
By blackfaree2

31K 1.4K 70

Imlie and her five brothers, Aryan and Aarvi his sister's journey as a family Prologue She was getting marrie... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35

Part 9

884 51 2
By blackfaree2


Rudra spoke first, "Care to explain?"
"No we dont care to explain" Imlie said bluntly.
Yuvaan eyes popped at Imlie for answering to Rudra bhai like that.
"So you will talk to me like that"
"We came home right?we are fine" they were so drunk they didnt realize they slept in the forest.
"You came home?" Aryan now talking as pissed.
"We did right Aarvi?" Looking at Aarvi but she busy all blushing so she whispered to her , "Oye tell them"
"He is looking so hot in anger its turning me on kya karu"
"You are hopeless case" she sighed
"Ha Bhai Imlie is right" Aarvi said
"How did you come home? Can you tell us?" Yuvan said with evil smile he was surely enjoying this.

"Um cab for sure" Imlie said not so sure anymore.
"Hmm i see then who did we carry Aryan from the forest? Werent they sleeping on ground, hugging each other? " Rudra said.
"Hayee i hope Rudra carried me" whispered Aarvi
"Who carried us?" Imlie asked for Aarvi ignoring all the scolding and the eyes.
"Aryan carried you and I carried Aarvi" as soon as Rudra said that Aarvi started giggling.
"Chup mar marvayegi tu" she elbowed her.
"Whats so funny ?" Stavya from the phone spoke.
"It's ridiculous Imlie behaving like kids!! Aryan was soo worried when Aarvi hung up and then you wouldnt answe us!! " Stavya yelled and Imlie pouted but she needs to be strong for all the behans in the world.
"But we didnt do anything we just had fun bhai!" She argued
"But atleast be responsible! Think about others Imlie for once. Stop being childish both of you!!"Avyay yelled.
"You guys stank of alcohol .. how much did you have"
Aarvi responded , " A lot" softly feeling guilty.
Imlie whisper her to fight back so she came back in ninja mode
"Whatver however we drink Aryan bhai its our matter. We have freedom its a free country. We are adults. You cannot scold us like this" she said like she accomplished a big deed.
"Wah meri sherni" Imlie said loudly patting her back.
"Tum log ki utri nai hai" Rudra said "You will stay in here whole day without food only water until you guys realize your mistake and apologize for making us hell worried. " He left.
"What a walk" Aarvi said
"Ssh pagal"
"Imlie and Aaarvi am not done with you two. I feel embarassed. You two are my responsibility you know how crazy i went?!"Aryan spoke and he bang the lamp of the table and left.
Agastya  and Avyay shook their  head in disappointment followed Aryan out of the room. Yuvaan taunted, "Have fun" and he closed the door. They heard one of them locking from outside. They started laughing , "They think they will scare us by locking in. Patriarchal society"
Imlie got up and took out Aryan shirt snd threw one to Aarvi.
"Tum log ki utri nai....." in deep baritone imitating Rudra
Aarvi "nai utri.. utaarye na" seductively went to Imlie .
"Aarvi ye galat hai paanch saal choti ho tum mujse" in Rudra voice Imlie acting
"I can show you how adult i am my love" she traced finger on Imlie's cheek .
"Give me kiss " playing along Aarvi said
imlie couldnt hold any longer and fell on floor laughing. She pulled Aarvi with her.
"Yar we did Naari morcha but this stomach is asking for food. Am hungry" Aarvi said sadly.
"Sorry but not saying sorry we were having fun and freedom"
"Naari zindabad" Aarvi shouted.
The door opened Yuvaan and Avyay stood there, "Dont you have sense?! After all this you still dont care about our feelings?? You know Aaryan cried so did Rudra when we couldnt find you!! " He banged the hand on the wall and left.

"Whats the big deal saying sorry? I have never seen Rudra like this .. you know what he said? He cannot find his child he is such an irresponsible brother. " Yuvan said as upset. He left keeping the door open.
Imlie and Aarvi looked at each other and decided to say sorry. They never wanted to hurt them like this they worry too much.

They both went out where all of them were sitting.
Imlie went to Rudra and hugged from behind as he was sitting.

"Am sorry" she sobbed for making him cry.
"We wanted to have fun without you guys being overprotective and ordering us " Imlie said trying to make him understand.

"Have we stopped you?" He responded
"No but atleast stop being so worried about us"
"How Imlie? You are like my child.. You know stavya was sick worried. He is there doing his duty he doesnt deserve that" he said disappointment. Imlie went in middle of the sitting arrangement and said, "Am sorry to all of you . I and Aarvi both we just wanted to have fun without you guys holding out. "

Aaryan sighed, "Atleast you guys should have informed thats basic Imlie"
"Ha baba i know we were drunk. Everything was hazy and high and fun but thats not the point we are sorry. Thats all we going to say"

She stood there but nobody said anything she started to leave when Avyay said, "Come here baby girl give papa a hug" teasing her.
"Shut up" she ran and hugged him saying sorry again. Yuvaan, Agastya and Rudra joined too in their family hug.

She saw Aarvi hugging Aryan and crying like a baby. "She is such baby" she heard her brother muttered but his tone had warmt in it, care and love. My brother has fallen in love. She smiled and went over to Aaryan saying sorry by holding her ears. Aaryan pulled her in hug and whispered, "I lost her i cannot lose you. Aarvi and you are world . " He kissed her cheeks and left not wanting show his emotional side. Imlie was shocked at what just happen.
"Wow Imlie he kissed you on cheeks!"
"Yes but as friend he cares for me, he just said in flow" she said as she remembered the kiss which was mistake am sure its same now.

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