Hood $henanigans

Galing kay nickinacpattywack

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Shenanigans- This slang term is used to describe any type of deceitful activity or trick that is played on so... Higit pa

8- Part 2
Book 2 Out Now !


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Galing kay nickinacpattywack

Beyoncé Pov

"Get on the bed and take yo clothes off." I gritted. She looked at me with wide eyes and sat on the bed. "W-why?" She asked high pitched. I gave her a look and she hurriedly stood up to take her pants off.

Hardheaded ass.

I'm finna tear her ass up. I'm really excited because i'm about to fold her up. If I show my excitement she'll think i'm playing with her. She probably think this just about to be sex. Hell no.

"Bey why do I have to take my clothes off? Can I get in the shower and wash this bitch marks off me? Look how scratched up I am. And look at my face." She whined.

This damn scratch on her face will be used for everything she says. I just looked at her. Yes she does need to get in the shower. Dried up blood all on her. Ew. "You got 15 minutes." I opened the bathroom door. Her jaw dropped and she scoffed. Here she go.

"I'm not playing. Take longer and watch I yank yo ass out by that ponytail." I said calmly. Walking to my closet. She slowly took the holder out of her hair and walked slowly to the bathroom.

Her time started when she asked so I don't know why she trynna take her time. I swear she acts slow sometimes. For her to be so smart, he common sense radar is very low. It amazes me sometimes. Maybe it's the weed that's fucking her up.

Gotta stop. Imma make her stop smoking next. Because every time she getting in trouble, she high. It's over dramatic at this point.

For the time being, I watched Tv because I just know she'll take longer than what I said. I'll let her have a few extra minutes just cause I know how she gets when she doesn't have a shower. After I finish what I'm finna do, she'll need another one but whatever makes her happy.

When I felt like she was good, I started banging on the door. I heard something fall and she yelped. Scary ass. Shouldn't be so bad.

"Bring yo ass out." I shouted. She mumbled something and I opened the door. This girl was wrapped in a towel, looking at herself in the mirror. "Hurry up. And don't put shit on." I shut the door back.

After some time, she came out in her bra and underwear. Strike 1. "Sit down so I can talk to you. There's some new rules for you and I expect you to follow em."

She sat on the bed and criss crossed her legs, looking at me. I copied her and we sat face to face. "Rule number one.....no more smoking." I flat out said. She looked like she was about to cry. Oh well. It can't be that serious.

"Bey.....no you can't do that. How am I gonna cope?" She whimpered. Cope? She act like she so depressed. Wanna be depressed so bad.

"You heard what I said....now, who is this new girl you hanging with?" I cleared my throat and ran my fingers through my hair. "That's Kayla....she's a nice girl. She's not bad or anything, like at all. That's the closest i'm gonna get to a good friend right now." She mumbled. Her elbow was on her knee with her chin in her palm. She wasn't even looking at me anymore, playing with the strings of my cover.

I can't feel bad because I know how she really is and this isn't it. It's fucking with me because why is she changing? I know she said she wanted to act her age and be mature, but not like this. Her whole personality changed and that's not good. But after today, she'll be back to her normal self. I guarantee that.

"She seems nice. But I meant it when I said you done smoking...i'm serious. Now take that shit off cause I said come out in nothing. That's strike 1." I stood from the bed.

She looked up at me with pleading eyes before standing up and sliding her underwear off, and next her bra. I watched her look up at me with an innocent face and I swear I wanted to fold. But I had to think about the shit she been doing.

"Lay down." I commanded. She laid flat on her back stared at the ceiling. I propped her legs up and dropped to my knees. "You're about to give me head? Seriously?" She chuckled.

It's funny now....

I licked her and listened to her groan. When she was wet enough, I stuck two fingers in before sucking on her clit. She can't take that. Every time I do it, she going crazy. "B-Bey that's too much." She tried to push my head.

"You do too much so deal with it." I grumbled. She whined and clamped her legs around my head. That made me speed up and pump my fingers harder. She yelped and started breathing heavily before her legs started to tremble.

"You better not cum." I stoped my movements. She moved her hips against me and I sat up to hover over her. "Why'd you stoppp?" She whined. I shook my head and grabbed her neck harshly squeezing. She liked that crazy shit, but I doubt she'll want it now.

Her face scrunched and she grabbed my wrist. "Why you been doing stupid shit? Why you giving people a hard time? You know how extra you being when all you gotta do is act right." I gritted. She nodded her head with tears in her eyes. I'm not even squeezing hard anymore so she crying because she wrong. "I'm sorry." She cried.

I pushed her back and went to take my bottoms off. My tip rubbed against her and I pushed in. She let out a breath and pushed my stomach back. I'm showing no mercy. Pushing one of her legs up, I smashed our lips together and pounded. "O- fuck!" She yelled. I bit her lip and pulled it as she whimpered and moaned. "Stop cussin." I bit down.

Her back was arched and she kept pushing against my stomach. I pulled her arms above her head and looked into her eyes. She always look so good when in this position. I'm glad she took her hair down because that makes it ten times better.

"You gon stop with the bullshit?" I pushed harder. She didn't say anything and rolled her eyes back. I pushed our lips together again and she whimpered. "Answer."

"Yes! Imma stop!"

I pushed both of her legs to the top of her head and went work. Best part about being with a cheerleader, she so damn flexible. "If I catch you doing any of the shit I said not to do, imma need you to think of this moment." I went deep at an angle. She gasped and arched her back. "Mm-mm-mm." Her moans were broken. I almost wanted to laugh but the shit felt too good.

"I'm sorrryyyyy. Bey-once please." She begged. I let one of her legs go and went slow before pulling out to nut on her stomach. Her chest was going up and down as she tried to catch her breath. I flipped her over, pushed her back down into an arch and slid in. A shaky breath came out of her and she whimpered.

I slammed her hips into me and went at a medium pace. She kept trying to push me back, so I grabbed both wrist and held them. "Ouu fuck..." she moaned. I slapped her ass and she yelled. "Stop allat cussin!" I sped up.

"Beyyyy please!" She yelled. I had her riding me as I thrusted forward. It's been hours. I grabbed her neck and flipped us so I was on top, pushing her thighs down. Stroking fast and rubbing her clit. This is it for her, I know she learned her lesson now. After I came, I pulled out and ate her.

Them moans be so sexy when she wore out and the way her legs tremble! Whew! "Oh my fu- Oh my god!" She yelled as she squirted.

Her body relaxed and she rolled over on her stomach. I laid beside her and rubbed her back, letting her catch her breath. When it slowed down, I woke her up and we took a shower. I looked at my phone and saw that Carol called and texted.

Momma C: I'm back home. Bring the demon child.

That was two hours ago. "Come on you gotta go home." I slid on my slides. She looked terrible. Her hair was sweated out, marks all over her. The most visible was the cut on her face and the hickeys all over her top half. They would've been covered if she had actual clothes here. But she like to walk around half naked so that's all she got here. Half naked shit.

Oh well.

"Bey no. Why?" She pouted. I gave her a glare and she got up, walking slowly in front of me. My baby is tired. The amount of times she kept trying to go to sleep. Her eyes are low and you can see the sleep in her. We rode with the music blasting, and pulled up to her house. I had to wake her up because she was curled in a ball. How is she even comfortable?

"Can I have my keys back? Please." She said lowly. I shook my head no and got out. Carol told me not to give them back until she told me to. So, looks like she won't be having a vehicle for a while. Because Carol is playing no games with her.

The way she's been telling me to whoop Onika ass, i'm scared to see what she about to do now. I'm just scared of Carol in general. I would never try her a day in my life. Hopefully, she go easy on Nika because her body is probably so damn tired. I kind of feel bad. We've never did that before, let alone that long. Now me on the other hand....never mind. Let the past stay the past.

"I'm scared." She whined. We're standing at door and she won't open it. "BB I don't want a whopping." She was about to cry. Aw. Should've thought about that when she was doing shit that would get her in trouble. I stuck my lip out and opened the door for her. We walked in and Onika tried to run up the stairs.

Carol was sitting on the couch, watching as I grabbed Nickis shirt and let her come back down. "Tanya!" Carol yelled. Nicki jumped and stood behind me like I was supposed to do sumn. I stepped aside and pushed her forward. She was trying to scoot back but Carol stood up and grabbed her.

"Momma please don't whoop me! I'm sorry I won't act up ever again I promise!" She yelled. Momma Carol took her sandal off and looked at her. "I'll go back to my normal self I promise. Momma I don't want a whopping." She cried.

"And I don't want to keep getting calls from the school and people around the hood saying that my child is out here doing the fool while i'm gone! Fighting over stupid shit, skipping school! On top of it all you being a fucking pot head! I knew you smoked but every time you buy something, somebody tell me. What's yo problem?!" She yelled. Onika couldn't even answer because she was just doing shit, just because she could.

Now the smoking part is true. She smoked so much you would think she'll overdose. When we first met, she smoked, but not half as much as she does now. I don't know if it's stress or boredom. "But that don't even matter cause after today! You won't smoke another blunt, drive another car! You got me fucked up!" She screamed and walked off.

Onika looked at me and mugged before flopping on the couch. If I was her I wouldn't show not one sign of madness. Imma just stand by the door because I don't want to get hit.

Before I knew it, Carol was swinging a belt. It caught us both off guard and I just stood there with wide eyes. Watching my baby get a whopping. I kind of felt bad, but she need some type of reality check.

"Ouch! Mommy ok! Fuck!" Onika yelled. Carol paused and I facepalmed. Damn Onika... "Did you just curse at me?" Carol asked in disbelief. Onika was too busy rubbing her legs. I'm sure they burned. "I didn't mean to. I wasn't cursing at you." She said lowly.

Carol shook her head and walked off. She was fuming, like red and all. "This house better be spotless when I get back! That'll determine if you get that car!" She left. Not without slamming the door though. Her hair was blowing as she walked and I slowly looked at Onika sitting on the couch.

I went to sit by her and she broke down.

"I really fucked up because she's never whooped me like that." She cried. I just let her lay on me until she calmed down.

"Onika you gotta get yo shit together baby. This ain't you and you know this. Whatever you got going on, you need to tell somebody so we can help you. But putting your parents through hell isn't gonna get you anywhere but jail. I don't like this road you're going down because when I first met you, you weren't like this. Is this some type of cry for help? Are you going through something?" I pushed her hair back.

We looked at each other and she shook her head no. "I promise there's nothing wrong with me. You know I wanted to change and be mature but I just didn't know how. So I wanted to try new things and see if I would find myself but I guess my true self is how I've always been. And I can't change that." She pulled her knees to her chest.

I rubbed her back and we sat there.

"Baby you don't have to change for that. Maturity comes naturally. If you're not meant to be that way, then oh well. Whoever has a problem with it shouldn't bother you. In my eyes you were the most mature person ever. That's why I liked you. You were mature for your age, smart, beautiful. Those things are still in you, you just have to embrace it and stop trying to change yourself. You're fine. You are ok with who you really are. Everyone is." I soothed.

She nodded her head and stood from the couch. I guess she was starting to clean up. My phone went off and it was a text from Carol:

Momma C: Don't fucking help her either or you next!

Shiiitttt you ain't gotta tell me twice. I'll be damned. "Baby i'm about to go alright? I'll be back later to check on you...I love you." I hugged her and kissed her forehead. She gave me sad eyes and help me tightly.

"Okay....I love you too....and come back for real. Please." I nodded my head giving her a long kiss before leaving. My baby.

I'm glad she's able to see that what she was doing was wrong. And i'm even more glad that she finally told me her reason. I wouldn't have thought she would want to change herself. Not in that way. But hopefully this will bring her true self back and everyone will be happy. As well as her.

A change is always good but if it's not a happy one, it's not worth it.

Onika Pov

I am in so much pain! My body is at its last straw! I deserved it though so i'm not even tripping as much as I would like to be.

Momma wants the house cleaned, but it's never dirty so I don't know what to do. Imma just wipe everything down with lysol and disinfectant so it can smell like I did something. I'll also sweep and mop the floors. Maybe that's all she wants because she knows this house is never messed up.

Between what Bey did and Momma, I definitely found my right mind. Beyoncé had me folded in different positions for hours! And Momma tore my ass up! I've never gotten a whopping like that and I never will get another one.

Trying to change wasn't easy and it was making me do things that I normally wouldn't do. I thought it would make me happy but it just made my mind do different shit. It's like I wasn't thinking for myself but for everyone else. Every time I wanted to do something, I would think "what would they want?" And that wasn't fair to me.

Most of the fights i've been into lately, was because of me and my mouth. I'm sure Momma will make me apologize to these girls. Which is fair.

Never again will I try and change. If it doesn't come naturally, I don't need it. My true self has always been in me, I just pushed it back. When it would become too much, I would close myself off and take that time to think alone. I thought that they would like the 'new me', but i'm really glad they didn't. I was tired of overdoing my part.

As I was wiping the counters down, Momma stepped into the kitchen. She sat at the island and watched me. A talk is about to happen and i'm prepared for it. "Sit down baby. Talk to me." She pulled another chair out.

I threw the wipe away and sat down beside her, looking at my fingers. I'm always nervous when i'm in trouble. Anyone would be.

"Princess what's going on? This isn't you. All this getting in trouble and acting out. I was letting it slide in the beginning because I thought it was just a phase, but it's been months now. Come on..what happened to telling me everything and us being like this?" She crossed her fingers.

I kind of felt bad because I have started to leave her in the dark of some things. But i'll tell her just like I told Bey, there isn't anything wrong with me.

"Nothing Momma. I just wanted a change but I guess there's nothing to change. This is really me and i'm happy this way." I said lowly. She looked at me for a while before pulling me into a hug.

I really wanted to cry again but there's no point. "Aw baby. You don't have to change if you don't feel one coming. Don't ever do that again! You had me so scared! I thought I lost my baby girl forever. Turns out she's still here but not thinking for herself. You have so much time to change baby don't do it now. Like I said..it'll come to you. Don't chase it nor rush it. If it doesn't come, it's not meant to be. Me personally, I don't think you need to change. This is you...sweet and beautiful. To yourself and intelligent." She kissed my head.

Daddy wouldn't be too happy. I wonder if he knows..... "Your father was so mad at you baby. I had to tell him that I handled it because he was about to take everything. You think your car is gone? He was about to take your whole bank card." She chuckled. My eyes widened and I sat up. He can't take my card now...that's so extra.

"I'm sorry Momma. I didn't mean to put y'all through stuff." I looked at her. She shook her head and smiled. "It's alright baby. Just don't do it again. Because you're grown now and I can't be there to whoop your ass every time."

IM GROWN! I forgot about that! She just whooped my grown ass! "Woww I am grown. And you just whooped me." I laughed.

"You're never too old for an ass whooping." She shrugged. I nodded my head and stood from the chair. "Now get to cleaning. You ain't off the hook. I want you to cook for me too. Put those cooking lessons I have you to work...After that you can rest. I know you're wore out. Beyoncé played no games with you huh?" She smirked.

I looked down and saw the marks around me. Maybe I should start wearing clothes that covered me fully. She always points them out. "Yea....never knew sex could be a punishment." I chuckled. Momma hummed and picked up her purse.

"With that attitude you got, there will be more than where that came from." She walked into her room.

I wouldn't even be mad though because that shit felt so good! The aftermath is what's killing me the most though. But Beyoncé can go for so long! I'm not cut like that.

That's some scary shit!




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