Sherlock Preferences

By Azalea_Potter_Snape

2.8K 88 7

A book of journey through characters from Sherlock Holmes to Jim Moriarty. Life with characters. From your me... More

How You Meet
They Ask You Out
First Date
First Kiss
Your First Gift to Him
Hidden Talent
What Drew Him To You
Movie Night
Favorite TV Show
Couple Song
Your Best Friend
He Gets Jealous
You Get Jealous
You Meet His Family
He Meets Your Family
He Meets Your Ex
He's Hurt

First Hug

152 7 0
By Azalea_Potter_Snape

Consulting Detective Holmes
Wise men say,
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love
With you

The words flowed throughout the flat of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson in 221B Baker Street. Your hands rested on Sherlock's shoulders and his firmly on your waist, you and he swayed to the music. The song playing Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley, one of your favorites.

Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love
With you

John Watson was out on a date. One that Sherlock did not protest to or comment on. He himself was busy with his own date. Eyes closed, you leaned your head on Sherlock's chest where his heart would be. His heartbeat is steady and regularly occurring, setting into a rhythm. His heart continued to beat as you felt it on your skin and heard it through your ears.

Involuntarily Sherlock continued moving his feet to the rhythm of the music. Treasuring the warmth coming from you. He pulled you in closer. He began humming the song, slowly lulling you to sleep.

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be

You hummed the sweet melody with him. Letting your arms lose, you wrapped it firmly on his neck. You inched closer to him. You smiled at his smell. Mint.

Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you

Sherlock placed his hands on your back. You moved your head and rested it on his shoulder as he did with yours. Eyes closed. You both stood still, embracing each other. Basked in each other's warmth and touch while the music continued unbothered. Lost in the moment. Mind far away.

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be

Sherlock stopped humming as he pulled away, brushing a lock of hair away from your face. He stared at your eyes for a moment as you met his. He leaned in, an inch separating your lips from his before he chastely kissed you. You leaned in, still wrapped in each other's arms. Time stopped. The world, forgotten. Simply in each other's arms, feeling the other's lips.

Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you

Dr. Watson
With your bag hung on your shoulder, you knocked on the door of Sherlock and John's flat.

It was midnight. Despite the time, sound still comes from the streets. Loud enough to hear from your position.

It had been a long day. Piles of folders were placed on your desk every 30 minutes. Mental exhaustion arrived quickly to you. Despite it, you were able to finish your work in time for the day to finish. Expectantly, more piles will be waiting for you tomorrow but right now, you are in need of John.

"Come in!" John's muffled voice came from behind the door. Swiftly you opened the door. Your eyes settled on John's sitting figure with his laptop out in the open. He must have been blogging about another case Sherlock and he solved. Your mouth turned to half a smile before you frowned, not seeing Sherlock around.

"Where is Sherlock?" You cautiously asked as you closed the door. John's gaze settled to you and a smile formed on his lips. "Well, hello to you too, Y/N." He greeted you. Realizing your mistake, you winced and said, "Right. Good evening, John."

"Also, Sherlock's out. Probably getting more body parts." He answered your question. He closed his laptop and set it aside before standing up and headed towards the kitchen. "Would you like some tea?" He asked as you followed him there. "That would be appreciated, please." You looked at him fondly as he turned on the kettle and set out cups.

While waiting, he leaned on the counter and turned to you. "Long day?" He asked. You nodded, "Quite." You smiled tiredly then added, "Plenty of folders now set aside. More will be waiting tomorrow."

"Don't think too hard now. You have to rest your mind. Tea will do the trick." He smiled at you and took a glance at the kettle. His gaze returned to you.

"All classified, I take it?" He asked. "Mostly." You answered. "There are some that sounded quite ridiculous." You added. John raised an eyebrow, "How so?"

"I was given this file to ensure that all actions they take are legal and everything else. Two couples want a divorce and they are neighbors. They wanted to be with the other." John let out a confused look so you continued, "Two Couples. Couple A and B. Both want to divorce. Wife A wishes to be with Husband B instead of Husband A and Wife B wishes to be with Husband A instead of Husband B. Both parties have no problem switching which is why they want to divorce in order to have the other and marry them."

At John's bewildered face you said, "Exactly how it sounds." John imagined the thought and shook his head in disbelief. "Definitely a long day for you."

"John, may I ask you something?" You asked suddenly. "Anything."

"May I hug you?"

John looked at you in confusion. "Of course! You didn't need to ask, Y/N." He answered. "It's your personal space, John. I wish not to intrude."

John smiled fondly at you before he enveloped you in a warm embrace. He squeezed you for a moment but continued the embrace.

You froze at the contact. In your time, you slowly returned the hug to John and settled your chin upon his head. You embraced the warmness and closed your eyes. You took in the peace and warmth coming from John and tightened your embrace a bit.

Eyes closed, you masked in his scent and let your mind be clouded. You felt the taste of salt on your mouth. Your face became wet. You unknowingly started crying. You allowed yourself to let out a small whimper and continued to cry.

John slowly rubbed circles behind your back, soothing you as he whispered, "It's okay. It's okay. I'm here, Y/N. Everything's gonna be okay. I'm here, Y/N. I'm here."

You and John stayed in that position as you slowly calmed down. Your whimpers turned to small hiccups.

You were the first to let go, John following suit. You took out a handkerchief from your pocket and gently wiped your face with it. After a deep breath, you spoke, "My apologies, John. I shouldn't have let myself go. I'm quite a mess now, please excuse me."

John smiled comfortingly at you. "You don't need to apologize, Y/N. Never apologize for crying," He wiped a falling tear on your cheek. "You were stressed and that's understandable. It's okay to be a mess." You returned the smile to him.

Your moment was unfortunately ruined as the kettle started to whistle. John's smile widened at the sound. "Tea will help you. Something warm and nice. I'll be right back, you can go in the sitting room. I'll follow you there." He pecked you on the cheek and made his way to the kettle. You watched him fondly then made your way to the sitting room.

You nor John heard the door open mere moments ago. You nor John saw a silhouette of a person listening to your conversation or watching your embrace.

Sherlock Holmes stood in his bedroom, phone in hand and placed it by his ear.

Inside his humble abode, a man seated, stared at his fireplace when his phone began ringing. Reading the caller, he raised an eyebrow but nonetheless answered it. "I do hope this will not become a regular occurance."

Sherlock, in his bedroom replied, "I would not have called you unless it was gravely important, brother mine." The man, Mycroft, smiled. Sherlock added, "Y/N's workload. I do hope you took no part in her tired state today."

His statement posed a question. It was rather voiced mockingly but Mycroft ignored this. The older Holes frowned hearing their dear sister's state. "She overworked herself today?" He asked despite knowing the answer.

Sherlock gave out a sigh. It was heard by Mycroft and he took it as a yes. "She went to Dr. Watson." Mycroft voiced out. "Her workload will lessen tomorrow. I will personally ensure that it's only five folders. Look out for her, you know how she is." The older Holmes added.

Sherlock did not need to answer, nor did Mycroft need to hear his response. They both know they'd watch over her and make sure she does not exhaust herself above her limit.

D.I. Lestrade
You puzzlingly stared at the board ahead of you. It was rare you were stuck in one case for two months. The longest was a month. Greg was located in the kitchen. He's making two cups of coffee.

Your eyes darted over at the question mark on the right down corner. Your eyes wandered over, beginning the timeline of events. One by one as your mind took it apart and put it back together like an engine, making yourself see sense.

"It was done on a Wednesday, 5 suspects all eliminated unless..." You muttered, pacing around the room. Back and forth, your legs took you.

Your mind became Google as you searched the names of the 5 suspects. Trying to find one single strand of information relating to cocaine. One person stood out.

You grinned widely and let out a cheer. "Yes! Greg, I've figured it out! I know who did it!" You exclaimed as you rushed out of the room. You headed towards the kitchen.

Greg put down the mugs full of coffee, hearing your yells. He stepped outside the kitchen, only to be met with you after you jumped towards him. You wrapped your legs firmly around his stomach and your arms on his neck.

On instinct, he caught you and settled his arms on your behind. Spinning slightly before he managed to balance himself.

"You solved it then, love?" He asked as he stood still during the hug. "Mhm! I know who did it." You answered.

"A case over." He hummed aloud and allowed himself to enjoy the moment. Silence fell over.

"Did you still make the coffee?" You suddenly asked. Greg chuckled at your giddiness before answering, "Of course."

You let out a tiny Yes before squealing when Greg suddenly walked towards the kitchen.

"Greg!" You scolded him. He only laughed at you before settling you down. You stood now, grumpily eyeing him but that all went away after a sip of coffee.

British Government Holmes
Words did not need to be said.

A book in hand, your eyes darted to the door the second movement was heard. You sit still, your mind instinctively listing down people who could be at the door. So far, your list mostly has people who have ill intentions. After all, who wouldn't want to intentionally hurt Mycroft Holmes in his home?

The door opened, revealing said man. In his disheveled clothes, he still stood tall. He stood proud, his authority and power looming around him. One step past the door, his disheveled clothes became filthy. The man who once stood tall, now slouched indicating his tiredness. The proud man now fatigued. From the looming authority and power became exhaustion. A man who gave so much but was not appreciated or loved to the full extent. His mask, now gone.

You know at any moment, Mycroft could lash out and break down. Any wrong move, he will lash out. But the right move, he will only break down. Any moment, he can yell. He can scream. He can cry. But that is not who he is.

Sometimes logic cannot be used. Emotion confounds Logic.

You continue reading your book. Pretending Mycroft was fine. He didn't like attention to him, especially the fussing. You heard his footsteps. Heard him drop his bag, hang his coat and walk over to where you were. You heard him kneel in front of you.

That was when you set your book aside and glanced at him. The man was on the verge of breaking down, only he tried to stop it. A comforting smile on your face, you cupped his cheek on your hand. All it took was two words for him to let it all out.

"It's okay."

Tears allowed to be freed, he closed his eyes and let it all out. Resting his head on your stomach, he sobbed. His arms wrapped around you as yours wrapped around his, the other drawing circles on his back.

You said no more and let him be in your arms. Your shirt began to wet but you did not care.

Mycroft was silent as he sobbed. Sniffles and whimpers escaped but he restrained them well. He slightly calmed down because of the circles you drew on his back, and the ruffling of his hair with your other hand.

You and Mycroft stayed in that embrace. Even when he finished crying or when his knees began aching, he did not let go.

The next day, you both acted like nothing happened. And that was fine. You knew not to tell others. Who would you even tell it to? One look at each other, you understood.

The same day as any other. Work and work but this time, he shouldered no burden. But in time it will grow. And it will return.

Words did not need to be said.

Consulting Criminal Moriarty
It was like no other day. The sun came shining through the windows. The streets were quiet and the weather would continue to be sunny until the end of the day. What better way to spend it as a lazy day? Jim had no plans for the day. You were surprised when he unexpectedly turned up at your door.

You spent your lazy day with him.

Flowers around the house, every room smelled of nature. The flowers will continue to grow, fortunately to the weather and to the sun.

Located in the sitting room, Jim and you can be found watching the telly. Switching to every channel. The weather may be nice but what the telly showed wasn't. On the couch, you and Jim layed down. You lay on top of him as Jim had an arm around you. The perfect sight for a lazy day. It was as if Jim was any other person and not a criminal. Still, he's a charming criminal. Your criminal.

You turned to the man you laid on, a smile on your face. He returned this as you wrapped your arms firmly around him in an embrace. Surprised at your actions, Jim froze and stared off.

His eyes may be on the telly, but his attention was elsewhere. Slowly, he returned the hug. Both your eyes closed. Jim cherished a rare moment like this. With his career, he could not be with you everyday nor have many moments like this as much as he wanted.

The sounds from the telly became distant until you both unknowingly fell asleep.

Your mind came conscious as you woke up. Yawning, you sit up as your eyes adjust to the brightness. Smelling something delicious, you stood up to investigate. You ended up in the kitchen, wherein Jim was cooking. What made the sight funny, he was wearing one of your cute aprons that said Chef's Kiss with egg shaped as hearts around.

It was a sight to remember. Just as your lazy day was with Jim.

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