SasuSaku x Eremika : Walkers

By breshea_carter

6.8K 352 1.1K

Modern/ Walking dead Au characters are in fact 18-30 years of age and will be mature so readers discretion ad... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 8

254 14 66
By breshea_carter

Sakura pov:

"Sasuke wake up Damnit!" I yelled.

Sasuke and Eren both were bit but they were just knocked out not showing no signs of turning.

Usually when someone turns it takes no less than 5 minutes before they turn, but these two haven't made any movement at all.

I looked to the left of me and noticed Mikasa pull out a pocket knife.

"Wait what are you doing?"  I asked.

"I'm going to stab Eren." She said.

"What?! Why?!? They haven't turned so why.."

"To wake him up! He hasn't moved at all! We need to get them moving or we'll all be attacked by Walkers! Where the hell is Reiner, Annie, and Bertolt!" She screamed.

"I don't know they ventured off on their own." Levi said as he walked over.

I looked down at my pouch and pulled out a knife of my own, my hands shaking slightly, as I pointed it at Sasuke's leg.

"Here Sakura I'll help" Naruto said as he steadied my hand.

I nodded at him thanking him as I turned to Mikasa.

"If you think it'll work, lets do it." I said as groans from Walker's were heard outside getting closer to the tent.

"Make it quick we don't have much time!" Levi said as him and Kakashi readied their weapons as well as Historia who stood protectively in front of the children we liberated.

Me and Mikasa stabbed both Eren and Sasuke in their legs.

Immediately both their eyes shot open, but Sasuke's eyes glowed a menacing red color, like a glowing crimson, as Eren's eyes glowed a neon green color.

"Eren" Mikasa said.

"Sasuke" I said.

When I went to reach out to him, he only stared back at me, not saying anything. When I touched his face his hand shot up quicker than what my eyes could register and he grabbed my wrist and squeezed it tightly.

"Sasuke! You're hurting me!" I said.

I tried to release myself of his grip but it only got tighter and I could feel the bone in my wrist snap as my eyes widened and the pain hit me all at once and I yelled out in agony.

"Teme! What the fuck!"

Naruto went in and tried to punch Sasuke but he dodged it and punched Naruto sending him flying in a cage that used to hold a animal.

"Naruto!" I yelled as I looked at Sasuke who stood.

He didn't say a word, as he looked towards Levi and Kakashi and charged at them.

"Uchiha wake up!" Levi as he dodged a punch Sasuke sent his way, Levi tried to use his blade to slice at Sasuke but Sasuke grabbed it throwing it aside.

His attention went to Kakashi as he punched him.

His speed and agility was boosted.

But Sasuke wasn't Sasuke.

Eren then jumped up, pushing Mikasa out the way, she stood back up quickly and ran after him as he charged at Historia and the children. Which is where Sasuke was going.

"I something." I said strained as I held my now broken wrist.

I grabbed my blade and ran behind them.

Eren and Mikasa started fighting as I made it to Historia before Sasuke and stood in front of her.

"Sasuke!" I said as I held my blade up but he tossed it.

I looked shocked and looked him in his eyes. His hand made it's way around my throat and I was lifted and slammed on the ground.

Sasuke's hold was letting up, as I struggled desperately to remove his hand from around my throat. My eyes were watering from my sudden lack of oxygen as I looked into those now scarlet eyes Sasuke possessed.

"" I said as my free hand used two fingers and tapped his forehead weakly.

Sasuke froze and his eyes slowly turned back to their onyx color. His hold around my throat was released but it was too late, I was beginning to pass out.

"Sakura?" I could hear him say before it all went black.

When I woke up, I was laying in a bed back at the safe house....but how did I get here...last I remember..I was in a tent..a Circus tent.

Immediately my hand shot to my throat which was throbbing. As I sat up my left hand felt heavy as I looked down admiring the the cast on it.

"Oh yeah..Sasuke..SASUKE" I said as I was about to get out of bed but a hand stopped me.

"Lay back down." The voice of Levi said as I looked said man into his eyes.

"Where's Sasuke! Let me up and take me to him now!" I asked sternly.

"You're in no position to be barking orders or demands." He said. "Sasuke and Eren are being held by Hange right now, its for safety precautions" he said.

My eyes traveled over to Mikasa who had her head wrapped up, sitting at the edge of her bed. She looked sad.

"What happened to them? They did nothing wrong to be held!" I said.

"You have a bruise on your neck and a broken wrist because he lost control, I'm not saying its their fault but they need to be held for proper examination. If it makes you feel better he carried your unconscious body all the way back here, just like Eren did for Mikasa, all the children made it here safely and we captured a abnormal, thanks to Armin." He said.

"Can I please...just see Sasuke." I said pleading to Levi.

"Alright, but you're to not get close.." he said as he let me stand and Mikasa came and stood by me as we left our room.

We walked with Levi downstairs where Historia was being comforted by Ymir who glared at me and stood walking towards me.

She grabbed me by my shirt making me wince due to my aching body.

"Christa said that jerk almost attacked her! Is that true?!" She said.

"Ymir! Let her go!" Historia said standing.

"What are you talking about?!" I said strained.

"Listen, I like you, but if you can't control that boyfriend of yours I'll kill the both of you!" She said.

"Ymir, let her go" Mikasa's stern voice sounded and Ymir looked at her and kissed her teeth releasing me. I was so short that my feet were off the floor and when she let me go I was too weak to stand so I fell to my knees.

"Sakura! Are you okay? Here let me help you." Historia said as she tried to help.

"I'm fine" I snapped, "I can stand on my own" I said

"Just take me to him!" I said to Levi who nodded.

We walked out the house, and surprisingly, Historia trailed behind us.

We walked to where Hange was located which was a building...a jailhouse.

Walking inside, we passed by cells, that had Walkers in them, must be from Hange's experiment's. In one cell there was a clown.

"Shit, didn't think I would pass by this unsightly bastard." Levi said as his face become shiny from sweat trickling.

If I didn't know any better I'd say he was.....scared.

"You're scared of the clown?" I asked as he snapped his head to me.

"They're creepy." He said plainly as Mikasa sighed.

"Lets just keep moving." He said. "By the way, thats the abnormal the clown." He said as I looked over my shoulder back at the cell of the creepy clown.

Levi lead us into a room where Hange was standing in front a cell holding a clip board.

Immediately me and Mikasa rushed over.

"Mikasa! Sakura! What the hell did I say!" Levi yelled but we ignored him.

"Sasuke!" I said as he looked up and ran to the cell.

I put my one arm through the bars and hugged him best I could.

"You're okay" he said softly but a hint of regret was in his tone.

"Yes, I'm fine." I said sniffling. "What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know.. it was all a blur.." he as he pulled back, his eyes flew to my neck then wrist as he looked away.

"Sasuke look at me.." I said. "Please" I begged.

His eyes met mine, and they held so much regret and sadness.

"I'm fine, I know you didn't mean to." I said. "It's okay I'm not mad." I said.

"Hange what's your analysis?" Levi asked as I turned to the mad scientist.

"Well, it turns out, Sasuke and Eren were bitten, but they're abnormal's now, their blood work shows it. I don't think they were bitten by regular walkers though because of the fact that they didn't turn completely into a zombie..rather they're still themselves." She said.

"So be frank with us, are they dead now?" Mikasa asked.

"No, they're very much alive, it just turns out they have the abilities of abnormal Walker's, being able to shift at will and enhancing their strength, speed, agility, and more. Apparently they don't remember attacking everyone, they just remembered everything becoming un-fuzzy and seeing them towering both of your unconscious bodies" Hange said. "But something Levi reported shocked me, apparently when you ran towards Historia you stopped for a brief second before attacking Sakura again." Hange said.

"I did?" Sasuke asked as Levi nodded

"You had no intentions of attacking Historia..but immediately when Sakura was in your line of vision.. you attacked her." Levi said.

"But why?" Historia asked.

"Well...I think its all boiling down to the king having something to do with it..maybe Abnormal Walkers have some type of connection with the royal family." Hange asked.

"Wait really?" I asked.

"Makes sense..." Hange said.

"Another reason we need to go see the King..he could have some control over the Abnormal Walkers." Levi said.

"I remember." Eren said as we all looked in his direction.

"Remember what Eren?" Mikasa asked as he looked up at the raven haired girl.

"When I was in Walker mode...I remember....loving Historia.." he said as we all gasped and Mikasa's eyes widened.

"What?" She asked.

"Me to." Sasuke said as I looked at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I remember looking at her..and wanting to pick her up and run off with her..I felt something in the pit of my stomach...butterflies... just at that moment though."

"Maybe it was a reaction to the control the royal blood has, Maybe the feelings of someone who possess royal blood changes the feelings of an abnormal.."

Me and Mikasa looked at Historia.

"You were" I asked.

"I was thinking about Ymir...I thought I was going to die." She said. "I didn't know..I-"

"It's okay..okay so what do we do?" I asked.

"We keep them contained a while longer, we don't know how the power works, maybe there's a way to be broken from the control to where they can hone their powers and use them at will." Hange said.

Armin and Shikamaru both bust inside the room their faces with worry all over them.

"Whats the matter?" Levi asked the two.

"We think we know who's the traitors" he said.

"So you think it's Annie, Bertolt, and Reiner?" I asked.

"Yes, think about it, Hange was going to uncover who the abnormals in our group were if we had any, and the day Hange said she would do that, Annie suggested we partake in training, she suggested that because she knew it would be a while before Hange got around to everyone, also, Hange and Moblit said everything was wiped out from the analysis to the blood itself, Everyone was sick during the time that could have been done" Armin said.

"Except for those three." Shikamaru added.

"They have a point, Those three were the only ones who didn't go with the others that night, plus with everyone barely being able to move those three were MIA." Hange said.

"Plus on our recent mission, I stayed behind to cover Eren when he ran to help the others, Those three were no where to be found, except when I saw the three all run to that tent in a sneaky manner. Then all of a sudden Eren and Sasuke are both bit? But they're not dead?" Armin said.

"Okay this is too much" Mikasa said.

"So what are you saying?" I asked.

"I think...Annie and the others are abnormal's who posses power to turn others into abnormal giving them amazing feats, which is what caused Sasuke and Eren's change...I also noticed..all three of them have different marks almost like tattoos. All of them are different."  Armin said.

Sasuke's hand flew to his neck as Eren's flew to his arm.

"Let me take a look." Hange said unlocking the cells and when she did me and Mikasa rushed in much to Levi's dissatisfaction.

"Yup, he's right, Sasuke has a strange pattern on his neck."

"And Eren has one on his arm." Mikasa said.

"So Armin do you think this has something to do with the royal family? Do you think people of the royal family can control abnormal's?" Historia asked.

"Considering we don't know much about it, it can be a possibility but its far fetched honestly, I doubt thats what controls an abnormal because no one royal was around when the first one attacked these four. I think Sasuke and Eren couldn't distinguish who was who, plus it was their first turning, I'm sure just like Annie and that one woman, they can control it. Considering they don't even turn into mushy zombies." Armin said.

"Maybe we can use these two to lure those three into a trap, with intense experimentation and training of course" Hange said as my brows furrowed.

"You're still not releasing them?" I asked sadly.

"Sorry, not until we know they won't turn off impulse." She said as I sighed.

"I'm sorry you have to stay longer." I said.

"It's okay..probably for the best." He said his eyes trailing to my hand again.

"It wasn't your fault." I said.

"I know" he said sadly.

Before leaving his cell, I turned around and lifted his face with my single hand placing a kiss on his lips.

"I love you okay?" I said as he looked at me his sad eyes gleaming once again.

"I love you too and I'm so sorry. I'll never hurt you again..never." He said as our forehead's touched and we sat there like that for a minute.

"I know you won't." I said.

"Lets go you two, Armin and Shikamaru I want you with me after I leave these two, we'll come up with a plan. This information is to stay confidential between us." Levi said.

"Yes sir" we all said.

"You know..I think all abnormal's are different." I said as everyone looked to me.

"What do you mean?" Armin said.

"The one in Kyoto..she looked dead..but she was intelligent, plus wouldn't we have seen Annie and the other's in the crowd of Walkers? Maybe there's a camouflage quirk to it.. or maybe....have you guys considered certain abnormals keep their image and can control Walker's?" I said.

"I'm not following." Levi said.

"Think about it, we were saving those kids with barely any walkers around, what if one of them has the ability to send Walkers, the other has a camouflage ability and the other one can turn others into abnormal's it makes for the perfect 3 way team." I said.

"I see..and what if Sasuke and Eren posses a power to feel other's feelings which is why they both didn't attack their eyes glowed...Sasuke's eyes looked like the mark on bis shoulder." Mikasa said.

"And Eren's glowed green.." I said.

"Okay so we have regular abnormals like the one in Kyoto and the clown and advanced abnormal's like Annie, Reiner, Bertolt, Sasuke and Eren...." Levi said. "This just keeps getting freakier and freakier.." he said.

"Lets pocket all conspiracies for later right now, we have a plan to make, you two will be informed shortly. As of right now rest, and act normal." Shikamaru said as we nodded.

We were escorted back to our room where Levi said he didn't want us out until he came back, which sucks.

There's too many things happening at once.

Plus I can't think with this fucking cast on.

I ended grabbing some scissors an attempted to get thr cast off.

"What are you doing? Tsunade wouldn't like that." Mikasa said.

"To hell with that, I need this thing off so Sasuke can not feel guilty, plus it's irritating." I said. "It's taking forever, just come off Damnit!" I said stabbing at the case.

Tears welled in my eyes as I violently stabbed the cast. "" I cried as Mikasa walked over and slowly covered my hand with hers stopping the movement of the scissors.

"Hey, it's okay" she said taking the scissors.

"No it's because of me..Sasuke is in there...and Eren he's in there too.." I said defeated.

"Hey, like I said its Okay. Sasuke and Eren know that we know it wasn't their faults, but they still have the right to feel how they feel." Mikasa said as she sat beside me and rubbed my shoulders.

"When..." I started to say thinking back to how they both said they felt like they loved way the both of them could feel her emotions to make them want to love her....

"When what?" She asked.

"When they said they loved Historia how did you feel.." I asked as Mikasa stiffened beside me.

"Well...I felt......slightly jealous....but I knew it wasn't Eren so it went away." She said. "What about you?" She asked.

"I felt angry. Angry that she could have the blood to make them fall to their knees whenever she wants..I mean she hid her true identity from us no telling what else she's hiding." I said.

"Okay hold up, Firstly we don't know if the connection to royal blood has anything to do with it, also, Historia isn't like that, she wouldn't stoop that She's in love with Ymir." Mikasa said.

"Think about it Mikasa, you all have known her for 7 years and she hid her identity for just that long, people change and make you see what you want them to see! How do you know she didn't want you to believe she's gay and that she's some sweet goody two shoes?" I asked. "I don't hate her, It's just with everything going on I can only put my trust in so many people." I said.

"I guess you're right...but Ymir knew about her real background and Historia stuck by her.." Mikasa said.

"True...but...Royal families usually do..arranged marriages..if so Historia wouldn't be allowed to date Ymir due to tradition...what if by Historia knowing we'll have to meet her father she tried to change Sasuke and Eren's feelings that way she had someone to present to her father..the king, which is why they felt like they loved her? What i-"

"Sakura..calm down..we will only know when more things come to light" she said as I sighed. "I must say your analytical skills are top tier. Everything you say doesn't seem too far off." She said.

"I'm just saying...what if in that moment she used some type of power or royal trick to manipulate the feelings of Sasuke and Eren..which is why they attacked us..making it to where we were out of the way that way she had someone she could present."

"Like I said she's with Ymir." Mikasa said.

"It could be onesided...Ymir knew yes..but that doesn't mean she can't go along with the plan..I think Ymir actually likes Historia while Historia is still putting on a front..I think we need to investigate Historia too!" I said.

"Are you sure?" Mikasa asked.

"Yes..I have no doubt that Annie and the others are abnormal's but something's off about the entire situation." I said. "What do you say Mika?" I said as her eyes widened at the nickname.

"Alright Sakura, we can look into it." She said as I smiled and nodded.

Historia Pov:

"I'm so sorry guys......all this time......I've been lying...I'm on a mission to find a partner, someone who is capable of leading a kingdom.....and unfortunately the only two up for the position are Eren and Sasuke..I love Ymir, but My duty is to my heart, and I can only fulfill it by honoring my father properly. So with this power...I'll make one of them fall in love with me and I'll present them in front of my father."

"And with that........we'll be named King and Queen of all Japan." I said as a tear streamed down my cheek.


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