TEAM! max thunderman

Oleh niallhoranslovebot

44.7K 1.2K 347

โ€•โ Together, we're a stronger team, oh. Put your heart in it. You can go the distance. Me and you against the... Lebih Banyak

CHAPTER ONE, adventures in supersitting
CHAPTER TWO, report card
CHAPTER THREE, prank war
CHAPTER FOUR, this looks like a job for
CHAPTER SIX, crime after crime
CHAPTER SEVEN, going wonkers
CHAPTER EIGHT, thundersense
CHAPTER NINE, phoebe's a clone now
CHAPTER TEN, have an ice birthday
CHAPTER ELEVEN, nothing to lose sleep over
CHAPTER TWELVE, pretty little choirs
CHAPTER THIRTEEN, breaking dad
CHAPTER FOURTEEN, max's minions
CHAPTER FIFTEEN, sleepover and movie marathon
CHAPTER SIXTEEN, a trip to new orleans
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN, fighting the green ghoul
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN, winter thunderland
CHAPTER NINETEEN, late night visit

CHAPTER FIVE, you stole my thunder, man

2.3K 65 7
Oleh niallhoranslovebot

Toady was the class president election and as always Phoebe was running for president. Millie, of course, was supporting her girl best friend no matter what and that's why she was wearing the shirt Phoebe had made that said 'don't be dweebs, vote for pheebs'. Phoebe had made shirts enough for the whole school, but Cherry, Max, Millie, and Phoebe were the only ones wearing the shirts though. And to help Phoebe out, Millie was going to ask some questions that were on note cards Phoebe gave her along with Cherry and Max.

After Phoebe's speech, Millie cheers along with everyone else, but cheering the loudest along with Cherry for Phoebe. "Thank you, Phoebe." Principal Bradford said, walking over to the podium Phoebe stood at. Phoebe steps to the side when he pushed her away so he can stand behind the podium. "Very moving, especially the first hour. And now it's time for students to ask questions while I play games on my phone."

Principal Bradford and Phoebe switches places and Phoebe says, "Uh, how about a question from..." She points at Max. "You there, random schoolboy?"

Principal Bradford glances at her with furrowed eyebrows. "Isn't that your brother?"

Phoebe raises her eyebrows at him. "Do you really care?"

Shaking his head, Principal Bradford turns his attention back to his phone he was holding. "Nope."

Smiling, Phoebe looks at Max. Max holds up the card Phoebe had given him to read off. "'Being a good president means being able to juggle responsibilities. What else can you juggle?'" He furrows his eyebrows and looks at his sister with annoyance. "Okay, nobody wants to see that."

Millie raises her eyebrows and smiles with amusement upon seeing Phoebe holding three juggling pins. Phoebe frowns when her brother said that and sets the juggling pins down. Max puts the card in his back pocket and walks towards the front. "After sitting through everyone's speeches, I didn't hear any of you talk about things that really matter."

"You mean the things on your note card?" Phoebe asked him through gritted teeth.

"No," Max drags out the word he speaks. He faces everyone. "Things like why does the lunch lady have a hairnet when the problem is clearly her beard?" Everyone looked at the lunch lady, who touched her beard, and she sheepishly smiled and waved at everyone.

"Can we please get back to the real issues?" Phoebe questions. "Now," She picks up the juggling pins again. "Who likes juggling?"

"Who's got time for juggling when the bathroom has sandpaper instead of toilet paper?" Max inquired.

"Yeah, he's right!" A boy agrees. "I wait 'till I get home."

"Yeah, and can't the janitor wait 'till after school before he mops the stairs?" Max asked, gesturing to the janitor who had just got done mopping the stairs.

A boy walking down the stairs slips and falls, proving Max's point. Millie cringes upon watching him fall. She glances at Max with a small smile. She didn't know that he noticed all of this stuff happening with the school and that he even cared about it.

Max stands on a nearby chair, pointing at the janitor. "Mr. Janitor, put down that mop!"

"Yeah!" Everyone agreed and the janitor put down his mop.

"These are the important questions that need to be asked." Max continues, speaking in a loud voice and with his fist in the air. He grins. "And it is really fun to talk in a loud voice and shake your fist!"

Everyone copies his movements and yells words of agreement. "Yeah!" "Right!" Everyone then began to chant Max's name besides Millie. Yes, she was happy for Max, but she felt bad for Phoebe. She wanted to be class president for so long and then Max just waltzed in and took it from her like it was nothing.


The next day of school Millie finds out that Phoebe is now Max's vice presidents, but she could tell Phoebe wasn't happy about it. Cherry became Max's secretary which Millie was surprised to find that out. Max had asked her to be his secretary, but she politely declined since she didn't want that much pressure on her and plus the whole class president thing is not really her thing. 

But then Cherry got fired and Max asked her to be his secretary again, saying that he couldn't be the best class president without her by his side. And yes, hearing that made her heart skip a beat and her face heat up.

Currently she was walking with Max and his flunky, who was named Flunky, out to the courtyard. She couldn't believe that this kid was named Flunky. She almost didn't believe it until she was introduced to him. And it seemed like he had a crush on her because he always managed to compliment her or say something flirty to her which Max did not like one bit whereas Millie thought it was cute, but it was also kind of annoying.

"Agent Flunky is leading the golden geese to the courtyard." Flunky said into his earpiece. "Roger, roger."

"Golden geese?" Millie raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah, since you're Max's secretary that means I'm gonna be protecting you too sweetness." Flunky replied, sending her a charming smile.

Millie rolls her eyes and smiles slightly. "Yeah, okay."

Max narrows his eyes at Flunky and his jaw tightened as the three of them stop walking. "Flunky, are you even talking to anyone on that thing?"

"Yeah, bro, my security team." Flunky replies. He presses the earpiece. "Love you too, mom." 

Millie chuckles lightly. "Your security team is your mom?"

Flunky points at her. "Don't laugh, Millie. My security team is great."

Phoebe then walks over to the three of them. "Max, why have you been avoiding me?"

"Today or since I learned to walk?" Max asked, raising his eyebrows at Phoebe.

Millie covers her mouth to stifle a laugh and elbows Max's arm. "Be nice, Max."

Flunky smiles dreamingly at Phoebe. "I'd never avoid you." He holds up a licorice. "Licorice? We can meet in the middle." He put one end in his mouth and smirked at her.

Phoebe looks at him weirdly and puts a hand on his face, shoving him away. She sighs, looking at Max. "Max, as your VP, I need to know how your meeting with the principal went."

Max glances at Millie with a smile. "Millie?"

"The meeting went great. Max made a lot of new adjustments to the school that will be helpful for everyone." Millie replied, smiling at Phoebe.

"Yeah, check out the new mascot." Max pointed at the mascot skating on a skateboard, high fiving people he skated by. He high fived everyone, but Phoebe which made her frown.

"That extreme raptor left me hanging."

Millie sympathetically smiles at Phoebe. "Sorry, Pheebs."

"Because he's too busy bringing school spirit." Max commented as the mascot walks over to them, high fiving Max. Max began chanting 'raptors' and everyone joined in. 

"And check out everyone's heavy backpacks." Max said after the chanting stopped. "Oh, wait, they don't have any." He gestures around to everyone holding tablets and Phoebe looks around with surprise. "See, I convinced the principal to make all textbooks available for download. Genius? Pretty much."

Cherry walks over to the group with a smile on her face. "You rock, Max. Without my backpack, I'm, like, three inches taller." She grins. "Hello, basketball team." She then pretends to be throwing a basketball, throwing her tablet across the courtyard in the process and Millie cringes as she watches it land and heard glass shatter. Cherry grimaces and goes after her tablet. "Why'd I do that?"

"Oh, and let me guess. You're putting healthy snacks in the vending machines?" Phoebe asked.

"Actually, he convinced Principal Bradford to replace the vending machine with a smoothie machine." Millie replied.

Max grins. "There's gonna be a big unveiling ceremony." He shrugs, glancing at his sister. "I can probably get you an invite."

"School spirit, healthy foods, backpack reform? You stole my-"

"Three-pronged approach." Principal Bradford interrupts Phoebe. He wraps an arm around Max's shoulders with a smile. "That's why people are gonna remember Max Thunderman as the greatest class president in the history of Hiddenville High!" He patted Max on the chest before he walked away, pushing Flunky away in the process since he was in the way.

"That has always been my dream, sir." Max responded, earning an eye roll from Millie since she knew that was a lie.

"But it's my dream!" Phoebe complained.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot." Max nods. "Why'd you ever give up on that?"

Phoebe furrows her eyebrows and points at him. She was going to say something, but Max snaps his fingers and points forward, signaling Millie and Flunky it was time to leave. As Max and Flunky walk away, Millie glances at Phoebe with an apologetical smile. "Sorry, Pheebs. If it means anything, I tried to get him to give you credit for the ideas. He just didn't listen to me."

"It's okay, M." Phoebe reassured her. 


After school, Millie was hanging out at the Thunderman's house. Max was doing push ups with Flunky sitting on him. 

"Twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five." Flunky stands up, followed by Max who was now wearing work-out clothes. Flunky pats his shoulder. "Good set, bro."

Phoebe walks inside, angrily closing the front door behind her. "Max, how could you steal my three-pronged approach? I should be the one unveiling that smoothie machine tomorrow."

Max puts a hand on her shoulder. "But you're the vice president. Which is Latin for 'not the president'."

Millie furrows her eyebrows and tilts her head to the side. "Pretty sure that's not right."

Max glances at her and nods. "I'm pretty sure it is right."

"No, it's not." Phoebe argues. "And I only know that because I'm vice president of the Latin club."

"Look, the principal put me on the spot, and I had nothing, so I gave him your ideas." Max smiles at Phoebe. "And since you work for me, your ideas are my ideas." 

Millie rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. She wasn't liking how Max was acting. "Here's an idea." Phoebe said, glaring at Max. "You stink."

"He stinks of power!" Flunky remarked, high fiving Max as he stood beside Max. 

Max sniffs his armpit and grimaces. "Woah! Power needs a shower." After he and Flunky left, Nora left the kitchen and walked into the living room.

"I don't know how you deal with him." Phoebe said to Millie with a sigh as she sat down on the couch.

Millie sits down on the couch as well and shrugs. "I don't know how I deal with him either. He can be a handful. And I'm really sorry with how he's treating you. That's a jerk move." She smiles. "You want me to punch him for you? That'll teach him a lesson."

Phoebe chuckles and shakes her head. "Thanks, M, but you don't have to do that."

"I think she should. Max deserves it." Nora chimes in, gaining the attention of the two teens in the living room. She glances at Phoebe with furrowed eyebrows. "Are you really gonna let Max do that to you?"

 "You heard him. The vice president has no power." Phoebe answers. "I can't do anything."

Nora smiles mischievously. "Except become president if something should happen to Max."

"Please, Nora," Phoebe rolls her eyes. "I'm not in the mood for one of your devious-" She stops herself in the middle of her sentence, raising her eyebrows at Nora and smirks. "What did you have in mind?"

"Mm." Nora hums in response, sitting on the couch between Phoebe and Millie. Millie chuckles, glancing at the magazine Nora held with raised eyebrows. "Check out this article in Max's latest issue of 'Evil Teen'." She opened up the magazine to the article she was talking about and handed it to Phoebe.

"'Exotic Russian plant guarantees a week of tummy trouble.'" Phoebe read out loud.

"Feed it to Max, and you'll become number one, while he's going number two." Nora explained.

"No, I can't." Phoebe shakes her head, closing the magazine. "I'm better than that."

Millie raises her eyebrows. "Are you though?"

Flunky walks into the living room, carrying Max's work out clothes. "My boy wants you to handwash his running clothes. Be sure to hit the pits." He dropped the dirty clothes on top of Phoebe's head and a disgusted expression formed on Millie's face. 

Phoebe takes the clothes off her head with an angry expression on her face. "What page was it?" 

"Forty-two." Nora replied, handing her the magazine.


Millie now sat at the kitchen island next to Nora while Phoebe stood in front of them. "Okay, I called Max and told him it was pizza night. He should be home any minute." Phoebe smiles. "Start cooking."

Nora uses her heat vision to cook the frozen pizza. "Now all we need is the special topping." Phoebe speaks. She glances at the door with furrowed eyebrows. "It's been thirty seconds. Why isn't Billy back from Russia with that plant yet?"

Seconds later Billy zooms inside. "Sorry I'm late." He points to the tall round black hat he wore and grins. "I went hat shopping." He hands Phoebe the plant. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go do non-rock things."

Millie chuckles lightly and rolls her eyes. Phoebe and Nora had told her about how Billy and their dad had been collecting rocks and that their mom was getting sick and tired of all the rocks being brought back to their home. Millie didn't blame Barb, she understood why a lot of rocks taking up space could be annoying. 

"Hold on, Billy." Phoebe stops him from leaving. "Mom told us to make sure you're not still collecting." She glances at Nora, who stands up. "Search him." Phoebe raised Billy's arms up and Nora patted him down.

"He's clean."

Phoebe nods and drops his arms. "Guys, I told you. I'm out of the rock game." Billy said and walked away. 

Phoebe walks over to the living room with the pizza, setting it on the coffee table. She sighs, sitting down on the couch as Millie gets up and walks over to her. "And now for the final ingredient." She tears up some leaves she got from the plant and put them all over the pizza. She stands up with an evil look on her face. "Revenge! Sweet revenge!" She rubbed her hands together just like a villain would do and laughed evilly. 

Millie puts a hand on her hip, raising her eyebrows at Phoebe. Phoebe stops laughing, glancing at her with a sheepish smile. "I've turned into Max, haven't I?"

"Yep." Millie laughs. "Just a bit."

Phoebe sighs. "I can't do this." She picked up the pizza and went to walk to the kitchen just as Flunky walked inside from the back yard.

"Hold up, angel." Flunky said, stopping Phoebe from walking. Millie rolls her eyes at the nickname. She noticed that he flirted with both her and Phoebe which was even more annoying and not giving him a good reputation because now Millie just thought of him as a player. "I gotta taste all of Max's food before he eats it." 

Flunky picks up a slice of pizza. "You know, in case it's poisoned." He smiles at the pizza and goes to take a bite. "Or delicious." 

Millie's eyes widen. "Wait, Flunky-"

"No, no, Flunky, you don't wanna-" Phoebe tried to get Flunky to stop trying to eat the pizza along with Millie, but it was too late. 

"Mmm, mm. Pizza's good, Max!" Flunky sets the pizza slice back on the pizza tray Phoebe held and gestures for Max to come inside. He grimaces, holding onto his stomach. "Oh, but my tummy's not." 

"Oh, I'm starving." Max commented as he walked inside. When Flunky headed to the bathroom, he pushed Max to the side in the process. The secret door to Max's room was open and Max had tripped, falling down the slide to his room as he screamed. 

"Max!" Millie and Phoebe yelled, rushing over to the secret entrance to his room with a worried look on their face.

"Bathroom!" Flunky shouted and ran up the stairs while Millie and Phoebe ran to the stairs entrance to Max's room.

Millie's eyes widen upon seeing all the rocks stored in Max's room. Billy and Hank stood beside each side of Max's bed that was covered in rocks. And that meant Max had landed on those rocks and was also covered in some. 

"Max, I am so sorry for not knowing you'd be home this early." Hank apologized, looking at his oldest son worriedly.

"Oh my gosh, Max, are you okay?" Phoebe asked.

"It only hurts when I answer stupid obvious questions." Max remarked and he groaned in pain when he tried to move.

Millie nods, crossing her arms. "He's okay." Max shot her a glare to which she just smiled back at him and shrugged her shoulders.

"You're not gonna tell your mom we got rocks down here, are you?" Hank asked Max.

Max groans, rolling his eyes. "I'm not a rat."

"But I am." Dr. Colloso speaks up. "Barb!" Hank and Billy look at him with wide eyes. "That's what you get for filling my cage with rocks. And turning me into a rabbit."


Now Max was in a full body cast, well, besides one leg. Millie felt really bad for him and promised herself she would do the best she could to help him out as he recovered. 

She had spent the afternoon at his house to keep him company, spending time watching movies with him. He very much appreciated her hanging out with him and getting things he might need like a blanket or making sure his leg was propped up good. It made him realize how lucky he was to have a best friend like her. While hanging out at the Thunderman's house, Millie found out that Phoebe would be president now in the process. She was happy for Phoebe since she knew being class president is what Phoebe has been wanting for a long time. 

It was now time for the unveiling of the smoothie machine. Max had told Millie about how he had the smoothie machine mess up when Phoebe would get a drink to get revenge at her since he had found out what Phoebe did with the pizza and how technically him being in a somewhat full body cast was her fault.

"Good afternoon, students. Before his tragic accident, President Thunderman had a plan to bring healthy foods to the school." Principal Bradford explains to the students in the courtyard. "But all improvements come at a cost. So we say good-bye to the art teacher, Mr. Ferguson..." He gestures to the art teacher walking away with his stuff. "So that we may say hello to a smoothie machine." He points at the smoothie machine behind him and everyone cheers and applauses. He then points at Phoebe. "Here to pour the first drink, the new President Thunderman." 

 Everyone applauses, just not with the same enthusiasm. Millie and Cherry smile encouragingly at Phoebe when the brunette glanced back at them with a smile. Phoebe walks over to stand in front of the smoothie machine, taking the microphone from Principal Bradford. "Thank you, everyone. We're all here to welcome proper nutrition to Hiddenville High." She takes the sheet off the smoothie machine, revealing the machine. "Max?" She questioned, furrowing her eyebrows upon seeing his face on the front.

Millie rolls her eyes and chuckles. "Not surprised."

"Go ahead, Phoebe. Do it for your brother." Principal Bradford said to Phoebe with a smile. "And for me. I got a movie to catch. But mainly for your brother."

Phoebe hesitantly goes to press a button, but she stops and faces everyone with a sigh. "This isn't right. I don't deserve to be here."

Principal Bradford's shoulders drop in defeat. "There goes my movie."

"This machine was my brother's idea." Phoebe continues. "And it's my fault that he can't be here to make the inaugural smoothie."

From his place off to the side where he's with Flunky, Max whispers to the blonde-haired boy beside him. "What is she doing?"

"I think she's feeling bad for what she did." Flunky responds. "It's kinda sweet." He takes his sunglasses off, glancing at Max. "Does she have a boyfriend?" After not getting a response from Max, he asks, "Okay, how about Millie? Does she have a boyfriend?"

Max rolls his eyes, getting irritated with Flunky with how he kept trying to get close to his best friend and of course his sister as well. If he was able to, he would've punched Flunky for asking that question about Millie. "No, but you're not her type."

He shakes his head, a panicked look forming on his face as he looks back at Phoebe. "She can't do this. If she feels bad, then I'll feel bad."

"So, Max, this smoothie is for you." Phoebe said.

Max nods. "And now I feel bad. Push me." 

Flunky puts his sunglasses on and pushes the wheelchair Max is on. "Phoebe, wait!" Max yelled, gaining everyone's attention. He got stopped by a table at the other end of the courtyard. Millie raised her eyebrows, surprised to see him there and surprised to see him wearing a floppy hat and pink sunglasses. She figured that was supposed to be his disguise.

"Max?" Phoebe asks, walking over to her brother. She stands by her brother. "Okay, I don't know what this is all about, but I'm really glad you're here." She takes off the hat and pushes up the sunglasses. "I need to tell you something."

"It's okay, I already know." Max told her.

"I never meant for you to get hurt." Phoebe spoke.

"Well, it's not like I didn't deserve it." Max comments. "I stole your ideas."

"But you made them better." Phoebe points out. "You're actually a great class president. And you should be making the first smoothie."

"'You're a good president.' No, you're a good president.'" Principal Bradford mocks the twins. "We're here to make smoothies!" He walks over to the smoothie machine and presses one of the buttons as Phoebe turns Max around so he can watch. He furrows his eyebrows when the machine makes a gurgling noise. "That doesn't sound very healthy." 

Smoothie then suddenly sprays out of where the smoothie drink would come out and Principal Bradford fell backward because of the harsh blast of smoothie. Everyone nearby him had quickly moved out of the way so they wouldn't get hit with the smoothie. Everyone watched with shock and some students were even laughing. 

Even though Max stole Phoebe's thunder and both twins tried to get revenge with each other, everything between them worked out in the end.

A/N not for sure if i mentioned this already, but i will be skipping some episodes that i find arent that important to add or i have trouble adding my oc into it!

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