Vampire Blood

By Peepodotcom

32.9K 846 1K


chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6 (tw: smut)
chapter 7
chapter 8 (smut)
chapter 9
chapter 10(smut)
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16 (smut)
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21

chapter 17

767 19 17
By Peepodotcom

omg guys i wish i will be able to go back to my usual upload schedule soon and hope u guys all have a great day, night, afternoon, wherever you're at :D This chapter is interesting to write cuz u get to know more about Asmodeus and his character and stuff :)

anyways, u guys had ur dose of smut, now back to loreeeeeeeeee :D

sooooooooo hope u like this chapter and enjoy!

Dream pov

'Dream...' I heard George yell out to me weakly and heard a thud shortly after. I immediately knew something was wrong, he sounded weak and like he could collapse at any moment. I knew he was mad but I backed up to kick the door open with a bang. I rushed inside and found George on the ground pale as a ghost.

I gasped and knelt down to pick him up in my arms. Wilbur came in shortly after me and Niki gasped when she saw George in my arms. 

'Shit, that's what I was worried about.' Wilbur whispered behind me and I snapped my head to him, growling. 

'You what ?' I snarled, baring my fangs at him. He raised his hands up defensively and backed up a little. 

'Woah, I tried to tell you okay? Why do you think we came to check on him? We went to Bad and got the information that he had woken up and came to see because the whole blood thing might not be over yet.' Wilbur explained and I calmed down a little, exhaling slowly and standing up with George in my arms bridal style. 

He was ice cold in my arms, almost as cold as me and that was freaking me out. I walked over to the bed and laid him down onto it, sitting down beside him. 

'What are we supposed to do?' I asked and turned my head to look at Wilbur.

'Well... We might have to restrain him to the bed because he might be aggravated like last time. Then, his demon form can't hurt George as much and he won't attack us because all his focus will be directed towards George.' Wilbur said slowly and I nodded. I teleported to the storage room and grabbed ropes and teleported back within a second but it felt like hours. 

I handed the ropes to Wilbur and Niki and stared at George blankly while they worked on tying George to the bed. 

I felt guilty that all of this was happening to him, if I hadn't left to hunt with Techno, I could've arrived faster and stopped Purpled from... 

My eyes glowed red again when I thought of that motherfucker bitch Purpled, he was still rotting away in the dungeons and I kind of just forgot about him after I finished torturing him for the day. 

I swear to god when George wakes up I will take George to the Dungeons and torture Purpled until he's so scared of George he wouldn't even dare to look at him. 

'Calm down, Dream, he's going to be fine.' Wilbur said, snapping me out of my dark thoughts. I shook my madness away and focused my attention back to George. His hands and feet was tied to the bed post and there was one tied around his waist too. 

'This should be fine, now we just have to wait for him to wake up...' Wilbur said quietly and George started to stir on the bed.

George pov

I gasped awake and sat up to find myself sitting on water, it was like last time except I could see endlessly, the sky eventually meeting the water at a line. The sky was bright, almost clear of clouds with only a few floating around carelessly in the sky. 

I rubbed my eye to clear them and looked around. I gasped when I saw Asmodeus not far from where I was sitting. I backed up a little and scrambled up, breathing heavily. I slowly walked towards Asmodeus and breathed a small sigh of relief when I saw some chains with symbols swirling around it restraining him around his wrists and ankles. 

Why does he have chains though...

I thought to myself as I walked towards him. He seemed to be seething in anger and pulling against the chains, constantly growling and cursing under his breath. I raised my brow as I approached him and he was basically fuming with rage. 

'Huh, look how the tables have turned.' I smirked and Asmodeus snapped his head towards me, growling while flying up to try to break out of the chains again. 

'Fuck your friends, I will kill them when I get out of this... fucking... stupid... CHAINS!' He snarled and I giggled at his rage, enjoying the sight of him struggling for freedom, his usual smirk wiped off his face. 

'Hmm, looks like your not going to get out of this anytime soon.' I smirked at him and he growled again, flying up as high as he can go, the chains clanking as he pulled them to the limit. 

His eyes glowed red and he looked more demonic than ever, but I wasn't as intimidated by him as before since he was chained but I still had to be cautious, he could be faking it. 

I noticed that the chains led into the water and black liquid was spilling around the chains, polluting the clear waters. 

The symbols swirling around it seemed to be slowly getting dimmer and Asmodeus seemed to get tired and dropped down lower. I came to the conclusion that the symbols were restraining and absorbing his powers and the black liquid spilling around the chains was the result of locking his powers away into the clear waters. 

'George... you need to make an agreement with him so he doesn't keep pulling you into his realm.' I gasped when I heard Dream's voice in my head. I looked at Asmodeus to see if he had heard it too, he was still struggling with the chains so I assumed he didn't. 

Dream? Is that you? I asked back, searching for Dream and I could feel his presence beside me, his hand resting on my shoulder. 

'Yes George, it is me but I need you to trust me and cast a spell to permanently lock your demon form away.' He said and I mentally nodded at him. 

Okay, what do I have to do... I asked Dream and I felt him shift beside me. 

'George, I need you to tell me when the symbols disappear on the chains and I need you to repeat after me. Oh by the way, can you tell me what the name of your demon is?' Dream said I mentally nodded again.

'His name is Asmodeus. Also how do you know that he has chains...' I slowed to a stop as realization came to me. He probably had something to do with this. I needed to trust him to finally stop Asmodeus from hurting me and Dream. 

'Uhh, okay, change of plans George, I need you to repeat after me right now, as fast as you can, I'll go slow so you can properly hear it, but I need you to do it fast.' Dream said and I furrowed my brows but nodded at him again. 

I heard laughter and snapped my head up to see Asmodeus has broken free of one of the chain around his wrist, the black liquid seeping out of the broken end of the chain and returning back to him. 

I stepped back with my eyes wide and informed Dream about the current situation, I could feel Dream tense up beside me and he told me to aim my hands at Asmodeus and start repeating after him immediately. 

'ø˙ ߈˜ƒ¨¬ ∂'µø˜≤ ∫' ƒø®'√'® ∫嘈ß˙'∂ †ø †˙' ∂''' I said after Dream and the smirk on Asmodeus' face dropped immediately, turning into a horrified expression and he started struggling against the chains more fiercely, the chain around his other wrist cracking slightly.

'π ¨˜˚˜ø∑˜ †˙å† ˆß †˙' å∫¥ßß≤ ƒø®'√'® ƒø®©ø††'˜ ˆ˜ †˙' √øˆ∂≤ π'®µå˜'˜†¬' I said as he broke free of the chain around his wrist. Lunging for me but missing as I dodged sideways and back away from him as his ankles were still chained. 

Suddenly, a chain lunged out of the water and wrapped around his waist, pulling him back and catching him by surprise. 

'¥ åçç'ßß ¬'ßß øƒ ¥ø¨® πø∑'®ß. I' ˝ø˜' î'âø˜⁄ ' I repeated the last phrase Dream said to me and multiple chains splashed out of the water and wrapped around Asmodeus' body, pulling him downwards into the pitch black water, he screamed as he squirmed in the chains, trying to get out. 

'Good job George, I'm proud.' Dream said in my head and I smiled, watching Asmodeus sink into the deep water and his screams muffled by the thick water. 

(for any of you who's curious, here's what the symbols mean: 

oh sinful demon, be forever banished to the deep unknown that is the abyss, forever forgotten in the void, permanently access less of your powers. BE GONE DEMON!  

So original right? lmao)

As soon as he was fully pulled into the water, the black liquid dissolved into the clear water with a hiss and a final growl from Asmodeus. I sat onto the water in relief and felt Dream sit down beside me. 

'Good job George, he should be locked away now, you just need to go to a... mirror? And you should be able to wake up. I need to go now George, good luck.' Dream said and I felt him leave. I took a deep breath and stood up, closing my eyes to settle the dizziness from standing up too fast. 

I looked around and spotted something in the distance. I started walking towards the object, presumably the mirror Dream was talking about. 

I sighed as I continued walking towards the mirror, my feet splashing on the water. It was eerily silent without Asmodeus constantly breathing down my neck, despite the bright sunny sky, I still felt chills down my back. 

I smiled as I approached the mirror, it was floating a bit above the water and it had vines around the frame of the mirror, the vines covered in purple and pink lavenders. 

I walked in front of the mirror and looked at myself. I was normal again, with no demonic horns or eyes, and Dream's mark was back to normal again, only this time, the background was black instead of the clear sky. I smiled and reached my hand up to touch the mirror, my reflection doing the same. 

I gasped when my hand cut through the surface of the mirror, going right through it like water. 

I pushed my hand in more, eventually walking through it with ease. I seemed to float up once I entered the black void, and I floated around to see where I should go. 

Suddenly, I felt a pull and plummeted downwards moments later, I screamed as I fell through the void and into deep waters. I tried to swim up as I sank deeper and deeper into the water, I felt weak and as if I had no strength at all.

Then I remembered what Dream said about trusting him and I stopped struggling, sinking into the deep waters more and more. Even though I wasn't drowning, my eyelids were drooping downwards, pulling me down to a deep sleep. 

I didn't fight it, and let the blanket of warmth envelope me. 

Did u guys like Asmodeus or nah

idk anyways, u won't be seeing him for a long time ;)

please vote and comment, luv y'all and have a nice day, morning, afternoon, evening, night, wherever ur at! <3

word count: 1954 words. 

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