A vigilante who heals villain...

By Rebel6610

25.1K 902 741

Tommmy is a vigilante. He finds a villain, heals them and goes on with life as if nothing happened. Nothing c... More

Chapter 1: The first meeting
Chapter 2: Life sometimes takes turns you don't intend on taking
Chapter 3: Wilbur is an annoying old man. But he's nice to be around.
Chapter 4: (my Chapter Title Is Too Long)
Chapter 5: Just hold on a moment! I'm supposed to sneak out of here?
Chapter 6: Because I am him
Chapter 7: On unstable waters
Chapter 8: There's no fixing this now, is there?
CH9 Dreaming of a better life
CH10 A forgotten memory
Chapter 11: The heroes vs a bird Part1
Chapter 13: The fiancés
Chapter 14: Mending the past
Chapter 15: Tubbo in trouble
Chapter 16: The dinner
Chapter 17: Bedrock bros, assemble!
Chapter 18: Hidden clues
Chapter 19: Why?!?!?!
Chapter ??: A Taster
Chapter 20: Plot escalation my a- wait, what?
Chapter 21: Meanwhile... (in our universe)
Chapter 22: Pointlessness and misery
Dude 🫱 Why?
Get Ready...
CH23 The Search Begins

Chapter 12: The heroes vs a bird part2

887 35 31
By Rebel6610

It seems cc!Wilbur danger is over, so the title has been changed back. But, please do let me know if cc!Wilbur danger comes back!


After a 30 minute drive they arrived at the fair.

Tommy and Ranboo saw many tents and other stuff.

"So Toms, where do you wanna go?" Wilbur asked.

"Everywhere!" Tommy said looking very excited.

Wilbur laughed a bit. "I don't think we have time to go everywhere", he said.

They parked and Tommy got out of the car looking a little sad.

"But! We'll try, alright Toms?" Wilbur quickly added as he saw Tommy's expression.

That seemed to lighten Tommy's mood cause he looked once again very excited.

"Come on, let's go. I have our tickets in my phone", Wilbur said as he led Tommy to the entrance.

Tommy grabbed Wilbur's hand and started to run. "Come on Wil, then hurry up!" he said pulling Wilbur.

"Alright, alright, calm down Tommy, I'm coming!" Wilbur said and started to run as well so he wouldn't get pulled by Tommy.

"And there they go", Phil said as he watched Tommy and Wilbur run off. "So that leaves us 3 as a team", he continued. "Hope you don't mind, Ranboo", he added.

"No, no, I don't. Let Tommy have his fun. He seems to have a special bond with Wilbur", Ranboo said.

"They sure do have a special bond", Phil admitted.

"Have you guys never been to a fair?" Techno asked. "Since both of you seemed quite intrigued by the sight of the fair."

"Well, we've been to the rare government funded ones, which are usually free, but not otherwise. We really don't have the money for that. Tommy's the only one with a more precise salary. Mine and Tubbo's changes regularly", Ranboo said.

"Oh. That makes sense. Well, enjoy this chance then, I guess?" Techno said.

"Thank you", Ranboo said semi-awkwardly.

"You don't have to be awkward, Techno's trying his best to socialise. This is normal", Phil said. "But we've lingered enough, let's go!"

3 hours later Tommy and Wilbur have been to half of the rides and places that there were.

"Alright, which one next, Crazy River or Haunted Mansion -coaster?" Wilbur asked Tommy.

"I say let's get the all the haunted and those sorts of rides quickly out of the way now", Tommy said.

"You scared of them, Toms?" Wilbur asked teasingly.

"S-Shut up...", Tommy said looking actually scared a bit.

"Hey, it's alright. I'll be there with you. You can always hold my hand or hide away by hugging me if you need to", Wilbur reassured Tommy. "I didn't mean to make fun of you Toms."

Tommy nodded as he started to walk in the Haunted Mansion -coaster.

"Toms, we can even completely skip the scary ones", Wilbur said stopping Tommy. "We don't have to go on those too", he added.

Tommy stood for a while.
"Alright, so where is this Crazy River?" Tommy asked, his mood completely changing in just a matter of seconds.

"This way", Wilbur chuckled to himself and led Tommy to their next ride.

5 more rides later Tommy got hungry.

"Wil, I'm hungry", Tommy said.

"Okay, let's go find a place to eat", Wilbur said as he looked at the map in his hands. "This way", he said and walked in the direction he was pointing.

Tommy followed Wilbur, and soon they were sitting at a table having food in front of them.

"Bone apple teeth, Toms", Wilbur said jokingly.

"I'm pretty sure that's not how you say it", Tommy said before starting to eat.

"Yeah, but it's funnier", Wilbur said as he started to eat as well.

A few hours later they were almost done with going on all rides except for the scary ones.

"So, we go this way and take a turn to the left and then-" Wilbur was explaining to Tommy when there was a loud explosion in the building next to them.

One moment Tommy could see Wilbur trying to pull Tommy out of the way, the next he was laying on the ground.
Tommy looked around frantically in a panic.

"Wil!?" he shouted multiple times.
He then saw Wilbur. He seemed to be otherwise alright, only his foot was stuck under some debris.

"Wil!" Tommy ran to Wilbur.

Wilbur coughed. "Tommy? Are you-*cough cough* Are you okay?" Wilbur asked.

"Y-yeah I'm fine. Are you?" Tommy asked, still a bit panicked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I can't feel my left leg, but I'm okay", Wilbur said.

"Stay still, I'll get the debris off of you", Tommy said as he rushed to Wilbur's foot.

"Tommy, no. You might hurt yourself while trying to take it off. And you might worsen the damage", Wilbur said.

Tommy went back to where he was before going to Wilbur's foot.

Then suddenly someone came out of the building that exploded.

'Villains', Tommy thought.

It were the villains Pyromanic, CasinoRoyale and Oleander. They looked most definitely weird grouped up, since Pyromanic and Oleander usually worked as a pair, and CasinoRoyale would only very seldom work with others. He preferred to work by himself.

In a different situation, all the villains would've caught Tommy's attention the same way. But for some reason, Oleander reminded him of someone. With her blonde hair that faded to pink, she looked like someone Tommy recognised. He just couldn't bring up who it could be.
Soon, security showed up.

"What do you want, villains?" a security man said into his megaphone.

"You'll see later", CasinoRoyale said grinning wide.

Tommy saw Oleander put out her hand. Her hand started to glow faintly and drops of water fell to the ground from her palm. Moments later vines popped out from under the ground that Oleander grabbed onto. A few more vines came out and they grabbed bystanders.

Next to Tommy the ground was cracking up a bit. Suddenly a vine sprouted and grabbed Wilbur.

"Wil!" Tommy shouted as he tried to grab Wilbur, who was getting picked up.
"Thank you, good job Oleander", CasinoRoyale clapped his hands.

Tommy looked to the villain. CasinoRoyale had a very nasty looking scar goin from his brow to his lips. Tommy wondered where he had gotten it.

"So, what now?" Pyromanic asked the others.

"Now, we demand the prize for letting the bystanders go. If they won't give it, we'll burn them", CasinoRoyale said.

"You have a very weird way of getting the job done", Oleander said.

CasinoRoyale just shrugged. "That's why I usually work alone. No-one to judge how I do my work", he said.

"I'm not judging. I'm just saying", Oleander said shaking her head. "So, when do you think the heroes are gonna arrive?" she asked.

"Probably soon", Pyromanic said.

'The heroes won't be coming soon, I have to act!' Tommy thought.

"Hey! Let them go!" Tommy shouted. He didn't have his vigilante gear on, but he had a plan on how he would.

"Go away kid, this is not your business", CasinoRoyale said.

"Actually, it kind of is my business, ya know", Tommy said shrugging.

'Just stall. You don't need to do anything else, just stall', Tommy thought to himself.

"And how so?" Pyromanic asked.

"Well, you see, point 1; you have my brother", Tommy pointed to Wilbur. "Point 2; it just is. You wouldn't understand", Tommy said.

"Oh, well, why don't you then join your brother over there? Oleander?" CasinoRoyale said.

"Tommy, please, just get out of here!" Wilbur pleaded.

More vines sprouted next to Tommy, but he dodged them without any problems. He did have inhuman speed.

"Man, you guys are slow", Tommy mocked.

CasinoRoyale was getting annoyed.

Tommy dodged more vines. He did this until CasinoRoyale stopped Oleander.

"Let me deal with the brat", he said.

Tommy braced for the attack but nothing came.

Then suddenly he was hit in the back by a flying card.
"Hah. Pathetic. Are we still too slow for you?" CasinoRoyale mocked.

'Okay, whatever. I don't care! Get me my stuff. I need to alert Ranboo', Tommy thought as he took his backpack off, took out his vigilante gear, threw his backpack to the side and put his gear on.

"Just keep 'em coming. That one was still quite slow!" Tommy said, now ready for the next strike.

Up in the hold of the vines Wilbur could only watch what was happening.

He couldn't believe his eyes. Tommy was a hero? No, he couldn't have been. He was too young. Was he then a vigilante? Most likely.

An explosion snapped Wilbur out of his thoughts. He saw Tommy hit a wall.

"Is that all you got!?" Tommy challenged the villains.

'No, Tommy, stop', Wilbur pleaded in his mind. He didn't want to watch, but he just couldn't turn away from the fight.
In the horison Wilbur saw the heroes coming. This was the only time he was glad for the heroes to come.

He looked back down and saw Tommy on the ground. He seemed to be injured.
He saw Tommy put his hand on the injury as it glowed and healed the injury.

'Thank god he has healing powers', Wilbur thought.

The heroes landed right between the villains and Tommy.

It was the Dream Team.

"Let the civilians go", Sapnap demanded.

"Give us what we want and we'll let them go without harming them", CasinoRoyale said.

"And that would be?" Dream asked.

"That's a detail for later", CasinoRoyale answered. "Now, will you give us what we want, or do we have to burn these poor bystanders?" he asked.

"We won't agree to anything unless you state what you want", 404 said.

"Well, that's too bad then", CasinoRoyale said. "Pyromanic, could you?", he gave the command.

Pyromanic nodded. He put his hand out and multiple fireballs formed. Those fireballs then flew to the vines and started to burn them, the fire slowly spreading towards the people trapped in the hold of the vines.

"Well? Does that make you more motivated?" CasinoRoyale asked.

"You don't want this to turn out ugly,, do you, CasinoRoyale?" Dream asked. "Just let the civilians go, and we can talk about what you want", he said.

"As said, I'm not letting anyone go. You whether answer, or we'll burn them", CasinoRoyale said. He was getting very annoyed at this point.

Tommy saw this as an opportunity. He saw that Oleander was still holding out her hand, water drops coming from her palm, and so he put 2 and 2 together, and realised that if Oleander were to stop, the vines would disperse. That would only leave it up to the heroes to save the civilians from dying.

And so, Tommy got up, got ready, and dashed towards Oleander, knocking her over. And just as he had thought, the vines turned black and dispersed.

He quickly got up and climbed up the nearest building to jump in to save Wilbur.

And so he jumped and he was right on time. He managed to grab Wilbur and they glided down to safety.

"You little brat, you'll pay for that!" CasinoRoyale was now very angry. He launched multiple cards towards Tommy.

Tommy put Wilbur down and tried his best to dodge the cards. He managed to dodge most of them, but got hit by a few, leaving a few bleeding cuts in his arms, legs and body.

From the corner of his eye he could see the heroes making sure all the civilians were safe and on the ground. He saw Dream motioning something to Sapnap and 404. They nodded and Dream ran towards Tommy.

Dream's hands started to glow green and he lifted off the ground floating fast towards CasinoRoyale and Tommy.

'Maybe Dream is Clay...', Tommy thought as he healed himself quick when CasinoRoyale saw Dream approaching.

The fights then began. Tommy & Dream vs CasinoRoyale and 404 & Sapnap vs Oleander & Pyromanic.

CasinoRoyale kept sending cards and chips. He could control the cards and they were nearly indestructible. The chips were a 50/50% chance of them whether being a smoke bomb or a small bomb. You never knew which one it was this time. Not even the villain himself knew.

After what felt like hours, Tommy could see Pyromanic and Oleander running towards CasinoRoyale Sapnap and 404 on right behind them.

"Royale! We gotta leave!" Pyromanic shouted. He was severly injured.
Oleander was injured as well.

Even though they were villains, Tommy felt bad for them.

CasinoRoyale looked mad, but pressed a button on his belt. The villains disappeared.

Tommy knew this was the end of him working with the heroes, so he got farther away from Dream.

"Hey, don't worry. I'm not gonna turn you in. You actually helped us do our job", Dream said as he saw Tommy trying to back away from him.

"All I'm asking is to have a talk with you, Avian. If you do that, we'll leave you be this time 'round", Dream said as he motioned Sapnap and 404 to stay and not do anything.

"Dream, you can't just let him go! The kid's a vigilante! We're supposed to catch them!" 404 exclaimed.

"404, I'm the leader of this team. It's my choice", Dream said sternly.

404 seemed mad. Tommy could tell that only by the hero's frown, since his eyes were covered with white round glasses that had black tinted glass.

"I just wanna talk. That's all", Dream repeated.

Tommy thought for a moment. He then looked to Wilbur who was now sitting on the ground. Ranboo, Phil and Techno were with him. Wilbur slightly nodded his head, so that only Tommy could see it.

"Fine...", Tommy said looking back to Dream. "But, I have one condition", he said.

"Well?" Dream said.
"Wilbur, my friend... More like brother over there. I want him healed. Right now. I'm not talking until he's all healed up", Tommy said pointing at Wilbur.

"Alright. I can tell you care a lot for him. I'll have a healer come immediately", Dream said.

Wilbur was confused. Tommy pointed at him and Dream then nodded. 'What is Tommy planning?' Wilbur thought to himself.

A few minutes later a healer arrived, they went up to Dream who then pointed to Wilbur.
"Please heal the brunette over there. He's an important person. After that heal other civilians as well so that no one thinks we're prioritising anyone specifically", Dream said to the healer.
The healer nodded, walked up to Wilbur and healed him.

"Are we good to go now?" Dream asked.

"Yeah", Tommy said going after Dream.

"Well, what could a hero have for me, a measly vigilante?" Tommy asked.

"I might, I repeat and emphasise, might, know about your family. You don't really know much about them, do you?" Dream said, piquing Tommy's interest a bit.

"How do you know that?" Tommy asked.

"You wanna know about your family, right? Then that's not important at this moment", Dream said.

"Okay, what is that oh so important info you have, hero?" Tommy asked, getting impatient.

"I know who your mother is. I also know who your brother is. And I know where both of live, and where it's the most easiest to find them at", Dream said. "So, which one of them do you want to know about?" he asked.

"My mother. I already have clues of my own on finding my brother. I think I also have a hunch on who he is", Tommy said.

"Alright then. Avian, civilian name Tommy Innit, with a self made surname, your real name is Tommy WasTaken. Your mother's name is Puffy WasTaken. You probably know where to find her, don't you?" Dream revealed.

"Puffy can't be. She has a son, Foolish. And he's not my brother. That I know for sure", Tommy said.

"Foolish is only adopted. Hmm, I guess I can reveal this much to you", Dream said.

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