A vigilante who heals villain...

By Rebel6610

25.2K 916 787

Tommmy is a vigilante. He finds a villain, heals them and goes on with life as if nothing happened. Nothing c... More

Chapter 1: The first meeting
Chapter 2: Life sometimes takes turns you don't intend on taking
Chapter 3: Wilbur is an annoying old man. But he's nice to be around.
Chapter 4: (my Chapter Title Is Too Long)
Chapter 5: Just hold on a moment! I'm supposed to sneak out of here?
Chapter 6: Because I am him
Chapter 7: On unstable waters
Chapter 8: There's no fixing this now, is there?
CH9 Dreaming of a better life
CH10 A forgotten memory
Chapter 12: The heroes vs a bird part2
Chapter 13: The fiancés
Chapter 14: Mending the past
Chapter 15: Tubbo in trouble
Chapter 16: The dinner
Chapter 17: Bedrock bros, assemble!
Chapter 18: Hidden clues
Chapter 19: Why?!?!?!
Chapter ??: A Taster
Chapter 20: Plot escalation my a- wait, what?
Chapter 21: Meanwhile... (in our universe)
Chapter 22: Pointlessness and misery
Dude 🫱 Why?
Get Ready...
CH23 The Search Begins

Chapter 11: The heroes vs a bird Part1

1.1K 33 66
By Rebel6610

It seems cc!Wilbur danger is over, so the title has been changed back. But, please do let me know if cc!Wilbur danger comes back!


Tommy woke up tired.

"Morning Tommy", Ranboo, who was laying on the floor next to Tommy, said.
"Did you have that dream again where it looks like a memory, but you can't remember their faces and names?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's that one again. I don't get it, why do I even dream about it if I can't remember? Like, I think they are my family, but I just can't remember them", Tommy said.

"Mhm. I know the feeling. I forget stuff all the time", Ranboo answered.

"Yeah, I know big man, and that's all okay", Tommy said.

"Good morning", Wilbur said walking into the room.

"Morning Wil. You feeling any better?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah, I can go around without help. Dad sent me up here to tell you that breakfast is ready", Wilbur said before disappearing back into the hallway.

"Let's go. I'm hungry!" Tommy said getting out of bed.

They both went down and ate breakfast. After that they settled won in the living room.

"So, what are we doing today?" Ranboo asked.

"Not sure. Whatever we fancy doing today", Tommy answered. "We can walk, watch movies, have a race on the stairs...", he listed.

"Maybe let's not have a race on the stairs. That could be dangerous", Ranboo said.

"Ranboo, big man, you're forgetting something. I can heal. There is nothing too dangerous for me", Tommy said.

"Except for being a daredevil. You can't go around just relying on your powers! Besides, if something does happen while we're racing on the stairs and you fall or something, it's gonna be terrifying for me!" Ranboo said looking really worried.

"Alright, then let's not have a race on the stairs. But what do you wanna do then?" Tommy asked his tall friend.

"Let's just go on a walk. I think both of us could use a nice walk to relax", Ranboo suggested.

"You're right, let's do that", Tommy said.

Tommy packed his bag and went to find Wilbur.

"Wil?" he half-shouted while going up the stairs. "Wil?" he shouted again.

"What's wrong Tommy?" Ranboo asked when he appeared next to Tommy.

"Geez, don't teleport!" Tommy jumped.
"Wil's not here. He would've answered already if he was", Tommy said looking a little worried.

"Wil? Techno? Phil? Dadza?" Tommy tried shouting again. "Let's go up to dadza's floor", he then said. "Teleport us up."

"Alright. Top floor?" Ranboo asked getting a nod from Tommy.

Ranboo teleported them up and Tommy went to Phil's office room.

"Dadza?" Tommy asked knocking on the door.

Tommy turned around to Ranboo looking really worried now.

"Where could they be?" Tommy pondered.

"Maybe let's try going in?" Ranboo asked.

"No, we can't do that! That's dadza's office! The only floor where we can go anywhere is Wil's floor", Tommy said.

They then heard something from downstairs.

"To Wil's floor", Tommy said looking at Ranboo, who just nodded.

They went down the stairs from Wilbur's floor with Tommy in the lead. They walked into the living room to see a huge mess.

"What happened here?" Ranboo questioned.

"I have just as much of a clue as you do. No fucking idea", Tommy answered.

He then walked over to the kitchen door and pressed his ear on it.

"Someone's in there!" Tommy mouthed to Ranboo.

Ranboo only looked even more terrified.
Tommy then took a deep breath and swung the door open.

In the kitchen a cloacked figure was standing.

"Hey! Who are you!? And what are you doing here??!" Tommy shouted.

"This place was supposed to be empty", the stranger muttered.

"Well quess what? It's not empty. So who are you, and what are you doing here?!" Tommy questioned again.

"The bigger question is what you are doing here. This is not your home. You don't live here. I would know. I work with the government after all", the stranger said stepping into more light.

"Mushroom hero 404...", Tommy muttered in fear.

"Yeah, that's me. Now what are you doing here? It's not your home", 404 said.

"I actually do live here. It's a temporary thing, but I do infact live here. Oh, uh, sorry, fix, we live here. As said, it's temporary, but we do infact live here", Tommy said taking a few steps back so that he was closer to Ranboo.

"We?" 404 asked stepping forward. "Oh, I see. You have a friend with you", he said when he saw Ranboo.

"Yeah, and we live here. A temporarily, but this place is our home", Tommy said.

"Yeah, right, and I'm just gonna believe some random teenagers", 404 said clearly annoyed.

Right at that moment a green glow enveloped 404 and the smiling hero Dream came in.

"Don't harass kids, 404. They're gonna get traumatised", Dream said.

"Whatever, just put me down", 404 demanded.

"Alright", Dream said dropping 404.
"I said put me down not drop me! You idiot!" 404 grumbled.

Dream sighed. "So kids, what are you doing here? Robbing the place?" he asked.

"No we live here! Yes, it's temporary, but for right now we live here!" Tommy once again said.

"Tommy, please, calm down. We don't wanna anger the heroes...", Ranboo said.

"Whatever", Tommy said not taking his eyes off of the heroes. He didn't like that they were there.

'Tommy? Could it be... No! That's impossible. He's dead, get over it!' Dream thought to himself. But oh how wrong he was to think it couldn't be him.

"Dream? What do we do with them? Do we believe the story?" 404 asked.

"I think we should-", Dream started when the front door burst open.

"Tommy!" Wilbur shouted running in. "Thank goodness you and Ranboo are okay", Wilbur said pulling Tommy into a hug.

"Don't worry, it was just the heroes breaking into your home. Not a robber. Unless the heroes decided to rob a place", Tommy said hugging Wilbur back.

"What?" Wilbur asked confused.

Wilbur then looked up to see Dream and 404 standing there.

"What on holy Dadza is going on here?" Wilbur questioned.

"We are very sorry, but we were only after some villains and ended up crashing into your place!" Dream apologised.

"Crashing into the place? Hell no! When I burst the kitchen door open, 404 looked like he was looking for something!" Tommy said.

404's silence was a good enough answer to prove to Tommy that 404 was in fact looking for something that didn't belong to him.

"See? He's not even saying anything to prove otherwise. So you didn't crash into the place. You were looking for something in here", Tommy said.

"I think it's best if we leave now 404, don't you think?" Dream asked.

"Yeah...", 404 said.

The heroes left after Dream had put everything back to their places with his powers.

"And that's one reason more to hate the heroes", Tommy said. "I'm tired, I'm going up to take a nap", he then said going upstairs.

"I'm so glad you guys came, I was terrified, and I bet Tommy was as well", Ranboo said sitting down on the couch.

Tommy went into his and Ranboo's room and layed down on his bed. Soon, he fell asleep.

It was that dream again. But this time, he was watching the events happen.

"Where is he??" younger Tommy pondered to himself. "Come on Clay! You're gonna be late! [N=&/] is waiting!" he shouted to his older brother.

'Clay?' Tommy wondered. That was new. He could now remember that name.
Younger him started to run and he got pulled with.

"Coming, coming! Don't rush me!" Clay shouted back running after him.

That was new as well. He could now make sense of his face.
"Tommy wait up! You're too fast for me!" Clay shouted after younger Tommy.

"No way, big bro! You're not outrunning me!" Tommy shouted.

Tommy remebered that he was 4 at the time. If he remembered correct, his brother was 10. His brother... He didn't remember that before... So Clay was his older brother... That was new too.

"Clay! Come on! [N=&/]'s gonna be mad! Hurry up already!" Tommy whined.

"Alright alright, I'm trying!" Clay said.
Tommy saw Clay's face light up. He seemed to have gotten an idea. His hands started to glow green, and then his feet were off the ground.

'Green glow? Just like the Dream's powers...', Tommy thought, but decided to not bother it and instead focus on the memory.

"Let's go!" Clay said determined.

"Yeah!" Tommy exclaimed.

The scene changed in a moment. They arrived at [N=&/]'s place.

"Clay! Tommy! Welcome! You guys were almost late", [N=&/] said.

"Yeah, I know. I told that to Clay, but he's just too slow", Tommy said. [N=&/] laughed.

"Clay!" someone from behind [N=&/] exclaimed.

"[G#&£/%]! Hi!" Clay also exclaimed as the brunnette jumped on him.

"I missed you!" the brunnette said.

If Tommy remebered correct, the brunette was 3 years older than his brother, making the brunette 13 at the time.

"I missed you too", Clay said.

"Hey Gogy!" Tommy interrupted the moment.

'A nickname? I can't remember his actual name but I can remember a nickname? Come on, memory', Tommy thought.

"Hi Tommy. How are you?" [G#&£/%] asked.

"I'm good. Still faster than Clay. And Clay is still super slow", Tommy said.

"Kids, why don't you come in?" one of [N=&/]'s fathers asked.

"Hello Mr. [H@#+]!" Tommy greeted him.

"Hello Tommy", [B*"B&=H@#+] said.
"Come on in boys, the kitchen is packed with cake and other sweets!" [B*"] said.

"Ooh! Are they made by you?? I really love your bakings!" Tommy said.

"Yes, Tommy, they are made by me", [B*"] said.

"Of course they are made by [B*"]. Who else would be making mountains of muffins and other baked goods?" [S&%==@], [N=&/]'s other dad, said.

"Come on guys!" [N=&/] said as he ran in the others following suit.

The scenes changed quite a lot. They ate and celebrated [N=&/]'s birthday.

He had just turned 8 if Tommy remebered correct.

[N=&/] opened gifts, read cards and thanked them. In the evening everyone left.

"Clay, can you carry me on your back?" younger Tommy asked.

"Sure. Hop on", the dirty blonde said.

"Yeah!" Tommy exclaimed. He hopped onto his brother's back and got comfortable.

"Goodnight Tommy", Clay said.

"Good night big bro", Tommy answered. He then fell asleep.

It then went black for a moment, then it was morning. Younger him walked out into the living room. His drunken father was there.

"Tommy? What are you doing you mistake?" he asked.

"I just woke up... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you...", Tommy said.

"You never do anything else other than annoy me! Do something already!" their father shouted.

"I'm sorry...", Tommy said in tears.

"Leave him alone!" Clay shouted running in front of his little brother.

'He must've been a really good brother. And now it also makes sense why he's here', Tommy thought.

"You stay out of this!" their father said angrily.
"[£%&)@£)] leave. Now", [P@++%] said stepping into the room. "You can't continue to do this to our kids!" she shouted.

'My mother... A really good person, I can tell that', Tommy thought smiling. But soon, that smile dropped.

"Alright, I'll leave", his father said with a grin. He turned around pretending to leave when he turned back grabbed Tommy's arm and dragged him with him. "But I'll take him with me", he said.

"Tommy!" Clay shouted terrified.
Their father left the house dragging Tommy with him.

Tommy saw a light. He turned his head to see a car. 'A car? Is this how...?' he thought.

"Tommy!" Clay shouted right when the car hit his father.

'And me? How did I not die?' Tommy asked himself as the memory started to roll back.

Tommy walked to the other side to see what happened to him. The memory now seemed to have been playing in slow motion.

Tommy saw as his father just before the impact managed to push Tommy to the other side of the road and into a bush where he hut his head.

'That's where I went unconscious then', Tommy thought.

When he looked back towards hisbrother, he was in tears.
Clay screamed Tommy's name once more before Tommy woke up panting.

Tommy looked at the clock in the room. It was 5.57pm.
Right then Wilbur walked in.

"Tommy? Is everything okay?" Wilbur asked walking up to the still panting Tommy.

"I'm fine... It was just a not pleasant dream", Tommy answered.

Wilbur walked up to him and wrapped his arms aroind the still slightly panting boy.

"Alright then Toms. Just know, that if you want to, you can talk to me about it", he said.

"Yeah, I know", Tommy said leaning into the hug.

They hugged for a while until Tommy's stomach started grumbling.

"Maybe we should go down and eat something", Wilbur suggested.

"Yeah", Tommy said getting up.

They walked downstairs and went into the kitchen.

"Hello Tommy. Did you have a good nap?" Techno asked. He was standing at the stove making something.

"Eh, it wasn't that bad. What are you making?" Tommy replied.

"Potatoes. Like usual. You want some as well?" Techno asked.

"Sure, why not", Tommy said as he sat down.

Techno finished the food and sat down with Tommy.

"Wil, you don't have to so clingy", Tommy said.

"What do you mean? I'm not clingy. I'm just hugging you", Wilbur said as he pulled his chair even closer to Tommy's.

"Yeah, right", Tommy said.

After eating the three of them sat down in the living room.

"Where're dadza and Ranboo?" Tommy asked.

"They're talking up in dad's room. Don't know 'bout what tho", Techno said.

"Okay", Tommy said. "I wanna go for a walk", he continued.

"Do you want one of us to go with you?" Wilbur asked.

"Nah, I wanna go alone. I need to think about stuff and walking while doing it helps", Tommy said getting up.

He put on his shoes and grabbed his bag, which was near the doorway. He then stepped out the front door and left.

'Time to patrol', Tommy thought to himself as he put his vigilante gear on.

He lept across the rooftops while keeping a close eye on the streets.

He still kept thinking about his dream. It was the first time he was seeing it in 3rd person.

It still felt weird for him. Clay, his supposed older brother, had the same green glow, that the smiling hero Dream had.

'Could Dream really be my brother? And what happened after the whole car thing that made me get marked as an orphan? Surely they would've found me, right? There has to be some other reason...', Tommy thought as he stopped leaping across rooftops.

He then heard a scream.

He looked around and saw a woman in the alleyway below Tommy. He couldn't really see her, but she was in trouble, that Tommy could tell.

"Oh, come on, you know no-one can hear you, right? So why scream? Just give me the money and I'll be gone, darling", a man who just walked into the alleyway said.

"N-No! Leave me alone!" the woman shouted panicked.

"I give me the money!" the man now shouted angrily.

"Hey, I'm gonna have to step into this", Tommy, who was now on the fire escape ladder said.

"Who the fuck are you?" the man asked.

"Aw man, I thought I was already that famous that people would know me already. Well, either ways, I'm gliding vigilante Avian", Tommy introduced himself. "And I have to ask, what is going on here?" he asked.

"Nothing of your interest kid, now leave", the man said.

"Actually, it kind of is my interest though. I'm supposed to be saving this lovely looking young lady from you. So, I'll ask again. What's going on here?" Tommy said jumping off of the fire escape ladder and gliding down.

"Nothing, now scramble kid. I don't need kids butting into my business", the man said, now clearly annoyed. "Niki here only has to give me the money and I'm out of here without harming anyone", he continued grinning.

"Well, too bad I'm not gonna let you do that", Tommy said.

He then punched the man straight in the face, knowing that the man had unintentionally dropped his guard.
The man grunted as he fell to the ground, his nose bleeding.

"Are you okay?" Tommy turned to Niki.

"Yes, thank you", Niki said with a grateful smile.

"Do you need help getting home or wherever you are headed?" Tommy, being the gentleman he is, asked.

"I guess that would be nice. It's getting dark and I should be home by now", Niki said.

"Alright, lead the way, I'll be following from a safe distance!" Tommy said trying to look as heroic and professional as he could.

"Alright. I get it. You're not officially a hero so you can't be out just like that. Just as long as you're nearby to make sure he won't come after me, I'll be alright", Niki said looking relieved.

"Yeah. Now, where to?" Tommy asked as he jumped up the fire escape ladder.

"This way", Niki said walking out of the alleyway and taking a turn to the left.

Tommy followed Niki until she got home safe and left after they both waved to each other.

He was tired. He hadn't even noticed how late it was, but he didn't care. He just wanted to get back.

Tommy arrived back at 30 past 11pm. He had already put his vigilante gear away and stepped inside the house.

He then heard running and before he could even see who it was his view was obscured by a yellow sweater.

"Tommy! You're back. Where were you for so long??! You were gone for 5 hours!" Wilbur asked with red and puffy eyes once he pulled away.

"Sorry, I forgot to check the time", Tommy said, now feeling really guilty because he could tell how worried Wilbur was if he just looked at him.
Tommy hung his head low looking at his shoes and the floor.

"Do you know how worried I was?! How worried we all were?!" Wilbur asked. He had started to cry again.

"The news were talking about an accident happening nearby and because we didn't know where you were, we thought something had happened to you!" Wilbur said pulling Tommy into a hug once again.

Tommy hugged Wilbur back grabbing Wilbur yellow sweater as if he was holding on for dear life.

"I'm sorry, Wil. I forgot to pay attention to the time... ", Tommy said." I'm sorry... ", he repeated.

They both just stood the hugging each other as if their lives depended on it, until Wilbur felt Tommy collapse.

"Tommy!?" Wilbur panicked for a bit, but when he looked at Tommy he saw that the boy had only fallen asleep.

"You're gonna be the death of me one day Toms. The death of me", Wilbur sighed as he picked Tommy up and carried him to bed.

But he had one problem. Tommy wouldn't for his life let go of Wilbur, and so, Wilbur had to stay with Tommy, which he didn't mind at all.

Tommy woke up the next morning findinh himself cuddled against someone.

When he looked up he saw Wilbur, who was still sleeping. Or at least it looked like that to Tommy.

"Morning Toms. Sleep well?" Wilbur asked keeping his eyes still closed.

"You're awake? Morning", Tommy said laying back, finding it quite comfortable to lay like that. "I guess I slept well", he added.

"I've been awake for a while now", Wilbur said. "And I really need to use the bathroom now."

"Well, too bad cause I'm quite comfortable here", Tommy said.

"Tommy, come on, please. Or do you want me to piss on you and your bed?" Wilbur asked smirking.

"Oh fucking hell no! Go! Now!" Tommy said getting up quick trying to push Wilbur off of the bed.

"Thank you, Toms", Wilbur said with a grin.

"Stupid Wilbur...", Tommy muttered.
He looked at the clock, '8.45am', and went downstairs.

"Good morning Tommy", Ranboo greeted Tommy.

"Morning Ran", Tommy said as he sat down next to Ranboo.

"Hey Ranboo, I was just wondering, is Ranboo like your real name, or is it just like a nickname?" Wilbur asked walking into the living room. "And morning Toms", he added.

"Morning Wil", Tommy said.

"Well, um, yeah, Ranboo is just a nickname", Ranboo said.

"Oh, can I know your real name?" Wilbur asked.

"Sorry, but no. I don't really like using it. Personal reasons", Ranboo said.

"Oh, that's okay. You don't need to tell me!" Wilbur said.

After that they just sat there in silence until Phil called them to eat.

While eating they decided that they'll all go to a fair that was that day.

"This is gonna be a once in a lifetime chance, Ranboo! We're going going to a non-free fair! And we don't even have to pay for it!" Tommy said with a joyful face.

"Yeah, I'm glad as well. Wilbur and his family are really nice", Ranboo admitted.
"Yeah, I only wish Toby could see that too...", Tommy said.

"Don't worry, I'm sure the three of us will friends again at some point! Imagine sure of it!" Ranboo tried to reassure Tommy.

"I hope so", Tommy said.

"Alright, we ready to leave?" Wilbur asked.

"I'm ready, that's for sure!" Tommy said.

"Let's go then!" Phil said, Techno coming behind Phil.

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