Kya Maiden of the Sea Book 1...

Oleh Stormweaver224

288K 7.2K 843

Kya, Sokka's twin, and Kataras's older sister. She holds a cold glare to everyone around her, often being mi... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Book 2

Chapter 34

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Oleh Stormweaver224

I was worried for both Aang and Zuko as we searched through the thick blizzard. What was he thinking? Did he really think that he'll make it out of this storm alone with no help. Ugh. I scratched the back of my neck. Seriously what the heck. I kept thinking about what the spirit had told me, 'Believe in change'. What change? I bit my lip in desperation.

We stopped flying, Sokka and I got off to see if we could see any signs of Zuko or Aang. There was nothing, no trail, and even if there was it was snowing too much to notice. Katara looked at me with sad eyes. I felt guilty, I felt like a failure, again.

"Don't worry," Yue said,"Prince Zuko can't be getting to far in this weather,"

"I'm not worried they'll get away in this blizzard," Katara said looking away from her,"I'm worried that they won't,"

"They won't die out here," I said finally speaking up from my silence. 

"If we know anything, it's that Zuko never gives up," Sokka said,"They'll survive and we'll find them," Sokka added.

Suddenly in the dark a bright blue light shot into the sky, heading to the right of us.

"Look that's gotta be Aang!" Katara said pointing to the light

"Yip yip," I said as Sokka turned Appa. 

We headed towards the light. I jumped down once we landed to face Zuko again. He looked battered. Like at any moment he could just pass out. He tossed Aang to the side ready to fight.

"Here for a rematch?" Zuko asked.

"It won't be much of a match," I said fiercely. 

He shot fire which I put out sending a stream of pressure that he fell over and I slammed ice on him.  I walked closer. He was out. I actually ended up feeling bad for him. I was the only way to stop him but I actually didn't want to hurt him. It's weird. I wouldn't have been so easy on him if he was someone else threatening my family.

Sokka ran to untie Aang,"Hey, this is some quality rope," 

"Well then keep it," I said making Sokka stand up quickly. I didn't say it rudely but he knew we were short on time and I didn't want to waste anymore then we've already lost. 

For all we know Zhao's already within the walls of the Northern Water Tribe.

"We need to get to the oasis! the spirits are in trouble," Aang said

We all got on Appa but Aang looked back "Wait, we can't just leave him here,"

"Sure we can, let's go," Sokka said.

"No, if we leave him, he'll die," Aang said going back to get Zuko.

I wanted to agree with Sokka. For all the trouble Zuko had put us through he deserved to be stranded. I remembered back, to how he acted the entire time I spent with him, his anger is what fuel him, but is his anger for the world the anger is he really feels? Or is he trying to convince himself of something? I sat there conflicted. 

"Yeah this makes sense, let's being the guy whose constantly trying to kill us," Sokka said sarcastically.

I sighed. He betrayed the Fire Nation twice for his own vendetta. He was the Blue Spirit, and the Fire Nation came to get Aang but destroyed the North Pole in the process but Zuko wanted to capture Aang himself. I was confused but I also kind of understood.

As we headed back to the Northern Water Tribe I stared at Zuko's cuts and bruises. Clearly a lot of the damage wasn't from the water I threw at him. I sighed keeping my eyes on him when suddenly the sky became reddened and I saw the moon a dark shade of red. I felt a bit dizzy for a brief moment. 'Change' echoed in my head. Is this the change? What am I supposed to do then?!

"Are you okay?" Sokka asked Yue who had the same reaction as I did.

"I feel faint," She replied.

"I feel it too," Aang said.

"Don't you?" I asked placing my hand on top of my head.

"No," Katara said, cupping my cheek with a worried look.

"The moon spirit is in trouble," Aang said looking to the moon.

"I owe the moon spirit my life," Yue said. She told us the story of when he was born. How she didn't cry like most babies, the healers of her tribe were powerless. Her father Chief Arnook pleaded with the spirits. Yue's hair turned white after being placed in the oasis, the moon spirit gave her life. I thought about the Lady of Ocean and how she granted me life too. I felt my chest tighten knowing something worse is to come.

We landed in front of Zhao. I glared at the man as he was already self proclaiming titles for himself. We all got ready to fight.

"Don't bother," Zhao said, he held the sack which contained the moon up and pointed his fist at it. We lowered our stances.

"Zhao, don't" Aang yelled.

"It's my destiny, to destroy the moon, and the Water Tribe," Zhao said. 

This man is demented. 

"Destroying the moon won't just hurt the Water Tribe," Aang said with his hands up,"It will hurt everyone. Including you,"

I believed Zhao lost his sanity a long time ago. Now I confirmed it. To go so far is like killing yourself trying to kill another. 

"Without the moon, everything would fall out of balance," Aang continued,"You have no idea what kind of chaos that would unleash on the world,"

"He's right, Zhao," Iroh said from behind.

"Iroh," I breathed out.

"General Iroh," Zhao said condescendingly,"Why am I not surprised to discover your treachery,"

"I'm no traitor Zhao," Iroh said pulling his hood off,"The Fire Nation needs the moon, too. We all depend on the balance. Whatever you do to that spirit, I'll unleash on you tenfold!" 

"Let it go now!" Iroh demanded, I had never seen him so angry.

Zhao leaned down placing the spirit back into the water, but grew angry and immediately slashed fire into the water.

"No!" I yelled as out. Iroh's face paled in horror. 

The sky darkened, there was no more light in the sky. Iroh started to attack Zhao and his soldiers. Zhao realizing the mess he created ran away.

The ocean spirit circled the dead moon spirit as we all stood in shock. I held my hand to my mouth. Iroh picked up the moon spirit and held it in his hands.

"There's no hope now," Yue said,"It's over,"

"What's going to happen now?" I asked sadly.

"No it's not over!" Aang said stepping into the water in the Avatar State, the ocean spirit swam around Aang, he suddenly fell into the water. The ocean shined a bright blue giving light back into our eyes. We watched as Aang emerged as giant monster. It was the oceans spirits anger, swiftly attacking the Fire Navy for the atrocity of a crime Zhao committed. 

Iroh put the moon spirit back into the water.

"It's too late," Katara said,"It's dead,"

"Is there really nothing we can do?" I looked at Iroh. He placed his hand on my shoulder looking at Yue.

"You have been touched by the moon spirit. Some of its life is in you," He said

"Yes. You're right. It gave me life, maybe I can give it back," Yue said

I widened my eyes. I looked at Sokka who was distressed. I felt for him, theres just a bond between twins you can't explain. It was easy for me to understand someones pain, but this was different. My chest tightened for my poor brother. He loved her a lot even if we didn't know her for very long.

"No! You don't have to do that!" Sokka protested. I could feel my heart in my throat.

"It's my duty, Sokka," Yue told him without looking him in the eyes,

"I won't let you!" He told her with his voice cracking. He held her hand tightly, "Your father told me to protect you!"

"I have to do this," She said slipping her hand out of his and placed her hands on the fish giving it back the life she was given once. She fell back into Sokka's arms.

"No!" Sokka yelled out. He checked her breathing,"She's gone," He said holding her tightly,"She's gone,"

A tear fell from my eye as her body disappeared. The moon spirit began to swim with the ocean spirit again. The water glowed, Yue's spirit. 

"Good bye Sokka," Yue said cupping my brothers face,"I'll always be with you," She gave one final kiss to Sokka before disappearing.

 I ran over to hug Sokka. He didn't want to cry but I know he did a little. I hugged Sokka so tightly we couldn't breathe and then I let go. The moon returned to its natural white color. I cleared my throat and rubbed my eyes. I approached Iroh who had been watching me.

"Zuko?" I said seeing him no longer where we left him.

"Exile has now sparked a change within him. It may be subtle but with a lot of patience, he has the ability to become better. I no longer wish the bloodshed that I longed for so long ago. It's time for me to do my best to help him-"

"I'm coming with you," 'Change' echoed in my head once more.

This was more of a decision steamed in self doubt of my own abilities. I felt like no matter how hard I tried I couldn't live up to who my family needed me to be, I hated that. If Zuko really can change, then I'll help him, he needs someone to try and understand him and encourage him. I'll keep him away from my family, from Aang. To do that I couldn't let my emotions get the best of me.

Iroh waited for me secretly outside where I stayed, I quickly wrote a letter to my family about my abrupt leave. I didn't tell them where I was going or who I was with but I wrote about that the Lady of the Ocean, how she saved my life. Change will continue to come. And I will do what I can to help as many on the way. 'We'll meet again. I promise.' I got the bag that was Rui's and packed my things and left.

As Iroh to get something we could escape in I looked back. A lot was destroyed. I felt the weight of this war even more now. I thought back on Sokka and how he must be mourning. I have to keep looking forward. My family and I will meet again when we need to fight together once more. I passed by everyone quietly. I made it to the drift wood Iroh found. Destiny will always fulfill itself, I thought to myself. Everything everyone told me came true. All I have to do is find happiness within the pain. I read Rui's letter one last time before safely putting it in my bag. I sighed letting a large breath of air out. My expression relaxed. I made myself seem calm again. I looked out to the sea. Peace will come. Zuko finally arrived I saw his feet pass by me but I didn't turn to see him. I kept my gaze on the ocean as I touched my necklace.

"I'm surprised, Prince Zuko,"Iroh said,"Surprised that you are not at this moment, trying to capture the Avatar,"

"I'm tired," He said, his voice raspy.

"Then you should rest. A man needs his rest," Iroh replied.

Zuko laid on the board closing his eyes. I finally turned around to see him. I didn't say anything or ask, I just healed him. I looked at him ready for him to throw a hissy fit. But he didn't.

"Thank you Kya," He said with his voice still raspy but in a softer tone. Opening his eyes to meet mine. I nodded at him while slightly smiling at him.

"Sure," I said as I turned back again to look at the open sea. 

Is he really capable of change?


(A/N: Hi luvs. First of all thank you so much for reading up until the end of book one I really appreciate it. We will be seeing a lot more of Zuko from now on so I hope your excited. Thanks again and take care  ~)

(Another thing I wanted to mention was a lot of this book was Kya coming to terms with how much she doubts herself as a person despite her constant efforts to strive to be stronger. That's why she isolated herself or just thinks something instead of saying it, or even sometimes doing things with out saying anything. I hope that came across well enough as you read the book(^-^)) 

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