Lonely Tears S2: My Beginning...

mrs_author01 tarafฤฑndan

71.6K 3.3K 487

โ€ข๐—–๐—ผ๐—บ๐—ฝ๐—น๐—ฒ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฑโ€ข |๐—ฌ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ช๐—ฎ๐—ฟ'๐˜€ ๐—ฆ๐˜๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐˜† ๐Ÿ“Under editing for grammatical error and better writing. No... Daha Fazla

Prologue: My Beginning, End and Ever After
Preview: All I Do is Think of You
Preview: I'm doing well
PART 1: Dawning
PART 2: Ambiguous
PART 3: Contriteness
PART 4: Disingenuous
PART 5: Apathetic
PART 6: Palpitate
PART 7: Ambivalence
PART 8: Contradiction
PART 9: Serenity
PART 10: Denegation
PART 11: Equivalent
PART 13: Predilection
PART 14: Impassioned
PART 15: Detrimental
PART 16: Indelible
PART 17: Audacious
PART 18: Tranquillity
PART 19: Unfaltering
PART 20: Contentment
PART 21: Deplorable
PART 22: Damnation
PART 23: Perpetually
PART 24: Enamoured
PART 25: Besotted
PART 26: Infatuation
PART 27: Veracity
PART 28: Endearment
PART 29: Inamorato
PART 30: Gaiety
PART 31: Ecstatic
PART 32: Certainty
PART 33: Assuredness
PART 34: Somberness
PART 35: Wistful
I Miss You
PART 36: Longing
PART 37: Hankering
PART 38: Lascivious
PART 39: Amorous
PART 40: Amicable
PART 41: Unforeseen
PART 42: Melancholy
PART 43: Fortitude
PART 44: Exquisite
PART 45: Exasperation
PART 46: Fidelity
PART 47: Covetousness
PART 48: Venomously
PART 49: Distrustful
PART 50: Impostor
PART 51: Annihilation
PART 52: Engrossing
LAST PART: Infinitude
โš™๏ธ Author's Word

PART 12: Repudiate

893 57 4
mrs_author01 tarafฤฑndan


Even though I didn't have a class today, I woke up early to eat breakfast and go to the library to do some revisions because I have a test next week. While walking to the door to leave, I opened my phone and found a message from Pack that he had sent me a few minutes before.

"Let's have breakfast together, pookie," he said and I grinned while I opened the door but I was surprised by the figure in front of me before responding to the message.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Awww I just wanted to knock on the door but you're already opening it."

"It's like we're mates," Yin replied while winking and raising his eyebrows teasingly.

"Silly," I made an annoying face, controlling my face not to smile and he just chuckled looking at my reaction.

"And you, where do you want to go early in the morning?"

"Breakfast," I replied briefly.

"Awww, I also want to ask you to accompany me to breakfast."

He circled his arm around my shoulder. "Let's go, kiddo," he said.

"Are you coming to my building just to ask me to go to breakfast with you? Why did you just call me?"

"No reason. I just want to come here," he smiled and I shook my head looking at him.

I opened my phone while we were in the elevator and I noticed from the corner of my eyes Yin kept staring at me but when I looked at him, he immediately changed his gaze to another way. I just ignored it and opened Pack's message to reply to it because I saw he's still online.

Before replying to the message, I took a glance at Yin and he grinned innocently at me when he realised I was looking at him.

"Why?" He asked.


I put my phone in my pocket without replying to Pack's message.

"What time does your class start?" I asked.

"I have no class for today. My professor has an emergency issue."

We walked to his motorbike and he put the helmet on me like he always did without me saying anything. I just stared at him, mesmerizing his perfect face and shit, my heart pounds fast again and with my heart rate like this, I was afraid he would hear it.

Stupid War why you feel like this everytime he around you!!!

He smirked looking at me before riding his motorbike and I also spontaneously wrapped my hands around his waist, hugging him.

"So now you hugged me without me asking you anymore?" He asked teasingly.

"You will ask me to do so even if I don't want," I replied, trying to control my voice.

"Good boy."


"So, today are you free for the whole day?" I asked while we were eating at the cafe nearby our college.

"I have to meet Earn after this," he answered while his eyes focused more on his soup noodles.

Earn? Of course this isn't the first time I've heard her name. She's so popular on our campus for her elegant look and friendly personality. I know she was the one who gave Yin a chocolate during the selected program for our university football team and we also met her when Yin and I had dinner together. Last time, she also paired with Yin to be a model.

"Ohhh," I replied shortly and continued to eat.

He stopped eating and looked at me while smiling. "Why? You want me to accompany you to go somewhere?" He asked, resting his chin on his hands.

I shrugged."Yeah, maybe."

"But nevermind, you already have a plan."

He suddenly held my hand that I put on the table and it made me startled."No, no. I mean no!" He said in a loud voice.

I chuckled looking at his face."What do you mean no?"

"I didn't have a plan. I'm free the whole day."

"I can follow you everywhere you want to go," he said confidently and determined in his voice.

"But you said you have to meet Earn."

"I can meet her tomorrow."

I pulled my hand that he was holding and let out a deep breath before continuing to eat.

"Don't cancel the plan you already made with someone, Yin," I said while smiling a little.

"That person will be hurt."

It reminded me of our high school days, our plans were usually cancelled by him because he wanted to spend his time and hang out with someone else rather than me. I was no longer upset but when Yin easily cancelled his plan with the people he had already planned to meet today, I couldn't help but recall what had happened before.

Yin gave me a long stare before smiling a tiny bit."Last time you also canceled your plan with Pack because of me."

"Huh? When?" I furrowed.

"The time you came to give me support for my selected football program."

"You already have a plan with Pack, right?" He asked, raising his eyebrows and my eyes widened.

Shit. How could I have forgotten about that?! I cancelled my plans to accompany Pack to the bookstore to buy a book because I wanted to support Yin on that day. I had no idea why I had done it.

Stupid War!

"Errr we..we aren't the same!"

"Why are you comparing me with you?!" I said loudly, trying to cover up my embarrassment because the words I said to him early it's like returning back to myself.

"Oh okay," he smiled playfully and I avoided his eyes because I could feel my cheeks become tomato.

"So where do we want to go after this?"

"We?" I asked.

"Yeah, we. I want to follow you," he said joyfully.

I sighed while shaking my head."You will meet Earn and I will go to the library."

"Oh okay," he replied shortly and continued to eat but his answer made me stop moving and even breathing.

What's he mean 'oh okay'? He didn't want to argue or force me to allow him to follow me. Is he serious? Didn't he really want to meet Earn? And for what? Why does she want to meet Earn? Errr whatever, not that I care about his personal life.


After we finished eating breakfast, Yin rode his motorbike to drive me to the library and he had said nothing since then. Did he not try to persuade me and instead insisted on following me? He used to say he was free all day today but now he just zips his mouth shut.

Is he kidding me?

Or am I the only one who hoped he would accompany me rather than meet someone else?

Of course not! Why am I hoping like that?! Absolutely not!!!

He stopped at the coffee shop and I furrowed as he already agreed to send me to the library but now he stopped somewhere else.

"Why do we stop here?" I asked.

"I want to meet Earn. Just three minutes," he took off his helmet.

"Wait here," he wanted to walk away but I stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

"Why didn't you send me to the library first?"

"I already told you I want to follow you, my boy," he smiled and patted my helmet before walking away to enter the coffee shop.


My heart.

My heart is beating like crazy again.

Does he seriously want to accompany me? Why do I feel so touched like this? Fuck War, I hate everytime I feel like this.

He came back exactly after three minutes and there was a book in his hands and also a chocolate.

"I just want to meet her because I wanted to take this book," he told me without me questioning anything. I didn't know maybe because of my facial expression or maybe he could read my mind but as I said, not that I care.

"I didn't ask."

"But you are curious." He raised his eyebrows and smiled.


He grinned and handed the book and chocolate to me.

"Can you put it into your bag?"

"Oh okay," I took his book and chocolate from his hands, put it in my bag and we went to the library together.


We arrived at the library and chose our table, then Yin just rested his head on the table, facing me. I opened my book and started to study but after 10 minutes, he still didn't show a sign to move from that position, still facing and staring at me.

"You don't want to study?" I asked without looking at him.

"I don't."

"So you just want to lay your face on the table?"


His hands moved slowly towards me and I pretended like I didn't see anything. He played with my hair on my forehead while his head still rested on the table, staring at me without saying anything. I just acted normally and let him do so, keeping my eyes focused on my book even though my mind was already drifting away as I could feel how fast my heart beat.

"So cute," he mumbled and I bit my lips, trying not to show any reaction.

He traveled his finger on my face, from my eyebrows, cheeks, nose to my chin and I could see from the corner of my eyes that he was smiling. His finger almost touched my lips and I immediately backed away a little, preventing him from doing that as I couldn't describe what happened in my heart right now.

"You didn't have a test next week?" I brought up a random topic as I was trying to ignore my crazy feelings.

"I do"

"So, why didn't you study?"


He took one of my hands and fiddled with my fingers.

Oh shit. Can he stop being so clingy because my heart feels like it could explode at any moment but at the same time I didn't want to show any emotion.

"Study, Yin," I said briefly.

"I don't want to," he replied while his hands still caressed and played with my hands.

"Study. I will grant your wish if you get a good mark for your test."

"Are you serious?!" He lifted his head and looked at me excitedly.

"Yeah," I smiled a little.

"I take that as a promise," he said and rested his head on the table back, keep staring at me.

"Awww, why didn't you study yet?"

"I will start tomorrow," he replied and put my palm under his head to use a pillow, then he closed his eyes, sleeping.

I sighed and shook my head looking at him but I just let him do so. I smiled a little when I saw he had already fallen asleep a few minutes later, using my palm as his pillow.


After a few hours of studying at the library, I returned to my room in the evening and Yin walked me to my room's front door. Even though I told him he didn't have to do it but he kept using the same excuse, I was a child and there are a lot of dangerous people around right now. I had no idea what type of excuse that was.

I placed my bag on the chair and realised I hadn't returned Yin's book and chocolate which he had asked me to put in my bag before we went to the library because he didn't bring any bag.

I sat in the chair and took out the books.

"The Unwritten Laws of Engineering," I read the title of the book and I'm sure he needs this book to do his group assignment as our lecturer also told us we need the same book.

I flipped through the book to read it and a small piece of note tucked into the book fell out. I took and read it.

"When I say I like you, I really meant it, Yin. I hope you didn't push me away."


I chuckled while reading the note.

So it's true Earn likes Yin and he also knows about Earn's feelings towards him.

Did he also like Earn? Well, I couldn't deny Earn is so pretty and mostly all men will head over heels looking at her. So, it's not impossible if Yin likes her because I know Yin has a good taste in women. His ex-girlfriend when we were 14 years old, Ploy, was also really good looking.

I took out the chocolate from my bag and I am also sure that it must be Earn who gave him that.

"You aren't introvert like you used to be, Yin," I muttered as I'm looking at the picture of me and Yin that I put in my wallet, the last picture we took together at the photobooth before I moved to the new city almost two years ago.

Knock Knock Knock

My reverie stopped when someone knocked on the door and it must be Yin because he realized he left his book in my bag. I smiled and walked to the door to open it.

"Yin, I-"


I looked at the corridor to check if Yin was there because I really thought that it was Yin who knocked on my door. Pack sighed and raised his eyebrows, wanting me to say something.

"What?" I asked.

"So you expect Yin to come to your room?"

I just shrugged, didn't want to say anything.

"Why didn't you reply to my message this morning? I noticed you typing but then you disappeared without a trace."

"I came to your room this morning, you are also not there."

"Why? Are you missing me?" I asked playfully.

"Yeah. A little bit." He made a sullen face and I just chuckled looking at him.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight? I'm too lazy to go back to my room."

He held my hand and made a cute face. "Can I na na naaa? I miss you."

"You didn't have your own room now?"

I shook my head looking at him. I didn't even know he had a side that always wanted others to pamper him like that when I first met him. The only guy who I know has this kind of behavior is Yin and now Pack is also behaving like him. Is this a contagious disease?

"Emmm you're so harsh. You never allowed me to sleep in your room."

"Go back to your room, Pack."

He was still holding my hand and making a cute face, trying to make me change my decision and allow him to sleep over in my room.


My attention changed to the voice that called me and I saw Yin walk towards us.

He gave a tiny smile to both of us."I forgot to take my book," he said, avoiding my gaze and I looked at him weirdly because he always talked while staring at me but now he just bowed his head down.

"Oh, wait." I wanted to walk away but only then I realized Pack was still holding my hand and immediately pulled away from him, then changed my gaze to Yin but he's still the same, not looking at me.

Is this because he saw Pack hold my hand?

Is he jealous?

I took his book and chocolate on my study table and gave it to him.

"Thank you," he smiled a little and walked away.

"Can I sleep in your room na na naaa my pookie?" Pack said a little bit loud and it stopped me from calling Yin but my eyes still stared at him, walking away just like that.

"Go back to your room, Pack. I need to focus on my revision tonight."

"You already have a smart brain but why do you keep studying all the time," he pouted his lips.

"Yeah because you only can be smart if you keep studying," I said with a proud face.

"Hmm fine."

"But let's eat breakfast together tomorrow okay?"

"If not..."

"If not what?" I asked and he approached his face slowly to mine and I furrowed looking at him.


He looked at my lips and smirked before changing his gaze to my eyes again.

"Go back to your room, Packkk," I pushed him away and he chuckled looking at me.

"See you at the cafeteria tomorrow morning my pookie!" He walked away while waving at me.

I closed the door and the image of Yin's face earlier flashed across my head again.

Is he really jealous because of Pack?

Or is he just not in the mood to make a silly joke?

And why do I need to worry so much about it...Whatever, it's not my problem and I didn't want to think about it.

credit: @ktswmlym

Okumaya devam et

Bunlarฤฑ da BeฤŸeneceksin

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