Safe Word: Rosé

By taty_ABM

80K 4.4K 362

Jason Trujilo employs Cara Thompson as a worker in his exclusive club in order to pay back the money her fath... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
A/N- Important !!!
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 13

1.9K 118 6
By taty_ABM


Cara was startled from her resting state by Cindy's blaring iPhone alarm. Her heartrate instantly spiked, and she swallowed a gulp of overnight-flavored saliva, while staring at the ceiling, trying to calm her breathing. Cara turned her neck to the right when she heard Cindy mutter and stretch in her bed. Cindy lifted her hand and tapped around until she felt her phone screen and turned off the alarm. She yawned loudly, then rolled over, facing Cara. 

"Good Morning girly." Cindy greeted, though she was still half sleeping. 

Cara rubbed her eyes and yawned. 

"What time is it?" Cara asked, while sitting up. 

Cindy lifted her hand in sign that Cara wait for a moment, then she turned on her stomach and placed her head on her pillow. Cara watched on perplexed. 

"Did you fall asleep again-" Cara was in the process of asking after a moment, when Cindy's hand shot up again, in sign of wait. 

Zipping her lips, Cara waited. Cindy took a few more seconds before lifting her head and whispering under her breath, 'Amen'. The she sat up, and stretched her arms behind her back, causing her muscles to crack and her joints to pop. 

Cindy yawned again before replying, "It's 7:00 AM. Usually I wake up at 7:30, but breakfast is at 8:00, and since there's two of us, I figured it's best that we each have about thirty minutes to get ready." 

Cindy then got out of the bed and proceeded to crack her spine and stretch out her lower extremities. After that, she began fixing the sheets on her bed. 

"Do you want to shower first?" Cindy asked Cara, who got out of bed and copied Cindy's actions. 

"Uh yeah, I guess." Cara replied, while fluffing her pillows and pulling her sheets back in place. 

"Okay, just make sure you dress causally, remember we're going shopping today." Cindy reminded Cara, who in turn nodded. 

Cara finished fixing up her bed and headed to the closet to pick out her clothes.

"By the way, I had a talk with Jason before heading to bed this morning." Cindy called after Cara. 

The moment Cara heard Jason's name, her heart skipped a beat in her chest. She was instantly reminded of the deal she made with him, and the fact that Cindy was smack dab in the middle of it. Feeling nervous, Cara quickly picked out a pair of jeans, and a simple long sleeve t-shirt, then returned to the bedroom. 

"Oh yeah? What did you guys talk about?" Cara asked, hoping she didn't sound too eager. 

"Well let's just say I needed permission to whup you a** whenever you get on my nerves." Cindy admitted nonchalantly. 

"Yeah right," Cara laughed, "and did he say yes?" She played along. 

Cindy frowned, "No, apparently he said that role was only reserved for him." 

Cara choked on her spit, her eyes widening just slightly, while her head heated in a panic. 

"Wha-at?" Cara expressed. 

"Wha-at, you heard me." Cindy replied, though secretly she was pulling Cara's leg. 

"That's not funny." Cara now frowned. 

"I'm not laughing." Cindy replied crossing her arms. 

"Wait, are you serious?" Cara now gripped her clothes tightly to her chest. 

Cindy kept her arms crossed, and simply rose an eyebrow and gave a light shrug. Then she silently counted down the seconds in her mind while watching Cara's facial expressions. What she saw play over her roommate's features told Cindy exactly what she wanted to know. After catching them in the West Wing the evening prior, and watching them in the ballroom last night, Cindy had an inkling that there may be something brewing between her boss and her roommate, and now, while Cara stood facing her, avoiding eye contact, and being unable to decide whether to smile or to be concerned, Cindy felt her suspicions solidify. 

Meanwhile, Cara avoided Cindy's eyes for a great reason. Her mind was instantly flooded with the memories of the night before. Especially the moments when Jason acted responsible for her. He ordered her drink, and kept her at his side the entire night. And when they were alone... 

Cara shook her head and stopped herself from going there. 

Seeing this, Cindy knew she let Cara squirm long enough. 

"Girl, I'm kidding. After Jason took you to the playroom, I didn't see him again." Cindy admitted. 

Cara's eyes snapped to Cindy's, "that's not funny. Why would you do that?" 

Cindy smiled, "Mmh, I have my reasons. Now hurry up, I'm not gonna be late to the dining room again like yesterday. But I'm serious, if you get on my nerves, I'm kicking your a**." 

Cara shook her head and released a small laugh, "Yeah, okay." 

Cara went to the restroom and followed through with her morning routine. She returned to the bedroom dressed in a towel, giving Cindy the chance to shower quickly. Cara removed the bonnet from her head and noticed that her hair was still presentable even in it's cornrow crown. By the time Cara was applying lotion to her skin and slipping on her clothes, Cindy was done showering. Cindy dressed in the closet and returned to the bedroom wearing a navy blue, red and white sweat suit with a white singlet. 

Cindy walked towards the mirror above the dresser, and turned her back on it. 

"So how does it look?" Cindy asked Cara, while turning her neck to look at her backside's reflection in the mirror. 

"How does what look?" Cara questioned, perplexed. 

"The bootay, the cheeks, what else?" Cindy demanded, while shaking her thighs, and making her butt cheeks jiggle. 

Cara laughed and shook her head, "You're crazy." 

"Yeah, and you're going to learn to love me for it." Cindy replied shamelessly. 

Then she spritzed perfume on her clothes and invited, "Let's go." 

The two women stepped out into the hallway, just as Vincent and Thomas were meeting up by the stairs. When the men noticed the ladies, they lingered and waited for them. 

"Buongiorno." Vincent greeted the women with a smile. 

"Good morning Vincente." Cindy replied. 

"And hello Gorgeous." Vincent turned his attention to Cara, who avoided his gaze, for as soon as she saw him, she remembered his performance with the brunette the night before. 

"Good morning." Cara replied with a simple smile. 

Vincent noticed that Cara avoided his gaze, and he smiled. She was cute in his eyes. 

"Come on, we only have three minutes left." Thomas urged, and all four companions rushed down the stairs and into the dining room. 

To their luck, Jason wasn't there, and they made it to their seats just in time for him to walk into the dining room.  Cindy and Cara shared a look between themselves, as Jason walked towards the head of the table. He looked at none of the entertainers in particular, nor did he look at Cara. On the other hand, Cara was busy studying the faces of the people around her. After the up close and personal tour of the club and seeing the entertainers in action, she couldn't help but see them in a new light. Cara could no longer look at their faces, without associating them with their behaviors and actions in the club. But when Cara's eyes landed on Monique, she was shocked to find the sexy brunette looking her way with a mean glare. 

Cara rose an eyebrow at Monique's expression, who in return rolled her eyes. Cara frowned then pursed her lips forward before turning her eyes back towards the entertainer who sat directly facing her. Vincent. Cara felt her heart throb and leap into her windpipe when she mad eye contact with Vincent. Tearing her eyes away quickly, Cara's brown gaze then fell on Jason, who now stood at the head of the table. Jason performed a quick glance around the room, though her purposely avoided looking in Cara's direction. 

He pocketed his hands as usual, then he spoke, "Good morning." 

"Good Morning Jason." Everyone replied simultaneously, except for Cara, who didn't know the routine. 

"The new month just started, and I know that we're trying out some new things including the nightly themes and so on, how are you feeling about it?" Jason asked, leaning his hands on the chair and looking around the room. 

At first, no one spoke, then needing to stir the pot, Monique cleared her throat, and all eyes turned to her. 

"Monique." Jason called. 

"Jason, I thought that the club was exclusive for entertainers and members only." Monique pointed. 

"Yes." Jason said, though Monique didn't ask a question.

"So why was she there last night?" Monique then pointed a slender finger towards Cara, causing all eyes to then look at Cara. 

"She will be working as my secretary, hence she needed to know the business and see it in action." Jason said simply. 

"I get that." Monique nodded in a mock pensive manner. 

"But why did you have to babysit her? I mean, isn't that Cindy's job?" Monique fired. 

"Watch it Monique, don't start something you can't finish." Cindy was quick to reply. 

"Cindy." Jason called, and Cindy turned to Jason, who simply blinked then looked at Monique. 

"I believe I'm the one in charge of this business Monique, which means I decide how a new employee is welcomed. If you don't like it, I expect you to do either one of two things, keep you mouth shut and deal with it, or get out." Jason said so casually, Cara almost missed that it was a scolding. 

The facial expressions around the room all said the same thing, the alpha male had spoken, and no one should oppose. Monique licked her tongue over her front teeth, but kept her lips together. Jason scrutinized her with his eyes until she she lowered her head and hid her face completely. 

Cara watched on, and only gulped without a word. Cindy on the other hand, crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair fuming. While she was grateful for Jason handling the situation, Cindy wanted nothing more than to put Monique in her place. 

When Jason noticed that Monique chose silence rather than the door, he straightened himself up and nodded. 

"If that's all, enjoy your breakfast. And Cindy?" Jason called out.

"Yeah." Cindy replied. 

"Please escort Miss Thompson to my office after you've finished your breakfast." Jason instructed, not sparing Cara a glance. 

"Okay." Cindy agreed with a nod. 

Jason left without another word. The room fell silent, and for a few seconds, no one spoke. 

"Well, that was awkward." Thomas was the first to speak. 

"I swear, every time we get a new member, there's always drama." Simone opinionated. 

"Well that's because you and Monique are always starting some sh*t." Mona retorted.

"Oh get over yourself Mona, new girl here needs to know her place." Simone fired back. 

"And what exactly is my place?" Cara demanded, while sitting up straight. 

"Oop-" Cindy said under her breath, but she couldn't hide her smile. 

Vincent also smiled. Lexi and Shyla shared a look between themselves, while the other entertainers watched on silently, yet with intrigue. Simone scoffed at Cara's address but said nothing.

"Oh don't just scoff girlfriend, you were on a roll, so go ahead." Cindy encouraged Simone.

"Cindy, don't instigate." Shyla said lowly.

"No its okay," Cara replied, "if Simone or anyone else has something to say, do it now. Go ahead."

"Fine. I don't like you. I don't like your attitude." Simone fired back.

"Okay, and?" Cara demanded.

Thomas brought a fist to his mouth to stifle his smile. Vincent rose an eyebrow, impressed at Cara's bravery.

Simone rolled her eyes.

"Anyone else?" Cara asked, looking around the room.

When no one spoke, Cara nodded, "then we drop it now. I got hired to do a job and I'm gonna do it. If anyone still has some issues, that's your personal business, not mine."

"She said with the attitude of a brown Queen." Cindy cheered right after Cara.

The room was tense again, but thankfully the servers opened the door and entered the room to serve breakfast. Eventually, as the clatter of utensils against dishes began to fill the air, small chats started to blossom between the attendants.

Cindy and Cara spoke under their breaths and in between bites, giggling every once in a while. Across from them, Thomas had a bone to pick with Vincent.

"So, last night was your third time in a row with that brunette chick. What's the deal man?" Thomas interrogated.

"There's no deal." Vincent denied.

"You know that they're just clients, we're not supposed to get attached." Thomas warned his friend.

"I'm not getting attached." Vincent defended, then he sighed, "its just, she's curious about this world but wants to take it slow. Since I was the first person she approached, I guess she just feels safer with me."

"So what, you guys haven't..." Thomas trailed off, but signaled with his hand for Vincent to fill in the blank.

"No, we haven't. She hasn't been with anyone... yet." Vincent admitted.

"So then what's the point of taking her back there?" Thomas quizzed.

"We just, we roleplay for now. We get in the room, I have her get comfortable being around me. Last night we got as far as her stripping and I caressed her a little. We're taking it slow, and I'm taking care of her. She trusts me, I can't violate that." Vincent explained.

Thomas nodded his head and took a gulp from his drink, then placed his glass down before pointing at his friend.

"Don't get attached." Thomas warned again.

Then, he stood up and was the first to leave the dining room. Thomas' words put Vincent off his appetite, and throwing his napkin down, he also stood up and left. After the two men, Shyla and Lexi took their departure together. The trio of plus size girls followed, and finally, Simone and Monique left. Cara and Cindy took their time and finished their breakfast, and when they prepared to leave, Luiza entered the dining hall with the servers again.

As soon as Cara saw Luiza, she smiled and greeted, "Good morning Luiza."

"Good morning Cara, Cindy." Luiza greeted.

"Hey mama Luiza." Cindy replied.

"How was your first night here, love?" Luiza asked while she and the servers moved around the table gathering the plates and dishes.

"It was okay." Cara answered.

"Did you sleep well? Make sure you sleep well." Luiza pointed.

"I did and I will." Cara giggled.

"And eat too. You girls walk around so thin, I almost want to spoon feed you myself." Luiza shook her head.

"I'll make sure she eats mama Luiza. We gotta go." Cindy jumped in, then placing a hand around Cara's shoulder, they walked out of the dining room.

"Mama Luiza?" Cara asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Can't you tell by how she dotes on us? Trust me, if you ever need a parental figure, Luiza's your gal." Cindy explained while leading Cara to Jason's office.

When they reached it, Cindy knocked on the door and waited for Jason's permission to open it. When the girls entered the office, Jason was sitting at his desk.

"Cindy, please give me a moment alone with Miss Thompson." Jason requested.

Cindy nodded and smiled, closing the door behind her and leaving Cara in the office alone with Jason.

Cara looked at the closed door then turned back to Jason.

"Please have a seat." Jason pointed to one of the chairs.

"Do you have to be so formal?" Cara wondered while walking towards the desk and taking a seat.

"I like being professional. Does that bother you?" Jason asked, while gazing at Cara.

Cara shrugged, "I mean it's not that it bothers me, it's more like you're kind of casual with everyone else. I mean you address everyone on a first name basis and everything."

"Your point?" Jason interrogated.

"I just don't think you need to keep the professional front for my sake." Cara replied calmly.

"Trust me Miss Thompson, I don't bother myself with saving face because of you. You're not worth the effort to be impressed." Jason shot, his tone almost as cold as the first day Cara met him.

"What? I didn't mean-"

"Now," Jason cut her off, "if you would please sign this letter of resignation which I plan to send over to your former employer, so we can move on." Jason expressed while sliding a letter towards Cara.

Cara felt her anger rise before she could place a lid on it.

"What's your problem?" She demanded with an angry frown.

Jason clasped his fingers together, and looked at Cara.

"Sign the letter." Jason simply prompted.

Cara scoffed and rolled her eyes, the muttered, "whatever."

Cara lifted the paper with her fingers and quickly read the brief letter, which vaguely explained that she needed to take time from work and mourn her father's death. The letter also paid thanks to the staff for their support during the funeral. There was also a heartfelt goodbye to Mrs. Whitney and the Kindergarten class, which made Cara wonder just how much Jason knew about her personal life. Sighing, somewhat satisfied with the letter, Cara grabbed a pen and quickly scribbled her name and signature. She carefully placed the pen back the way it was, remembering how anal Jason could be about order, then she slid the paper back on the desk towards him without a word. Cara then sat back on the chair and waited for Jason's next move.

Jason grabbed the letter and placed it aside. Then he pulled out his wallet and retrieved a plastic credit card. He placed the card on the table and slid it towards Cara, while staring directly at her face. Cara sent a downward gaze on the card then she looked away.

"I told you that I didn't want to spend your money." Cara said, feeling hot and ready to explode like a popcorn kernel.

"Yes, it seems redundancy is a quirk of yours." Jason pointed, earning a sharp glare from Cara.

"Dude, if you want to fight me, just say so." Cara said with a bitter laugh.

"I want nothing to do with you." Jason retorted.

"So does this mean I can go home?" Cara asked, in mock hope.

"And the shorter we keep our interactions, the better. Now take the card, and call Cindy in." Jason continued on with his casually cold tone, without missing a beat.

Cara rolled her eyes, took the card and prepared to stand.

"Stop right there." Jason warned.

"Gosh, what now?" Cara groaned exasperated.

"How old are you Miss Thompson?" Jason quizzed, while his unnerving gaze remained on Cara's face.

"So you know where and who I work with, but you don't know my age?" Cara asked in disbelief.

Jason stared back and said nothing.

Cara sighed, annoyed, "24."

"So why are you acting like a fourteen year old?" Jason scolded.


"I won't tolerate the eye-rolling Miss Thompson. You're a grown woman, if you have something to say, use your words." Jason pushed further.

Cara threw hands up in defeat, before shaking her head and saying out loud, "I can't win."

Jason leaned back in his chair, and studied Cara. He liked watching her reaction after putting her in her place. The way her eyes clouded with anger, and her eyebrows furrowed slightly. It often didn't take long for her to nip away at the inner lining of her cheeks and lips, and the small huffs and puffs that erupted from her chest made the entire situation even more comical.

Cara, her personality and her spoilt nature was chaotic in comparison to Jason's orderly world. Now that she was here, his strict world was now shaky. His most trusted entertainer lied to him because of Cara, and her presence alone made it easy for the other employees to question him openly. He couldn't have that. Jason thrived on obedience, and he knew women like Cara. They played on their innocence to get away after stirring the pot. But she was now under his thumb, and he wouldn't stop applying pressure until she bent. Plus, he got a kick from getting under her skin. Her uncontrolled emotions were refreshing to Jason. They weren't rehearsed, but rather they happened as Cara experienced them. That way, Jason found it easy to read her like a book, and in doing so, he'd figure a way to break her. 

When Cara realized they had spent more than enough time in silence, she cleared her throat and straightened herself in the chair. 

"Sorry." Cara expressed, then she stood up as calmly as possible, then she turned and headed for the door. 

As she walked towards the door, Jason's hand rubbed over his mouth again while he leaned back in his chair and admired Cara's stride from the back. Though a petite woman, with her head reaching the base of his neck, Jason found that Cara's figure complimented her. He especially admired the curvature of her spine, and could only imagine what it would look like if she were bent over, or on her hands and knees. This then train of imagination led Jason's greedy eyes to snap a gaze of Cara's backside. Jason's index finger trembled, while his hand rubbed over his mouth again.

His palm itched with the urge of palming Cara's flesh. Jason's heartrate increase at the thought, until he forced himself to look away, just as Cara opened the door and let Cindy back in the office.


Hello loves!

Here is today's update. A little drama, a little heat, and the story moves on. How are we feeling about it so far?

Let me know what you think by VOTING, COMMENTING, AND SHARING!

Lots of ❤❤❤

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