sighed feeling tears flow down his face "and how does this relate to me?" Fell chuckled "because, you too have found people who you can trust and rely on. Though they don't show it they do care about you. Blake, dawn, robin, misty, even phoenix, I know you two hate each other but I can see that she's genuinely starting to put her faith and trust in you"

Brook sighed as fell said all of this "ash is the one person especially to have. Your extremely lucky to have him around. Sure he's distant at the moment, but that's because we can't see each other as often as we want to" fell explained "but that doesn't mean he doesn't care about you. Heck your like, I don't know his pride and joy"

Brook gave him an odd look. Fell chuckled even more and stated "what I mean is, is that he does truly care about you brook, I mean your all he talks about being you know "brook this" and "brook that" your literally a topic he likes to talk about"

Brook blinked "what?!" He asked confusingly. Fell began laughing "I'm serious man, you've been a bright light in his life, a light he's needed when.... you know..." fell said trailing off. Brook nodded, fell sighed "and about your rant at the end..." Brook blinked

"O-oh that, pfft- that was me spewing nonsense" he said hoping to defuse and dodge that last thing he said. Fell sighed "brook that last bit was the true you deep down shouting out what you've held back for god knows how long" brook panicked "I-I uhhh"

Fell placed a hand on his shoulder "brook there's more to you that meets the eye, and trust me I'm pretty stubborn myself about the past, but you can trust me with it and you can talk to me about it" brook sighed

Should he trust him? Especially with this info? He sighed knowing fell wouldn't let this go, given his own stubbornness experience, "some years back when I was 13 so like, 4 years maybe, I-" he cut himself off and braced himself "I tried coming out to my parents" fell slowly became shocked at that.

"But that was a total failure, my father was extremely disappointed in me coming out, my mom, I'm not sure she didn't seem to care about my sudden coming out" fell sighed, he knew what would happened if he didn't at least try to give him his advice "look brook, I know how that feels, when I came out, word got around everyone in my town was disappointed in me"

Brook looked down "oh I'm sorry to hear that" fell flashed him a 'thank you' smile before he continued "but just because other disagreed with me didn't mean I had to deny, hide, and hurt myself for who I truly was" brook looked back at him. Fell began to pat and rub his shoulder's.

He asked "say, what is your sexuality?" Brook flinched at that. Knowing he can't dodge this he decided to be honest "bisexual..." he murmured. Fell could hear a mix emotions he had in his voice. It was as if he wanted to be true to himself but at the same time he felt trapped and entitled to his parents orders (or something fell didn't know-).

He spoke up again "your thoughts and opinions do matter brook, your father does not have a say in what you think, it's ok if your bisexual, just as long as your happy..." brook felt himself wanting to break out, he tried to hold it back.

Unexpectedly fell hugged brook "a good friend of mine once told me this" he whispered to him "don't hold back what you're truly feeling. Go ahead, let it out" brook blinked and for once he let it out in front of someone he hardly knew. He sobbed on his shoulder. Fell patted his head and rubbed his back.


Brook was apologizing profusely to fell. Fell chuckled "Its ok brook. It's ok if your lost. We're all a little lost, and it's alright" brook just buried his face more into his shoulder. Brook for once felt closer. He's felt this before with ash, which is why he felt that he can trust him with this information.

In the meantime

The group waited for brook and fell to return, dawn and sollux were beginning to worry, knowing that the demons were out there. Davis sat with ash as he spoke his troubles.

"I feel ashamed of myself" ash told him. Davis sighed and wrapped his arm around his shoulder, giving him a hug "it's not entirely your fault ash, I'm sure he can see that" Davis suggested.

Ash shook his head "no davis it is, I should've been a good friend and at least spend time with him, especially with what's going on with him at the moment. But here I am focused on you guys and don't think to check in with him"

Davis's eyes slightly went wide but he composed himself "at least you did so earlier" he told him. Ash let out a huff "yeah that's only me realizing he was upset" davis sighed a bit "it's better than not noticing"

Ash sighed "I guess, I'm gonna apologize to him when he returns" ash murmured davis nodded. Ash leaned into the hug and thanked davis for the comfort, davis nodded and rubbed his shoulder. Dawn and sollux wanted to go check up on them but riku kept telling them not to.

Sollux began growing agitated "riku, there are demon2 out there that can hurt them iif theiir not careful enough" sollux told him. Riku held his hands up "I know that sollux, but the same time we shouldn't be snooping on them, you do know fell is strong enough to face those things head on right?"

Sollux looked down and sighed. Riku walked up to him and patted his shoulder "I get your troubles sollux, we all do but we should have faith in them. Brook and fell can defend themselves and are pretty powerful together. And if there was an issue jake would've known about it"

Riku explained and pointed out. Sollux nodded "II know ii ju2t-" he sighed "ii don't want anythiing bad happeniing to the two" riku nodded "we know sollux" he told him. Blake approached dawn "hey you ok?" He asked.

Dawn sighed "i guess, i'm just worried about brook, i wonder if he's doing ok..." blake nodded and put an arm around her as an attempt to comfort her. Dawn chuckled

"What?" Blake asked in confusion, dawn looked at him "I think it's kinda cute when you try comforting others" blake blinked and began blushing out of embarrassment. Dawn chuckled more and returned the gesture back.

The group watched the two with awe. Just then, they all heard bushes rustling. They looked up to see brook and fell coming out of the tree line, and the fact that they were crying was noticeable. Ash stood up and looked at fell, as if he was asking him if he could approach. Fell murmured something to brook.

Brook nodded and fell glanced at ash, he gave a nod of approval. Ash slowly stepped forward before he began, "brook, look, about the past few days I'm-" ash cut himself off by brook suddenly hugging him. Ash looked at fell with this 'wtf happened with you two???' Fell huffed a snicker.

Ash blinked hearing brook murmuring something "what?" Ash asked not quite getting what he said. "I'm sorry..." brook whispered. Ash blinked and his eyes got a little wide "no brook, I should apologize for being a shit friend and not seeing if you were doing ok" ash murmured hugging back.

Brook shook his head "yeah , but I should've been honest and open with you... and instead I pushed you away" he said in-between his sobs. Ash rubbed his back "it's ok brook... I forgive you for that" ash murmured "I promise to be more active around you" ash added. Brook felt a small smile "thank you... I too forgive you ash..."

The bois and the gang smiled at the two. Misty and sollux gave each other a look and smirked. The two broke their hug and wiped the tears away from their faces. Blake cleared his throat and began "as much as I'd hate to cut your moment short, we need to keep moving."

The two nodded with understandment. The group began to walk along the path. Ash wrapped an arm around brook, as if to hug him. Brook smiled and leaned into the comfort. "Hey brook?" Ash murmured to him, brook hummed in response. Ash glanced at him "would you be alright with me introducing you to the rest of the guys later on?" He asked.

Brook blinked, he looked at the bois, as if he was studying them. He smiled and said "yeah, I'd be ok with that" ash nodded "alright then, but for now let's spend sometime together, I will admit it I missed spending time with you" brook sheepishly chuckled "yeah, me too" he replyed.

Later on just like ash offered he introduced brook to the rest of the guys one by one. Brook, after being introduced to them could understand why ash spend a lot of time with them. They're kind, caring, supportive, sympathetic, and are understanding. Brook was glad fell followed him and nagged at him.

Brook then blinked upon remembering something

"It would be wise to talk to ash about this later on, or whenever your comfortable with talking to him about this. You can trust me when I say, he'll help you out with this struggle of yours, trust me on it."

Brook perked up a little bit at the memory, he looked at fell, to which he flashed him a reassuring smile. Brook inhaled and exhaled 'maybe I sound tell him later on. Maybe after the mission... i don't know. Maybe beforethe final battle so at least he knows if.... he dies during the battle.' Brook noted to himself. Before he focused his attention to the other's to at least enjoy the rest if this night while it was enjoyable.

Welp that's finally done- I hope you guys enjoyed this one-shot of an emotions rollercoaster

Part 3?

Maybe I don't know yet- but until then

Cat~con out

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