Wings of Fire As Humans

By M0rb1d-

27.1K 232 3.6K

Moon is starting a new year in private school, just like everyone else. This school only opened a month ago... More

[1] Blond Hair, Blue Eyes, And A Stupid Face
[2] A Monkey That's Obsessed To Its Banana
[3] Now We're Even
[4] Two Girls And A Handful Of Drama
[5] Economy Class
[6] Scared Little Mice
[7] Endless
[8] A Broken Family
[9] A Bowl Of Doritos And A Bet
[10] A Car Full Of Weirdos And An Ostrich
[11] Redemption Of The Girls
[12] Sapphire
[13] The Four Elements Of Life
[14] Category Best Friend
[15] Permanently Permanent
[16] The Taste Of Hand Sanitizer
[17] Viral Videos
[18] The Day Before The Dance
[20] Mission Get A Girlfriend
[21] Jealousy And A Dream
[22] White Hair
[23] Ice Cream Without The Ice Cream
[24] Aint No Drama Like Mama
[25] Terrifyingly Terrible Tuesday
[26] New Year, New Me

[19] Tears Of A Broken Heart And A Broken Soul

897 8 215
By M0rb1d-


The dance was better than I expected it to be. There was a snack bar and a drink bar (virgin, obviously). Moon and I arrived early since we wanted a glimpse of everything before anything got serious. Recently, I have been really moody.

I've just been upset that Glory kissed Qibli like that when I'm ten times hotter. Her loss. But it still hurt. What did I do wrong? I have been asking her and asking, but she just ignored me and went for him. I couldn't help but despise Qibli even more.

The dance floor was mopped and dusted and I could practically see my reflection in it. The floor was so clean that it was actually slippery. After a long moment of exploring (even the girls' bathroom, which is AMAZING) I made it back to the entrance and saw Moon sitting at a table not too far away. She looked like the most miserable person, but still knockout gorgeous.

She was dressed as Mal, hair died a purplish blue, and her outfit...outstanding. It was exactly just like the movie.

I swear to God, if someone comes dressed up as a zombie, I'll seriously—

"You have a date?" I asked Moon, cutting off my own thoughts. Moon slowly averted her eyes away from mine.

"Yeah. Just not the right one."

"You don't love Qibli?" I asked. Shoot. That's bad on your part.

"I do! I mean—I don't! Winter... he asked me. I don't even know why I said yes. I have no attraction towards him, yet I didn't stop myself from agreeing. It's my own fault."

"At least you have a date," I stated glumly.

"Did Glory say no? Figures," Moon said.

"Yeah. She dumped me for that Qibli dude."

Moon's head jerked up, eyes wide opened. "For Qibli? But... didn't she kiss you?"

I snorted. "I wish. I only know how it feels to kiss her from my imagination."

There was a pause as Moon looked at me weird. "You imagine—never mind. Also, what do you mean? Tsunami posted a pic of it. Here, lemme find it for you... Okay, here it is."

She turned her phone around and I squinted at it. It was when I was in front of Glory and she was teasing me. Wow, Glory looks beautiful on camera. I pressed my finger on the screen and scrolled.

I regretted doing that.

It was a picture of Glory kissing Qibli, and I was standing in front of them with the most hurt face ever. I glumly averted my eyes away. Moon gave me a quizzing look before turning the screen around so she could see what I was looking at.

"Wait... you weren't lying?" Moon slowly asked.

"Of course not!" I cried. "Why would I ever joke about Glory being with someone other than me?"

Moon shrugged as if that was a reasonable answer but still looked extremely hurt.

I laughed quietly. "Well, isn't that a coincidence. My crush and your crush dancing together while we watch them from the bleachers."

"Who ever said Qibli was my crush?"

I gave her a skeptical look, to which she replied to, "Okay, fine. Just... don't tell anyone."

"Pfft, no one even ships you guys anymore. People will probably start shipping Gibli? Qlory? See, even the ship name is as trash as the relationship."

Moon sighed just as the gym doors opened to a few more people: a girl named Lynx, Kinkajou, Peril, Scarlet, Umber, and... Glory. Glory and I immediately made eye contact, locking it for a good five seconds before she headed for the drink bar. My costume really just gives off Criminal Minds vibes.

I had black fingerless gloves on each of my hands with a sketchy jacket on. Wearing black, ripped jeans isn't exactly my best decision, but then again, it isn't even close to being my worst.

"Look. There's Glory," Moon loudly whispered.

"I didn't notice," I responded sarcastically. Since Glory was playing the silent treatment, I decided to interfere with that. I stood up and walked away, ignoring Moon's protests to leave Glory alone. I silently slid up beside her.

"Heyyy," I said, grinning my head off even though a lizard was probably more happy than I'll ever be. I had caught Glory scowling at the the bar register after he had said the drinks wouldn't open until more people gets here. "What's your costume? No, don't tell me. Either way, you're still knockout gorgeous."

Glory gave me a face that said, I'm tired, don't start now. I gave her a face in return, Ditch your date and dance with me.

"What do you want?"


"Alright," Glory said exasperated. "I didn't come here for you. I came to have a great time with my date." That last part came out choked. But what about the bet? What about us?

"But I love you and you love me back."

"I don't love you back," Glory said calmly. "C'mon, Deathbringer. Find someone else."

I stood staring as she walked away, her long, golden hair running down her back. I shifted my gaze and saw Moon give me an expectant gaze. I sighed and walked over to her.

"So," Moon began. "How'd that go?"

I glumly sat down next to her. "She said she didn't come here for me. That she came to have fun with her 'date.' I... she also said that she doesn't love me."

That last part came out with daggers, slicing at my throat and the inside of my mouth. I held my breath so I wouldn't look too miserable, but now I probably look constipated.

"You deserve someone who loves you as much as you love them," Moon said gently.

"What, are you saying Glory doesn't love me?" I asked harshly. "She does. She's just playing hard to get."

Moon skeptically eyed my but didn't say anything.

"It's not like Qibli loves you, either," I muttered angrily, but I knew I was wrong. That dude's obsessed with Moon; can't get over her. Moon loves him back but now all her sense of confidence is gone. She's shy, which is something I wouldn't dare describe her a month ago.

But why can't Glory like me like that too? Maybe she was being serious and wants nothing to do with me.

In that case, fine.

Actually, no. I'll try for as long as I must. Whatever to get her attention.

Praying is underrated, so that's what I did.

"Hey," Kinkajou said as she made her way over to Moon. "What's up?"

"Just... waiting for Winter," Moon replied. "Did Turtle ask you?"

"No," Kinkajou said with a laugh. "I asked him. He's way too shy for that sort of stuff. But he's nice."

"Tell me," I interrupted, sitting up taller. "What's the best way a girl can get asked out onto a date?"

Kinkajou shifted her gaze over to me before resting on a confused frown. "Well... girls like it when you do it publicly, because then it'll show your true love for them. Probably with some chocolates and flowers... and maybe a banana."

"I'll rethink on the banana part but other than that, that was some good advice." I thanked.

"Oh, no," Moon sighed. "DB, you know Glory will hate that. Also, why bother trying? She said she didn't love you."

I was about to tell her not to ruin my mood but Kinkajou interrupted. "That's not was Glory said on the phone last night. We talked about girl stuff before I mentioned the dance. She said she wasn't going to go and I had asked her why—"

"Get to the point," I snapped. Kinkajou glared at me but didn't argue. "Anyway, the reason why she said that was because she had a bet going on with you and that you were already winning. She won't tell me what the bet is but I did remember her telling me not to tell you that. Wait... oops."

My whole face lit up so bright even Moon had to squint. I leaped up from my seat and started making my way towards Glory. Moon grabbed my arm and was putting all her weight onto it.

"Deathbringer—no, stop! She'll humiliate you. You know she's not afraid to." Moon tried and failed to make me change my mind. "At least... wait for everyone to get here! Kinkajou said that girls like to be publicly asked out!"

This made me halt. She's right. I ruffled Moon's hair and she growled at me not to do that. "You're so smart."

"No," Moon said. "I just use my brain. You should try it sometime."

"Um... hey."

I looked over Moon's shoulder at a boy with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He was eyeing us quizzically as he stared at us. Oh. That's Winter. Why is Moon even complaining?

"Oh, hi!" Moon said as she untangled her arms with mine just to trip over her own leg with a yelp and crash onto Winter. Their faces were practically touching as they stared at each other. I raised my eyebrows at them as they stayed in that position for one...two...three seconds before Moon quickly got back onto her feet.

"Ugh, sorry," Moon quickly apologized.

"It's all good," Winter said with a nod before looking at me. I noticed Moon looking around the entrance of the gym... probably trying to find Qibli. But at that point, I didn't care what even happened at this stupid dance. It's just the knowing thought that Glory loves me. That's what I now live for.

And maybe that's how Moon feels for Qibli. Maybe she'll go through everything and anything just for him. Or maybe she's a lost cause, not knowing where she'll end up. Maybe, maybe, maybe. But my life isn't a maybe. I'm sure where I'll end up, who I'll date and eventually marry. Probably.

More people were flooding into the gym, meeting with dates or friends and hanging out the snack table. Suddenly, when there was enough people, the lights dimmed and the DJ finally put on a song.

Spooky spooky skeleton, send shivers down your spine...

The fuck?

We all stared at the DJ like he had three heads. I can't propose to Glory with this playing.

I ran past all the people, shoving and pushing before I made it to the DJ. I felt my heart catch in my throat as I stared back at the face of Morrowseer.

I took a step back and blinked, but when I opened my eyes again, it was just Mastermind grinning at me.

I took a shaky breath and climbed onto the stage where he was DJ-ing.

"No, no, no," I accidentally said into the microphone, shaking my head. "Your childhood sounds stressful just by hearing you put that song on." People burst out laughing and some even started recording.

"I... what?" Mastermnd asked. "Isn't this song what you kids listen to nowadays?"

I stared at him in horror.

Did he just... what did he just—this is unacceptable.

"Anyway," I said uncomfortably. "I'll take it from here."

Mastermind handed me a paper with a list of songs on it. "What's this?"

"The songs we were going to play," Mastermind said as if it was the most reasonable answer.

"Okay," I said and crumpled up the paper before tossing it behind me. "Let's see... y'all want romantic music?"

There was a loud cheer but just then, Mastermind shooed me away from the mic. "No. We're sticking with the schedule."

Many people were recording now. I searched the crowed and met Moon's eyes which was full of horror. I ignored this and found Glory sitting at one of the tables with an exasperated look. I gave her a cheeky grin and she rolled her eyes.

Yeah, totally loves me.

"Deathbringer," Mastermind warned, "behave."

"Okay, okay," I said, clearing my throat slightly. "So, I was tryna change the song for a special someone but now that I'm here, might as well say what I have to say."

I saw Moon's face contort into a mix or horror and embarrassment. She ran forward, shoving past all the people and climbed onto the stage. I eyed her suspiciously.

"Yeah," Moon said, out of breath. "To me. You wanted to say that to me. I know, I'm the best sister ever." She sent me a glare. "Now, let's go home," she said through gritted teeth before whispering, "Deathbringer, don't! You know Glory won't like it. Let's go."

"No way!" I said. I patted her head and turned back to the audience. "Anyway, this is not for my obnoxious little sister, but for Glory."

Everyone snapped their heads towards Glory, who was blushing in embarrassment. "Deathbringer, shut up," Glory cried.

"I just want to say—"

Moon lunged forward and grabbed the mic. "Hey," she said way too quickly and awkwardly. "Here, I'll sing Happy Hirthday. Um. Happy Birthday to-"

I grabbed the mic back. She tried to grab it again but unlike her, I actually go to the gym. "Moon, stop. What are you doing?" I cried.

"Saving your sorry ass!" she yelled as she tugged harder on the mic. I glared at her. "You're the one who told me to ask her when more people get here," I growled. "Now you're stopping me? You make no sense."

Our conversation kept cutting out and muffling due to the tug-a-war Moon and I was having. Mastermind just stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Glory," I said when the mic was on my side. "I love—give me the damn mic—you! Do you—Moon, seriously—want to go out with me?"

Suddenly both Moon and I both stopped yanking and pulling. Us and everyone in the audience all froze in silence to hear Glory's response.

To me, the seconds took hours and those hours took days. I heard nothing but my heart rapidly beating against my ears. I saw cameras turn to Glory as they recorded her, but I didn't care if this went viral or not. She just has to say yes.

Glory seemed tense while Qibli standing next to her was trying so hard not to burst out laughing. Glory had her fists clenched at her side and her whole face was red. She whirled towards me, looking mad.

"Pretty please," I quickly added because I was half scared of her and I've also come to learn manners gets you farther in life.

"Deathbringer, no!" she cried. "Didn't you hear me before? I don't love you. I never will. Get that into your stupid head!"

"But Kinkajou-"

"Who cares what Kinkajou ever said to you? You need to get a life where I'm not in it! Stop acting so great and so confident that you need to flirt on girls when you've never laid eyes on them before in your life! You're so annoying and all you do is embarrass me! Go home, I never want to see your damn face again!"


Deathbringer never cries. Only in situations that really hurt him does he. And from the look on Glory's face, she noticed that, too.

"Ugh, no—" Glory sputtered, immediately feeling bad. But that didn't stop Deathbringer's eyes to suddenly clear over with water. I saw his lips start to sort of quiver.

"Really?" I yelled at Glory. She just stared at me. "You really just said to him? What's your problem? You're such a-"

"Moon," Deathbringer tried but his voice broke into a million pieces. That's when he realized all the people staring... all the people recoding. He jumped off of the stage in an instant and ran for the entrance. That's when I saw the tears sliding down his face.

And so did all the good camera lenses, too.

I saw Glory try to go in front of him to apologize but he just aggressively shoved her backwards, making Qibli have to jump forward to catch her.

The mic was still in my hands so I took advantage of that.

"Fuck you," I spat to Glory before throwing the mic down on the stage and running after Deathbringer. I felt Winter grab my hand as I ran past him but I just shook him off and pushed past the gym doors.

I looked frantically around for him but I couldn't find him. His car was still in the parking lot so he didn't leave the school either. I ran down the hall and looked everywhere for him. I checked all the classes and even went into the damn boys' bathroom. In the end, I just went into the girls' bathroom to sit down and stare at myself.

And that's where I found him, head buried into his arms as they wrapped around his knees. He was sitting under a sink and was soaked. I immediately ran forward and sat down next to him.

"I've been looking everywhere for you. Why are you in here, of all places."

"'Cause I thought no one would find me in here," he said, his voice muffled. "Also, it's way better in here than it is in the boys' bathroom."

I blinked at him and put both my arms around him like how he did to me when he found me crying in my room.

"Why are you so... soaked?"

He sighed a sad sigh as he looked up at me. His face was printed with signs that he had been crying.

"I... tried to flush myself down the toilet."

I desperately tried to stop myself but I burst out laughing my ass off. Too funny. I saw him crack a smile but he looked like he was going to start crying again.  

I buried my head onto his shoulder and pulled him in for a hug.

Glory may have Qibli and I might like him, but in this world, I'd chose Deathbringer over anyone. Because we only have each other. We can't let that grip go. We have been through everything together and we understand each other better than anyone.

That's a bond I wouldn't trade for the world.


~3107 words~

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