Classroom Of The Elite x Oc

By alexkuhar360

241K 7.6K 2.2K

What happens when an American boy who has a passion for reading gets transported to a anime world he knows pr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter: 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter: 30
Chapter: 31
Year 2 Announcement
Year 2 Prologue
Year 2 Prologue 2
Year 2 Chapter 1
Year 2 Chapter 2
Year 2 Chapter 3
Year 2 Chapter 4
Year 2 Chapter 5
Year 2 Chapter 7
Year 2 Chapter 8

Year 2 Chapter 6

2K 87 10
By alexkuhar360

Alex's Pov

After the incident with the first-year students behind the dorms it was pretty awkward since Sudo thought Horikita was just that smart to predict it while Horikita looked at me suspiciously and Ayanokoji  seemed to have already concluded what he was thinking about.

With that the situation regarding the partner exam continued like the novel, Sudo with Amasawa and Ayanokoji with Hōsen.

Also like the novel, Ayanokoji scored a 100 on the math section surprising everyone immensely, thankfully that took much of the attention away from Elena and I scoring mid to high 80s in all subjects and scoring in the top 5 duos, earning us 100,000 points total. As part of our deal I let her have it all, I was happy to not have to find a first year to befriend in order to get a partner.

One thing that had been incredibly annoying was the boys at this school regarding my sister, I had started getting strange messages from a variety of guys asking about what she liked and if I could help them talk to her.

I understand that Elena is very hot and cute, I also find her way of dressing very aesthetic in a sharp lines featuring mostly black, white, and grey. That being said it is annoying that a large amount of these people could easily be considered as "betas", they do not have much going for them but think they are so awesome that the hottest and smartest girl around would fall in love with them.

From my view these people are quite pathetic, at first I tried to be kind and deflect them, soon I realized however that being firm and cold to them was a much better option. Some of these guys would try to argue with me and say I should do what they ask, as if I am not a guy as well and perfectly know their intentions.

After this started I tried looking into the reason and it seems my dear sister has fostered a sense of aloofness and superiority that scares most of the guys away from direct conversation with her, as a side effect it has somewhat shifted to me now.

It is crazy to me that some of these guys will be like "be a bro", like I am literally my sister's bro, why would I want to be your bro?

Anyways, with that said overall recent times at school have been quite nice, with a large focus on Ayanokoji recently I haven't had a ton to do directly.

Like I said earlier, most of my attention has been towards repelling vermin's from my sister, it was a real headache when someone got a good quality picture of her on a morning run with a windbreaker unzipped showing off a sports bra.

Now I'm not saying girls don't do some crazy stuff, I mean look at how they treat Hirata, but some of these guys are very gross.

I also do not understand why I am so protective of someone who is not even my biological sister, and who I didn't know existed until like 2 months ago. It would not be an exaggeration to say I think of her as a real family member though, from the weekend dinners we have I can tell she is very nice and also cares for me.

If I had to say one thing I admire about her the most, it would be her elegant and sophisticated demeanor and attitude, for me the only thing I can equate it to complete authority and understanding. From spending more and more time together it is clear that she looks at the world very differently than anyone I have ever met, it sometimes look as if she is receiving divine inspiration.

I wonder if this is how the real Ayanokoji, behind his apathetic face and coldly shaped exterior, sees the world and the people in it.

After a very troublesome week I found myself cooking for our weekly dinner once again, the food I was making was  Beef Wellington, some vegetables, and some potatoes. I am obviously not a trained chief or any kind of expert, but I think I am an above average home cook and it seemed like the meal turned out nicely.

Soon she arrived and we ate like normal and then afterwards had a discussion, like usual she asked me questions.

"So it seems like Ayanokoji got a 100 on the math section of the exam, that is completely impossible for a high school student to do, which means he learned higher level college math in middle school. Clearly that is not normal, I also witnessed the incident behind the dorms last weekend, can you elaborate on what was happening?"

Dang, I was hoping she wasn't watching but that is obviously too much to ask, hopefully she doesn't dig too much into what I know.

"As you saw the 1-D students made a plan to try to expel Ayanokoji, the only thing I really know extra is that the real mastermind of the project was your friend Ichika Amasawa."

She looked at me as if about to ask another question when I got a knock at my door, I was inwardly happy to be interrupted before having to explain more stuff that might look suspicious. I got up and went to the door, there is nothing wrong with my sister being here and no reason to go out of my way to hide it so I went and opened the door.

The person I saw was none other than Fuka, although I still meet up and interact with her on a regular basis we haven't seen each other a ton recently. She was wearing a black hoodie and red leggings that contrasted amazingly with her white hair and skin.

"Hi Alex, what are you up to tonight?"

Seemed a little suspicious for her to come now, she also is missing her usual lust and fierceness, instead she is smiling at me as if daring me to lie. Since I have no reason to I responded honestly.

"I was just having dinner with my sister, we just finished but we were just talking about our week."

Without hesitation she stepped into my room past me and walked towards the table that I had just been at.

I closed the door and went back to the table, I have a feeling that I have gone out of the frying pan, into the fire.

When I returned I saw Fuka staring at Elena with her usual smile that promised nothing but trouble, while the other girl just looked at her relatively blankly.

I decided to try to break the ice,
"Elena, this is Fuka Kiryuin, she has been helping me as a trainer and a very close friend. Fuka, this is my sister Elena."

Fuka kept smiling but now spoke.

"So the hot first year girl actually is your sister, her white hair is almost as beautiful as mine."

In response Elena replied in a way I didn't expect.

"Ah, Kiryuin-senpai, the girl who gets her back blown out every other day by my brother. Nice to finally meet you in person."

I froze like ice meanwhile Fuka started laughing like a maniac, in response Fuka took off her hoodie revealing only a bra, it seemed like she came here wanting to do something and got up really close to Elena.

"I wonder if that makes you jealous, you are missing out on so much. Don't worry though, I can tell you all about it, in detail."

I couldn't help but feel so embarrassed and go sit on my bed looking at the wall hoping this was a bad dream, meanwhile Elena seemed to be getting bored and tired of hearing the excruciating detail Fuka went into. It was clear as day Fuka was trying to drive her out to do certain things, but I didn't do anything to oppose her so Elena eventually had enough and left, guess ill talk to her next week at the latest.

Once she was gone Fuka came to me and started doing some things that should not be repeated. At least I had a happy ending to a night that wasn't going very good before.


Elena's Pov

God that was so awkward, why did that girl go into such details regarding having sex, have some damn decency and keep it to yourself.

I guess that girl really is a dirty harlot, I cannot blame her too much though, since from the founds of it my brother is partially responsible for her being like that.

I just want to go back to my room and take some sleeping pills and pass the hell out. Even with my questioning cut short I did get some good info from Alex so I will take it as a win.

I had heard earlier this week via text that boys from my class were messaging Alex to try to get an in with me, I feel somewhat bad that he is getting spammed by these guys.

That is why after the partner exam I had him send me all the screenshots of his conversations with first year boys and posted them all to the first-year group chat with the names blurred out, the caption was simple.

"Keep this up and next time I'm leaving the names."

That caused many of my classmates to instantly stop looking at me at all, few had been able to hold eye contact before anyways, the ones left stopped being able to after that. The only person in my class that doesn't view me and above them and scare is Ichika, I am sure there is something very special about her and she is deeply involved with my mission here, I am just missing some of the pieces. 

From what Alex has told me, this Summer will be considerably more difficult than anything so far, I am sure there will be many interesting things to come of it.

The End

Hey awesome readers, I remember the books referencing the first years having a special exam before theisland exam in this year but I cant find where it says that so if anyone knowsthe Vol and page number for that it was be awesome, I am going to try to writethat exam so I want as much of the context given in the book as a basis aspossible. Also sorry if this chapter was a little weird lol.

Also, 69k reads, nice

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