Vampire Blood

By Peepodotcom

33K 846 1K


chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6 (tw: smut)
chapter 7
chapter 8 (smut)
chapter 9
chapter 10(smut)
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16 (smut)
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 21

chapter 20

548 16 41
By Peepodotcom

thats ranboo up there btw lmao

Im tired lmao 

its fine, can't stop that grind :P

also do you guys like lore more or smut more :0 

Dream pov

I thought George might have tried to do something about the blood slaves but surprisingly enough, he didn't. Although I don't know why, he was being really obedient this evening, he could end me and my brother's life in an instant, with his strong blood controlling, and I'm sure he knows that. 

I smiled and wrapped my arms around George's waist, pulling him in closer and resting my head on his shoulder. He tensed up a bit but didn't say anything, I assumed he thought I was going to drink from him but no, he was too precious for that. 

'Sooo, is he really a hunter?' Sapnap asked me in my head and Quackity chimed in too. 'Yeah, what powers does he have?' He asked enthusiastically and I smirked, nodding at them smugly. 

yeah, he is actually, and I have something cool to show you guys when the ball starts. I said and I could tell they were excited to see what I had to show them. I'm sure that they won't be expecting it, blood control? That was rare as fuck.

I could feel George's heartbeat speeding up and I wondered why, then I realized that Sap and Quackity were all staring at him. 

I glared at both of them and they looked away quickly, both trying to hide their smirks. 

'George, I need you to use your powers before the ball starts to show everyone okay?' I whispered in George's ear and he nodded quickly, his heart still pounding in his chest. 

Are you hungry George? I asked George and he nodded his head, 'A little.'  He admitted and I snapped my fingers towards one of the servants, he came over and bowed his head, waiting for me to give him an order. 

'Bring me a strawberry cream puff.' I said to the servant and he nodded, returning back a few moments later with one strawberry cream puff on a plate. He handed the plate to me, I placed the plate in front of George and he gladly took the cream puff. I handed the plate back to the servant and he left while George munched on his snack. 

He finished the snack in a matter of minutes and whispered 'Thank you' quietly to me. I smiled and patted his head. The crowd was about finished with their snack and it was about time to start the ball. 

I need to stand up George. I told him and he slid off my lap, Sap and Quackity snapped their head to me and I nodded, signaling the ball was about to start. 

I stood up and Sapnap and Quackity stood up momentarily after me. The crowd went silent as they waited for us to start the ball. 

'Hello, fellow vampires, as you can see, my brothers have come from their respected kingdoms to visit me, therefore, we shall throw a ball in their favor. But before we start, I'm sure you have all seen my new pet hunter.' I said and a few murmurs and gasps went through the crowd. 

'What I want to say is that he isn't just a hunter, he has the ability of blood controlling.' I said and I could feel George tense up beside me. The crowd gasped and a few people started yelling 'Prove it.' throughout the crowd and I raised my hand to calm them down. 

'That is what I will show you. Be patient.' I said and handed my glass of blood to George. 

'What do I do with this?' George whispered in my mind, his voice laced with panic. 

Just make it float or something and be careful. I replied and watched as George nodded slowly and the blood in the cup floated up one by one in various shapes, the crowd gasped and I smirked proudly. 

George's eye started glowing red and I tensed up a little, this happened when he first used his power, it was an instinct for George to become violent but he had somehow controlled himself and I was proud of him but it would be harder for him to control it since this was a room full of vampires. But I trusted him to not do anything stupid, even if he does lose control, I could control him through my mark. It was an extra feature to the mark but I didn't tell him for reasons. 

Sap and Quackity was staring at George intently, waiting for him to make a move, but I knew he wouldn't. 

I beckoned for George to hand me the cup back and he let the blood float back into the cup, and walked over to place the cup in my hand. 

The crowd cheered along with Quackity and Sapnap, George stood by my side, trying to calm himself down, his eyes were still glowing bright red and I was a bit worried about him.

'Now, let the ball begin!' I said and the vampires cheered again, I sat back down with George and my brothers sat down too. 

The orchestra started playing music and pairs of vampires filed into the empty circle in the middle of the room and the lights dimmed down. 

I could tell George had calmed down a little when all the attention was directed to the ball and away from him. I was surprised he didn't hurt anyone yet. 

I hugged George close to my chest and whispered 'Well done Georgie.' In his ear and he breathed a sigh of relief. 

'HOLY SHIT HE'S A BLOOD CONTROLLER?!' Quackity shouted in my mind and I stopped my self form flinching. 

Yeah, now be quiet, I don't want to go deaf. I replied and Quackity giggled while Sapnap runbbed his forehead. 

'Shut the fuck up Quackity, but a blood hunter Dream? How did you even capture him?' Sapnap asked and I smirked at him smugly. 

It's. A. Secret. I smirked and Sapnap and Quackity both grumbled and whined at me. They haven't changed at all, Quackity being the youngest of us three is still childish and loud as fuck. 

I smiled as I thought about our childhood, father was strict and we all had so many classes but we always had ways to skip our classes and have fun together. I was truly happy that they came to visit. 

Anyways, How's Las Nevadas and Kinoko Kingdom? I asked Quackty and Sapnap and they seemed to perk up at the topic. 

'Kinoko Kingdom's great! Karl just returned from his mission, which is epic, and we have been spending some time together.' Sapnap said and I chuckled, Karl and Sapnap were such a great pair, it's like they were made for each other. 

'That's great! Las Nevadas is also pretty great, we finished the casino and I met this weird guy who's all slimy and shit, and I took him in as a my student and he will eventually become king when I retire haha.' Quackity laughed and we laughed along with him. They all seemed to be doing well, which was great to hear that they haven't had any major problems. 

'How about you? How's it been here?' Sapnap asked and Quackity nodded in agreement. 

It's been great, obviously, I have George and we- we haven't seen any hunters anywhere near our border. I lied but they seemed to be happy with my answer. 

We chatted for a while after that and when the ball was about halfway through, a few vampires that had a decent rank came up to drink and talk with us for a few minutes, and I just let Sapnap and Quackity do the talking since I was bored and chimed in occasionally. 

George had fell asleep in my lap and I didn't wake him up since he used a lot of energy controlling himself from slice and dicing vampires up during the start of the ball. 

A lot of female vampires came to see George particularly and some tried to touch him but I just denied them and threatened to kill them if they did, which made Sapnap and Quackity laugh their heads off and somehow managed to not wake George in the process.

We had changed a batch of blood slaves since we didn't want them to die so we could recycle them and I was glad George wasn't awake for that because one of the vampires was drunk and made a mess so we had to kick him out and it was not pretty.

We were all pretty bored of the ball so we left early, anyone who wants to keep dancing and snacking could stay as long as they want. 

Me and my brothers left through the back door with George in my arms bridal style. Quackity and Sapnap were constantly exchanging looks and smirking at each other, not even bothering to hide the fact that they were talking about me and George. Since we're not in front of the whole castle of vampires, they let loose of their serious, business-ish manner and returned to their normal personalities.  

'Alright you two, lets go to the waterfall  shall we?' I smiled at them both and they smiled and nodded their head enthusiastically. We used to fly to the waterfall all the time when we were young and spend time their all day, splashing in the waters and sitting on the tippy top of the waterfall to enjoy the view. 

We all went back to our rooms to change into more comfortable clothes and I tucked George into bed. 

We walked out of the castle doors and took off, with them flying alongside me, the wind whipping through our hair as we flew. We reached the waterfall a few minutes later and we landed gracefully at the bottom of the waterfall. 

Quackity and Sapnap took off their clothes and dove into the pool in an instance, while I stayed on the shore, watching them play in the water. 

They started fighting on who could pin the other in the bottom of the lake and started to pounce for each other. I smiled and decided to join, I took off my clothes while they were still fighting each other and didn't notice me sneak up behind them. 

I shouted out as I dove for both of them, knocking them both into the water and easily pinning them to the bed of the lake. 

The yelled out in surprise but their yells were muffled by the water and came out as strangled gurgles. 

I laughed and swam back up to the surface of the water. They surfaced a few moments later, coughing and spitting out water. 

'Haha! I win!' I yelled out and they both growled at me, muttering cheater under their breaths. I giggled and stared at both of them. 

They exchanged glances and smirked at each other. I realized what they were about to do and tried to swim away but they were faster. 

'Revenge haha!' They yelled and pounced on me together, knocking the three of us under water and causing all of us to chug mouthfuls of it. We resurfaced and spat out water while nearly coughing to death.

We all laughed after we had calmed down and got out of the water to dry ourselves and change back into our clothes. 

'So, when are you guys planning on leaving?' I asked while I swung on a branch from the tree beside the waterfall and landed perfectly on it, sitting down with my legs dangling off the front. Quackity and Sap followed and landed on each side of me. 

'I will probably stay for a few weeks and then go back if there are no accidents.' Sap said and I nodded, smiling at him and turning to look at Quackity. 

'Same, and if I have to leave, I will leave you a note.' He answered and I nodded, turning back to look at the moon in the night sky. 

'I miss doing things like this with you guys.' I said and they hummed in agreement. 

'Yeah, we really should get together more.' Sap said and smiled at me and Quackity. 

'Yeah, we really should.' Quackity agreed with Sap and I. 

'We should go back, It's almost morning.' I said and they nodded, and we took off into the dawning sky and back towards the palace. 

Hope u guys liked this chapter and i will be going to school tomorrow so i might not be able to upload but the next chapter will be very very interesting. No spoilers ;)

please vote and comment luv y'all and hope u guys have a nice rest of your day :) <3

word count: 2131 words. 

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