Sweet Revenge

By StaticRoyals

32.9K 1.1K 527

Izuku Midoriya was never a vengeful person, he never really wished for anything to happen to anyone even if h... More

-°~Chapter 1~°-
-°~Chapter 2~°-
-°~Chapter 3~°-
-°~Chapter 4~°-
-°~Chapter 5~°-
-°~Chapter 6~°-
-°~Chapter 7~°-
-°~Chapter 8~°-
-°~Chapter 9~°-
-°~Chapter 10~°-
-°~Chapter 11~°-
-°~Chapter 12~°-
-°~Chapter 13~°-
-°~Chapter 14~°-
-°~Chapter 15~°-
-°~Chapter 16~°-
-°~Chapter 17~°-
-°~Chapter 18~°-
-°~Chapter 19~°-
-°~Chapter 20~°-
-°~Chapter 21~°-
-°~Chapter 22~°-
-°~Chapter 24~°-

-°~Chapter 23~°-

964 29 4
By StaticRoyals

Word Count: 1,086

Shitty chapter but here ya go anyway💀💅
No One's POV:

Izuku couldn't help but groan as he began to wake up, he's head was pounding and all he could hear was that dreaded beeping he knew all to well.

He must be in a hospital...

Though he really really really did not at all miss the beeping of that stupid monitor, with a sigh he sat up despite he's pain, if he was alive he'd spite every stupid thing out there including he's body if he can.

Was that petty? Yes, would it only hurt him in the long run? Most definitely, does he really give a single flying fuck? No, it's he's life and he didn't plan in living past 60 anyway so if something dose him in beforehand whatever, just better be rememberable.

After a few moments he finally managed to sit himself up, he looked around he's hospital room and couldn't help but furrow he's brows, where was Kirishima? He honestly thought he'd already be bombarding him with apologies and I love you's by now, though he doesn't know how long he's been out so he figured he's just working.

Before he could think into it anymore a doctor walked in, though they didn't seem all that happy to be here, which sadly made some sense to Izuku, they must know of he's quirklessness.

This wasn't gonna be fun...

"Mr Midoriya, your awake." He said gruffly as he walked over to the bed, he stood at the end if the bed as he wrote stuff down.

Izuku tried to say something but when he tried he couldn't, not a single word would come out, and it was weird because he didn't feel nervous or even a knot form in he's throat, it was freaked him out, he brought he's hand up to touch he's neck but instead of feeling skin he felt bandages, with wide eyes he brought he's other hand up and began to feel all around he's neck, the doctor had seemingly taken notice of Izuku's panic and decided to speak up.

"Oh, right. I'm sorry to inform you but the explosion that went off near your neck did tearable damage to your vocal cords, we saved your life but your vocal cords weren't so lucky." The doctor stated tiredly, if he noticed Izuku's shock he didn't say anything.

The greenette looked at his doctor in shock, he lost he's voice? No he didn't lose it, it's completely gone and he can't even ask any questions about it, fuck he doesn't know any sign so he can't even ask any questions anyway, and even if he did with the way this doctor was acting he doubted he even knows sign, or if he does he'll probably ignore him or say he doesn't just because of he's quirklessness.

Damn, he forgot how annoying people can be about his quirklessness.

Though it didn't matter, Izuku was lost in he's own head leaving the doctor to talk and check over a silent greenette, it all passed in a blur which left him with only one thought.

Would he ever be able to speak again?


Izuku sighed as he walked into he's pent house, he couldn't help but slightly tear up as he looked around.

The place was a mess, the furniture was all over the place, some stuff was knocked over, other's were flipped over, and he's couch was completely broke into two pieces, there was holes and dents in he's wall but one was in the shape of a person, though he's not sure who was thrown into the wall, he was to busy dieing to actually pay any attention, there was also blood splatter here and there but what really stood out was the two large puddles of blood, one was of he's blood while the other was where Katsuki had bleed to death...

He couldn't help but gag at the smell, he's home was a total mess, he couldn't live here! It was demolished and even if he could still live here someone died while he almost died, this may have been he's home of many years but it was no longer a happy home to him.

Quickly he walked to he's room, he grabbed a bag and began to pack some things, he didn't want to pack everything, just enough until he bought a new home, and hopefully by next week he would have a new home.

With a heavy sigh Izuku zipped up the now full bag, he had ended up packing seven changes of clothes along with 6 changes of pajamas, he grabbed he's hygiene supplies, he's wallet, keys, computer, and he's small bag of stress relief related things, he would for sure need them for the shit nightmares he knows he'll be having while he stays in a hopefully okay hotel.

Though as he thought about the situation more he couldn't but pause as he furrowed he's brows in thought.

"Where did Ejiro go..?"


Kirishima panted as he was finally able to sit down.

He plopped himself down onto the ground behind a wall that perfectly hid him away from everything and everyone, he panted heavily as he brought he's knees up to he's chest.

"Fuck.." he stated when he finally was able to get he's breath back.

The police had been chasing him for almost ten hours now, only three hours ago were the pro heros finally involved, for three hours he's been dodging and avoiding Creati, she'd ended up with a random weird quirk in their 3rd year that had nothing to do with her quirk or her families, which ended up breaking apart their family, but aside from that she was ruthless when it came to hero work, meaning she was ruthless towards Kirishima with every attack.

It took awhile for him to finally be able to rest, after ten long hours he was finally able to rest.

Though now he was alone with he's thoughts as he watched the sun set, he wondered if Izuku was alive, if he was okay, they'd started looking for him the second they caught wind of him killing Katsuki, so he had to run quickly which left him unable to make sure if Izuku was okay.

At the thought of losing Izuku without getting a final goodbye made him tear up.

"God... I'm so sorry Izuku, I'm so sorry..." Kirishima said allowed as he began to cry.

Oh how sorry he was...

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