๐ŸŒ“ Inhuman (Gravity Falls Dip...

By IvBeauty

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When young preteens Dipper and Mabel Pines are sent to the hidden town of Gravity Falls in Oregon to spend th... More

๐ŸŒ” Ep.1: Tourist Trap ๐ŸŒ”
๐ŸŒ” Ep.2: Legend Of Gobblewonker ๐ŸŒ”
๐ŸŒ“ Ep.3: Head Hunters ๐ŸŒ“
๐ŸŒ’ Ep.4: The Hand That Rocks The Mabel ๐ŸŒ’
๐ŸŒ’ Ep.5: The Inconveniencing ๐ŸŒ’
๐ŸŒ‘ Ep.6: Dipper Vs Manliness ๐ŸŒ‘
๐ŸŒ˜ Ep.7: Double Dipper ๐ŸŒ˜
๐ŸŒ˜ Ep.8: Irrational Treasure ๐ŸŒ˜
๐ŸŒ— Ep.9: Time Traveler's Pig ๐ŸŒ—
๐ŸŒ– Ep.10: Fight Fighters ๐ŸŒ–
๐ŸŒ• Ep. 12: Summerween ๐ŸŒ•
๐ŸŒ” Ep.13: Boss Mabel ๐ŸŒ”
๐ŸŒ” Ep.14: The Bottomless Pit ๐ŸŒ”
๐ŸŒ“ Ep.15: The Deep End ๐ŸŒ“
๐ŸŒ’ Ep.16: Carpet Diem ๐ŸŒ’
๐ŸŒ‘ Ep.17: Boyz Crazy ๐ŸŒ‘
๐ŸŒ˜ Ep.18: Land Before Swine ๐ŸŒ˜
๐ŸŒ— Ep.19: Dreamscaperers ๐ŸŒ—
๐ŸŒ– Ep.20: Gideon Rises ๐ŸŒ–
๐Ÿ’ซ Mabel's Guide to Life! ๐Ÿ’ซ
๐ŸŒฒ Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained ๐ŸŒฒ
๐ŸŒ• Season 2 - Ep.1: Scare-oke ๐ŸŒ•
๐ŸŒ” Ep.2: Into The Bunker ๐ŸŒ”
๐ŸŒ” Ep.3: Golf War ๐ŸŒ”
๐ŸŒ“ Ep.4: Sock Opera ๐ŸŒ“
๐ŸŒ’ Ep.5: Soos And The Real Girl ๐ŸŒ’
๐ŸŒ‘ Ep.6: Little Gift Shop Of Horrors ๐ŸŒ‘
๐ŸŒ˜ Ep.7: Society Of The Blind Eye ๐ŸŒ˜
๐ŸŒ˜ Ep.8: Blendin's Game ๐ŸŒ˜

๐ŸŒ– Ep.11: Little Dipper ๐ŸŒ–

889 44 39
By IvBeauty

~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~

It was a day like any other. I had finished my shift so the twins invited me to hang out with them, now watching Duck-tective together.

Dipper explained what happened a few days prior, with how he brought a game character to life only to have to fight it. He seemed to want to say more about it, but that was all he said.

Right then, we heard a knock on the door, Stan walking over and greeting the guest with a bright smile, "Welcome to a world of mystery!!"

"Stan Pines?" a man in a tux asked, Stan suddenly growing pale.

"The tax collector! You found me!!" Throwing a smoke bomb in front of the man, Stan quickly pulled off a painting from the wall, pressing the stones that stuck out of it with severe panic, "Which one of these is the trapdoor?!"

"Mr. Pines," the man stepped inside, "I'm from the winning house coupon savers contest, and you are our big winner!!"

A camera guy as well as two woman came walking into the room as confetti was thrown around, Stan's panic instantly becoming excitement, "My one and only dream, which was to posses money, has come true!!"

"We're rich!!" Dipper smiled, "I'm gonna get a butler!!"

"I'm gonna buy a talking horse!!"

"(y/n), what are you getting?!"

I snickered, "What am I, a leech? It's your money."

"Nonsense!!" Mabel wrapped an arm around me, "We're rich now, that doesn't matter!"

"Well, I wouldn't mind starting with a house," I said with a chuckle. It was meant to be a joke, but they both seemed to take it just as seriously as each other.

The man pulled out a paper, "Just sign here for the money."

"You bet!!" Stan didn't hesitate to sign, but I grew afraid when Gideon suddenly burst through the giant check that the women held.

"Ha, Stanford you fool!! You just signed over the Mystery Shack to little ol' me!!" he did a little dance,  "Ha-cha-cha-cha-cha!!"

We gasped in response, but Stan's smug smile never left, "Uh, might wanna take another look there."

Gideon confidently read through the paper, "Shack is hereby signed over to- Suck a lemon, little man?!"

As we heard that, we all bursted into laughter, with Gideon ripping the paper into shreds, "How dare you?! I am not a threat to be taken lightly!!" He then raised his arms, "Come here, hon, I need your arms."

The man behind picked him up so he'd be at eye level with Stan, Gideon continuing to speak, "I'll get you Stanford Pines, I'll get you all!!"

We watched as they all walked out of the shack with glares on their faces, not really ruining the silence that had formed.

Until Stan broke it, "Wanna see what else in on tv?"

"Why not."


"My favorite part's the theme song."

Another day passed, and during my shift, I watched as Dipper and Mabel played chess. Or at least, I watched Dipper try to play chess with someone like Mabel.

She moved a pawn forward, "Little guy to black space nine!"

Dipper rubbed his temples in frustration, "It's a pawn, that's not your color, and stop stealing the tiny horses!"

"They like it better in here! Don't you, babies..?" She bounced her sweater a bit as she neighed.

Moving a pawn forward, Dipper knocked out the king, "And checkmate!"

"What?! BOO!"

He marked something in his notepad, "Oh, Dipper wins again!!"

Soos then walked over to me, "Hey (y/n), can you get me that brain in a jar? The lady one?"

"Uh, yeah, gimme a sec, I'm counting cash."

"Oh, sorry, I'll ask Mabel then."

Dipper then stood up, "I got it."

"Thanks, but Mabel's taller."

"What?! No she's not, we're the same height, we've always been!"

"Better check again, dude."

The two of them walked over to be back to back to each other, with Soos using a measuring tape ro catch their heights, soon pulling away, "Yep, she's got exactly one millimeter on you."


Mabel's eyes widened, staring at her hands, "Whoa, don't you see what's happening, Dipper..? This millimeter is just the beginning..! I'm evolving into the superior sibling! Bigger!! Stronger!!!"

Soos smiled, "Like some kind of Alpha Twin!!"

"Alpha twin!!! Alpha twin!!!"

Dipper wasn't having it, "C'mon, guys, nobody even uses millimeters! That only makes you taller than me in Canada!"

"You know, Dipper? I always wanted a little brother, who knew I already had one?!" she laughed, "Yeah!!"

Stan then walked in, "I was awoken by the sound of mockery! Where is it? Show me the object of ridicule!"

Mabel smiled brightly, "I'm taller than Dipper!!"

"By one millimeter!!" he corrected.

"Hey hey, don't get... short with your sister!!" Stan began.

"Now Grunkle Stan, I hope you don't think..." Mabel smirked, "little of him!!"

Stan laughed, "Yeah!! And and uh, he's short!!"

Noticing how uncomfortable Dipped was feeling, I tried to intervene, "Guys, maybe you should lay off a little."

"HAH, little!! (y/n)'s in on it now!" Stan replied, with Dipper running out of the room.

I shot the two a small glare, "That's not what I meant!"

Mabel only shrugged, "Dipper will forget! He's got a- three, two, one,-"

"Short-term memory!!!" the two yelled in synch, before Mabel continued.

"POW!!! We are on fire!!!"

They high fived, Stan instantly pulling away, "Ow- Ooh- ah..."

"I high five hard."

Grumbling in response, I hurried after Dipper. This clearly bothered him a lot, so I wanted to at least check on him. I was about to knock, but the door was already slightly ajar, and I could see him pacing around the room with a glare on his face.

"Ugh, stupid Mabel! I'm not short!" He then walked over to a shelf, noticing his journal on top as tried did best to reach it.

I took a step forward, "Need some help?"

He jumped a bit, looking over, "O-oh, (y/n), I- actually I'm doing just fine," then proceeded to try to reach for the journal.

That went on for s few seconds, until he looked at me with a mix of a glare and puppy eyes, which kinda made me chuckle. I was able to reach the journal, I was only taller than Dipper by a little bit so I wasn't sure if I could even reach it myself. Still, I handed it to him, and in a mumbling manor, replied with a 'Thanks'.

He began to search through the journal, "There's gotta be a way to get taller!"

"Yeah, to wait," I replied as I sat on his bed, "Dipper, you're not gonna stop growing yet. It's just that girls usually have their puberty growth spurt sooner than guys. You'll get yours in a year or two."

"So I have to put up with Mabel's teasing for years? No, no way, there has to be something I can do to- aha!"

"What'd you find?"

"Legends of miniature buffaloes and giant squirrels have led me to believe there are height altering properties hidden deep within the forest."

I looked at him with worry, "Seems really vague, dude."

"All the more reason why I should check it out."

There was really no convincing him otherwise, huh? I let out a sigh, hopping off the bed, "You really are stubborn, you know that? Alright, let's get going?"


"Nothing was said about this, so God knows what you'll find, might as well have some backup. Besides, four eyes are better than two, right?"

He smiled in return, "Yeah, thanks."

"Then let's get going."


We had been walking for a while, now deep into the forest. Nothing had been found yet, and it's not pole we were given many clues about where to find whatever it was we were looking for.

"Hey (y/n)," Dipper started, "You travel through the forest a lot, do you recognize this place?"

"I know I've been here before once or twice, but I don't remember seeing anything out of the ordinary," I shrunk a bit, nervously rubbing my neck, "Then again, I don't normally pay much attention when I'm this far into the woods.."

"Huh? Why's that?"

I was about to answer, when Dipper then tripped over a twig, starting to fall face forward. Quickly grabbing the back of his vest, I pulled him close to me and wrapped my arms around his torso, sliding with my feet down the hill he was about to stumble through.

He stood frozen for a while, until I loosened my grip, "You okay..?"

"Y-yeah, thanks.." he replied, his hand covering his face. He then shook his head, looking up at me, "You sure you're not in any sports? Your reflexes are insane!"

I grew pale, awkwardly pulling away, "Hah, y-you think so..? I was just, uh.." my eyes widened a bit at a sight, "Deer..!"

"Ew, I've never heard you say Dear before."

"No, Dipper, look!" I pointed behind him, both of us looking at the tiny tiny deer that stood in front of us, I mean tiny as in the size of my thumb!

The deer stared at us for a little while, then ran in the other direction, lying down with their deer family, followed by a tiny eagle flying past Dipper's nose.

I smiled, "This is so cool..!!"

We then jumped at the sound of a roar, looking over to see a mountain lion, to which Dipper narrowed his eyes to focus, "Is that mountain lion tiny or just far away in perspective?"

It started running to us, and we quickly realized it wasn't that it was tony, Dipper yelling in terror, "PERSPECTIVE!!! PERSPECTIVE!!!"

I gripped his wrist, pulling him behind me as I prepared for the mountain lion's attack, only for it to jump through a pink hazed light and shrunk to the size of my finger, landing on my shoulder.

"What just..?!"

The mountain lion climbed down my arm and to my finger, sinking its fangs into the tip of it, which made me chuckle, "Kinda tickles."

Dipper was even more entranced than I was, staring at the kitten, "This is amazing..!!"

We looked forward as a butterfly passed by, passing through the pink light which made it shrink, then also through a blue light, which made it as big as a tree.

Without hesitation, Dipper walked over to where a group of crystal shards lied, the ones reflecting the pink and blue light from the sunlight above. With small tools, he only got one of the tint crystals, then walked back over to me, "Looks like we got our answer."

"You sure we should take this?" I asked, "There's a reason these are down here."

"We could always just bring it back if things go south, or try to break it. I've seen how strong you are."

"Aw, how charming!" I nudged his side, noticing his cheeks grew pink.

"Yeah yeah.. C'mon, let's head back."

And just like that, our search mission was over, and we were back at the shack before we knew it. Dipper ended up taping the tiny crystal to the front of a flashlight, so whenever he turned it on, the pink or blue light would be shot out, but I didn't actually see him use it on himself, having been called by Stan to clean the gift shop counter.

"I've been buying big clothes!" I heard Mabel brag, "I'll grow into them."

Dipper then walked in, a smile on his face, "Hey guys, notice anything different about me?"

Soos narrowed his eyes on Dipper, which soon widened, "Holy hot sauce! You've grown an extra millimeter!"


After being measured by Soos, Dipper's smug smile only grew more confident, "What can I say, sis? Growth spurt."

Mabel was still confident herself, "Yeah, mine happened first. I'm gonna be taller in the end, it's science, Dipper."

"What?! But we're the same height now!!"

"Alpha twin!!! Alpha twin!!!"

"Oh yeah? Something tells me I've got another growth spurt coming on right now!" Dipper's glare was sharp as he stormed away.

I could already sense the mess this was about to form, but I didn't follow this time after seeing Mabel rush out after him. This was there problem, and as long as fists weren't thrown, I shouldn't have to intervene.

About five minutes went by when I heard yelling from the front door, both voices too familiar to ignore. Their yelling only got louder with rage, until there was a moment of pure silence.

For second I was relieved, but then I realized what it might've meant.

I rushed through the shack and out the front door to see no one there, but the ground had enough foot prints to show me there had been. If anything, they had enough to show me there had been a fight because of how wild they were, and it frightened me that neither Dipper or Mabel were around.

That is, until I felt a tingling sensation around my body, and the world around me began to grow, and grow, and grow..!

I fell back surprise, and as I was about to get angry for the twins' either clumsiness or prank, I instead saw a pare of dark brown boots that were followed by a periwinkle suit, and a sickening smirk that loomed from above.

"Gideon?!" I yelled as I stood back up, trying to run away as he reached for me, only to be grabbed by my jacket, "Let go of me!!"

"You of all people deserve to stay in my little prison for all of eternity!" his smirk only grew, dropping me into a little jar before closing the lid.

"(y/n)!!" I heard to voices yell, turning to see the twins, who were also my size, behind me, Dipper running to me with worry on his face, "Are you okay..?!"

"I'm fine, but- what happened?! Why does Gideon have the flashlight?!"

"It was Dipper's fault!" Mabel pointed, with Dipper instantly shooting a glare.

"What?! No it wasn't, this wouldn't have happened if you had left it alone!!"

"Well this wouldn't have happened if you admitted I was the Alpha Twin!!"

"There's no such thing as an Alpha Twin!!!"


The two turned to be once I yelled, still clearly angry with each other as I rubbed my temples, "This isn't the time to argue, we need to find a way out!"

Dipper let out a sigh, "We can't break the jar yet, we're too high up to risk falling out."

"Then I guess we'll have to wait for a while."


It took us a while, but we eventually reached the Gleeful house and Gideon's room; it was only lit by a light in the corner, so most of it was dark, giving it a menacing aura.

He sat at a desk, opening the jar and shaking the three of us out, "You three!!"

Mabel hugged my arm, "W-w-what are you gonna do to us..?!"

But Gideon only laughed, "Why Mabel, I wouldn't hurt a hair in your eedy beedy head! If you agree to be my queen!!"

"We live in a democracy!! And never!!"

"Maybe you'll change your mind after... this!!" he picked her up by her sweater, which I tried to grab to pull her back but ended up missing, with her struggling to set herself free.

"No!!! I will fight you until the day I-!!!" she gasped as she saw the bag she hovered above, "Gummy koalas!!"

Gideon dropped her into the bag, where she instantly started eating a gummy, then he pointed a light to Dipper and I, making us flinch, "As for you two, tell me!! How exactly did you come up with this magic item, hm?! Somebody tell you about it? Did you... read about it somewhere?"

Dipper glanced at me in worry, to which I brought a finger to my lips, and he simply nodded. I then looked at Gideon, "Lean closer and I'll tell you."

He giggled, "Well, don't mind if I-!"



He covered his ears as I backed away from the megaphone that was beside us, hiding Dipper behind me as Gideon threw the megaphone to the side, raising a fist, "I COULD SQUASH YOU RIGHT NOW!!!"

His glare met my own, and he brought his hand back down, "Still yourself, Gideon. You can use them.. You can use them..!"

After he walked to another table, I turned back to Dipper, "You okay..?"

"Yeah, thanks.."

"Eh," I heard from a distance, seeing Gideon now talking through a phone with someone, a glare on his face.

"Stanford Pines, listen to me very closely. I have your nice, your nephew, and their little friend too! Hand over the deed to the Mystery Shack right now or great harm will befall them!! ... this is Gideon, by the way."

I heard Stan laugh, "Oh yeah, this is gonna be your worst plot yet! They're fine. I saw them playing in the yard minutes ago!"

"I have them in my possession!!! You don't believe?!? I will text you a photo!!!"

"Text me a photo? Now you're not even speaking English."

"But-!! Hello?!? H-hello!!!" He growled in anger before throwing the phone in our direction, which broke into pieces above us, having to avoid them from crushing us.

The scary part was when Gideon began to chuckle, then a laugh, then a loud cackle from someone who had lost their mind, "What am I doing?!? I don't need ransom!!!" he picked up the flashlight, "I have this!!! I'll shrink Stan and take the shack for myself!!! You'll be helpless to stop me!!!"

He walked over to us, taking four wooden dolls that were based on Stan and the three of us, "And if any of you step out a line.." he ripped the heads off the dolls, "SMASH!!!" and threw them in front of us, leaving us in a silence as he only laughed louder.

There was one voice that shut him up though, his father's, "GIDEON! THE ICE CREAM TRUCK IS HERE!"

"OOH, COMING!" he giggled, then paused for a moment, taking his hamster and placing him beside us, "Guard'm, Cheekums. I'M COMING!!" and then he left.

Dipper and I stared at the hamster, frozen in place for a while, until I did a little test and poked its side, to which the hamster only let out a tiny squeak.

We then ran to Mabel, Dipper speaking, "We gotta get out of here and save Stan!"

"I know!! I will see you later!" she placed the Gummy Koala's head in her pocket before climbing out.

Dipper let out a sigh, "Okay, how are we gonna do this? Gideon's got magic and like a zillion inches on us. On the bright side, at least we're the same height now!"

"Actually.." Mabel squinted her eyes, and the two looked over at me, to which I shot a small glare.

"We're really doing this now?"

They continued to stare, and I walked over to a pencil case on the desk, pulling out a ruler and raising it to measure the two.

Dipper let out a gasp, "You're still taller?!? Ugh, how did this happen?!?"

"I guess it's another mystery!"

"Just another reason we gotta get that flashlight back!" He looked down the desk to see the height difference.

"Cheekums, to freedom!!!" we heard Mabel yell, seeing her on top of the hamster like a horse, patting his side, "To freedom!!!" When he didn't move or respond, she simply hugged his back, "Aww, you're just a big ol' dummy dumb!"

I laughed at the scene, the hamster was adorable, but I also noticed the hairbrush that lies beside it, and how what usually are considered super thin barely visible strands of hair could know be considered something far more useful.

Smiling to myself, I walked over to the hairbrush, "I have an idea, but we're gonna need to be quick."

Dipper and I managed to pull out some hair strands out, which in our view, were much longer than expected. We tied their ends together, then tied it to the hair brush itself since we had close to nothing when it came to weight, with the three of us safely climbing down to the ground.

We quickly made our way out of Gideon's bedroom, hiding behind a boot as we saw him in the living room eating a pack of ice cream like a pig. When he noticed he was covered in ice cream, he licked his hands and glared at his father, "Clean me!!"

The man peacefully complied, and Gideon gave his best innocent grin, "Father, could you give widdle ol' me a wide to the Mystery Shack..?"

"Oh I'd love to, sugar pie, but I have a heck of a lot of card to sell, I do~" he began to tickle Gideon, who started to laugh uncontrollably.

At first it seemed like a nice father son moment with the two laughing, but Gideon's rage grew fast, with him yelling at the top of his lungs, "DON'T TICKLE ME!!! NO!!!"

He ended up throwing the whole pack of ice cream to the wall beside his mother's, glaring at his father, "Never, NEVER tickle me!!! What have I told you?!? What have I-?!? Look at me. What have I told you?!?"

The father lowered his head in shame, "Tickling is no laughing matter.."

"There we go," Gideon replied as he patted his dad's cheek.

The man then smiled shyly, "Do you still need a ride?"

"I'll just take the bus!!" the son yelled, standing up and walking to the door, pushing a table with a lamp on the way before storming out of the house.

To my surprise, the dad smiled and leaned back on the couch, "Precious memories.."

The mom, on the other hand, seemed utterly terrified of everything, mumbling to herself, "Just keep vacuuming... just keep vacuuming..."

Once outside, the easy part was done, but we quickly realized that with our tiny bodies we could only move so far. Dipper then brought us to the big money sign with wings that represented the Gleeful's organization, and we were all equally as surprised when it could actually fly!

After a while, we landed on the totem pole in front of the shack, noticing the bus Gideon was only now arriving.

"We're just in time! But how are we gonna stop him?" Dipper asked, only for a woodpecker to start pecking his hat, making him scream.

I did my best to shoo it away, only to hear Mabel's voice, "Leave that to Mabel!"

The three of us slid down the wire where the tiny flags were hung, reaching the porch's roof as Gideon walked over to the door. His smug smile was all that was seen as he reached; that is, until Mabel dropped her gummy koala head into his hair.

She whispered, "I'm sorry, gummy friend!"

"It's for the greater good!" Dipper added.

"Oh, one of those inferno Gummy Koalas got into my perfect hair!!" Gideon dropped the flashlight, walking over to a window to see his reflection, "I can't defeat Stan looking like this!"

While distracted, we climbed down to the flashlight, with Dipper being the one in front of it to be regrown. Mabel sat on the flashlight, "Quick, get in front and I'll regrow you!"

"Okay. Wait, you're gonna grow us back to equal height, right?"

"Dipper, that doesn't matter right now!"

"Well if it doesn't matter then why don't you do it?!"

I grew nervous, trying to defuse things, "Guys, this really isn't the time to-!"

"Ugh, why are you acting so weird?! Why can't you just accept that I'm a little bit taller than you?!"

"Oh, I'm acting weird?!? You're the one that keeps calling me names and stuff!!!"

"Oh what, you mean like Little-!!!"

"Don't say it!!!"

"Little Dipper.." A gasp escaped my lips as I felt something grab me whole, being lifted off my feet as Gideon squished me in his fist, doing my best to struggle as he grabbed the twins in his other hand, "I dare say you would've defeated me! If it wasn't for your sibling bickering!!"

Without hesitation, Gideon kicked open the door and pointed the flashlight at the figure with the fez hat, "The shack is mine, Stanford Pines!!!"

The pink light was shot, and the figure soon shrink, all of us yelling to at least try once more to stop it, as if it was gonna do anything.

"Well well, Stanford, it appears I finally gotten the best of y-!" a gasp escaped Gideon's lips as he lifted the fez hat, revealing Soos.



"Alright, something's definitely different here."

Gideon growled in anger, grabbing a jar from his pocket and throwing all of us inside, including Soos, shaking the jar as he glared at us, "Tell me where Stan is!!"

Soos glared back, "Never!! You'll never find Stan!! On the second door to the left down the hall!! Oh wait, why did I say that?"

Gideon closed the jar and placed it in his back pocket, "Stanford, I'm coming for ya~!!!"

We tried to break out for a few seconds, until Soos sat down with a sign, "Guess I kinda Soosed that one up.."

"It's not your fault, Soos.." Dipper started, "I'm the guy who put together that shrinking device. I guess it's just you kept teasing me, Mabel, like all day! What was that all about?"

With sadness on her face, she pulled out the list where Dipper kept their points whenever they played games, "I guess it's that you're better at me at like everything and you always rub it in my face. Chess, checkers, ping pong, I guess I finally felt like I was winning at something for once.."

"... Oh man, now I feel like a big jerk.."

"Don't you mean.. a little jerk?"

The two of them laughed, Dipper kneeling down in front of her, "Alright, I walked into that one. Are we cool?"

Mabel accepted his fist bump, "We're cool."

Soos leaned over, "Am I cool?"

Mabel fist bumped him as well, "You're cool, Soos."


Dipper then turned to me, offering a fish bump with a smile, "And we're sorry for dragging you into our mess.."

"Heh, it's cool.." I fist bumped back, "At least it was resolved."

"Stanford!!!" we all jumped at Gideon's voice, following by Stan's.

"Oh hi Gideon! I've been looking for someone to try out my new mirror maze! Then again, you're an idiot, that's the end of the sentence."

"You come back here!!!"

"Try and find me, twerp!!!"

We came up with a plan; climbing on each other's shoulders, Mabel managed to open the lid of the jar, and the four of us climbed out, reaching up to Gideon's shoulders.

Mabel's eyes widened, "Woah, he's hair's so shiny..!"

She was about to touch it, when Dipper pulled her back, "Don't look directly at it!"

Soos was more entranced by the fat, jumping into it and making skin angels, "His neck is really squishy! Hey look! I'm making fat angels!!" P

"Ew, termites!" we heard Gideon say before trying to slap us away, Soos falling off.

"Tell my story!!"

We ran to the other pocket to find the flashlight, but before we could get it, Gideon had snatched it back to attack Stan's reflection in the maze of mirrors. The light bounced off, storming around the room until landing on a moose head. Out of frustration, Gideon through the flashlight to one of the mirrors, breaking it into pieces.

"Hey, watch the merchandise!!" Stan yelled.

Unfortunately, that gave him an idea.

He began to run around breaking every mirror in sight, and only stopped when Stan walked out, who was not happy about the action, "You little troll!! These mirrors cost me ten- I-I mean uh, twenty five- five hundred, five hundred dollars each!! And you're paying for all of them!!"

"Oh contraire," Gideon pointed the flashlight at him, "it'll be you who pays!!"

Mabel stared in panic, "Grunkle Stan is doomed!!"

"Not completely doomed, to the armpit!!"

I flinched, "Excuse me?!"

"Uh uh!!!" Mabel shook her head, only for Dipper to drag us both under Gideon's clothes.

"Woah, what is that thing?" we heard Stan ask, Gideon rambling after.

"Finally, after all these years, after every humiliation!! You're business, your family, everything will finally be mine!!! You have no one to protect you now!!! Prepare for the wrath of Gideon Glee- ... Gideon- Glee-!" Gideon fell to the ground in a pit of laughter almost instantly after we started to tickle him.

Stan stayed quiet for a bit, "Uh, I don't even know how to respond to this."


"Look, kid, I think this whole rivalry thing is getting to you. I understand, I mean, I'm a formidable foe, what can I say?"

When Gideon continued to laugh, Stan continued as well, "Hey now, c'mon, you'll get me one of these days. Maybe, you know, run your evil plan by some friends next time, huh? Workshopping! But first get your issues in order there."

Gideon still laughed, so Stan began to roll him out of the shack with his foot, the three of us managing to jump out before Gideon fell out of the shack, patting around his suit before reaching to Stan, "My light!!"

"You're the light of my life too, pal," and Stan closed the door in his face, wiping off his sweat, "Oof, freak show."

The three of us walked over to the flashlight, with Dipper behind the controlling end, "After you."

"It's okay, you can go first if you want-" she yelled ins surprise as Dipper ignored her, growing her back to her normal size, then turned to flashlight over to me, growing me to my normal size.

Mabel then picked up the flashlight and pointed it at Dipper, growing him to his normal size before the two stood back to back, Mabel's eyes widening, "Hey, you let me keep my extra millimeter!"

Dipped smiled in return, "You earned it."

"Aw, thanks, little brother-!"

"Stop it."

I ruffled both their heads, "Alright, now that that's settled, we should figure out what to do with this before it gets into the wrong hands again."

"Should we destroy it?" Mabel asked.

Dipper shrugged, "Seems like the smart thing to do." He pulled the crystal out of the flashlight, throwing it into the floor as Mabel stepped on it to shatter it into pieces.

"DIE, DIE!!"

"There you dudes are!!" we flinched at Soos's voice, seeing him beside us, still very tiny as he waved at us with a smile, "I've been trying to get your attention."

We all stared in silence for a while, with me trying to hide the broken shards with my food, Mabel speaking, "Glue.."

"Lots of glue."

Thanks for reading!!! 'Till next time!!!


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