Loud Laughs and Silent Tears

Od AnthemForTheHomesick

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Niall's Little Angel Part 2 Two teenagers fall in love. Five teenagers watch. Second first kiss is given. Bu... Více

From Love To Hate And Back Again
My Name Is...
You're such a tease!
Did we just loose two teenagers?
I Wonna Hear Your Voice
'Cause mornings are made for screaming
Guts and a burned finger
A day to remember
Niall loves Axelle
And the angel calls her prince
We're all drowning
Make Up
A guy's day
Some rain and some alcohol
We'll get to you
Important A/N
Same Mistakes
A Pretty Little Morning

Couldn't think of a title, sorry..

193 8 3
Od AnthemForTheHomesick

Zayn's P.O.V.

"Soooo, how was it?" Harry asked Noah for the fortiest time. "As I said before, I'm not telling you." She sighed, burying her head in my shirt. "Not even me?" Niall's puppy eyes were burning wholes in her back, but she didn't even flinch. "Nope, not even you." He pouted, looking hurt. "That's rude." She buried herself even deeper in my chest, trying to escape from all the questions. "I'm sure you'll get over it, there's Ben & Jerry's in the fridge." He jumped up, running to the kitchen. "Nice move." I chuckled, stroking her hair. "I've got my moments." The lads surrounded us, still not satisfied. Poor girl, she really deserves a female friend. Hmm... I'll find something for that later. "Zayn." She whined. "Save me please?" I lifted her up, laying her head in the crook of my neck. "EVERYBODY, TAKE A STEP BACK. WE DON'T WANT ANYONE TO GET CLAUSTROPHOBIC." Even though I'm pretty she's never felt like that before, I thought it was a good argument. "B-but." "No." I cut them off, carrying Noah to her room. "THANK YOU." She exclaimed, falling face forward on her bed. "No problem, sweetie. Now, can you  pretty pretty pretty please tell me something about your day?" I pleaded, playing with her hair. "Hmm... I guess I can tell you something. As long as you promise not to tell the others!" She said, looking up from the bright red blankets. "Pinky promise?" "Pinky promise." "Where do I start? So, he brought me to this gorgeous tree and helped climb it. From up there, you could see his name spelled on the ground. I think that's pretty romantic." She said, gazing into distance. I was so glad she found someone like him. Seeing such a young people is absolutely adorable. "It is. I'll keep that in mind, you never know when I meet the girl of my dreams." She chuckled and poked my cheek. "May I ask what you're doing?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. "Cheeks are poke-able." She cheered, slowly raising her hands in the air, keeping them there for a while. I loved it when she did things like that, sometimes she'd lay with her hands in the air the whole time. I poked her cheeks back. "You're right." I admitted. "Cheeks are poke-able." She laughed,  sticking her tongue out. "Of c-" She was about to say something, when a voice called from the living room. "ZAYN, I'M GOING OUT WITH LOUIS. PLEASE WATCH NIALL AND HARRY FOR ME, WILL YA?" Liam yelled, knocking on the door. "I WILL." I yelled back, standing up. "Do you have to watch me too when he's gone?" Noah asked me, playing with her hands, who were still in the air. "Naah, he trusts you." I shrugged and left the room, closing the door behind me. I noticed Liam and Louis  had already left. "HAZ, NINI, I WANT YOU TWO HERE, NOW." I yelled, immediately tackled by the two youngest lads. "AND? AND? DID SHE TELL YOU ANYTHING?!" Harry was jumping up and down, clapping like a four year old. "Pinky promise." I said, raising my hands in defense. "Ohh." They pouted. "Did someone feed you sugar?" I cocked an eyebrow, desperately in need for an explanation for their mood. "Yup, Lou gave us Redbull." Niall cheered, patting Harry's hair. "Grr... I'll get my revenge later." I muttered under my breath. "So, what do you guys wonna do?" "BAKE CUPCAKES." They both exclaimed, pulling my sleeve. "Fine. Niall, go get the mix. Harry, warm the oven." They did as I said, while I slowly walked behind them. I wonder what Noah was doing in her room.

Noah's P.O.V.

"OMFG, THAT BITCH DID NOT." I exclaimed, totally freaking out. One of those directionators at my school had posted a nasty Niall status. "IT'S ON, SLUT." Somebody's about to meet the sassy Noah...

Zayn's P.O.V.

"Zayn." Niall whined, while Harry mixed the dough. "What?" I groaned, slightly annoyed. "I miss Noah." He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. "That's your own fault." I answered him, patting his head. It was really cool to do it, since he was shorter than me. "But-" "But maybe if you ask really nicely and offer her a cupcake, she'll come back." Just as I said that, her door opened. "Zayn is the coast clear?" She whisper yelled. As soon as she noticed the hyper lads, her eyes widened. "NOOO." She yelled, but it was too late. They had already lifted her up and carried her to the kitchen. "We're making cupcakes." Harry squealed, pointing at the chocolate mix in front of him. Her eyes lit up. "I guess I can stay." She said, still gazing at the mix. "It's not like you had a choice." Niall muttered under his breath, but we all heard it. I felt my phone buzzing and answered the phone call. "Sorry, gotta take this. Take care of them." I whispered and Noah nodded. Poor girl, she doesn't know what she's in for...


"ZAYN." I quickly ended my call, running into the kitchen. When I entered the room, I didn't know whether to laugh or not. I decided to just burst out in laughter. "It's not funny." Noah whimpered. From head to toe, she was covered in chocolate mix. "How could this happen?" I asked, leaning against the door frame. "It was two versus one. Plus they're stronger than me!" She whined. "Tell him to let me go." I cocked an eyebrow, not knowing what she meant. "Guys, what did you do to her?" I asked, giving them a stern look. "Errm." Harry muttered, looking at the ground. "What. Did. You. Do?!" Their confidence shrank every second. "Niallheldherhandsbehindherback -gasp- soIcouldcoverherwithchocolate." The curly confessed, looking like a guilty ten year old. He was definitely guilty, that's for sure. "Please let me go." Noah pleaded, looking at Niall, who still held her hands behind her back. "But I don't want to." He whined. Her smile faded and tears rushed to her waterline. "Please." She begged, trying to convince him with her puppy dog eyes. He gasped at her pitfulness and let go. "Wait, Noah. You can't leave me here." I said, my own smile fading to. She just walked passed me, stopping next to my ear. "Zayn, I've got dough in my bra." Damn, I admit it, that's a pretty good reason. "Urgh, you're right. Go take a shower, love." I planted a kiss on her forehead, licking my lips afterwards. She quickly ran to the bathroom, hoping no one would stop her. "And you two, you are in deep trouble." I threatened, giving the two boys a stern look. Urgh, I feel so bad for Liam right now. "Sowwy, Zaynie." Harry pouted, but I didn't give in. "You're gonna finish this cupcakes first, then I'll let Liam take care of you." They groaned at the thought of a punishment from Liam and got back to work. "Zayn, do you think we can give them to Noah as an apology?" Niall asked, to which I nodded. "Now put them in the oven so you can decorate them later." They did as I said. "What now?" Harry asked when the cupcakes were baking. "Clean the kitchen." I ordered, before sitting at the kitchen table, casually reading a magazine. "You're not gonna help?" They asked and I shook my head. "Nope. Now clean." I earned a groan from both of them. 

My phone buzzed, signalling I had a text. Is the coast clear? I'm done showering x Noah (who is currently terrified) I chuckled at her adorableness (from now on that is a word) and typed a reply. Yeah, they're watching Spongebob. Just walk in the room really slowly ;) x A few seconds later, she walked, or should I say sneaked, in the room, a scared look on her face. Man, they really traumatized her. She was about to sit on my lap when Louis freaking Tomlinson bursted through the door, yelling her name. She petrified, knowing she was doomed. "ZAYN, SAVE ME." She cried and I quickly picked her up, wrapping my arms around her. Liam eyed us suspiciously, sensing something was wrong. The two youngest lads immediately jumped up, running towards Noah and I. "ONE STEP CLOSER AND I WILL SHAVE YOUR HAIR OF AND STEAL YOUR FOOD." I threatened and they froze. "Someone tell me what happened here." Liam said, stepping in between us. We all sat down on the couch, Noah safely in my arms, while I explained everything. Liam's mouth dropped open. "Zayn, I told you to take care of them." He said, clearly mad at me. "If Louis didn't give them Redbull, none of this would've happened." I reminded him, offended that he blamed me. "I think Noah overreacted a bit." Louis shrugged and I felt the girl in my arms petrify. "You weren't there." She defended herself. "It couldn't be that bad." He spat back, scowling. "Oh, fuck this. Night, Zayn." She kissed my cheek and ran to her room. "What was that all about?" He asked, not even aware of how rude he just was. I buried my face in my hands. "Niall and Harry, you two look tired. Why don't you take a nap? We'll talk about this later." I ordered, taking my laptop and turning it on. No, not in that way, you little pervs... "I'm still the one in charge here." Liam protested, but I shushed him. "Not now." I logged in on Twitter, thinking it was time for a quote. Before you talk, listen. As their words might change yours x After scrolling through my newsfeed, I noticed Noah had retweeted me, so I DM'ed her. Feeling lonely? O.O x It didn't take long before she replied. Naah, I'm fine. Kind of busy with a facebookfight ;) GOSH, YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE THAT SMILEY :D x I chuckled at her cuteness and send her a friendrequest with my fake account. She immediately accepted it and sent me the link of her fight. After she helped my translating it, Noah fought in English, but the others preferred Dutch, I was literally rolling on the floor laughing. "What are you laughing about?" Louis asked, still a bit annoyed. "Noah is damn sassy." I showed him the status and he looked pretty proud. "Why is she fighting in English?" Liam wondered, looking over my shoulder. "Lemme ask her." She replied saying she thought that English swearwords are cooler. "Man, she is good." Louis gasped, admiring her work. "Who's good?" Niall asked. FUCK. "Demi Lovato." I lied smoothly. "I know, right? She's awesome." He answered, totally buying it. The other two boys gave me a confused look, so I typed something on the laptop. It was a hate status. They nodded in understandment, knowing this was the best. "Sobered up from your Redbull?" I asked and he nodded heavily. "I can't believe we actually did that. She must've been terrified." He sighed, burying his head in his hands. "Stop exaggerating." Louis said, shrugging. "Stop being so harsh." Harry joined the conversation too now. "It's the truth." I growled, annoyed by him. "Shut up, Lou. You weren't there." He didn't give up though. "Tell me, what could be so traumatizing about two of your best friends attacking you with chocolate." Niall and Harry played qith their hands nervously. "Is their something you wonna tell us?" I asked them and they nodded and almost invisible nod. "We -errm- might've tied her up?" My mouth dropped open. "YOU WHAT?!" I yelled, coming awfully close. "We're sorry, okay?" Harry whispered, his eyes pointed at the floor. "YOU'RE SORRY?!" They shrank in, thinking I might get aggressive. "Zayn, calm down. I'm fine now, I was just shocked, okay?" Noah came out of nowhere, laying her hand on my shoulder. "No it's not, love. You can't just tie thirteen year olds up." I said, pulling her on my lap. "Maybe Louis is right, maybe I was exaggerating." She shrugged, resting her head on my shoulder. "You see, even she admits it." Louis said, clearly proud. "It was not okay, dear. We weren't thinking clearly." Niall said, taking a seat next to her. "I was just scared when you tied me up, it made me feel powerless." She explained, crawling on his lap. "But who cares? We're all a bit guilty. Liam left Zayn in charge. Zayn left me in charge. Louis gave them Redbull. I overreacted. And Niall and Harry, well yeah, you get the picture. Now let's all go on with our lives and live in peace." She said, raising her hands in the air again, inspecting them. "You're right, but we made cupcakes for you. You still want them, right?" Harry asked a bit unsure. "What kind of question is that?" She joked, rolling on her stomach. "Yeah you're right. Lemme get'em." He stood up, leaving to the kitchen. "Noah, close your eyes." When he came back, my mouth dropped. All in all, they made 13 cupcakes, each of them decorated with winered icing, with is her favourite number and her favourite colour. They set them down in front of her. "Okay, you can look now." Niall said, a wide grin plastered on his face. She opened her eyes and gasped. "Sorry, we love you. Do you still love us? xxx Niall & Harry." She read out loud. Each cupcake had one word written on top. "So?" Harry asked hopeful. "Of course. Why wouldn't I? You're the most amazing boys in the whole world. I love you with my whole heart." She gave each of them a kiss on their forehead, which made their day.

Noah's P.O.V.

I gasped for air and opened my eyes, desperately trying to push the horrible memories aside. I glanced at the clock. 2am. Damn, I should try to fall asleep again. But as I closed my eyes, the images of that one night flooded back again. Fear took a hold of me so I sat up and roamed around the room. Nothing. I stood up, sneaking to the hallway, which was less dark than my room. What now? Which door should I take? Knowing this decision would take a while, I searched for a safe spot. I'm a terrified girl, don't judge. I climbed on the closet, sitting exactly in the middle. Should I go to Louis's room? Naah, he was probably mad at me... I couldn't go to Niall or Harry either, they're the reason I had a nightmare. The way they tied me up brought everything back. Liam or Zayn? Hmm... Hard choice... For only a millisecond, I closed my eyes, trying to clear my mind. Guess what? It was one millisecond too much.


Bad cliffhanger I know, I wasn't done writing yet, but if I put it all together in one chapter, it's too long.. So here it is! COMMENT, VOTE and FOLLOW!

Love y'all ;) *imitates Troye Sivan's wink*

xxx Astrid

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