Pokemon fanfic (Kanto Journey)

By SkyQueen0

15.1K 365 70

Ash(ley) Ketchum, a new Trainer from Pallet Town, aims to become a world-famous Pokémon Master who travels wi... More

The Start of Our Journey!
Pokémon Emergency!
Caterpie, you're Mine!
Challenge of the Samurai!
Showdown in Pewter City!
Clefairy and the Moon Stone
The Water Flowers of Cerulean City
The Path to the Pokémon League
The School of Hard Knocks
Charmander - The Stray Pokémon
Here Comes The Squirtle Squad!
Mystery At The Lighthouse
Electric Shock Showdown
Battle Aboard the St. Anne
Pokemon Shipwreck, Island of the Giant Pokémon!
Beauty and The Beach
Tentacool & Tentacruel
The Ghost of Maiden's Peak
Bye-Bye Butterfree?
The Tower of Terror

Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village

563 14 0
By SkyQueen0

Our young heroine Ashley and her friends are deep in a forest trying to find a path to Vermilion City. However, they seem to be lost in the making...
"Okay, it's officially I think we're lost," Ashley says with an exhausted sigh.

"Giselle must have given us the wrong directions for this so-called shortcut of hers. And I'm really tired." Misty says with heavy breathing.

"Why don't we all take a breather then?" Brock asks as he and the girls rest on a couple of boulders.

"Guys look, it's an Oddish!" Ashley says, noticing the grass-type pokemon taking a drink from the stream beside them.

"I'll catch that Pokemon!" Misty says with determination.

"What? But Misty, you must know that Oddish is a grass-type, not a water-type."

"Even so Ash, a Pokemon's a Pokemon. And Oddish is mine! Go, Starmie!"

And once Oddish was defeated by Starmie's Water Gun and Tackle, Misty sent out her Pokeball to capture it. But the Poke-ball is deflected by surprisingly, a Bulbasaur of all things! Which attacks and defeats Starmie in an instant knock-out.

"I can't believe it, a wild Bulbasaur!"

"Are you gonna catch it, Ashley?"

"I want to, but look. Bulbasaur is protecting Oddish. It must think we wanted to hurt it when Misty tried capturing it."

"Now that you say it, Busibasaur does look protective of Oddish. Misty, I think we should leave them alone," Brock says after having a closer inspection.

"I guys you're right. I'm sorry Oddish, we'll leave you and Bulbasaur alone now." Misty says her apology after returning Starmie back into its Poke-ball. Even though they were surprised by the gang's actions, the two grass Pokemon rush off into the forest before the humans could change their minds.
A little later, the three of them try to cross a rope bridge, but the wind rips it apart.

"Aah!" Shout Brock as he falls into the river below the bridge.

"Brock!?!" The girls shouted with worry for the safety of their friend.

"Misty, I'm gonna try and pull as hard as I can! Just hang on tight!"

"Right!" And so, Ashley pulls herself and Misty up as they make their way to the end of the bridge. Then go down the water level in search of Brock. However...

"Aah!" Misty screams as she falls into a trapped hole on the ground. As it turns out, hundreds of booby traps are surveyed around the area the further the girls go downstream.

"This is just not our day," Ashley says as she and Misty freed themselves from a net that led to them getting stuck in a tree.

"Ahoy there!" Shouted the man who the girls were searching for behind a few bushes.

"Brock, we were looking all over for you! What happened?"

"Well, I was being washed away in the rapids. When this beautiful girl came and saved my life. Come on, I'll take you to the village where she lives."
And so, Brock takes them to a small village and introduces them to the girl, Melanie. And notice that there are many Pokémon within the area.

"Do all those Pokemon belong to you?" Misty asks.

"Oh no. This is a place where Pokemon can rest and relax."

"So it's like a Pokemon Center. And Melanie is the Pokemon doctor."

"Yeah basically. When a Pokemon is abandoned or injured, Melanie here takes care of them. Then they leave."

"But I'm not qualified to be a Pokemon doctor."

"This is more like a Pokemon health spa."

"Here the Pokemon don't battle with one another. They relax and try to enjoy themselves until they recover."


"Melanie collects plants to use for medicine. She knows all about which plants can help a Pokemon feel better or grow stronger when it's weak."

"You two have so much in common, Brock."

"We do," Brock admits as the group watches Melanie play with some of the Pokemon.

"Well, it looks to me like there's something else Brock might love, huh?" Misty says, making fun of Brock for falling in love with Melanie.

"Ahh be quiet she might hear you!"

"Melanie, I don't mean to be rude. But were you the one who put up those traps that we got caught in?"

"I'm sorry. I wanted to catch Pokemon Trainers before they reached the village. There are so many injured Pokemon here. I have to protect them.

"That's understandable."
While walking around Brock says to Misty and Ashley that he promised Melanie that they wouldn't catch any Pokémon in the village.

"So did you seal the promise with a kiss-OW!" Misty cried out as Brock bonked her on the head.

"So that must mean you really do love her? Ooh." She groans with another bump to the head.

"That's no problem at all Brock," Ashley says, trying to get the conversation back on track.

Misty agrees, "Only bad guys try to catch sick Pokémon."

"But are the traps going to be enough? From our experience with Pokemon thieves, they just won't quit." Ashley worries.

Nevertheless, while Brock and Misty are healing a hurt Staryu, Ashley spots two Eevees trying to get some fruit from a tree.

"Don't worry, I'll get it for you." And so Ashley used her psychic powers to bring the berries to the two Eevees.

"Don't be shy, eat up." And they did after saying their thanks to our heroine. However, Bulbasaur tackles Ashley, thinking that the Pokemon were in danger.

"Hey! It's rude to tackle people."

"I'm so sorry Ashley. Bulbasaur was only trying to protect the Eevees. Bulbasaur volunteered to guard our whole village. It protects all the injured Pokemon whenever enemies try to attack them. Bulbasaur is the bravest and most loyal Pokemon I know."

"So that's why Bulbasaur attacked me. It must have thought I was taking the Eevees from the village."

"But we're not here to capture Pokemon, we want to help you."

"It's true, Bulbasaur, these are our friends."

And yet, trouble comes as Team Rocket appears on top of a floating stadium. They land in a clearing close to the village, announce the Team Rocket Pokémon Challenge and use a giant vacuum to "invite" all the village Pokémon into the stadium.

Brock leads everyone into the cabin, but Oddish and the two Eevees are caught by the vacuum. Bulbasaur used his Vine Whip to save the Pokemon. Ashley helps by blocking the wind so that Bulbasaur can get them to safety, with the grass Pokemon taking note of this action.

"That little pest. She's always ruining our flawless plans."

"Not this time. She's gathered them all in one place for us.

Then the vacuum is so strong, it starts to pull the roof off the cabin until Bulbasaur uses his Vine Whip once more to stop the roof from flying away. Ashley sends out Pidgeotto and tells it to use Gust. The Gust attack, combined with the vacuum's wind, creates a tornado.

Unfortunately for Jessie and the crew, the tornado sucks the terrified Team Rocket up and all Jessie, James, and Meowth can do is scream while flying around as the tornado carries Jessie, James, Meowth, and the Jessie Stadium away, saving the village and the Pokémon.

"Is everyone okay?"

We're fine Melaine. And with Bulbasaur here, this village will be well protected."

"Ashley, would you please take Bulbasaur and the two Eevees along with you on your journey?"

"What? But why Melanie?"

"The Eevees have taken quite a liking to you. And Bulbasaur has stayed here to protect the weaker Pokemon but this village is small. The bulb on its back can't grow. And I know you'll take good care of these Pokemon. Please do me this favor."

"But what's going to happen to the village without Bulbasaur?"

"Yeah, who's going to protect you?"

"It's true that Bulbasaur has done a great job. But these Pokemon shouldn't remain in the village forever and ever. All of them must return to the wild. And hopefully, someday, they'll find good Trainers like you."

("I'll come with you on one condition. That you beat me in a battle.")

"Haha, okay then."

"What did Bulbasaur say, Ash?"

"I think I know. Bulbasaur wants to have a battle with you in a Pokemon match doesn't it?"

The electric mouse Pokemon charges at Bulbasaur, as he tries to hit Elly with his Vine Whip. Even so, the seed Pokemon also charges at Elektra which lands a headbutt. After both Pokémon exchange hits, Bulbasaur uses Vine Whip on Elektra and starts tossing her around. However, Ashley used the grass pokemon's move against him.

"Elly, use Thunderbolt!"

"Alright! Now go Poke-Ball!"

With the paralysis of Elly's Thunderbolt move, patience and focus became the key to capturing the wild Bulbasaur when Ashley tossed her Poke-Ball.

"We did it! We caught Bulbasaur!"


"Bulbasaur, I'll miss you. And I'll miss you too, my little Eevees.

("Goodbye Melanie! We'll watch over Bulbasaur for you!")

("You and the Pokemon take care, Melanie!")

"Welcome to the team Kōri and Mizu." Ashley addresses the female and male Eevees with names before capturing them.

"Have a safe trip."

"Melanie, you have my word that I'll take good care of these three."

"Uh, Melanie I've been thinking."


"Well since Bulbasaur's leaving I wouldn't mind staying and helping you out."

"It's very kind of you but we'll be ok. I wouldn't want to keep you from all your wonderful adventures."

"Yeah, well, I guess you're right."
"So what did Melanie say when you said you loved her? Did you kiss her goodbye?"

"That's enough stupid questions. Will you please quit embarrassing me already? You know, ok, so she's cute, I understand that but you know."
With a Bulbasaur and an addition obtaining two Eevees, it looks like Ashley is building her own dream team. Now it's on to Vermillion City. However, our friends have gotten off track just a bit.
Ashley's Pokemon:

Elektra (female Pikachu)

Aoi (Female Lucario)

Poliwhirl (Male)

Shelly (Female Cubone)

Butterfree (Male)

Pidgeotto (Female)

Suzumebachi (Female Beedrill)

Sandshrew (Male)

Juliet (Female Nidoran)

Romeo (Male Nidoran)

Kori (Female Eevee)

Mizu (Male Eevee)

Bulbasaur (Male)

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