Down with the Plot (Naruto Va...

De Random_Writer_27

62.1K 2.4K 2.7K

Y/N L/N is... unique. She is the type of person to see the best in people, and will sacrifice everything if i... Mais

Important A/N
The Anime Gods get bored
Hokage Bokage
I knight thee Sir Duckbutt
Cheddar Cheese and Rainbows
A Reason to fight
Seven Eleven
100 Reads Special
Tazuna Matata
The Assassin of the Milk
500 Views Special
It's-a me, Lore-io
A salute to a legend
I Live, Bitches
1000 Reads Special (Halloween)
Friggin' Elsa and Her Stupid Mirrors
Cow Cosplayer Has A Plan
Ramen Obsessed Flareon Evolves
Rinin' On Everybody's Parade
Searing White to Inky Black-
Anyone wanna Crackfic Christmas Special? (NOT a Chapter)
A Very Merry Crackfic Christmas
Panda-Manda, Frizzle-Dizzle, and Kankuro
*Deep Breath* GAARA MY LOVE
Hell No.
Does anyone have a taser? (For scientific purposes)
Help I got B four times in a row-


2.4K 98 231
De Random_Writer_27

~In which a grown man gets nae naed by a twelve-year-old~


Not a moment later, a gloved hand reaches through the door and slowly slides it open. All four Genin watch in anticipation as the door slides open and the eraser falls in slow motion... Straight onto Kakashi's head.

It's so silent you can hear a pin drop.

You and Naruto burst into cheers as you stick your tongue out at Sakura and Sasuke and collect your prize.


"I got him!" Naruto cheers happily, "He totally fell for it!"

Sakura, in a last ditch attempt to save herself says, "I'm sorry, Sensei. I told him not to do it, but he wouldn't listen. I'd never do anything like that!" She pleads.

Kakashi's eye twitches (A/N: See what I did there? Eh? Eh?)

"Hmm, how can I put this?" He says, putting a hand to his chin in thought, "My first impression of this group... Well, I hate all of you."


Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto sink down in depression whilst you deadpan;

"Jokes on you, I hate myself to."

^^^Mini timeskip brought to you by a single eraser: The one weapon of mass dustruction that Kakashi is incapable of dodging^^^

The five of you are sitting on the roof, you being restrained by Sasuke after you tried to do a flip off the edge.

"..Alright, why don't you all introduce yourselves?" Kakashi suggests, keeping a watchful eye on you from his seat on the railing.

"Introduce ourselves?" Sakura asks, "Well, what are we supposed to say?"

"Things you like, things you hate, dreams for the future, hobbies- Things like that." He replies. "L/N, you first."

"No, you." You say, pulling an UNO reverse card out from who knows where. Its laminated surface glints in the sunlight as Naruto is forced to shield his eyes from its blinding glory.

Overcome by its power, Kakashi rolls his eye in a sign of submission to the Great Lord Shaggy and points to himself. "I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate.. I don't really feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future.. I've never really thought about it. As for my hobbies.. I have lots of hobbies." He answers vaguely. He's obviously very shy about his personal life, so you decide to help him out.

"Your name is Kakashi Hatake. Your favorite foods are salt-broiled saury and eggplant-mixed miso soup. Your chakra natures are lighting and earth. You hate people who abandon their friends and your hobby is reading. To be specific, you love reading Icha Icha Para- MMPH!!" Kakashi slams his hand over your mouth, cutting you off.

"Thank you for sharing, Y/N." He says, giving you a 'Say anything else and I'll Chidori you" look.

He then abruptly removes his hand from your mouth faster than the speed of light, "Did you just.. Lick me?" He asks in disbelief, his eyes widening.

You nod, licking your lips and flashing him a toothy smile. "Mmm.. Tangy."

Kakashi looks at you like you're a psychopath, and honestly, he isn't wrong.

"Alright... You on the right, you first!" He says, choosing not to acknowledge your previous statement.

You look at Naruto as he messes with his headband.

"Believe it!" He says excitedly, "I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I like instant ramen in a cup! I really like the ramen Iruka-Sensei got me at the Ichiraku's noodle shop. Oh, I also like hanging out with Y/N-Chan! She's my best friend!"

You stand up and take a bow.

"..But I hate the three minutes you have to wait after you pour the water in the ramen cup. My hobby is eating different kinds of ramen and comparing them. And my dream for the future is.. To be the greatest Hokage! Then the whole village will disrespecting me and start treating me like I'm somebody, somebody important!"

"Alright." Kakashi says, "Next."

I'm Sakura Haruno." Sakura says, just as you develop a terrible cough.

"What I like, uh, I mean the person I like is.." She says as she giggles like a bloody 2-year-old.

*cough* Sasuke *Cough*

"Uh, my hobby is, uh.." She giggles some more.

*Cough* Stalking Sasuke *Cough*

"My dream for the future is.." She squeals loudly.

*Cough* Marry Sasuke *Cough*

Sakura gives you a glare that could send someone running for the hills in fear of their lives.

Jokes on her, though, you have no survival instincts.

"And what do you hate?" Kakashi asks her.

"Y/N and Naruto!" She replies without hesitation.

Wow, Sakura. Right. Fucking. Here.

Naruto looks like someone just set his ramen on fire; He has anime tears streaming down his face as you awkwardly pat his back in an attempt to console him.

"Good. You in the back." Kakashi says to Sasuke.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha." He starts, "I hate a lot of things and I don't particularly like anything. There is, however, one exception to that statement. I'm going to restore my clan and destroy a certain someone." He finishes in a matter-of-fact tone.

Okay then... And 'Exception to that statement'?.. That's not canon..

Kakashi then points to you. "Last one."

"Sup'. My name's Y/N L/N. I like F/F and F/D, arson, explosives, (Other hobbies you enjoy), and hanging out with my best friend Naruto." You give him a fist bump as you say this, "I hate people who think they're better than everyone else, my stupid insomnia, and (Other things you hate). Finally, my dream for the future is, well, lets just say fate can move over.. Cause' I'm taking the reigns." You finish, giving a close-eyed smile that contrasts heavily to your 'arson and explosives' comment.

"Good." Kakashi nods, "You're all unique." Yeah, that's one way of putting it.

'i'M NoT LiKe OtHeR GiRlS'

"Tomorrow you'll have your first mission together." He continues.

"Oohh.. fun! Is it a suicide mission!?" You ask excitedly, "If so, who do I have to suicide!?"

Kakashi, knowing dam well you were gonna be a pain in the ass to deal with, completely ignores you. Rude.


"No, no it will not." He says as you pout, "It will be a survival mission, as I'm sure you already know, L/N." You give him a cute smile, causing him to look away.

"A girl can hope."

"But why do we have do do a survival mission if we were already taught how back at the academy?" Sakura speaks up, "Is it for some sort of revision of what we already know?"

You let out a low chuckle, "Nope~" You say in a sing song voice, "It's so much more than that~!"

"Explain." Says Sasuke, turning to you.

"Well, let's see.. Out of the 27 graduates here, only 10 will actually be accepted as Genin. The others will be sent back to the academy. By that logic, about 66% of us will fail. Probably even higher than that, cause' Kaka Baka's notorious for failing candidates."

"WHAATT!?" Naruto splutters. "But we worked so hard!!"

"That's just how it is." Kakashi says, taking over from you. "I decide whether you pass or fail, deal with it. Be at the designated spot at 5am sharp. Oh, and no, Y/N. You can't purposely fail." You all stood up, about to walk away when Kakashi decided to be a little shit and stop you all.

"And one more thing.. Don't eat breakfast or you're gonna throw up." He warned as he poofed off.

"Screw you, I'm hungry and I'm eating whether you like it or not." You say to the spot where Kakashi had been standing before turning to your teammates, "And I suggest you guys do to."

Turning around, you make a bunch of handsigns:

"Dramatic Exit Jutsu!"

Smoke billows about your feet as 'Never Gonna Give You Up' plays, glitter is thrown everywhere as multiple flamethrowers spit fire like a column into the sky. When the smoke clears, everyone is left stunned, staring at the place where you were just standing.

"That was.. Dramatic." Sakura mumbles.

^^^Timeskip to the next morning brought to you by ~A dramatic exit✨~ ^^^

"Y/N!!" Naruto yells, banging on your door, "We're gonna be late!!"

You don't answer, instead opting to roll over and face the wall. Insomnia's the best. Note the sarcasm.

"Y/NNN!!" Naruto yells again, "I'M GOING TO LEAVE YOU HERE!!" You had revoked his key privileges after you smacked your head on the cieling.

(A/N: I'm on a ROLL with these references!)

"GOOD!" You shout back, "LET ME SLEEEPP!!"


You hear his footsteps echo and fade down the hall.

After lying in bed for a while, you decide to get up for the day.

Sitting at your table, you make pot of coffee and pour it into a bowl along with (Favorite cereal), grab a fork, and begin to eat.

Checking the time (7:21am), you drag yourself across the floor and to the door. (A/N: Hey, that rhymed! :D)

Heading outside, you leisurely make your way to the training grounds taking your sweet time.

When you arrive, Sakura, who was sitting down, abruptly stands up and yells at you;

"Hey! You're late!"

You lean on Sasuke, internally laughing when he stiffens at the contact. "Technically, I'm not. You're all early."

"Kakashi said to get here at six!"

"Well, I don't see Kakashi. He's not here yet, so I'm perfectly on time. Early, even."

"YOU ARE NOT EARLY!!" Sakura yells, pissed.

"Cheezits, Bubbles." You say, rubbing your ear. "Take a chill pill."

"Bubbles!? What kind of nickname is that!?" She asks you.

"A great one. Besides, you should be more concerned if I don't give you a nickname." You reply, leaning your head on Sasuke's shoulder and closing your eyes. C'mon insomnia.. Just this once? Please!?

^^3rd P.O.V^^^

Sasuke carefully sits down, laying your head in his lap. Staring at your features, he memorizes every one- Taking in every little detail he saw. The way your relaxed and carefree expression contrasts so starkly to your usual 'I just lit a house on fire and committed several crimes' face.

He gently runs his fingers over your features- He found it mesmerizing. The smooth texture of your skin littered with little bumps and imperfections, absentmindedly tracing each one, it was relaxing to him.

What am I doing? He thinks to himself. I'm an avenger- My goal is to destroy Itachi, not get caught up in childish crushes.

He looks down at you. But I can't seem to stop. Maybe it's not just a childish crush. Maybe, when this is all over...

No. I have to stay focused.

He retracted his hands. As much as he hated to stop, he had to stay on track.

Suddenly, he found you pulled from his arms. As he looked up with a murderous expression on his face, he saw you in the arms of none other than..


"Naruto, put her down." Sasuke says, with venom dripping from his voice.

"Why? So you can have her all to yourself!?" Naruto spits back, "Well, N/N is my best friend, not yours!"

Sasuke grits his teeth, "Naruto, Put. Her. Down. She needs rest. Have you not noticed how tired she's been lately? This may be the first time in days she's gone to sleep.. Or are you too bad of a friend to notice?" He jabs.

Looking down, Naruto sees that you do, in fact, have dark eyebags beneath your eyes. Gently, he puts you down next to Sakura, who had remained silent during the whole exchange.

Sasuke and Naruto stand near your sleeping form like guards, glaring daggers at each other.

A few minutes later, you are woken from your slumber by the sound of approaching footsteps.

"Hey, guys." Mr. 'No, Y/n, you can't jump off a roof just because you feel like it' Hatake greets.

"You're late!" Sakura yells at him accusingly.

"A black cat crossed my path, so I had to take a different route."

"...And it gave you a pot of gold after singing Adelle and riding away on a rainbow, right Kaka Baka?"

Kakashi's eye twitches. "Please don't call me that."

"PLeAsE DoN't CaLL mE tHaT" You mimic in an annoyingly high pitched voice.

Ignoring you (Again), Kakashi turns and walks toward a log, placing a timer on top of it.

"There. It's set for noon." He says, turning to you guys. "Your assignment is very simple- All you have to do is take these bells from me by noon."

"That's it?" Naruto asks, incredulously.

"No.." Sakura shakes her head, "There has to be a catch."

"Correct." Kakashi continues, "If you can't get them from me by then, you go without lunch. Not only that, but you'll be tied to that log and you'll watch as I eat my lunch in front of you." The worst kind of torture.

Everyone's stomachs growl. Except, of course, for yours and Kakashi.

He looks at you in confusion, as you simply say, "Nothing gets between me and food. Not even you, Kakashi Hatake."

He continues to stare at you as you begin to feel uncomfortable.

"Wait." Sakura says, causing both of you to look at her. "There's only three bells, but there's four of us. Why is that?"

"Because," Kakashi starts, "The person who fails to retrieve a bell will be sent back to the academy. However, there is also a chance that all four of you will fail as well. You can use shuriken and kunai if you wish, after all, if you aren't prepared to kill me, you won't be able to take the bells."

"But those weapons are to dangerous, Sensei!" Sakura attempts to reason.

Naruto laughs at Sakura's remark. "Especially since you weren't able to dodge that eraser."

"Class clowns are usually the weakest links. You can safely ignore them. Lowest scores, losers." Kakashi says, philosophically insulting Naruto.

Congratulations, Kakashi. You just pissed of the future Hokage.

"When I say start, you can begin." Kakashi says as Naruto rushes him with a kunai, hyped on proving his sensei wrong.

However, before Naruto even had the chance to land a hit on Kakashi, he grabbed him by his hand, flipping him so that the hand with his kunai was pointed at Naruto's head.

"I didn't say 'start' yet, don't be in such a hurry now." Kakashi says condescendingly. "However, you did come at me with the intent to kill. So, how do I put this.. I'm starting to like you guys."

"Even me, Kaka Baka-Sensei!?" You ask in excitement.



You, Sasuke, and Sakura all run off in different directions as you crouch in a bush, focusing on your breathing and hiding your chakra- A technique Alita had taught you. Surprisingly, it was pretty similar to the method you use for panic attacks.

With a clear view of the scene in front of you, you watch as Naruto faces Kakashi -who's reading his famous novel- with his fist clenched in anger.

He attempts to attack Kakashi, but, well, we all know how that went..

"Leaf Village Secret Jutsu: A thousand years of pain!"

Kakashi goes back to his book as you get an idea.

"Gimme that Jutsu: Yoink!"

All of a sudden, it dawns on Kakashi that his book is no longer in his hands.

"He looked at her with lust in his eyes~"

Kakashi whips his head around at a breakneck speed as he spots you hanging upside-down in a tree, his book open to a random page.

"Pinning her to a wall, he whispers huskily into her ear~"

(A/N: What am I even writing anymore?)

Kakashi sprints at the tree with a panicked look in his eyes.

"He begins to trace her jawline with passionate kisses as he slowly makes his way towards her- HEY!"

Kakashi rips his book from your hands, hiding it Manga knows where as he glares at your smirking face.

"Ooh~ Kinky~"

This sends him over the edge. Irking, but knowing better than to try and argue with you, he disappears in a puff of smoke, presumably in search of your teammates.

"Heheh~" You smirk to yourself. "No regerts."

You lie down, wondering what do do next.

"Hey, Author-Chan?" You say, looking at the screen.

Stop breaking the fourth wall, Y/N.

"Mmhmm, in a sec. First, can ya' tell me where Sakura is?"

I made you a sensory type for exactly this reason!

"You underestimate how lazy I am."



If I tell you, will you please stop breaking the fourth wall!?

"Yeah, sure.. Eh, probably."

..I'll take it. You see that tree there?


Ignore it. Instead, turn left and walk until you reach a big rock. Turn right and keep going straight until you find Sakura. She should be right in front of you.

"Yeah, but.."

*Sighs* FINE.

A flash of blinding F/C light surrounds you.


"Eyy." You say, looking down at Sakura who is still trapped in a Genjutsu. "Noice. Thanks Author-Chan."

No comment.


"..Well, better help her out.. Release!" You yell, forming random handsigns.

Sakura doesn't budge.

"Da Fuq-"

Suddenly, a lightbulb goes off above your head.


"WHERE!?" Sakura shoots up so quickly that your foreheads collide.

"OWW!!" You both shout in unison.

Realizing it was a lie, Sakura gives you a death glare. "What was that for!?"

"You were in a Genjutsu, Sakura." You reply, "Would you rather I left you there?"


"Great, then let's go!" You yell, grabbing Sakura's hand.

However, she digs her heals into the ground and yanks herself out of your grip before you can drag her off somewhere. "Wait, where are we going?" She asks, confused.

"To find Naruto and Sasuke, of course! If we want to pass, we have to work as a-" You turn to face Sakura, seeing her running off into the distance. "Team."

Oh for the love of-



"Ugh, fine." You say, "I'll do it myself."

"Dora The Explorer Jutsu: Can you find Sasuke!?" You yell as you poof into thin air.

Reappearing, you see Sasuke- who is neck-deep in the dirt.

"It's over, Sasuke." You say, chuckling. "I have the high ground."

Sasuke rolls his eyes. "Just get me out of here."

"Wow, rude. But alright."

You form handsigns once again; "Student debt Jutsu: Get me out of this hole!"

Sasuke poofs out of the ground and lands face first in the dirt.

"Was that really necessary?" He asks, dusting himself off.


He rolls his eyes and attempts to leave, but you grab his wrist.


He turns to you with an eyebrow raised.

"If we're gonna defeat Kakashi, we need to work together." You reason with him.

"No. I'm an avenger, you'll only slow me down."


You dust your hands off as you walk away from Sasuke, who is once again neck-deep in the earth. Serves him right-

You walk back to the clearing where the timer was placed, checking how long you have. It read '11:56am'.

Ah, shit. I gotta' find Kakashi, and fast.

"So." A voice says, directly into your ear, "One teammate hung up in a tree, another uncooperative, and the last stuck in the dirt. What are you going to do, L/N? You're running out of time~"

"Fight you, probably." You reply, turning to face Kakashi.

He smirks beneath his mask, jumping back a few feet and pulling out a kunai.

"You're not fit to be a ninja, Y/N. You should know this. You're immature, weird, crazy, and-"

"Proud." You cut him off. "I'm all of those things and more, and I am proud."

Kakashi raises his eyebrow in acknowledgement, almost looking.. impressed.

"Maybe, but you can't talk your way out of every battle."

"Mmm.." *Flashback to all the times Naruto did exactly that*

"You should just give up now, L/N." Kakashi continues to egg you on, hoping to get a reaction.

He wants a fight, I'll give him a fight.

"Rapunzel Jutsu!" You yell, as a gigantic frying pan lands in your hands.

"You know, Sensei, pissing off the girl with the frying pan was not your dumbest decision today."

"Oh? And what was?" Kakashi asks, a hint of amusement in his eye.

"Standing still."


Kakashi is sent flying into a tree from the force of your hit, just as the timer goes off.

"Interesting Jutsu, Y/N." Kakashi says, wincing slightly. "But it appears our time is up."

^^^Mini timeskip to when everyone is together again brought to you by getting slapped with a frying pan^^^

"Did anyone get a bell?" Naruto asks from his spot, tied to a post.

"No." Sasuke replies, solemnly.

"Mm-mm." Sakura says, equally as downcast.

"Not one." You answer.

"Looks like none of you got the bells." Kakashi states. "Hmm, I've decided that none of you will be going back to the academy."

"Wait, really!?" Sakura exclaims, "But all I did was faint! Do you get points for that!?"

"Sweet!" Naruto yells, "That means.."

He and Sakura high-five.

"WE DID IT!!" They cheer.

"..All four of you will be dropped from the program, permanently." Kakashi finishes.

"Wait.. WHAT!?"

Angry, Sasuke attempts to attack Kakashi. However, Kakashi stops him and steps on his head.

"HEY!" Sakura yells, "You can't step on Sasuke like he's some bug!"

"You don't know what it means to be a ninja." Kakashi says darkly, "You think it's a game, huh!? Why do you think we put you on squads? Did you consider that question for one moment!?"

"I don't understand.." Sakura says.

"None of you ever realized what this exercise was about, not even close."

"What it's about..?" Naruto asks, bewildered.

"Yes, that's what determines whether you pass or fail."

"But.. I mean.. I wanted to ask you from the beginning." Sakura stutters, attempting to reason with him.

"Use your head." Kakashi scolds them, "Four people on a squad. Why do you think we would do that?"

"Well, how are we supposed to know why you picked four people!? We didn't make the rules!" Naruto yells, angry.

Kakashi shakes his head in disappointment. "Y/N, tell them."

"Teamwork." You say, your tone low. "We needed to work together, or else we would never have been able to get the bells."

All three Genin's eyes widen in realization.

"Correct." Kakashi says, "If all four of you had attacked me at once, you might have been able to get the bells."

"But," Sakura starts, "There were four people and only three bells. Even if we had worked together, someone would have ultimately failed. It would end up dividing the team."

Kakashi nods. "Exactly. By pitting you all against one another, I was able to see if you could overcome that obstacle and put the squad ahead of yourselves. A Genin should have a natural knack for teamwork, but, apart from Y/N, it never even crossed your minds."

"Wait.. 'Apart from Y/N'?" Sakura asked, "If she understood the point of the exercise, then why did she fail?"

"Good question, Sakura." Kakashi says. "Y/N did understand the point of this exercise, but understanding and acting are two very different things. She may have helped you all, as well as offered to work with you, but she also attacked a teammate."

You look guiltily at Sasuke who glares at you.

"Not only that, but by refusing to work with her, you took her down with you." Kakashi finishes.

"Sakura!" Kakashi says, looking at her. "You were so obsessed with finding at working with Sasuke that you blatantly ignored Naruto who was right in front of you! Not only this, but you declined Y/N's offer of help, even when it would have helped you pass!"

"Naruto!" Kakashi says, turning to face him this time. "You do everything on your own, everything!"

"And you, Sasuke." Kakashi says, turning to face him last. "You think others, even your own teammates, are so below you that they aren't even worth your time. Even though Y/N helped you, you belittled her and refused her assistance. Ninja missions are carried out in squads. Of course you need individual skills, but teamwork is the most essential element."

"Mmhmm!" You agree.

"Every Shinobi understands this." Kakashi continues, "When an individual puts themselves above the squad, it can lead to failure and death."

He grabs a kunai. "For example.. Sakura! Kill Naruto or Y/N and Sasuke die!" He demands, holding a kunai against Sasuke's neck and trapping you against his chest with his other arm.

Sakura freezes, horrified, as Naruto looks as if his fate is already sealed.

"That's what can happen on a mission." Kakashi says, removing the kunai from Sasuke's neck and releasing his hold on you. He begins to spin his kunai on his finger. "The enemy takes a hostage and you're faced with an impossible choice. Either way, someone ends up dead." He sheaths his weapon. "On every mission, your life is on the line." He walks over to a stone in the ground. "Do you see this stone?"

You solemnly nod, staring at the stone. "The stone has the names of the Ninja whom we honor as heroes engraved upon it."

Kakashi nods.

"Cool! I wanna' have my name engraved on that stone!" Naruto excitedly cheers, "Believe it!"

"Trust me, Naruto." You say quietly, "You don't."

"Huh?" Naruto replies, "Why not?"

"Because those Ninja.. They were K.I.A." You say.

"What does that mean? It sounds cool!" Naruto asks.

"It stands for 'Killed In Action'." You reply, your usual snarky personality replaced by one of quiet respect. Respect is the very least they deserve..

"Oh.." Naruto drops his gaze to the ground in understanding.

"This is a memorial stone." Kakashi speaks up, "The names of some of my closest friends are engraved upon it.." He pauses for a moment, seemingly having come to a decision. "Alright.. I'll give you one more chance.. But I'm going to make it harder on you- You'll only have three hours to get a bell. Eat lunch now to build up strength, but Naruto doesn't get any."

Naruto growls in anger. He was hungry, goddammit! He should have listened to Y/N-Chan..

"Anyone who tries to feed him will immediately fail, understood? I make the rules, you follow them." With that, he disappears into the trees nearby.

Sakura and Sasuke both open their bentos and begin to eat whilst Naruto stares at them in hunger. "This is no big dal. I can go without eating for days, for weeks!" He brags, but it honestly seems the person he's really trying to convince is himself.

Having heard enough, you get up and shove some of your food into his mouth. Naruto slowly chews as he stares at you in shock.


"If Naruto doesn't eat, he won't be able to fight. He'll drag us down."

Sasuke also gets up, understanding dawning upon him. "She's right." He says, shoving some of his food into Naruto's mouth. "If he doesn't regain his strength, he'll be weak and a target. It'll jeopardize the mission."

Sakura looks down to her bento and back up to Naruto before coming to a decision. Standing, she holds her food out in front of Naruto. "I'm, uh, on a diet." She quietly says, explaining her reasoning for giving Naruto her food.

"Like FUCK you are!" You yell, shoving the rest of your food into her hands. "EAT THIS!"

Sasuke notices what you did and hands you his bento. But when Sakura notices Sasuke no longer has food, she shoves your bento into his hands.

I think we can all tell where this is going.

Thankfully, before things could get out of hand, the sky darkens. You all freeze and look fearfully at the source of the clouds. Well, everyone except you.

Here we go~ You think to yourself, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"You." Kakashi says threateningly, "You broke the rules.. I hope your ready for punishment."

"Ohh, Sensei~!" You say, "That's kinky~"

"You've been the worst of all, L/N.." Kakashi replies seductively; "Perhaps I should start with you~"

Y/N.exe has stopped working_ Please try again later_ Error: Overheating_ Error Code: ID10T

Taking advantage of your paralyzed state, Naruto musters the courage to speak.

"B-but- You s-said.."

"Yes..?" Kakashi asks.

"You said there were for of us!" Naruto says, glancing at Sasuke.

Taking the hint, Sasuke exclaims; "We're all in this squad.. and we're all in it together!"

"Yeah, that's right!" Sakura boldly agrees, standing up. "We gave out lunch to him because the four of us are one!"

Naruto looks between you all and shouts, "Yeah, yeah, yeah!! Believe it! That's right!!"

Kakashi looks at you, the last on the squad to speak.

"We a gem fusion, bish."

"The four of you are one? That's your excuse!?" Kakashi says, walking towards Team 7.


Kakashi's face suddenly twists into his signature close-eyed smile as he says, "Hmph, you pass."

Naruto and Sakura let out a confused "Huh?" whilst both you and Sasuke stay quiet.

"You. Pass." Kakashi repeats.

"Wat do you mean?" Sakura asks incredulously, "How'd we pass?"

"You're the first squad that ever passed." Kakashi starts, "The others did exactly what I said and fell into every trap. They couldn't think for themselves. A ninja must see through deception. In the ninja world, those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum." He finishes.

He said it! He said the thing!! You happily squeal inside your head, grinning.

"He's uh.. You know.. He's kind of cool." Naruto says tearfully.

"The exercise is over- Everyone passes." Kakashi announces, "Squad Seven starts its first mission tomorrow!"


"I did it! I did it, believe it! I'm a ninja! Ninja! Ninja!"

Kakashi turns to walk off like a badass when he suddenly doubles over in pain.

After delivering a quick, sharp kick to his shin, you jump on his kneeled-over, now-accessible back and wrap your arms around his neck.

"Walk." You command.

Rolling his eyes, Kakashi stands back up like a champion and begins to walk away with you riding shotgun as the others follow.




"Hey guys.. What about me!?"




..Everyone except for Naruto.


Okay, so,


..Cheezits that was a long chapter.


Guess what happens next chapter~!!



This is one of my favorite arks, and I have a few ideas~

See you all next time,

-Rando ;D

Roses are red,

Tik Tok is wild,

Are you really All Might's secret love child?

🧊Congrats to any reference-getters!🔥

Continue lendo

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