Rise of a King - One Piece X...

By yDave16

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This is the story of Y/N D. L/N. Come and be a witness of his adventures along with the Straw Hats, and see h... More

Reverse Mountain
Whisky Peak
Name Vote
Little Garden
Drum Island
Mr.2 and Arriving to Alabasta
Going through the desert
Alubarna/ The Final Battle /Ending It Once And For All
Banquet/ A princess's confession?!/Goodbye Alabasta
New Nakama / Island on the sky?/ Monke
Jaya/ Dreams/ Not fighting back?/ Another monke
Cricket / Noland the Liar / South Bird
Y/N vs Bellamy / Bounties / Knock-Up Stream
Special/ Not cannon: (Nami's Birthday) July 3
The Sea of the Sky / Sky Knight / SKypiea
Waver / God in Skypiea? / Criminals
White Berets vs Pirates / Upper Yard / Old Jaya?
Treasure Hunt / Party in the Forest/ Ghosts?
Giant snake/ Skull crawlers/ God
God Eneru/ The Big One/ The Appearance Of A King
Final Battle / New Ability? / The Singing Of Vearth
Poneglyph/ Goodbye Skypiea/ A Navigator's feelings
Admiral Aokiji/ The Power of an Admiral/ Frog
Sea Train/Water Seven/Yagaras
Dock 1/ The Shipwrights / Merry can no longer go?
Straw Hats vs Franky Family/ Usopp Leaving/ Luffy vs Usopp
Iceberg shot?/ Luffy vs Franky/ Fight against Galley-La
Looking for answers/ Robin's Betrayal?/ Friend or Foe?
Harem Update
Traitors/CP9/Goodbye Robin
The truth/ Robin's a friend/ Too late?
Aqua Laguna / Rocket Man / To Enies Lobby
Overcoming Aqua Laguna/ Captain T-Bone/ Yokozuna
Sogeking!/Making Chaos in Enies Lobby/Let me die?
Not a Chapter (Might delete in a couple of hours or days)
Into the Tower of Law/ Search for a key/ Buster Call accidentally called
Reunion / Buster Call's arrival/ Spandam's Crushing
The final stand/ Results of a battle/ Into the sea/A sacrifice
Aftermath/Thank You, Merry/Back to Water 7
New Bounties/ New Ship/Apology
A cook's thoughts/ Ghost Ship/Skeleton
Brook the Skeleton
Zombies/ Gecko Moria?/Shadows
Rescue Nami/ Wedding Busted/ Oars
Y/N VS Oars / Monster vs Zombie /Women's reward (Lemon Warning!!)
Race against the Sun/ Bartholomew Kuma/ Nothing Happened?

Desert Pirates, Fake Rebel Soldiers, Yuba, and going to Rain Base.

6.4K 182 168
By yDave16

Talk - Thought - *Action*/*Action* - Narration

We continue where we left off last time on Dragon Ba- AHEM! I mean, One Piece. The boys saw a Ship traveling through the desert. Usopp used his goggles to have a closer look at the ship.

Usopp: Ah! Nami and Vivi've been caught! Oh, and the camel...

All of a sudden, Luffy started charging at the ship, the rest had no choice but to follow his lead.

Luffy: GUM-GUM...!

Luffy stretched his arm all the way to the ship's mast, and pulled himself towards it.


All the boys comically face planted.

Usopp/(Y/N): Water?!

Luffy crashed into the mast, breaking it in the process. Y/N used some of his powers to quickly catch up to Luffy and jump onto the ship. 

Luffy: Oh, my bad. I'm so thirsty I misjudged... By the way, do you have any water?

Nami: You mean you didn't come to save us?!

Y/N: *Angry* It's your fault for running off and leaving us behind!!!

Luffy: I only came to get water.

Vivi: Help, Y/N-san! Luffy-san! Lashes is about to be eaten!

Y/N: *Gasp* He is?! Good!!!

Luffy: That thing's edible?

A man walked up to them.

???: We, the Barbar Sand Pirates, have a saying. Aside from friends, nothing alive in the desert can't be eaten!

Luffy: I'll even eat stuff off the ground!

???: Eh? That'll make you sick.

Luffy: Then I'll be careful!

???: *Laughs* What a funny pipsqueak!

Luffy: Shishishi! You're funny too! Well, let's eat!

Luffy pointed at Lashes, who started crying. Nami lifted her foot and stomped on Luffy. The new guy introduced himself as Barbarossa, the captain of the Barbar Sand Pirates. He apologized from tying Vivi and Nami. Luffy didn't mind and just laughed it off. The Sand Pirates pointed out the fact that they didn't have any wood to fix the mast, and they all started crying and saying that they were going to die.

Barbarossa: We sand pirates are born in sand pirate ships, and we'll die in sand pirate ships! Abandoning our ship is unthinkable!

Sand Pirates: Yeah! That's right! We'll die in our ship! We'll die like dogs in our ship!

Usopp: *Sweat drops* What is this?

Barbarossa: That was fate, this was fate! We sand pirates will never do anything to defy the flow of sand! But there is timber at the Meriyasu Oasis.

Luffy: Where is it?! I'll rush there real quick!

Barbarossa: But the sands've changed lately. It's dangerous for outsiders.

Luffy: I'm responsible for it! I'll do it!

Barbarossa: *Laughs* Yeah?! You will?!

Barbarossa offered some small sand sleds to Luffy and informed him that someone named Rasa would be guiding him.

Y/N: Oh! I wanna go too! 

Barbarossa: Unfortunately, a sand-sled can carry only two people.

Y/N: Oh...

Suddenly, a figure jumped down from the broken mast and landed on the sand.

Barbarossa: Oh! That was cool, Rasa!

Rasa started speaking to Vivi.

Rasa: The others seem to be outsiders, but you're from here. You must have some experience with a sand-sled. You'll come along.

Sanji: Vivi-chan can't do anything that dangerous!

Nami: Yeah! That's crazy!

Vivi: All right. I'll come with you.

Vivi and Luffy started inspecting their sand-sled, Y/N was looking at it as well since he thought it was cool. He was currently inspecting the sled from the front.

Luffy: Oh? So these go on top of the sand? How does it work?

Y/N: *Comically crying* Aw man, I wanna ride one too...

Vivi: I'll pilot the sled. I did this once long ago.

Luffy: It's not too different from a ship. This goes like this, right?

Luffy pulled one of the ropes that caused the sled's sail to raise. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and the sled was sent forwards, crashing against Y/N and dragging him along.

(Y/N)/Luffy: AAAHHH!!!!

Moments later, Y/N and Luffy quickly came back, pushing the sled. Y/N was covered in sand.

Y/N: *Tired* W-Wow. I did not see that coming.

Luffy: *Tired* W-We're back!

Usopp/Sanji/Nami: Don't waste your strength doing stupid things!

Luffy was now laying down on the sled, while Y/N was laying against the ship. Vivi was driving the sled.

Vivi: You can rest there, Luffy-san. Now, let's see. I believe this goes like this and... AAHH!

Vivi pulled the rope and was launched forward, just like Luffy and Y/N had previously done. 

Rasa: Ugh. Let's go, Zaba!

Zaba: Yeah, Rasa!

Rasa and Zaba left on their own sand-sled.

Y/N: A-Are they gonna be okay?

Chopper: So, what should we do while we wait?

Barbarossa: Want to eat the camel?!

Sand Pirates: Yay! Yay! Yay!

(Y/N)/Sanji/Usopp: *Raises hand* All for it!

The camel started crying.

Barbarossa: Just joking!

Sand Pirates: Aw...!

Nami: Doesn't sound like a joke to me...

Y/N: *To Barbarossa* You do not joke with me about food!

They started talking between them, in order to pass the time while they waited for Vivi and Luffy to return.

Nami: Despite how he seems, you can always count on Luffy in a pinch.

Barbarossa: Yeah. But what concerns me more is the desert's fickleness.

Nami: The desert's fickleness?

Barbarossa: Yeah. The desert is honest. A slight change in weather or people's heart will change it greatly.

Y/N: Change in people's heart?

Suddenly, a bunch of desert bandits appeared and tried attacking the ship, but a Grand Dung Beetle appeared with a giant ball of dung and the ball started rolling down the hill, towards the ship. In the process, the giant ball rolled over the bandit's leader. After that, Barbarossa tried stopping the ball, but ended up just getting rolled over, as well. Before the ball could hit the ship, Zoro sliced up the ball with three sand pirate swords, Sanji and Y/N kicked the remaining parts, stopping them from reaching the ship.

Barbarossa: Thanks, guests...

The bandit leader stood back up, and said that he'd let them off easy this time. Him and the rest of the bandits retreated.

Usopp: *Sweatdrops* That deserves a warm shower of applauses...

They kept on waiting. It was now evening and the sun was setting.

Barbarossa: They sure ran off in a hurry! Though it's too bad we didn't get to swipe any of their food or water.

Nami: Sand pirates sure have it rough, too...

Barbarossa: Everything living in this desert has it the same. Long ago, I used to feel this desert belonged to everyone. But when I think about it now, I feel like that's a bit conceited. Lately, I've come to think that it might not belong to anyone. That we're able to live freely because it belongs to no one.

Y/N: Whoa... that's deep.

Nami: Do you think the sea is the same way?

Barbarossa: Good questions. That's something you'll have to find out for yourselves.

Y/N: Oh! They're back!

Y/N pointed towards a direction, everyone looked that way, and saw Luffy, Vivi, Rasa and Zaba returning with a big pile of wood that was being pulled be the two sleds. The crew of the ship used the wood to fix its mast and the ship was able to move once more. The next day, they arrived to a town called Ido where they would be able to find water. The Straw Hats got off the ship and said their farewells to the sand pirates. Y/N noticed Vivi saying her goodbyes mainly to the girl called Rasa, while almost shedding tears.

Y/N: Once again, I feel like I missed something important...

Luffy: See ya, old umbrella guy!

Nami: They were great guys!

Usopp: Yeah!

Sanji: *To Luffy* By the way, where'd your brother go?

Luffy: Dunno. But he's Ace. Nothing to worry about. He'll suddenly show up again out of nowhere!

Nami: Why do you keep making such groundless claims?

Luffy: Anyways, let's hurry to this Udo Village!

Y/N: Ido village!

Luffy: Ido?

Y/N: Yeah.

While walking to the village, Ace arrived riding on some kind of lizard and pulling a sleigh that was full of food and water.

Ace: Hey! Hey!

Luffy: Ace!

Nami: That's where he was?

Luffy: *Looking at the lizard* What is this thing?

Ace: Oh! So you're the sand pirates?

Y/N: Uh, no. We just left the sand pirates. And sadly, we didn't eat the damn camel.

Ace: Oh? Really? Well, whatever. Anyways, great news! I brought plenty of food and water!

Sanji: Oh! Much appreciated! This should be more than enough for a good while!

Usopp: Ace is incredible...

Nami: That's for sure! He's nothing like a certain little brother we know!

Usopp: You can say that again.

Chopper: I was so thirsty!

Ace: Oh! Drink up, drink up!

They started drinking some water, and eating some food.

Vivi: Um, Ace-san. I assume you don't have the money for that. Don't tell me you stole it from the village...

Ace: Nothing of the sort! The rebel army gave it to me!

Vivi: *Gasp* The rebel army?!

Ace: Well, I should say "clearly fake rebel soldiers" to be more precise.

Vivi: Eh?

Nami: What do you mean?

Y/N: I'm guessing they're calling themselves rebel soldiers and acting as if they were protecting the village, so they are given food and drinks by the villagers as thanks for their "protection".

Ace: Oh! You're right! That's exactly it! They're just some hoodlums.

Nami: And they're bodyguards? Wouldn't they get found out right away?

Ace: Apparently, the mere mention of the rebel army will send most bandits running. It's real convenient. Make money and prestige come rolling your way on its own.

Vivi looked at the ground and clenched her fists.

Vivi: Rebel soldiers aren't hoodlums, nor does the title serve as decoration.

Y/N: So, you want us to teach them a lesson?

Ace: I dunno. Duping the villagers isn't so different from what bandits do. At the very least, the villagers live in peace with them around. Should we get'em just the same?

Sanji: But, big brother. Consider it from Vivi-chan's perspective. Surely you'd want to pulverize people like them.

Ace: Yeah, she should do what she wants. I only gave my own thoughts.

Sanji: There's no reason to cover for these bastards.

Ace: I'm not. I just know you guys are in a hurry here...

Vivi: Now that the kingdom can't keep watch over every little place, there's nothing wrong with villages upholding public safety on their own whenever possible.

Nami: Then...

Vivi: No. I want to test them first.

Y/N: Test?

Vivi: Yes. If these impostors rebel soldiers truly wish to protect the villagers, I don't think it matters what they call themselves.

Ace: So you want us to test what's in their hearts, huh?

Vivi: Yeah. So, I hate to ask, but there's something I'd like you all to do.

Luffy: Alright! Things are getting interesting now!

Chopper: Eh? It's going to be interesting?

Y/N: Is it? I feel like this is just a small filler...

Usopp: A what? 

Y/N: *Sigh* Nothing.

Nami: Hold on, Luffy! This isn't a game! Understand?!

Luffy: Yeah, I get it! We're basically gonna beat these fake rebel guys up, right?!

Sanji: He doesn't understand a thing! Someone do something about him!

In summary, the fake rebel soldiers, who were 4 in total, tried running away throught the village's entrance, but the Straw Hats were already waiting for them there, they tried lying their way out by sayin that there were 100 million other soldiers with them, and Luffy almost believed them. but Y/N punched him and told him that it was just a lie. Luffy punched the leader in the group in the face, who was called Camu. Luffy approached the rest of the soldiers, but his wrist was suddenly grabbed by Camu, who had stood back up and had a bloody nose, due to Luffy's punch. Camu then said how even if he wasn't able to beat him, he would fight until the day that the kids of the village would be able to to beat Luffy and his crew, and that he'd rather die a hero. He then punched Luffy in the face. The rest of the fake soldies got inspired by Camu's action and got in a battle stance.

Nami gave the boys the signal that the village was in good hands and that it was time to retreat.

Usopp: Hey! Retreat! Retreat!

They started running away and acting like they were scared.

Sanji: Hey! Those bastards! Those are rebel soldiers for ya!

Usopp: I've never seen such strong people before!

Y/N: *Spits out blood with every word* Yeah! There's no way we can beat them! We have no choice but to... NIGERUNDAYO!!!

Zoro: I suck at plays like this!

Chopper: Wait for me! AH! Y/N YOU'RE BLEEDING!!!

Y/N: *Spitting out blood* Acting like I was scared... And having to run away... It's feels like I'm getting pierced by a thousand needles! I think I rather die...

Y/N fell to the ground, Chopper quickly picked him up and continued running

Chopper: Y/N! PLEASE DON'T DIE!!!

They fled from the scene and continued their journey through the desert. Luffy, Usopp and Sanji were fighting about Luffy drinking and wasting too much water. Zoro and Y/N, had their own canteen bottles, Zoro would share some of his with Chopper. And Vivi was talking to Nami about the rebel army and her past. At one point, a scorpion appeared, but they quickly defeated it and ate it. Once again, the sun was setting, and Ace announced that he was leaving.

Chopper: Are you really leaving, Ace?

Ace: Yeah. Seeing as Blackbeard isn't in Alabasta. I have no reason to be here.

Luffy: Oh.

Y/N: Aw, man... I was hopping that you'd stay long enough for us to be in a situation where I'd say "Don't worry, I have an Ace up my sleeve" and pull you out.

Ace: *Laughs* That would have been fun!

Sanji: Where will you go next? 

Ace: I heard someone in Ido say that there was a man who saw him in the west. Guess I'll check it out. Luffy.

Ace pulled out a piece of paper and passed it to Luffy.

Ace: Always hang on to that.

Luffy: Huh? It's just a scrap of paper.

Y/N: *Grabs paper* Maybe there's something in, it.

Y/N opened the paper and inspected it.

Y/N gave the paper back to Luffy.

Ace: That scrap of paper will bring you and me together again sometime.

Luffy: Yeah?

Ace: You don't want it?

Luffy: No, I'll keep it.

Ace: It's natural for a big brother to worry about his bungling kid brother. He might be a bit much for you to handle, but take good care of 'im. *Bows*

Luffy: Huh?

Ace: Luffy. When we next meet, we'll both be top pirates!

Luffy: Yeah!

Ace:*Looks at Y/N* And you, despite our time together being short, I feel like we became great friends!

Y/N: Yeah! You're really fun!

Ace: You're a very interesting guy... I feel like your name will be a big one in the future.

Y/N: You know it!

Y/N and Ace exchanged a firm handshake.

Y/N: Nice grip.

Ace: I can say the same thing. *Looks at Luffy* Luffy. Come to the top!

A strong gust of wind went by, and caused everyone to closed their eyes. When they opened them back up, Ace was already gone.

Zoro: Well, he's gone.

Sanji: Fire Fist Ace, huh?

Luffy: We'll see him again!

Nami: Yeah. I'm sure of it!

The next day, while going through the desert, Luffy ate another cactus and got separated from the group along Zoro and Chopper. Y/N was carrying Usopp on his back since he had reached his limit. They reached some ruins with shade and decided to take a break.

Nami: I'm exhausted! Let's take a short break!

Sanji: Yes, Nami-san~!

(Y/N)/Usopp: *Groans in tiredness*

Nami: C'mon! You're pathetic!




Nami: Thanks, Lashes~!

Nami started petting Lashes, who was smirking at Y/N. And Y/N started taking some very big breaths, before turning towards Usopp and Sanji with a smile on his face that was a little too nice.

Y/N: *Smiles* Sanji, Usopp, could you two make me a favor?

Usopp/Sanji: Huh? What is it?

Y/N took Sanji's hands and made him grab his ankles, before grabbing Usopp's hand and made him grab his arm.

Y/N: *Smiles* Okay. Here's the plan. No matter what I say or do, you two will not let me go, okay?

Usopp: Uh, okay, but what are you...?

Y/N started violently shaking and trying to attack Lashes, but being hold back by Usopp and Sanji.


Usopp: AHH!!! Y/N'S SCARY!!!


Lashes started backing away and crying in fear. Nami walked up to Y/N and knocked him out with one punch on the head.

Nami: Don't you dare hurt Lashes!

Usopp: I wonder who's scarier, angry Y/N or angry Nami...





Definitely angry Nami!

Small Time Skip

Y/N was waking up, and when he opened his eyes he saw himself getting carried like a potato sack by Sanji. It was already evening. Usopp was seen tired and supporting himself with a stick.

Sanji: Usopp. You're falling behind. What happened to showing how gutsy you are?

Usopp: *Tired* I-I only said that out of spirit...

Nami: Hang in there! Just a little farther!

Y/N: I'll help you, Usopp.

Sanji: Oh, you're finally awake.

Sanji harshly dropped Y/N.

Y/N: Ow...

Y/N stood back up and picked Usopp like a potato sack, and they kept on going. Nami started talking to Vivi about how the trust that exists between the crew members, is one that shows how no one is able to do everything on their own, that they have to rely on each other. Y/N was paying a lot of attention to the conversation, but it was interrupted when Luffy, Zoro and Chopper had found them, they all reunited and kept on walking. At one point they were all inspecting the piece of paper that Ace had given Luffy, and saw nothing out of the ordinary, but since it could get lost easily, Nami sewed it onto the underside of Luffy's hat ribbon.

Vivi saw some big rocks that were a sign that they were close to Yuba. While walking, Vivi mentioned how she saw a light, but Luffy said that all he could see was sand. Things started getting clearer and Y/N saw some building in the distance.

Vivi: What could that sound be? The city doesn't look right!

They headed towards the town and saw that it was getting hit by a sandstorm. When the sandstom passed, they saw the buildings covered in sand and some dried up trees.

Y/N: This bad. The city looks exactly like Erumalu! 

Luffy: Where's the water?!

Sanji: Wasn't this supposed to be an oasis city, Vivi-chan?

Vivi: The sand has raised the ground! The oasis has been swallowed up!

They heard some digging sounds and saw an old man with shovels, digging through the sand.

???: Are you travelers? You must be exhausted from your trek through the desert. Sorry. This town is a bit dried up. But you're free to rest here if you want. There are plenty of inns here. They are this town's pride, after all.

Vivi: Umm, we came because we heard the rebel army was in this city...

???: What business do you have with the rebel army?!

The old man started throwing stuff at them.

???: Curse you! Don't tell me you're hoping to join the rebellion?! If you're looking for those fools, they left town long ago.

(Y/N)/Luffy: THEY WHAT?!

Vivi: No!

???: A sandstorm hit the town just now, but it certainly wasn't the first. The sand has dried up after three years of drought, and sandstorm began to frequent this town ever since. Little by little, the osasis of the past was swallowed up, leaving what you see now. With the town's flow of supplies gone, not even the rebel army's protracted struggle would have worked out. So the rebel army has moved its base to Katorea.

Vivi: Katorea?!

Y/N: Where's that, Vivi? Is it close by?

Vivi: It's an oasis next to Nanohana.

Chopper: Katorea is the town where I got lost and met Lashes! "When you saved me..." Lashes says he was carrying rebel army goods to Katorea!

Luffy/Usopp/Sanji/(Y/N): *Beating up Lashes* WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO SOONER?!


The old man started walking up to them.

???: Vivi? Did you just say "Vivi"?

Luffy: Wait, old guy! Vivi isn't the princess!

Y/N: *Bonks Luffy* Don't make it obvious!

???: Vivi-chan? Is it you? You're alive! Thank goodness! It's me! Don't you recognize me? I suppose I can't blame you. I did lose some weight...

Vivi: *Gasp* T-Toto-ojisan?

Toto: That's right!

Vivi: It can't be...

Toto started crying and proceeded to went on and explain how the rebel army was intending to settle things once and for all in the next attack, and that they were prepared to die. Vivi told him not to worry, that they would stop the rebel army.

They all entered an inn.

Usopp: Excellent work today, my fellows! So let's hit the hay for now and regain our strength for tomorrow! *Lays down on a bed* Nighty-night!

Usopp was suddenly hit by a pillow that was thrown by Zoro.

Zoro: You've been sleeping this whole time!

Usopp: Why, you... Don't compare me with you monsters!

Usopp threw his pillow at Zoro's face.

Zoro: Now you've done it!

Usopp threw another pillow, but it hit Chopper.

Usopp: Besides, you win today's laziness award, Blue-Nose!

Chopper: It's not my fault I can't stand the heat!

Vivi: Sanji-san, That's my--

Sanji was seen laying on Vivi's bed.

Sanji: Yes. I thought you might have a hard time sleeping alone tonight.

Sanji received a pillow on the face, which was thrown by Y/N.

Y/N: And what do you think you're doing there?!

Sanji: Oh, that took some nerve. Are you spoiling for a fight?!

Y/N: I'll take you on any time!

A pillow fight started throughout the whole room.


Nami was hit in the face and joined the fight. While fighting, Nami saw Vivi receive a pillow to the face, but she saw everyone fighting with a small smile on her face. Eventually, everyone fell asleep. Outside, Luffy and Toto stayed up till late, digging through the sand.

The next day, everyone got ready to head to Katorea. 

Toto: I'm sorry for being so unseemly, Vivi-chan.

Vivi: No, you're not unseemly at all! Well, we should be off!

Toto: Oh, Luffy-kun. Take this with you.

Toto gave Luffy a cup of water.

Luffy: Wow! Water! 

Usopp: WATER!

Luffy: You found some?

Toto: Last night, just after you fell asleep while digging, I reached a moist layer of sand. That water is the moisture I managed to extract from it!

Luffy: Oh! That sounds kind of complicated, but thanks! 

Toto: It's genuine Yuba water! I'm sorry it's all I could get.

Luffy: I'll drink it with care!

They started to head to Katorea, but while walking by a tree closeby, Luffy suddenly sat against the tree.

Usopp: Luffy! What're you doing?!

Nami: Luffy?

Vivi: What's wrong, Luffy-san?

Luffy: Hmm. I quit.

Straw Hats-Y/N: Huh?

Nami: You "quit"?

Vivi: Luffy-san, what do you mean?

Usopp: C'mon, Luffy! We don't have time to put up with your whims, you know! Get up!

Chopper: Aren't we going back? 

Sanji: Yeah. If we don't go back to Katorea the way we came and stop the revolt, a million citizens here are gonna clash and things'll get ugly quick! This is for Vivi-chan! Now let's go!

Luffy: That's boring.

Sanji: SAY WHAT?!

Luffy: Vivi. I wanna kick Crocodile's ass!

Y/N: That makes two of us...

Luffy: If we stop the people rebelling, will that stop Crocodile? Besides, we won't be able to do anything in Katorea anyway. We're pirates, you see. Things are better off without us around.

Sanji: He can really get straight to the point without thinking sometimes...

Usopp: Despite being Luffy.

Vivi: T-That's--!

Luffy: You want it so nobody dies in this fight. None of the citizens, and none of us! Even when we're up against a Warlord of the Sea and a million people are going wild, you hope everyone will stay safe and sound. Don't you think that's too soft-hearted?

Vivi started clenching her fists.

Nami: Hold on, Luffy! At least show some sympathy for--!

Y/N: Nami, let him finish...

Vivi: And what's wrong with thinking that?! What's wrong with not wanting people to die?!

Luffy: People die.

Vivi got mad and slapped Luffy.

Vivi: Stop talking like that! Say that again and I'll make you pay!

Y/N: Vivi...

Vivi: That's exactly what we're trying to stop here! The rebel army, the royal army, and the people of this kingdom haven't done anything wrong! SO WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE TO DIE WHEN IT'S ALL CROCODILE'S FAULT?!

Luffy stood back up and punched Vivi.


Usopp: Whoa, Luffy! You're going too far!

Sanji: Damn it, Luffy!


Usopp: But--!

Vivi stood back up and pinned Luffy to the ground.

Luffy: Just one look at this kingdom and even I can tell...

Vivi started punching Luffy in the face.

(Is it in the face, or on the face? I can never tell...)



Vivi: THEN WHAT SHOULD I BE PUTTING ON THE LINE?! I--! I don't have anything else that I can put on the line...

Y/N: So... we're nothing?

Vivi: Y/N-san?

Vivi turned towards Y/N who walked up to her and grabbed her arms, and pulled her to his eye-level.




Vivi: Huh?

Y/N: Vivi, it is not only you who is trying to stop the rebel army. It is not only you who is looking to stop Crocodile. It is not only you who is looking to save Alabasta! All of us here present are looking to do all stuff! SO DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME THAT BULLSHIT THAT IT JUST YOU WHO'S PUTTING HER LIFE ON THE LINE!

Y/N let go of Vivi and pushed her to the sand.


Luffy: AT LEAST--!


Vivi gasped, before covering her mouth with hear hand and starting to shed tears.

Luffy: Aren't we friends? Oh, you can cry those kinds of tears...

Vivi was now fully crying. Letting out all of the sadness that she's been holding in this entire time. That sadness of looking at her country and her people in such a critic state.

Luffy: I know you actually hate this and want to beat him up the most!

Nami walked up to Vivi and comforted her. Luffy grabbed his hat and placed it on his head.

Luffy: Now tell us...

Y/N: ...Where crocodile is!

Vivi: Everyone... Luffy-san and Y/N-san are right. I've made up my mind now. Let's go to where Crocodile is!

Luffy: Yeah!

Vivi pulled out a map and pointed at a bunch of cities. Alubarna, the capital. Katorea, where the rebel army currently is. And Rainbase, where Crocodile is. They quickly started their journey there. Some time had passed, and Luffy and Usopp were already tired.

Nami: C'mon, I told you to quit moaning, you two! 

Usopp: *Tired* Who're you to say anything when you're riding the camel?!

Luffy: *Tired* Yeah! Let us ride, too!

Usopp: You camel-woman!

Luffy: Nami-mel!

Zoro: Chopper! You haven't collapsed today! 

Chopper: Yeah. I'm gonna try extra hard. Vivi. Does Rainbase have water?

Vivi: Yes, there's no problem there. It's a gambling town, almost completely detached from the rebellion.

Nami's eyes suddenly turned into Berry symbols

Nami: Ooh! Gambling?!

Y/N: No! Bad Nami! Bad Nami! Don't you dare even thinking about trying to win money right now.

Luffy suddenly started using a new move which he called "Gomu-Gomu No Way" which basically consisted in him dodging Usopp and not giving him water. Usopp fell to his knees.

Usopp: Can't take another step... W-Water... Y/N carry me...

Y/N: *Sigh* Fine.

Y/N carried Usopp.

Luffy: So?! How long until Rainbase?!

Y/N: Yeah! How much longer?!

Vivi: Luffy-san. Y/N-san. Thanks. I never would've been able to make this decision on my own.

Luffy: Then give me food.

Vivi: Eh?

Luffy: After we kick Crocodile's ass, gimme so much food I might die!

Vivi: Okay! I promise! And you, Y/N-san? Would you like something?

Y/N: Uh, give me some time to think about it...

Vivi: Okay!

Vivi answered with a smile on her face.

(I really need to find new words for "They continued their journey" or "They kept going through the desert" Help find new words, guys!)

They kept going through the desert. Y/N was now carrying both Usopp and Luffy.

Y/N: You bastards! Why am I even carrying you two! Walk yourselves!

Usopp: We believe in your power, oh great Monster King Y/N-sama.

Y/N: Your cheap compliments will not work on me! 


But right now, I just feel like carrying you guys!

Straw Hats: They totally worked...

Vivi: I see it...

Chopper: Is that it?

Nami: Rainbase?

In the distance, they were able to see the city of Rainbase.



yDave: All right, people. I wanna hear your thoughts of the story so far!



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