Grandson of the First Spinjit...

By DragonCrystyGarmadon

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This story starts a day after Misako and Garmadon get married, and the First Spinjitzu Master is still alive. More

Baby Spinjitzu Master
Where is Garmadon?
Little Garmy

Secret to be Kept

276 6 3
By DragonCrystyGarmadon

5 Years have passed, and Garmadon had not yet returned to his family. Everyone was getting worried. But his child, was more confused than worried.

Growing up, he would always ask about his father. What he looked like, how his personality was, where he was, why he was never home, why he never called. And his family never knew what to give him as an answer.

But the child didn't give up. He kept asking every single day about his father. Mostly to his mother.

One day, when Misako was reading, Lloyd walked to her and....

accidentally knocked down some books.

"Oopsies..." Lloyd said.

"Lloyd,becareful!Are you ok?!" Misako asked as she picked he rson up and sat him down on her lap.

"I'm ok,mommy." Lloyd answered.

"What were you doing?You want something?" Misako asked.

"I want to ask about daddy.Where is he?When is he coming home?" Lloyd asked.

Misako was silent, she couldn't tell Lloyd the reason his father left. 

"Mommy?" Lloyd asked.

"Umm...he'll be back soon,Lloyd." Misako answered.

"When?" Lloyd asked.

"Not sure.How about you go play with your toys?" Misako said.

"They're boring!I want to play with daddy!" Lloyd cried.

"But he's not here,Lloyd." Misako said.

Lloyd then began crying. Misako stood up and sat on the bed while holding Lloyd.

"How about you play with mommy instead?" Misako offered.

"I want daddy!I always play with you or Uncle Wu,but never with daddy!!" Lloyd cried.

"But how,Lloyd?Your father isn't here." Misako asked.

"Why?!Why isn't daddy here?!" Lloyd asked.

"He has something to do elsewhere,Lloyd.He'll be back one day." Misako said.

"When?!" Lloyd asked.

"I'm not sure,son." Misako answered.

Lloyd began crying again and rubbed his eyes as he cried. Misako held him closer and tried to calm her little boy down. 

"Come on,stop crying.You can play with me." Misako said as she wiped Lloyd's tears.

"I want daddy!!" Lloyd cried.

"What about your uncle?" Misako asked.

"He busy!Gwandpa too!" Lloyd cried.

"Hmm....How about you learn to read again?If you do well,we'll go to the candy store and you can buy a few candies." Misako offered.

"Yay!!Cweets!!" Lloyd cheered.

Misako smiled and took Lloyd to his small table. She then began teaching Lloyd how to read like how she always did.

"B-O-Y.Boy." Misako said.

"B-.....o-O.....Umm...." Lloyd tried to repeat.

"Y(Wai)." Misako helped.

"Y(Wai)." Lloyd repeated.

"Try again." Misako said.

"B-....O-....y-Y!Boy!" Lloyd said.

"Good boy!" Misako praised.

Lloyd giggled and clapped for himself as he jumped.

"Next word.M-O-M.Mom." Misako said.

"Mommy!" Lloyd giggled.

Misako also giggled and kissed Lloyd's head.

"Try to spell it." Misako said with a smile.

"M-O-M.Mom!" Lloyd said.

"You're so good at this!" Misako praised again and played around with Lloyd.

"Can I have candy,mommy?" Lloyd asked.

"Sure.Let's go the the candy store." Misako said. 

She stood up and was about to walk out of her room with Lloyd, but she suddenly halted when she saw T.F.S.M standing by the door.

"Do you need anything,father?" Misako asked.

TFSM turned to Lloyd before saying, "I'm afraid now is not the ebst time to go get candy."

Lloyd frowned and began to cry, "Why?!Woyd want candy!" 

"Did something happen?" Misako asked.

"Something is indeed happening in the city.And it isn't safe for Lloyd." TFSM said.

"What is it?" Misako asked.

TFSM turned to Lloyd again and walked to him, then he crouched down and placed his hand on Lloyd's shoulder.

"How about you go play for a bit?I need to talk with your mother." TFSM said.

"No!Woyd stay with mommy!Woyd want candy!" Lloyd refused and hugged Misako's leg.

"Lloyd." Misako called and Lloyd turned to her, "Go and play.We'll talk later."

"Okie.." Lloyd frowned and walked out.

Misako turned to her father-in-law as he stood up and faced her.

"Is something troubling you,father?" Misako asked.

TFSM took a deep breath and said, "It's Garmadon."

Misako was taken aback when TFSM mentioned her husband. She began to worry.

"Garmadon?Is he ok?" Misako asked worriedly.

"He's fine.But..he....h-he..." 

Misako got even more concerned when TFSM was uncertain how to tell her what he wanted to. But what T.F.S.M told her, nearly gave her a heart attack.

"He's...The venom...has corrupted him.Fully." TFSM said.

Misako was shocked and her breathing showed how shock she was. TFSM quickly sat her down on the bed and tried to calm her down.

"We don't know when this happened.But..I have to advice you,keep your son hidden from him." TFSM adviced.

"How?Lloyd really wants to meet his father.Hiding who he is from him is already hard.I don't know how I'll handle keeping my son hidden from his own father.What will Lloyd think?" Misako asked.

"Wu and I will be there to help you.But a mother's education,is very important in building a child's life.You're an amazing mother,I know you can do this." TFSM assured with a smile.

Misako couldn't reply with anything. She could only stare at the floor while worrying about what she would do about Lloyd. But she did not have to think long.


"I want to see the phwoto up on the shewf,uncwle!The one at the twop!"

Misako and TFSM quickly rushed to the room where Wu and Lloyd were, at the family photo room. And they were shocked when they saw Lloyd, climbing up the highest shelf and was almost at the top.

"Oh my goodness!Lloyd,stop!!Get down!!" Misako shouted.

"Phwoto!Woyd want phwoto!" Lloyd said.

"It's too dangerous,Lloyd!!Come down right now,before you fall!!" TFSM shouted.

"Woyd want phwoto!!" Lloyd shouted.

"Lloyd,please get down!You'll get-" Wu said but the shelf soon began to move around because of the unbalanced weight.

Everyone got really scared and were getting ready to catch Lloyd.

"Mommy!!" Lloyd cried as he held on to the edge of the shelf firmly to prevent himself from falling.

"Lloyd,becareful!!" Misako shouted.

TFSM tried to reach Lloyd by getting on a chair. And to everyone's relief, he did it. TFSM carefully got off the chair and gave Lloyd to Misako. Misako quickly ambraced Lloyd and kissed his forehead, still a bit worried, but relieved at the same time.

"What were you thinking,Lloyd?!Why would you climb a shelf?!" Misako began scolding.

"I want to cee the phwoto up on the shewf." Lloyd said as he pointed at the top of the shelf.

Wu, Misako, and TFSM were relieved that Lloyd didn't see who was on the photo. Misako was about to walk out of the room with carrying Lloyd, but Lloyd cried, "I want to cee the photo,mommy!"

"You can see another photo." Misako said.

"I want that phwoto!" Lloyd cried.

"Don't argue,Lloyd.Come on." Misako said and walked out of the room.

"Candy!!" Lloyd cried.

"Alright.You can have mine." Misako replied.

After they went out of the room, TFSM and Wu turned to each other and sighed.

"How long are we going to keep this a secret from him,father?" Wu asked.

"Until he is ready to know.When the time comes,he will know on his own." TFSM answered, "The only thing I'm worried about is his reaction.How he will take it."

"We'll be there for him.We'll always be." Wu said.

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