Lucy Potter: Harry's little s...

By Lizzy_FanficFan

51.7K 1K 207

The loyal, stubborn, kindhearted Lucy Potter had always been an odd girl to the rest of the world. Living wit... More

Chapter 1: The Start of a Legend
Chapter 2: (Birthday) issues
Chapter 3: A Letter to a Potter
Chapter 4: Secrets & giants
Chapter 5: Vaults & Robes
Chapter 6: The truth
Chapter 7: Saying goodbye
Chapter 8: New terrain
Chapter 9: Life changes
Chapter 10: A shocking turn of events
Chalter 11: Hey you
Chapter 12: Go on!
Chapter 13: Live with it
Chapter 14: Dursleys and strange turns
Chapter 15: Reunited
Chapter 16: A Merry Little Christmas
Chapter 18: Reunions are the best parties
Chapter 1: Summer of Magic
Chapter 2: Happy birthday
Chapter 3: The Trouble with House Elfs
Chapter 4: Friends from the Start
Chapter 5: The letters
Chapter 6: The floo trip
Chapter 7: Summer's end
Chapter 8: Different ways
Chapter 9: First day's always the hardest
Chapter 10: Friends make life better
Chapter 11: The try-outs
Chapter 12: Trick or Treat!
Chapter 13: Life After Halloween
Chapter 14: Quidditch Disasters
Chapter 15: Hospital secrets
Chapter 16: Moonlight troubles
Chapter 17: The Dueling Club
Chapter 18: Distractions needed!
Chapter 19: Simply investigating!
Chapter 20: Happy Valentine
Chspter 21: Without that one friend
Chapter 22: The big reveal
Chapter 23: The basilisk's lair
Chapter 24: The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 25: The Big Reveal pt. 2
Chapter 26: Power of Friendship
YEAR 3!!!
| year 3 | Chapter 1: Family is everything
| Year 3 | Chapter 2: The Great Escape
| Year 3 | Chapter 3: A place to stay
| Year 3 | Chapter 4: Summertime (Sadness)
| Year 3 | Chapter 5: Back to school
| Year 3 | Chapter 6: What're friends for, huh?
| Year 3 | Chapter 7: The whole teaching thing
| Year 3 | Chapter 8: Daddy Issues vs. Furry Little Problems
| Year 3 | Chapter 9: The hippogriff
| Year 3 | Chapter 10: The unprofessional teacher
| Year 3 | Chapter 11: Panic Room
| Year 3 | Chapter 12: The light in dark times
| Year 3 | Chapter 13: The match
| Year 3 | Chapter 14: Halloween & Co
| Year 3 | Chapter 15: The verdict
| Year 3 | Chapter 16: The History of Sirius Black
| Year 3 | Chapter 17: The horror of betrayal
| Year 3 | Chapter 18: The darker future
|Year 3 | Chapter 19: Drinks before doom
| Year 3 | Chapter 20: May they be spared
| Year 3 | Chapter 21: Friends we make for life

Chapter 17: Hardships bring frienships

808 17 1
By Lizzy_FanficFan

Lucy's POV:

Of course, Christmas came to an end and I had to go back 'home'. Saying goodbye was quite hard and not only for me.

Harry was really worried, especially now that the Dursleys knew of my 'furry little problem'.

Ron felt quite sorry for not seeing me anymore as well. "It'll be so bloody boring here now..." I had to promise him I'd be there next year and to prank the hated 'Malfoy'.

The twins had also lost their faithful new pranking partner and were a bit sorrow as well. I love how easy I'd made friends with those Weasleys.

At home, I realised how much I'd missed Vanessa when I first saw her the very night I'd arrived home. I'd been taking a walk and decided I'd go see her at home, as I was near her house.

At school, I hadn't missed anyone else and they obviously came at me immediately, trying to get a row out of me. Lucky for me, Vanessa was very good at calming me down and I could actually keep my head if I really wanted to.

It's just that I often don't really want to.

The Dursleys became very wary with me since the day I was back, scared I'd called on some wizard I assume. They also knew the full moon was coming up soon.

It was two days away now. I was already losing strength and energy. I still had to do chores and go to school AND do homework though.

Although I did skip the last bit.

I clearly stopped putting an efford in school after finding out about Hogwarts and everyone could see it.

One problem: the day after the full moon was Vanessa's 11th birthday and I really needed to be there, as her best friend.

I couldn't stay home after on of the hardest nights I would probably ever have.

I was awoken from thoughts, when an owl hooted outside at the window. Aunt Petunia screamed and insisted on me chasing it away, before the neighbours saw it.

I sighed. "It's here to deliver a letter. As soon as I take it, it'll most likely leave. Let me get some treat."

I went to the kitchen, while Aunt Petunia scowled at me for getting a treat for a 'wild animal'. I got some left-over bacon and rushed to give it to the owl. It was Harley, Remus' new owl.

Remus had gotten an owl for himself, to send me letters. He said he didn't send any other people letters, but since he needed to be able to mail me, he got Harley, a beautiful
Tawny Owl. She was quite smart and usually stayed with me until I had an answer.

The Dursleys didn't know though.

I gave her a treat, took the letter and said: "go to the bedroom window..." she did as told and I hurried upstairs, to Dudley's second bedroom. It was the smallest one and the only one I was allowed in outside cleaning times.

I hurried to the window and let Harley in, to go to the desk, followed by the owl. She also had a daily Prophet with her. I asked Remus for those, so I didn't miss too much.

He wrote about being there with the full moon and he wanted to know how I was feeling. He was acting a lot like a family member would, for a friend, but I still liked it.

I answered that I was feeling a bit weak already, but I was still alright. I said I didn't need him to come, because of the Dursleys, but knew he would come anyway. Which was probably for the best I guess.

The Daily Prophet didn't give any special news, except some report about a quidditch match and some interview with a band. Nothing about the Gringotts Break-in Harry and Ron had told me about.

I sighed and hid it under the loose shelf under the bed, where I kept all magic stuff, like lettets and newspapers.

Some letters were from the Weasleys too, asking how I was doing. Apparantly Ron and the twins had heard a lot about me from Harry before Christmas and told their mom how great I must be.

I will probably be such a disappointment.

I woke up from an agony like I'd never felt before. I screamed at the top of my lungs, forgetting all about the Dursleys.

Uncle Vernon came rushimg down and scowled when he saw it was just me.

"WHY DID YOU WAKE US UP? THE WHOLE NEIGHBOURHOOD COULD'VE HEARD!" He was extremely mad already. Just brilliant.

I was in so much pain I couldn't even respond and I really had to fight to keep from screaming again.

I turned and tossed uneasily in my cupboard, but everything just hurt so much there was no comfortable position.

At first, Aunt Petunia demanded I'd go to school, so I tried to get up, but there was just no way I could.

"Alright you're to stay here!" She hissed, when seeing I wasn't going to school. "You can NOT go out of the house, while I'm away!"

I snorted, with a lot of difficulty. I couldn't even stand, let alone escape this house!

I spent the entire day in the cupboard, which was really one of my LEAST favourite places in the house.

Since I'd turned, I had been sensing, hearing, seeing and smelling much more and in the cupboard's case, this was not good. Harry and I had spent our entire childhood sleeping in the small space and it was now easier to swnse for me than ever!

When Aunt Petunia had come back from wherever she'd gone, probably some friend, she was surprised and outraged to see me still in the cupboard.

"YOU COULD HAVE AT LEAST STARTED YOUR CHORES, LAZY MONSTER!" she made me get up and start doing chores.

I had to clean the entire house, do dishes and laundry, tend to the garden and of course, cook today.

Half way through, when I was doing the garden though, I had become so weak I could barely sit up straight: I was tired and VERY dizzy.

I barely managed not to faint when I got up when I was almost done, feeling I'd pass out if I wouldn't stop now.

Aunt Petunia was not at all pleased. "YOU ARE JUST BEING LAZY! GET ON WITH THE WORK NOW!"

When I didn't do so, she started beating me up, but halfway through, I passed out from exhaustion.

That night, after diner and after Uncle Vernon's punishment, which was horrible, I lay in the cupboard again, when the bell rang.

When I went to listen, I recognised Remus' voice when he spoke to Aunt Petunia pleadingly. He wanted to see me.

I tried so hard to get up, but failed miserably and toppled over again when I almost stood up straight.

It had caught Remus' attention though and he came running in, past Aunt Petunia and opened the door.

He looked very ill himself too and very weak, but then again, I knew I looked even worse. He gasped at the sight of me.

"We have to get you out of here Lucy," he said softly and he helped me get up.

"I will not let you leave!" Uncle Vernon said, looking smug. He went to stand in front of the door.

"Unless you want us to change into werewolfs here, I would strongly advise you to step aside and let us go," Remus said calmly.

After some hesitation, my uncle let us go and we went to the forest to wait for the upcoming full moon.

It was very cold outside, seeing it was a winter night, but I didn't really care and Remus didn't seem to mind either.

We turned to look at the sky through the trees above us. To the almost black sky, the stars' breath-taking beauty and the slowly coming and penetrating full moon.

"So... how-" Remus paused for a moment, thinking about how to ask his question. "How are things at home?"

I didn't look at him, but instead kept staring at the stars above, while feeling his eyes burn holes into me.

"It's not really a home," I say in a soft voice. "I don't feel at home here. Nowhere in this town. But it's OK, I'll cope."

"How about your friends here? Aren't they nice?" He sounded somewhat hopeful and a little pleading, as if desperate to hear some-
thing positive about my life.

"I don't have many," I say, still not looking at Remus. "The kids my age are all either bullies or people who're scared of the bullies, so they try to stay as far away from me as possible."

I noticed Remus frown next to me and he seemed a bit sour. "I'm really, really sorry for that..."

I was taken aback at how genuinely sorry and sad he sounded, as if truly blaming himself.

"It's not your fault," I say, finally turning to him. "Besides, I do have one friend here, besides you. And I still have Harry and the Weasleys..."

Remus frowned again, but now he seemed surprised rather than sad. "The Weasleys? How do you know them?"

"We asked the Weasleys how to get on the platform in September and Ron Weasley is Harry's best friend at Hogwarts."

A small smile formed on Remus' mouth and he turned back to the sky.

"Mrs. Weasley often checks in on me or asks if I'd like to visit them. But the Dursleys..."

Then, I felt it. The moon. It was starting. I heard Remus struggle not to scream and I tried, but after failing miserably, I screamed and screamed, harder than I ever had.

Befoe too long, the pain started ebbing away and I was consimed by darkness.


Minerva's POV:

"ALBUS, THIS IS NOT WHAT I BARGAINED FOR!" When I storm into Albus Dumbledore's office however, I see he's not phased with my tantrum at all.

"Minerva, have you heard them talking? About Harry I mean?"

"I have, but for now, our beloved potions master wouldn't keep complaining about Mr. Potter-" I stopped for a second, as I've kept doing a lot lately, when the memory of the mr. Potter before my current student pops into my head.

At that precise moment, Severus Snape walked in. "I still think I'm right though: he is a lot like his father..."

I turned to him, red in the face. "Don't you say that like it's such a bad thing Severus! I know he's done some highly questionable things, but he was a good person!"

"As much as I do and always have respected you Minerva," he said grimly. "I disagree."

I scoffed and glared at him. "He was! You just hate him because of some schoolboy-
grudge! And as much as I have come to like you Severus, I think it is rather unnecesary to insult the memory of an old enemy, now that he's not here anymore to correct you!"

Albus finally arose from his seat. "Will both of you now PLEASE sit down! I was thinking we could all place our bets for the upcoming quidditch game now!"

Severus and I both turned and looked at the headmaster incredulously. "I thought we were going to talk about our ideas for the protection of the Stone..." Severus said.

"Oh, we will, but we can also place our bets now!" Albus seemed more excited about the bets than about the Stone's protection.

The door opened again and Pomona Sprout, followed closely by Filius Flitwick entered the office.

"I am so sorry, I was just talking to mr. Diggory, when I realised we had the meeting!" Pomona said apologetically.

"No worries, we were still chit-chatting a little..." Albus said, looking at me and Severus.

"He wants to place his bets for the Quidditch match," I informed. "But, he will do that after we've discussed the bigger matter."

The door opened again and Quirinius Quirell walked in, standing behind the rest nervously.

"Fine, we'll start with that then," Albus said, very disappointed. "So I already have my idea: the mirror of erised..."

Everyone frowned. "We have the mirror of Erised here at Hogwarts?!" I say. "I certainly hope no student has found it yet?"

Albus' face told me the answer already. He might be a master at Occlumency and Legilimency, but only if he wanted to be.

"Well, Harry Potter has seen it repeatedly, but I've made sure he wouldn't anymore, don't worry Minerva!"


"Where is it now?" Filius asked. "Not still traceable for the students I hope?"

"No, it's been moved to a safe place already..." Albus said, sounding way too careless in my opinion.

"And what about Harry?" Pomona asked. "How's he doing?" She looked very worried for the boy.

"He is totally fine, he's probably already forgotten. Besides, I heard his sister and the Weasley boy talk to him and he seemed convinced."

I exhaled heavily, relieved and very thankful for Lucy Potter's stay here. In the short time I'd seen her, she seemed already as brilliant as her mother.

"So... what have you all come up with?" Albus asked, steering the subject away from him.



Hii, I wanted to do a different POV for Hogwarts now and I always love reading staff convos and basically the legendary trio (Dumbles, Minnie and Snape).

Also, I really love the building friendship between Lucy and Remus. I've always thought he should have become more of a godfatherly figure in the original series and that he should've gotten a bigger role in general.

I literally can't wait to write next year and it'll almost come. From then on, the story gets more fun, but I couldn't really skip this year, because of some of the big things about Lucy and her life right now.

Anyways, I hope you guys still like it!

Like, comment, vote etc.

Love y'all!

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