Forever With You (ForthBeam)

By Thibha16

33.1K 1.7K 171

Have you ever felt like you know more about certain things which are not your specialty? Have you ever had a... More

Chap 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5
Not an update!!!
Chap 7
Chap 8
Chap 9
Chap 10
Chap 11
Chap 12
Chap 13
Chap 14
Chap 15
Chap 16
Chap 17
Chap 18
Chap 19
Chap 20

Chap 6

1.1K 74 4
By Thibha16

Long time no see, hehehe.



"By any chance, do you have thalassophobia?" asked Beam with a sweet smile. That seems like he is simply curious, not as if he is suspecting something and questioning him.

Forth looks at Beam, surprised by the sudden question about his phobia. None of his friends knows about Forth's phobia or escapade during the secret therapy sessions except Inn.

"That's....hmm....," Forth was too stunned to answer the question or divert it to another topic.

Beam smirks as he notices Forth uneasy gesture.

"It's okay if you don't want to say anything. I understand.

Khun Forth, May I ask you another question?" asked Beam again with his signature smile.

"Yes...?" replied Forth doubtfully. Who knows what this beautiful guy in front of him asks again.

"Khun Forth, will you go on a date with me?"

"Huh?!" Forth said in shock as Beam dropped a shocking bomb at him.

"I think you need time. I'll wait for you by the entrance gate in the evening the day after tomorrow. Meet me at the entrance if you're up for it," stated Beam calmly as he smiled sweety at Forth before he walked back into the examing room prepared for them.

When Forth was still too dumbfounded to answer or say anything, Beam left him with 'See you, Khun Forth.'

"Oii Forth, we have to monitor the repairing work at the school here. Why are you standing here like a statue?" asked Inn as he pushed Forth a bit to get his sense back.

"Ai'Inn, pinch me," ordered Forth as he looked at Inn seriously.

"Huh, what happened to you, Forth?" questioned Inn, worried by their gang leader's weird behaviour.

"Do it already..." rushed Forth while Inn was still confused.

"Ai'Inn, why are you thinking so much. It's just a pinch," stated Run, who just got there.

He pinched Forth's arm hard as he didn't wait for any of their responses.

"Owh, shit. That hurts," cursed Forth as he smiled happily.

'Did Beam just ask me out on a date?' thought Forth as he laughed happily.

It is not the fragment of flashes he usually saw in his dream. In his dreams, he was the one who usually courted Beam, not the other way around.

"Ai'Inn, I think you're right. Our leader has gone mad. He is happily smiling after I pinched him. Normally in this situation, my arms should be at his mercy, na," added Run, worried as well.

"Let's go, guys. I have a significant appointment to attend in two days, and I want to finish this repairing work before that," Forth said as he dragged his stupefied friends towards the rebuilding site.

The stupified friends followed Forth even if he behaved weirdly without another choice.


"Where did you go after checking up the island people? I was looking for you?" bombarded Leo as soon as he spotted Beam by the door of their room.

"I was booking a date with Forth," replied Beam casually as he took his meds.

The medicine was prescribed to him by the doctors in the island hospital. Basically, he still is a patient, and he needs rest.

"You did what?!" asked Leo, startled.

He went to the extent of checking Beam's head for injuries. He wonders if his best friend has gone nuts after passing out by the shores yesterday.

"What are you doing...?" asked Beam as he laughed with Leo's etiquette and playfully pushed Leo's hands away.

"Eh, meng. Be ready by 6 pm today," announced Beam as he left the dining table.

"Why?" asked Leo as he drank his still hot coffee by blowing slowly after coming out of the initial shock.

"We are going on a double date. I asked Nong Fiat on your behalf," replied Beam casually again, which caused Leo to split his coffee in shock.

Beam laughed hysterically at Leo's stunned face as he lifted Leo's wide-opened jaw and walked towards the bed.

"Why? Beam, what have you done!!!!" shouted Leo in panic, but Beam was not in the mood to entertain his panicking friend.

"Close the door on your way out once you have done panicking," he replied, ignoring Leo's original question.

Beam turned on his side with a smile on his lips, satisfied with his plan for the day. Beam decided to take a nap to regain his energy, and the meds made him sleepy.


Somewhere at one of the high-class specialist hospitals in the centre of Bangkok, a VVIP ward filled with specialist doctors was examining a coma-ridden patient. The surgeon shook his head with a deep sigh as he checked the patient's condition.

"Nurse, call the family member to visit him often. He doesn't have much time. Make him comfortable," said the in charged surgeon as he walked out of the ward with his junior doctors.

The mid-forties nurse looks at the patient one last time before walking out of the ward.

"Sawadee Khrap, Is this Blue phoenix groups of the company? We are calling from Sutthilak hospitals. May I talk to Mr Kong?"

"Yes, This is Blue phoenix groups of company. I'm his secretary, Sheila. I'm sorry, Maam but the CEO is in a meeting now. If it's not an emergency, I could pass the information to him," suggested the secretary.

"Please inform him that Mr Saen's condition is not getting any better. The surgeon in charge recommended the family members visit him often," the nurse relied upon the news.

"I'll pass the news to him. Thank you so much, Maam," the call got hung by the secretary after that.

"It seems like your karma is finally here to bring your life, Khun. But why do I not feel sad or sorry for you?

This is not how you should leave this world," mumbled the nurse as she cleaned the patient's old dehydrated skin with a warm towel.

Only the soft beeping sound from the ECG machine replied to her question as the coma patient was still unresponsive.


"Funfair?! You want our first date at a funfair, Khun Beam?" asked Forth, surprised.

"The island people recommend this place to me during the check-ups. This place has fun rides, it seems," replied Beam excitedly.

"I didn't think that you would bring us here? Different from what I prepared," said Forth with a shy smile.

He has dressed up in half casual clothes, more like a dress-up to an indoor air-conned room restaurant.

"I might not, what you expect, Khun Forth. I'm full of surprises. Maybe you should stick to me more to find out," said Beam flirtishly with his signature smile.

Leo was more surprised to face the flirty side of Beam than Forth.

All time in Canada, whenever someone shows interest or throws glances at Beam, he acts indifferent to the point Leo thought of him as asexual, but now he is openly flirting with a friend he just met two days ago.

"P'Forth, even though I love you as my most precious senior, I can't see you blush. It's horrifying," stated Fiat as he shook his head to get rid of the weird image from his brain.

"Nong Fiat!" Forth glared at him, but he instantly became soft as Beam chucked, looking at his reaction.

"I think we should split up. Ai' Leo, we won't disturb your date with Nong Fiat, and you don't sabotage mine," warned Beam as he pulled Forth in a different direction without waiting for any of their reaction.

Leo watched Beam and Forth walk away as he turned to Nong Fiat.

"Which funfair ride do you like, P'Leo? Let's start from there, na," suggested Fiat cheerfully.

"I'm not familiar with the rides, Nong. Why don't you choose for us?" asked Leo as he smiled sweetly at Fiat.

"Okay, Khrap," responded Fiat as he smiled back.

As Fiat dragged him around the fair to find them a perfect thriller ride, Leo just followed him with a pleased smile.

He never thought that Nong Fiat might give him a chance this soon. When he approached the Nong a day ago, he was scared.

Leo doesn't know whether the Nong swings this way. He didn't know his opinion about LGBTQ+.

Leo doesn't know if that Nong already has any unique person in his life. And he didn't want to overwhelm the Nong with his sudden interest.

But all of that troubling thoughts come to an end when the Nong says what he was afraid to say.

"Phi, Is P'Beam, your boyfriend?" he asked him with a reluctant voice.

"No, he is my best friend, nong," answered Leo straight away without leaving a chance for doubt.

"Huh... I see," he replied as he tried to hide the soft smile.

"Why you do ask, Nong?"

"Well.....," Fiat dragged as he looked at Leo from head to toe.

"Broad shoulders, more than 6 feet height, clean and classy. Soft towards friends and close ones, and strict and hardworking," he listed one by one as he counted with his fingers.

"Huh?" exclaimed Leo in confusion.

"You're like an exact sample of my ideal type, Phi. Maybe I could be your ideal type too. Even if I'm not, I'm still 100% sure that you like me already," said Fiat as he laughed at Leo's flabbergasted look.

"Why don't you company me to buy snacks, P'Leo?" he invited, and the bewildered Leo followed suit.

The rest is the history, and here they are.


As Forth and Beam are a little far from the other couple, they become quiet. None know what to say or how to start a conversation.

Forth was the first to notice their interlocked hands, and he felt content with having Beam's hands in his, which fit like a key to its lock.

"I'm sorry," said Beam as he quickly released the hand when he noticed Forth's stare on the interlocked hands.

'Maybe it's too soon to hold hands, or Khun Forth felt uncomfortable with this,' thought Beam as he slightly distances himself to leave a space between them.

"Do you find it uncomfortable?" Forth asked when he lost the warm feeling he got from holding Beam's hand.


'Isn't that my line?' thought Beam as he just stared at Forth.

"If I hold your hands in mine, will it cause you to feel uncomfortable, Khun Beam?" asked Forth as he still stared at Beam's hand.

"I thought you felt uncomfortable and don't like the stares," answered Beam with an amused look.

"I would love to hold your hands, and who cares about the stares," replied Forth as he casually held Beam's hand and started to walk again while smiling.

Beam felt the same butterflies he felt during one of those dreams about this guy beside him.

There were a lot of questions he wanted to ask Forth when he woke up after getting the gleams by the shores.

Questions such as,

Why does he dream about him?

Why do his painful flashes start with the frightening accident?

Is he what Beam thinks he is?

Does Forth experience the same as him?

But all of his questions stay stuck in his vocal cord when the handsome being beside him looks at him with a mesmerizing smile.

They just met, and what's the rush?

Beam decided to enjoy his first date with the only person he had ever crushed upon since he could remember.

"Khun Forth, do you enjoy funfair rides?" Beam tried to start a conversation even though the silence between them didn't feel awkward.

"50-50, I don't fancy them," replied Forth casually.

"Owh, then I have chosen the wrong place and ruined our first date," said Beam sadly with a pout.

Even though Beam looked cute with the pout and the slight frown on his face, for a weird unknown reason, Forth felt sour when he saw Beam's dispirit face.

"Not exactly. I don't fancy it, yes. But I never said I don't like it," Forth consoled the pouty person beside him, who seemed unaware of his gesture.

"Then, let's try the ghost house," pointed Beam excitedly.

"Ghost house? Are you sure about it?" asked Forth with a fond smile.

"Why? Are you scared about it?" challenged Beam playfully.

"Not me, are you?" challenged Forth with a teasing smirk.

"I wonder who will answer first?"

stated Beam as he stared at Forth lovingly, which got replied by the same loving gaze from Forth.


Ring, Ring, Ring,


"Why is it too loud behind you? Where are you? Are you playing around at the pub again?" asked the caller accusingly at the receiver.

"Mr Kong, Don't you think you're intruding on my privacy too much? Why are you so free to integrate me when you're the CEO of Blue phoenix?" questioned the receiver, without giving in.

"Oi, Luk maa, (oi you little puppy) I'm concerned about you, na," added the caller.

"Ohhh, Dad. I'm at the funfair with my seniors, na. Don't doubt your younger son like this. I'm saaddd," fake sulked the person.

"Owh, my little puppy is sad, ah?" teased the caller as he chuckled at his younger son's sulky tone.

"I miss you, Dad. I'll visit you and mom once I return from the camp, na," replied the person.

"Miss you too, Fiat," said the caller as he hung up the call after saying his goodbyes.


End of Chap 6.



Hi cupcakes, I decided to make this story into 15-20 chapters. Thank you for the comments. I hope I still have readers waiting for this story, even if I rarely update it. Thank you so much for your support so far. Please, bear with me till the end. I promise you won't be disappointed.

Please don't forget to vote and comment about the progress in the story.

Until we meet again; See you guys.



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