Allah Help me- (JJK x OC)

By XxAzulxXel

13.4K 878 591

The silence stretched all across the place as the woman stared blankly at the ceiling of an unfamiliar room... More

Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.

Chapter 1.

2.3K 120 77
By XxAzulxXel

Disclaimer: Sukuna is a menace.





Death, a universal concept that all living beings must inevitably confront. While some embrace it as the natural order of life, others devote their entire existence to seeking a means to evade its grasp, yet no one has achieved such a feat thus far. In ancient times, entire villages and towns would frequently vanish without a trace. These disappearances were often attributed to tragedies, such as natural calamities like torrential rains or earthquakes, or more commonly, brutal attacks instigated by fellow humans.

Nonetheless, in the Heian period, when jujutsu sorcerers reached the apex of their power and were regarded as the epitome of humanity, an even graver threat than any posed by nature or humans loomed over the world.



Splatters of blood, butchered corpses, claw marks, and shredded limbs, spread throughout the streets...or what was left of them. The air reeked of burnt flesh, a nauseating stench that lingered like a haunting specter. Once a bustling town renowned for its vibrant trades, it now lay in ruins, a nightmarish scene that would shatter the bravest soul, rendering them as defenseless as a helpless kitten.

"H..elp..." Amidst the sea of devastation, faint coughing noises and heavy breathing echoed. A lone survivor, a mere trinkets merchant who had set out from a small village in the countryside to seek a new life, struggled to drag himself across the ground, desperately seeking aid and assistance. The lower half of the unfortunate man's body was drenched in blood, his legs brutally severed but mercifully cauterized by the flames, which halted the bleeding. It was a grim blessing, even though his condition was dire and his ability to move was severely impaired. In the midst of his agony, his hand unexpectedly encountered someone's feet, igniting a glimmer of hope within his chest.


The seemingly straightforward task of lifting his head proved to be a challenge for the man. Nevertheless, the glimmer of hope that he had stumbled upon assistance provided him with a modicum of strength, pushing him to muster whatever energy he could to look up.

"Please...Help!" With excruciating pain, he croaked, fully aware of his pitiful condition. Yet, the notion of being rescued granted him the strength to utter words as his blurred vision gradually adjusted to the towering figure above him. Regrettably, the faint glimmer of hope he had mustered quickly disintegrated like a house of hay during a storm upon recognizing the owner of the foot he was desperately clinging to.

Two sets of light blue eyes glared back up at him in utter disgust.

"Help, you say..?"

The poor man was so petrified that not even a single breath could escape him. Standing before him was the very cause of their town's dreadful fate.

For years, rumors of a pink-haired, two-faced monster had been circulating, wreaking havoc and devastation in its path, but the merchant had dismissed them as mere tales until this moment.

In front of him stood a colossal figure, entirely adorned in tattoos, just as the rumors had described. The creature boasted four burly arms, two of which were crossed while the other two dangled lazily at its side. As if that weren't enough, a massive vertical slit adorned the creature's lower abdomen, which revealed a gaping maw filled with razor-sharp teeth.

[Ryomen Sukuna. The rumored king of curses.]

"I don't recall granting you permission to gaze upon me, worm," he uttered with a voice dripping with disdain.

The man instinctively averted his eyes, overwhelmed with fear for his life. Unbelievably, after narrowly escaping death, fate had brought him face to face with his tormentor once more. This was the end; his life hung by a thread.

"Listen closely," the menacing figure sneered.

The poor man's heart nearly ceased to beat as the monstrous being suddenly crouched to his level, still an imposing sight even in this position. He felt an unsettling pressure on his head, rendering him motionless and breathless with terror.

In a rather jovial manner, the creature declared, "Seeing as I'm feeling rather benevolent today, I suppose I'll allow you to leave. Isn't that just splendid?" The creature's hand gently patted the man's head, leaving him utterly bewildered by the unexpected gesture.

"R-really...?" The words slipped from his mouth involuntarily, hope surging once more in his chest. Could it be that the gods had finally shown him favor? It was almost too much to believe! Perhaps he could seize this opportunity and escape to live another day. The wisdom of his parents' words now resonated with him deeply – life should never be taken for granted. Kami-sama, he might actually have a chance to live on!

"Of course! You are free to go, but there is one condition," the monster said, raising a finger and wearing a wide grin that captured the injured man's full attention.

With a desperate glimmer of hope in his eyes, he was now willing to go to any lengths just to return to his village, even if it meant reluctantly accepting the arranged marriage his parents had long ago planned for him. Yes! He had made up his mind—

Amusement danced in the curse's eyes as he observed the man's growing optimism about the possibility of surviving this dreadful encounter. How heartwarming, although he hadn't earned the title of the King of curses for showing mercy. His once benevolent smile twisted into an evil grin.

"You'll have to run."

It took the merchant's brain a moment to process the tormentor's words, and when realization finally struck, he understood that he had been naively led to believe that survival was ever an option. Before he could even blink, he was mercilessly sliced into pieces.

"Pathetic," Sukuna spat in utter disgust, lowering the finger he had used to end the wretched insect's life. A brief moment passed as he coldly gazed at the remains, which promptly incinerated into nothingness. A scornful snort escaped his lips. "Did this maggot genuinely believe they could beg for mercy from me? How amusing."

A cruel smile crept across his face as he reveled in the chaotic destruction he had just unleashed.

"There's nothing quite like a little massacre to start the day!" he chuckled darkly, relishing the sight of havoc in his wake. With contemptuous force, he crushed the head of a sorcerer who had dared to attempt an exorcism, stepping over the scorched remains as he strode away from the burning town.

The King of Curses had a customary way of leaving destruction in his wake, showing no mercy to anyone, be it women or children. His heart brimmed with intense hatred for jujutsu sorcerers, and he spared no thought for humanity. The audacious taunt from one sorcerer during daylight might have sealed their doom – perhaps they could have survived otherwise, but that was a doubtful "perhaps."

A bored yawn escaped his lips as he strolled tranquilly toward his shrine, paying no heed to the trail of devastation he left behind. His current mood was lenient, or else the entire town might have been razed to the ground. They should count themselves fortunate that he spared some buildings, assuming any survivors remained at all.

Casually, he wandered along a path frequently traversed by humans, seemingly oblivious to the possibility of encountering them. Yet, any human who inadvertently crossed his path faced a swift and fatal end, leaving no one to share the tale or seek help from nearby sorcerers. Despite his cruelty, his shrine remained accessible, and some daringly brought offerings in an attempt to placate him. Some considered him a god worthy of worship, fearing his wrath and seeking to avoid it at all costs.

Surprisingly enough, Sukuna allowed them to live, opting to amuse himself out of sheer boredom. On rare occasions, if his mood permitted – which was not common at all – he might even let a few return to their villages unharmed. However, he was the King of Curses for a reason; if someone's mere presence irked him, he wouldn't hesitate to end their life without a second thought. Simple as that. His pink-haired visage portrayed nonchalance as his eyes lazily scanned the surrounding foliage. He couldn't help but chuckle at the realization that he had slaughtered everyone who might have dared to pursue him. Heh.

With a careless shrug, he continued on his path until a sudden crashing sound echoed a few meters away in the forest, causing a noticeable tremor in the vicinity. The curse paused, his eyes narrowing as he turned his gaze toward the source of the commotion.


Unperturbed by what seemed like an imminent attack, his countenance remained impassive as he stood firmly in place, confident in his ability to overcome whatever this unknown threat might be. Sorcerers becoming bold enough to launch careless assaults on him, especially in broad daylight? It struck him as pitiful.

After waiting for an indeterminate amount of time for the source of the disturbance to reveal itself – which never occurred – the curse clicked his tongue in annoyance. He decided to take matters into his own hands, grumbling as he set out to investigate. Irritation oozed from his very being, having stood there like a fool with no consequences. Nevertheless, a small trace of curiosity compelled him forward. Upon reaching the scene of the disruption, he couldn't help but let out an impressed whistle at the sight of the colossal crater before him.

Well, damn. What the hell happened here?

His keen eyes noticed a figure lying in the midst of the wreckage. Perplexed by this sight, Sukuna frowned and approached with a puzzled expression. Briefly, he glanced upward, searching for what might have caused this person to be hurled into such a state, but nothing caught his attention. Returning his gaze to the fallen human, he was taken aback as he got a closer look.

'A woman?'

His eyes narrowed in suspicion as he assessed the situation. It wasn't the first attempt by those jujutsu sorcerers to ensnare him using a woman's presence. They believed his weakness for women would make him an easy target, but their plan had backfired. His resilience and fury had led to their ultimate defeat. Even the woman, a sorceress among them, chose to take her own life rather than facing him, further adding to his anger and frustration. He found her actions contemptible.

The aftermath of that encounter had left towns leveled, and he would have continued his rampage if not for Uraume's intervention, preventing him from unleashing further destruction on the country. The sorcerers had learned their lesson and didn't dare to attempt such a scheme again after the bloodbath that followed.

While he wouldn't be surprised if they tried again to exorcise him due to their desperation, he found their audacity in assuming he would fall for the same trick again quite amusing.

As he carefully scanned the surroundings for any traces of cursed energy and found none, he approached the woman cautiously. It was evident she had no cursed energy, and he would have sensed any restricting seals. Otherwise, she and the entire forest would have been obliterated in an instant.

The memory of the previous humiliation still fresh in his mind, he was determined not to risk experiencing it again.

Gradually, he managed to calm himself as he realized that the woman before him was just an ordinary and harmless human. He let out a huff.

Upon closer inspection, he noticed her peculiar features. Initially, he mistook her appearance for that of a burn victim and considered leaving immediately. However, as he squinted and observed more closely, he realized that her unique skin color wasn't due to burns; it was simply the natural color of her skin. This intrigued him, to say the least.

Intrigued by her resilient state despite the powerful crash that had shaken the entire forest, he marveled at her resilience. Any regular human would have been fatally injured, given the force of the impact. Yet, she seemed completely unharmed, except for a scar above her left eye. It was as if some mysterious force had shielded her from harm while she remained motionless on the ground. There was no sign of blood or broken limbs; she appeared to be entirely intact.

He couldn't help but find it peculiar to come across a lone, unconscious woman in the middle of nowhere. Despite the oddity of the situation, he didn't delve deeper into questioning it. Instead, he chose to carefully observe her. She appeared to be peacefully asleep, evident from the steady rise and fall of her chest.

His gaze lingered on her unconventional and somewhat strange appearance, which led him to one conclusion - she was a foreigner. However, he had no clue from which specific place she hailed. Frankly, he didn't care much about human affairs or what they had been up to in recent years, as long as he could unleash his wrath upon them, he was content. Nevertheless, her outfit did catch his attention.

'a shiromuku?'

The sight of her in a bride's outfit puzzled him. It seemed like an unusual choice of attire for someone who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. However, he pushed that thought aside, choosing instead to focus on her foreign features. He stood tall, looming over her, and observed closely as she breathed gently, her plump lips releasing puffs of air, and her long lashes fluttering as if she might wake at any moment.

He wondered if her appearance was similar to that of other women, but it was challenging to discern due to the layers of clothing wrapped around her. He did notice that she was taller than the average woman, a detail that intrigued him.

With a wicked grin spreading across his face, revealing razor-sharp teeth, he couldn't resist the temptation to tear her clothes apart. He was determined to find out for himself. In his mind, it didn't matter if she was a foreigner; she was still a woman, and he intended to derive pleasure from her. It was a whim, driven by his desire and arousal, nothing more.

His lips curled into a smirk as he could already hear the sweet sound of her desperate cries and pleas for him to stop, which would obviously fall on deaf ears as he screwed her. His eyes crinkled as his imagination ran wild. Would she turn out to be the feisty type? Hmm…that could be interesting since the others tended to immediately cower in terror. In fact, he hoped she was, so he would mercilessly squash any feelings of hope she might have dared to possess.

A low, sinister chuckle emanated from deep within his chest as he finally gripped her clothes, fully intent on tearing them apart to commence his dark deed. However, his wicked intentions were momentarily halted when he noticed her lips parting ever so slightly.

The curse and his evil intentions seemed to freeze in place as their gazes locked, both sets of eyes half-lidded. Her eyes were a striking shade of gold, and it became evident that she was slowly awakening. He blinked in surprise, questioning the situation as her voice softly reached his ears.

He had anticipated a blood-curdling scream or a startled yelp, but what he heard instead was a simple—







I've read MANY fanfictions with this menace and I know for a fact that women ain't safe with this mofo around.

Not want to make him too OOC because I loathe it.

I decided to keep the asshole approach.

So yeah, anything involving this bastard won't be all sunshine and rainbows!

And pleaaaaase for the love of God don't fall for a guy like him irl !

Be safe!


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