She is mine

By RebeccaChamber

59.1K 1.7K 319

Y/N is a hydra experiment from a base in Germany. When the Avengers destroy the base in Germany, Y/N escapes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Special Chapter
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 22

1.4K 34 17
By RebeccaChamber

3rd Person POV

After they all came back, everyone looked at each other. "So it worked? We all have the stones?" asked Tony now. Before any of the others could answer, Amy ran towards them. She stopped in front of the others and looked around. "Where is she? Uncle Clint, Aunt Natasha where is my mother?" Amy now asked. Only now did the others realize that there was no trace of you.

"What happened to my daughter?" Tony now asked, fearing the worst. He now looked at Natasha and Clint. And you could see that Natasha was fighting back her tears. "We were attacked. And she...and she..." Clint started and then looked down.

half an hour before

Still 3rd Person POV

After Rhodey and Nebula were dropped off, Clint, Natasha and Y/N continued to Vomir. You sat behind Clint and Nat and listened to them both.

"It's almost like in Budapest."

"We're a long way from Budapest."

"I feel like I'm in Doctor Who. We get into the Tardis and travel through space and time."

"Wow. Under different circumstances... this would be totally awesome." came from Clint when you all saw Vomir in front of you. After the ship landed, you left it and started walking up the mountain. You didn't know why, but you had a bad feeling about the whole thing. And since Clint brought the necklace back from Amy, you could have a pretty good idea of what was going to happen.

"I bet the racoon didn't have to climb a mountain."

"Technically he's not a racoon, you know?"

"Oh, whatever. He eats garbage." grumbled Nat now. You had to laugh about it. Some time later you reached the top of the mountain. A hooded figure appeared in front of you. Nat drew their guns, Clint his katana, and Venom took over your body.

"Welcome. Natasha. Daughter of Ivan. Clint. Son of Edith. Y/N. Daughter of....."

"Shut up. I don't want to hear anything. I don't trust you. I recognize your voice from my time in Hydra."

"Who are you?"

"Consider me a you...and to all who seek the soul stone."

"Oh, good. You tell us where it is, then we'll be on our way."

"If only it were that easy, Fräulein. What you seek lies in front of you. As does what you fear. The stone's down there. For one of you. For the other...In order to take the must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul." said Red Skull to the three of you.

Clint and Nat sat together and talked. While you were standing near the cliff and looking down.

Are you sure you want to do this?

You know as well as I do that I have to do it.

Because we can't die?

Exactly and that's why it will be us who get the stone. you talked to Venom. You knew that this was the only way to save everyone. Now you overhear Clint and Natasha's conversation.

"How's it going? Jesus. Maybe he's making this shit up."

"No. I don't think so."

"Why? 'Cause he knows your daddy's name?"

"I didn't. Thanos left here with the stone...without his daughter. That's not a coincidence."


"Whatever it takes."

"Whatever it takes."

"If we don't get that stone...billions of people stay dead."

"Yeah. Then I guess we both know who it's gotta be."

"I guess we do."

"I'm starting to think we mean different people here, Natasha."

"For the last five years, I've been trying to do one thing. Get to right here. That's all it's been about. Bringing everybody back."

"No, don't you get all decent on me now."

"What, you think I wanna do it?"

"I'm trying to save your life, you idiot."

"Yeah, well, I don't want you to. How's that?"

"Natasha, you know what I've done. You know what I've become."

"Oh, I don't judge people on their worst mistakes."

"Maybe you should."

"You didn't."

"You're a pain in my ass, you know that?"

You listened to the conversation between the two. Before Nat or you could say anything else, you were attacked by Thanos Chitauri. Clint and Nat fought the Chitauri. You watched the two fight. Seeing Nat get hurt, Y/N made up her mind and turned back towards the cliff. Before any of the Chitauri could attack you, you jumped down the cliff. Clint and Natasha soon found themselves in the water. When Nat opened her hand there was the soul stone.

present time

After Clint and Natasha explained what happened, Amy ran straight towards Nat. The redhead pulled Amy into a hug and held her tight. Amy cried when she heard that she had lost her mother. "We have all the stones. That means if we use them, we can get them all back. Y/N too." said Thor now. None of the others wanted to contradict him, as they didn't want to take away Amy's hope that she could have both parents again.

Tony immediately set about making a gauntlet where they could use the stones. They all knew they only had this one try. After the gauntlet was finished, the only question was who would use the stones. Thor and Loki both wanted to do it, but Bruce was chosen. Bruce donned the gauntlet and the stones brought him excruciating pain. Bruce snapped his fingers. Now it was time to wait, a little later Clint's cell phone rang. His wife Laura called him and they knew it had worked. But before they could cheer there was an explosion and the compound was destroyed.

What none of the others had realized was that Nebula wasn't who they knew. It was the Nebula that was loyal to Thanos. She had swapped places with the other Nebula to bring her father to this time. After the compound was destroyed, Nebula went to her father, who had appeared in the meantime. He had brought his whole army with him.


"Yes, Father."

"So, this is the future. You did good."

"Thank you, Father. They suspected nothing."

"The arrogant never do. Go. Find the stones, bring them to me."

"What will you do?"

"Wait." was all Thanos said to his daughter.

Natasha POV

Clint, Amy and I were below the compound. Clint had the gauntlet and I looked at Amy to see if she was hurt. From the looks of it, Amy only got a few scratches. "Clint we have to get out of here." I said to him as I helped Amy to her feet. Before Clint could say anything, we heard growls behind us. I looked at Clint, he nodded, I grabbed Amy and we ran. The Outriders were after us.

We ran for our lives, yet I had the feeling that the Outriders weren't getting any closer to us. It was almost as if something was preventing them from getting to us. Some time later we reached an exit and we climbed up a ladder. At the top, Nebula was waiting for us and Clint gave her the Gauntlet. But what we didn't know was that it wasn't the Nebula we knew. "Father, I have the stones." we now heard them say. Before they could stop, she was already gone.

"Damned." cursed Clint. I looked at Amy and then back at Clint. "Amy hide somewhere. It's not safe here. Come on Clint we have to help the others." I said and we both ran off. A little later we both heard something in our comms. Something we didn't really expect.

"Cap, it's Sam. Can you hear me? On your left." we now heard Sam say. We both just got to Cap and the others and then saw portals open. Now I saw how all the others who disappeared 5 years ago are now coming through the portals. Then I heard what Strange said to Wong.

"Is that everyone?"

"What? You wanted more?"

I shook my head when I heard this. Then I looked at Steve. "Avengers....assemble." Steve said now and raised his hand. We all knew he was worthy of holding Thor's hammer. Mjolnir flew straight for Steve, but I held the hammer in my hands.

(this is what Nat looked like now)

Thor, Steve and Clint now looked at me in surprise. "I didn't see that coming." said Thor only and I had to grin slightly. The battle was now in full swing. I was close to Tony. I saw him go down and then Parker appeared. Peter walked up to Tony and helped him back on his feet. Then I heard what Parker was saying to Tony and it broke my heart. He didn't even know what had happened to Y/N.

"Holy, cow! You will not believe what's been going on. Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty? And I must've passed out, because I woke up and you were gone. But Doctor Strange was there, right? And he was like...."It's been five years. Come on they need us." And then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does all the time."

"He did? Oh, no."

"What are you doing? Oh. Oh, this is nice. Mr. Stark where is my mother?"

"Peter, a lot has happened. I'll explain everything to you when we've won this fight." Stark now said to him. I looked at the two of them and looked at Peter so he understood what Tony meant. For a brief moment he was sad, then his face was serious again. Then I heard what Steve asked over comms.

"Anyone see an ugly brown van out there?"

"Yes! But you're not gonna like where it's parked!" upon hearing what Valkyrie was saying, I looked around and found the van in the midst of Thanos troops. Before I could go, Yelena showed up. I couldn't believe she was back. I hugged her and didn't want to let go.

"You're back! Lena, I was so afraid of never seeing you again."

"Explain to me later what happened. Let's be honest, Nat, the outfit doesn't work at all. You look like a...."

"Yelena not now. We have to get to that van. And please don't get killed. I just got you back." I said now and we both ran off.

Tony POV

"Scott, how long you need to get that thing working?"

"Uh, maybe 10 minutes."

"Get it started. We'll get the stones to you."

"We're on it, Cap." I heard Scott say now. I flew over to Strange. I wanted to know if this was the one battle we would win.

"You said one out of 14 million, we win yeah? Tell me this is it."

"If I tell you what happens.... it won't happen."

"You better be right." I said and then saw someone fly onto the battlefield. All of us knew the red energy. If Wanda has read Nat's mind or any of us, then she knows what happened to my daughter.

Wanda POV

I landed right in front of Thanos. I was so mad about what happened. And he would get that anger. He just looked at me and waited for what I would do. My eyes glowed red and my magic pooled in my hands.

"You took everything from me."

"I don't even know who you are."

"You will." after saying this, I attacked him. Thanos tried to pin me down with his sword, but I destroyed it with a well-aimed attack. I encased Thanos in my magic and ripped his armor from him. I was too busy getting Thanos off his armor to not catch what he was saying.

"Rain fire!"

"But, sire, our troops!"

"Just do it!"

The next moment, I was thrown to the ground as it exploded next to me. I never expected Thanos to fire on his own people just to get rid of me. I rolled across the floor, stopping a little later to see something crash through one of Thanos' ships.


When I came to me, I was lying on the floor of Vomir. My skull was extremely painful. Now I had to wait until Strange opened a portal for me.

That was a pretty deep fall

I know. And to be honest, I didn't think it would work

Do I understand you correctly? You jumped down here on a whim?

You could also call it that. But Venom, when the time comes, I want you to protect Amy along with Vis

You really think you won't survive the fight?

V my dreams were clear. We will win this battle, but at a great cost

You're an idiot, but I've grown fond of you and I'll respect your wish

Thank you Venom. We should get ready

I didn't think this would be my last conversation with V. The next moment a portal opened beneath me and I fell through. I looked at myself and saw myself falling from the sky and not exactly slowly. I saw Carol look at me in horror as I fell past her and crashed straight through one of the ships.

The next moment someone grabbed my hand and pulled me onto a flying horse. "Shit we all thought you were dead. Two days ago someone brought me something for you. I never thought I'd see that person again, they were so different from what I remembered." I heard Val say now.

She handed me a bracelet and I put it on. "Thanks for catching me, but it's about time I ended this once and for all." I said and Venom then took over. I jumped off her horse and just saw Carol disappear with the gauntlet. They wanted to get this one as far away from Thanos as possible.

I kept looking around and then saw Yelena, Wanda and Natasha. I knew what I had to do, this would be my last chance to talk to you. I jumped over to them and when they saw me I saw the tears forming in Natasha's eyes. Venom disappeared back into my body and the next moment Nat smacked me. I heard my jaw crack and held it tight. Then I felt the three of them hug me.

"You asshole, I saw you die."


"What do you mean she died?"

"That idiot jumped off the cliff so we could get the soul stone."

"Hey in my defense I knew I wasn't going to die."

"That doesn't excuse you jumping, though." I heard Yelena say now. Before I answered, I saw Strange and he held up a finger. I knew what to do, it was time. I broke away from the three and only now saw what Natasha was wearing. "You look extremely sexy in that outfit, Nat, but I have to go." I mean now.

Nat gave me an irritated look and I took this chance to run away. "Hey, we're not done with you yet." I heard Nat yell now. The next moment she threw Mjolnir at me. Venom took over again and now caught the hammer. "You didn't see that coming?" came it from Venom and he dropped the hammer to the ground.

I just saw Dad and Thanos fighting over the stones. Thanos now raised his hand with the gauntlet and snapped his fingers. When he realized it wasn't working, he saw that Dad had the stones in his glove. Now I had to hurry.

"And I'm....Iron Man." I heard Dad say. He wanted to snap his fingers, but Venom grabbed his hand with the stones. When Venom left his hand, the stones were gone. Venom slowly disappeared from my body. "Go to Amy. She's close. Protect her with your life." I said now. I saw Venom disappear.

I now raised my right hand there was a black and green Infinity Gauntlet. That's where the stones were. "Honey don't do this. Let me do it. Amy needs you." Dad said as he looked at me.

"Dad, Morgan needs you. Just like Mom needs you. Amy has, Buck and the others and you and mom. I'm sorry..." I said now. Tears streamed down my face and I then snapped my fingers. Thanos and his army turned to dust and my legs buckled beneath me. Dad caught me and sat down with me on the floor. He held me tight, afraid to let go.

(this is how Tony holds Y/N. I just can't remember where I found the picture)

The others came to us. When mom saw me she burst into tears. I never wanted her to cry for me. "Mummy." I now heard Amelia yelling. Amy got on her knees in front of me and hugged me. She was crying and I was too weak to put my arms around her.

"Mom you can't leave me alone. I need you. Dad needs you. Peter needs you and the three of them need you the most."

"I'm sorry Pumpkin. Grandpa and grandma are there for you. And so are Venom and Vision. They will always be there for you. Peter, I'm sorry we spend so little time together."

"Mom, it's good. You're here and that's what counts. We can fix this, can't we, Mr. Stark?"

"I'm sorry, kid. There's nothing I can do."

"Honey, you can rest now. We'll take care of Amy." Mom said to me now.

I looked at Wanda, Natasha and Yelena and saw that the three of them were devastated. I could tell them how I felt about them. My eyes grew heavier and before these too many I heard a voice.

"Relinquished it to me! It belongs to me!"

That was the last thing I heard before I came to rest.

Amelia POV

Today was Mom's funeral. I still couldn't believe she was dead. While the others gave a speech, I stood aside and looked down. I couldn't watch because then my tears would flow again. Then I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. When I looked up, Vision was standing with me. Uncle Steven explained a lot to us earlier. I now knew why mom had ignored me for the last 4 years.

15 minutes earlier
"Now slowly again, you want to tell me that my daughter planned all of this?" now asked grandpa. I sat next to Dad and Aunt Yelena sat to my left. Aunt Wanda and Aunt Natasha stood behind me.

"As I've been explaining for the last 10 minutes Tony. Y/N knew what was going to happen, she had a dream in which she was dying and the stones were always with her. Her left eye housed the ether. That was why she made a copy of Vision who had hoped to stop Thanos with the wrong mind stone."

"But she hadn't considered that her eye would amplify the powers of the Aether that Thanos already had. For the last four years she has distanced herself from you so that you would hate her and saying goodbye would not be so difficult. Me always protected you, Amy. Because your mother always wanted me to be there for you." Vision now said.

I just couldn't believe what they were saying. Then I heard a voice in my head and I winced. Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I wanted to give you time to grieve before I talk to you. Your mother loved you more than anything. She wanted me to protect you. You'll get used to the fact that I'm talking to you like that.

I heard Venom say in my head now. That was something I had to get used to.

present time

I nodded to Vis now and then looked over at my mother's grave. It hurt so much to look there. Nevertheless, I was glad that the others were there for me.

5 years later

It's been 5 years since Mama saved us all. I was now a member of the Avengers. There was someone new besides me. Her name was Kate Bishop. We were all in the kitchen watching Wanda and Vision prepare the food. Until Fury and Maria came into the kitchen. Maria looked worried and Fury couldn't read his emotions.

"I have something for you here. Strange signatures are running out on the Isle of Monsters. I want you to investigate. You may find something interesting there." said Fury now.

We now saw Uncle Steve and Grandpa. The two looked at each other. "Avengers assemble......"

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