The Red Knight (Riverdale x O...

By Dre0726

89.2K 2K 213

Scott Wilson is a 16 year old Sophomore, when he was 10, his parents were tragically murdered in a home invas... More

Chapter 1 Part 1 : The River's Edge
Chapter 1 Part 2: The River's Edge
Chapter 1 Part 3: The River's Edge
Chapter 2 Part 1: A Touch of Evil
Chapter 2 Part 2: A Touch of Evil
Chapter 2 Part 3: A Touch of Evil
Chapter 3 Part 1: Body Double
Chapter 3 Part 2: Body Double
Chapter 3 Part 3: Body Double
Chapter 4 Part 1: The Last Picture Show
Chapter 4 Part 2: The Last Picture Show
Chapter 4 Part 3: The Last Picture Show
Chapter 5 Part 1: Heart of Darkness
Chapter 5 Part 2: Heart of Darkness
Chapter 5 Part 3: Heart of Darkness
Chapter 6 Part 1: Faster Pussycats Kill,Kill
Chapter 6 Part 2: Faster PussyCats Kill, Kill
Chapter 6 Part 3: Faster PussyCats Kill, Kill
Chapter 7 Part 1: In a Lonley Place
Chapter 7 Part 2: In a Lonley Place
Chapter 7 Part 3: In a Lonley Place
Chapter 8 Part 1: The Outsiders
Chapter 8 Part 2: The Outsiders
Chapter 8 Part 3: The Outsiders
Chapter 9 Part 1: La Grande Illusion
Chapter 9 Part 2: La Grande Illusion
Chapter 9 Part 3: La Grande Illusion
Chapter 10 Part 1: The Lost Weekend
Chapter 10 Part 2: The Lost Weekend
Chapter 10 Part 3: The Lost Weekend
Chapter 11 Part 1: To Riverdale and Back Again
Chapter 11 Part 3: To Riverdale and Back Again
Chapter 12 Part 1: Anatomy of a Murder
Chapter 12 Part 2: Anatomy of a Murder
Chapter 12 Part 3: Anatomy of a Murder
Chapter 13 Part 1: The Sweet Hereafter
Chapter 13 Part 2: The Sweet Hereafter
Chapter 13 Part 3: The Sweet Hereafter

Chapter 11 Part 2: To Riverdale and Back Again

1.2K 38 4
By Dre0726

Later that night, Joaquin is walking down the sidewalk alone on an unusually quiet night, on the Southside. Ever since the Knight emerged, Southside residents have been scared to go out. Fearing of bumping into him at night. While residents were scared- - most of the businesses, that would usually close down just before midnight, remained opened. Feeling they are safe and protected, thanks to the Knight.

   While Joaquin is walking, he is suddenly pulled into a nearby alley. He tossed on the ground and when he looks up, he sees the Knight standing over him. Joaquin tries to stab him,with a pocket knife, but the Knight easily subdues him. The Knight than throws Joaquin against the wall, and begins asking him some questions.

Joaquin: Please don't kill me man, Please.

The Knight: I'm not gonna kill you alright? I want you to answer some questions for me.

Joaquin: About what?

The Knight: Jason Blossom.

Jason Blossom: Oh hell no man.

As Joaquin tries to leave, The Knight than slams back on the wall.

The Knight: Either you know something, or your boss knows something. Either way, you're gonna tell me what I need to know...or I'm gonna have to start getting violent. Your choice.

Joaquin: Look, I don't know much. The dude was already dead when I got there.

The Knight: Where?

Joaquin: The Whyte Worm.

The Knight: He was killed there?

Joaquin: Yeah.

The Knight: Where'd you find the body?

Joaquin then looks down, he doesn't want to answer anymore. He fears that if he keeps talking, the people he cared about would be hurt. Seeing Joaquin's face, The Knight knew that threatening him would not work. He needed to try a different tactic, a less violent tactic.

The Knight: Look, I understand you're scared. But right now, if I don't stop whoever did this, more people will be in danger. So help me stop this bastard alright?

The Knight: So...

Joaquin: F.P. called me and Mustang back there to help...get rid of the body.

The Knight: Did F.P. do it?

Joaquin: I don't know.

The Knight: Alright, get outta here.

He lets Joaquin go and Joaquin quickly runs away. Leaving The Knight now having a lead, and it's someone he honestly hoped wasn't involved.

- - - - TAMAKI LODGE- - - -
After that, Scott returned home, still dressed in his Knight outfit minus the mask. He was distraught, sitting in a chair pinching his nasal bridge. Angus comes up behind him, with a cup of ginger ale and a pain pill that he hands over to Scott.

Angus: So, F.P. cleaned up the body?

Scott: That's what Joaquin told me.

Angus: Jesus, so now what?

Scott: Now, it's time to end this once and for all.

Angus: What do you mean?

Scott: What do you think I mean? I'm going to Jug's place and gonna get a confession from F.P.

Angus: No you're not.

Scott: Why the hell not?

Angus: You told me, earlier this afternoon, that you're friend was going through, what seemed like, one of the best moments of his life. Now, how would he feel when some masked lunatic bust through his door, accusing his father of murdering a teenager?!

Scott looks down, feeling ashamed and filled with anger. Angus notice the look on Scott's face and could feel the weariness coming from him.

Angus: Look, [places his hand on Scott's shoulder] I know you're tired. No person your age should be doing something like this. You may feel like you can solve all your problems with your fist, but sometimes you can solve those problems with your brain...and your heart. Now, go get some sleep alright?

After this, Scott heads up stairs to his room. He slams door and jumps into the bed, and just looks up at ceiling. The next day, Scott is awoken by the sun hitting his face. He moans as he gets up, wondering what was the point of getting up in the first place. He walks down stairs to see Angus, sitting on the couch, watching tv.

Angus: Evening Boyo.

Scott: Evening?

Angus: Yeah, it's 1pm.

Scott: Oh god.

Scott, still tired, heads over to the kitchen and gets him something to drink.

Angus: You going to the homecoming dance?

Scott: I don't know. Why?

Angus: No reason. I honestly don't care if you go or not.

Scott: Than why ask?

Angus: Because if you are going, who's gonna be there? Scott Wilson?...or The Knight?

After Angus says this, he grabs his coat and heads for the front the door.

Scott: Where are you going?

Angus: Going to work. I still work over there at the church Y'know.I'll see ya later tonight.

As Angus walks out the door, Scott is now left alone. He heads back up stairs and opens his closet. Inside, he sees his dress suit. He grabs out the closet and lays it in his bed. Shortly after, he digs under his bed and grabs a chest from under it. Inside the chest was his Knight suit. He pulls it out and lays it next to his dress suit.

He examines both suits and his dealt with a dilemma. The words Angus told him kept repeating in his head. Not just who was he going to the homecoming dance as, but who was he in general. As Scott, he gained a new life and a new beginning. More than that, he has friends who care about him. But as the Knight, he accomplished much more and was quicker to solving the murder than possibly the police. As the Knight, he felt like a piece of himself was finally whole. But as Scott, he felt he could live a normal life.

    After last night, he felt both of these lives were headed into a collision course with each other and there it seemed there was no stopping it. There was a part of him that wanted to go to the homecoming dance and be with his friends, especially Veronica. But another part of him wanted to investigate F.P. trailer and see if he can find anything that connects him even more to Jason's murder. It felt like the world was ending, and the next choice he made was gonna determine everyone's fate from this point forward.

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