Part 16

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Chap 16.

The day of the trip finally arrived. Her brother literally dont talk to her either they still upset or they have actually moved on in their life with their partner. She felt envious that they dont seem to even bother to ask her. She was hurt but she knew she maybe overthinking since her brothers might be still upset. She wants to talk to them she misses them alot.
"This trip will be fun" Aryan said . They were in their bedroom doing last minute packing. He came with all the coupons and dropped them in bed jumbled. "Pick five" he ordered her.
"Its your gift you pick" hoping he picks  easy ones not the naughty ones she did in "josh" but now she is feeling really nervous and shy to implement half of them.
"Ok i will pick without looking and i wont reveal them until the trip. One each everdag so total five days not including the travel." He closed his eyes and started picking up five and kept in a chain of his wallet. Rest he put back in drawer.
Imlie bit her lips, he looked at her, "Dont do that"
"Huh what?" She asked innocently
"Biting your lips, it makes me want to you take you right now" he said softly. Imlie stood there frozen at this boldness.
"You see am Aarvi's brother" he teased and continued his packing.

They all had decided to directly meet at the airport. She kept no expectation from her brother that they would talk to her. By the way her plaster was off. She still felt pain but it wasnt much. She was looking forward to trip. They reached their waiting for others to arrive. All of them came, Aarvi and Aryan went forward to meet them she stayed behind because she knew her brothers still upset but she was happy to see their faces she almost cried to see them and see them smiling. Thats all she ever wanted. Jhanvi and Tanya came with Rohan. She was suprised to see Rohan. Maybe he came as friend because she knows Avyay still hadnt come out of closet otherwise she would have known through Aarvi. Only Stavya was without partner but she wished he gets someone soon who loves him alot.  They hugged Aryan and Aarvi. She was standing far, looking at them smiling. They said something to Aryan and all of them looked at Imlie with straight face. Rudra came forward first followed by others. He stood two feet apart, "How are you?" He asked very formally . It pinched her his tone was formal as if he meeting stranger. But she smiled knowing she deserve this, "I am okay Bhaiya"
"Aap log kaise ho? I miss you guys alot" All brothers were now standing around her looking grim.
"We are good thanks for asking" Avyay said looking at her giving a very fake smile.
She couldnt control anymore and she brokenin tears because it pinched and hurt her that they were talking to her so formally.
She heard laughter around her she looked up, all of them were laughing, Yuvan spoke up, "Baby girl we were teasing you! Your punishment!" And they all jumped on her. Hugging her together and showering kisses. "Idiot you are our heart!! All these days we know how we felt " Agastya said.
"Yes he is right. We used to ask Aryan everyday about you" stavya said smiling kissing her forehead.
"Chal ye nautanki bandh kar and lets start our trip with smile" she smiled and hit them for making her cry unnecessarily.
They departed and landed in few hours.

They all went to their hotel. All their rooms were on same floor. At night, the boys went out to get drinks for the trip. They also planned activities for each day. While the girls stayed back talking about clothes, shopping and their man.
Imlie observed Tanya. Jhanvi was making faces too but she didnt bother much and ignored.
"Oh my god this trip is going to be fun! All the clothes i got is from Yuvi baby he got me everything !" She exclaimed. Gold digger?Maybe she thinking too much. After sometime Jhanvi and Aarvi laid on Imlie's bed and dozed off while Tanya was busy texting someone. She dozed off too. She was so tired that when she got waken up by Aryan it was 1 am at nignt. He woke her up by tickling her leg, she jerked up scared and saw Aryan Laughing on floor. She threw pillow at him. "Ok so jaa. You look grumpy and tired" she nodded looking at time and went to sleep for their first day of the trip. She didnt know about what was the activity all she cared that her family was together enjoying time . She was overwhelmed with the love in her life. She thought herself lucky and thanked god And her parents for it.

All being said she had omnious feeling in her heart. She ignored it but it nagged her.

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